You know, I’ve just about had it with the irrationality of
human beings around the world these days. What has happened to cogent reasoning,
with putting yourself in the other person’s shoes? Where is the practice that
espouses, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you?’”
Why do those who scream the loudest for “tolerance” conduct
themselves with grotesque IN-tolerance? It’s laughable, really. Watching the
news or reading what’s happening around the world is akin to witnessing a
macabre play whose actors are all certifiably insane!
The Bible really gives the best description of what these
last days would be like. Unfortunately, it doesn’t state: “The majority of
people will be altogether devoid of sound reasoning or decision making skills
involving any level of empathy whatsoever, so don’t think you’re the one who has
lost your ever loving mind.” I kind of wish it did. Life would make more
God bless, Paul. He clearly warned us, but my word! I never
thought I’d actually witness such a mass exodus of civil deportment and common
courtesy during my lifetime!
Timothy 3:1-5 spells it out:
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall
come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud,
blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural
affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of
those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than
lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from
such turn away.”
Verse 7 says, “Ever learning,
and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
I remember reading this when I was, oh…say…10 years old or
so, and being unable to imagine people acting like that. And people were jerks
even back then! Whoohoo, was I naïve! Now you must understand that I grew up in
evangelistic type churches. As a kid, I took my fair share of nice, slobbery
naps on padded church pews during Sunday night services and attended more
revivals than I can count, and I’ve been told my whole life that Jesus is coming
I remember attending a Wednesday night series on end-times
prophecy when I was a preteen. Because that topic was rarely brought up in the
pulpit, I tried to listen as best I could to the mishmash of information. The
visiting preacher had a colorful mural made of oilcloth, fastened to the
baptistery high enough so everyone could see and spread out across the chairs in
the choir loft.
It contained painted scenes, starting with what was
supposed to represent the Rapture and progressing through the events spoken of
in the book of Revelation. Being a prolific reader from a very young age, I
attempted several times to read Revelation but always put it down when my eyes
began to cross. I got irritated with myself for not being able to understand
what in the world it was talking about, and even more irritated that no one
could explain it to me.
It seemed the Christian adults in my life were embarrassed
they didn’t get it either, so no one talked about it very much. But they did
seem to be pretty confident those events would happen, probably in our lifetime,
so I was eager to learn as much as I could. Unfortunately, the visiting
preacher must not have been real clear on the material either, because all I
remember being taught was a confusing potpourri of information. At the end of
the series we took up the customary offering, the mural came down, he moved on
to the next church and that was that.
I was left more confused than ever about the Rapture and
what I could expect. All I knew was that I had better be ready to go, because it
would be a personal catastrophe if I was left behind. I must have gotten saved a
hundred times growing up, just to make sure I was OK with God. Whenever I
couldn’t find my Mom or Dad around the house my heart would pound with dread the
Rapture had occurred, and they were gone and I was dead meat.
I grew and matured in the Lord, I stumbled across Hal Lindsey’s spectacular
book, The Late Great Planet Earth and devoured it within a day or so. As I started reading
everything of his that I could find, I knew I’d finally found a good, solid
source of understanding I could sink my teeth into. I thank God for that man to
this day and the work he continues to produce with his books and TV news
show. In my opinion, he is brilliant and I look forward to hugging his neck when
we get to heaven.
Well, life continued on and like everyone else along came
the milestone steps of becoming self-sufficient, moving away from home,
marriage, etc., and I began to suffer the bumps and bruises and scars of hurts
and disappointments, betrayals and loss that are an unfortunate reality of
living life on this sin-sick world in these decaying bodies.
When I was very young, I remember hearing the elderly state
how they were ready to go home to Jesus; that life on this ‘ol earth was just
too hard and they were tired. WHAT?? I couldn’t believe my ears! They actually
looked forward to death! Were they nuts?
Now I know they weren’t. I came to the same conclusion when
I was twenty-nine years old. A horrible life-changing event occurred that
triggered my personal reality check and I came to the realization that this life
is simply too hard, disappointing and painful to want to live to be 100, like
some people say they desire. WHAT?? Are they nuts?
My, have the tables turned!
Anyway, for the last twenty years I’ve longed to go home to
where I really belong. Don’t get me wrong, God has poured—not sprinkled—poured
blessings out on me, drowning me in His favor. I scratch my head and wonder why
because it sure isn’t anything I’ve done! I certainly don’t deserve the
wonderful things and people He has provided and I’m extremely grateful!
I’m not wealthy but on the other hand, the days of having
to pinch pennies until they scream are over. And you know what? You know what
I’ve discovered? “Stuff” is completely overrated. No kidding. For instance, you
want an up-to-date wardrobe? Well, hot dang, you go shopping but then what
happens? Now you have more clothes to wash and iron.
You want that car that makes you drool? What happens when
you get it? The new car smell wears off the second time you eat French fries
while you’re driving, and you quickly get used to the vehicle, so the magic
quickly disappears. Oh, it’s still a great ride but the thrill doesn’t last very
long! You know I’m right.
You find your dream home and manage to finagle a way to
afford it. You move in, and oh…it’s so nice and big and pretty. But then what
happens? The cat pees on the carpet and there goes that! Then you begin to
notice all the little things that need maintenance on that dream home. It’s
always something sucking your wallet dry. Constantly. After a few short years
living with kids and animals, you notice it’s looking worn and not so impressive
anymore, and you begin to see decay. The upkeep is never ending.
Are you a jewelry fan like me? You ogle the display cases
in the mall with their perfect lighting and linger over the catalogues that come
in the mail, while you drop hints about that upcoming anniversary or birthday.
After several years you accumulate some of those beautiful sparkly baubles you
wanted so badly, but then you notice you really don’t wear them all that much. I
mean: How stupid is that?
do have a point and it is this: I’ve known some mighty hard times that made me
long to go home to heaven. Although I’ve since been tremendously, blessed, I
still long to go
home to heaven. It’s my highest desire. There’s just nothing here worth striving
for. Honestly. Getting “stuff” is great but it doesn’t scratch─that itch only
God can reach.
was just made aware of an article stating that America is the most materialistic
nation to ever exist in the history of mankind. One of the examples it gave was
a website named, Rich Kids of
Instagram. It’s a blog of photos and captions
from teens and young adults, boasting about how they spend their parent’s
wealth. Here is how the Washington Post describes this site:
The controversial new Tumbir is a collection of snapshots
from the photo-sharing site that depicts the children of wealth and
privilege---summering in the Hamptons, lounging on yachts and posing by their
luxury cars. One does a back flip out of a helicopter near St. Tropez. Others
snap pictures of their restaurant bills---allegedly paying thousands of dollars
for lobster, champagne and high-end liquor. In the warm patina of the Instagram,
the youngsters appear to be living over-the-top lifestyles---and enjoying every
moment. One boasts, “Our everyday is better than your best day,” reads one
caption, a bit tauntingly. “Do you have a horse in your backyard? Didn’t think
No, sport, I don’t. However, nothing but the rear end of a
horse would display such an arrogant attitude in posing a question reflecting so
poorly on his parent’s child rearing skills. Mummy and Daddy must be SO
proud─unless your participation on this morally bankrupt site is just one more
betrayal you hide from them.
Interestingly enough, this article also featured a chart
showing that in the last 50 years the national debt has grown from less than a
trillion dollars to nearly 55 trillion. Actually, it’s much more than that but
it depends on how you figure it. The chart started measuring in 1962, the year
before we banned God from our schools. Again, our eternal gratitude goes out to
that self-important, loudmouthed, pushy, Godless broad─Madeline Murray
O’Hare. (Hey, it’s not slander if it’s true and she’s dead!)
In my relatively short-lifetime of 49 years, the outright
assault on Almighty God has degenerated into a new flavor of psychotic,
obsessive-compulsive disorder. It’s insane actually, the degree of vitriol and
contempt an ever-growing segment of the public seems to harbor against the One
who founded and blessed this country.
Evidence of the hateful, demonic spirit fueling this
assault is barely disguised anymore. You can clearly see disproportionate
overreactions to the things of God in our culture. Speak God’s name publicly or
put up a nativity scene in a public place at Christmas time, and watch all hell
convulse in fury. It’s sadly amusing, really, and these days, all too
Now we have the aggressive, brazen, ever-encroaching Islamic
culture metastasizing like a deadly cancer in our country; its adherents
breeding like rabbits to gain a nice, solid foothold in our communities and
governments. And those mullah’s in the Middle East have the unmitigated gall to
demand the world capitulate in groveling agreement to refrain from doing or
saying anything that they might interpret as an insult to Islam or their thieving,
lying, girly-man, pedophile, make-up-the-rules-as-he-goes, false “prophet”
Muhammad. (It’s not slander if it’s true and he’s dead!)
They claim the right to dictate to Western civilization,
indeed─to the entire planet─what words should be considered a crime to utter.
Wow. Just wow. We have to sit and watch our morally corrupt, spineless
government officials kowtow and lick the sandals of the rioting, barbaric mobs,
while apologizing for some lame film trailer that 99% of them haven’t even seen
as they continue to pillage, destroy and murder our citizens who are there to
offer assistance and bridge cultural understanding.
Here’s a news flash, Nation of Islam…non-Islamic societies
REALLY DON’T CARE IF YOU’RE OFFENDED! Contrary to your wildest fantasies, the
world doesn’t revolve around your sham religion’s worship of some ancient moon
god, which is leading you straight to the hell you wish upon Christians and
Jews. And it never will.
These people wake-up every morning in a cold sweat just
aching for a reason to riot and pitch violent, temper tantrums. It is literally
in their DNA as descendants of Ishmael: “A wild man whose hand will be against
every man, and every man’s hand against him.” If some “infidel” happens to pass
gas in the public square on the third Tuesday of the month, while facing north
and wearing black pants, well heck! That’s as good an excuse as any to lose
their collective minds, throw rocks and Molotov cocktails and tear up their own
infrastructure; real productive behavior there, folks.
They are miserable human beings who are kept dirt poor and
ignorant by their satanic religion and they’re constantly told the rest of the
world is their oppressor, when it’s their own religious leaders who are holding
them back from freedom, prosperity and happiness. The grand lie of Islam will be
the damnation of millions upon millions of people who genuinely, but ignorantly
think they are serving the true God. The vast majority, don’t want to hear the
gospel of Jesus. And that really is very sad!
Oh, by the way, good move, Washington, for sending an
openly homosexual man to an Islamic country to be our ambassador! Why didn’t you
just dip him in chicken blood and throw him to the alligators? And where are
the roving bands of enraged sodomites, marching around our nation’s capital
protesting this guy’s death? Better yet, why don’t they go to Libya and
protest, since they’re so fond of being obnoxious and confrontational?
Good grief, I really am weary of this life, the duplicitous
corrupt governments all vying to rule the New World Order─which will result in
the annihilation of billions of people; natural disasters increasing in
intensity and occurrence, the religious and cultural differences which will
NEVER be bridged by mankind making world peace impossible. Disease and
starvation spreading like never before. Globalist engineered economic collapse
poised to crash at the moment of their choosing, while spiritual darkness grows
more malevolent by the hour. Yeah. I want to live to be 100 years old. Right.
As these dangers grow exponentially worse every week, let
me stress this again. There is NOTHING on this earth worth clinging to. No
amount of money or fame or ‘stuff’ will satisfy you. Your only hope of
surviving the impending chaos is to escape it before it hits. Time is very
short. Are you listening? Please wake up, snap to attention, grasp the reality
of what will soon hit, and make things right with God.
Those of us who are watching and listening for His voice,
longing to leave this earth despite all the goodies it could possibly offer will
disappear in a split second of time. And when you realize we weren’t abducted
by aliens or whatever other lame explanation the government offers, your heart
will surely pound with the dreaded knowledge that you were left behind to face
the most horrific era in the history of mankind.
me or laugh off what I’m telling you or whatever
you want to do, but you know down deep in your bones that disaster is coming to
the United States. Now, I don’t know what you’re thinking but times are still
relatively peaceful and livable. Even so, what we are experiencing right now in
America is as close as I EVER want to get to hell.
Will your temporary life on this earth be the closest you
ever get to heaven??