What the Bible says about light and seed

The True Light "In him, (the Lord Jesus) was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world,…the world didn’t recognize him." John 1:4,9.

The Good Seed and the Weeds “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seeds in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. Matthew 13:24,25.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Master, the Tempest Is Raging Praise and Harmony on Victorious God.


1 Master, the tempest is raging!The billows are tossing high! The sky is o'ershadowed with blackness, No shelter or help is nigh; Carest thou not that we perish?" How canst thou lie asleep, When each moment so madly is threat'ning A grave in the angry deep?

 Refrain: The winds and the waves shall obey thy will. "Peace, be still!" Whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea, Or demons or men, or whatever it be, No water can swallow the ship where lies the Master of ocean and earth and skies: They all shall sweetly obey thy will. "Peace, be still! Peace, be still!" They all shall sweetly obey thy will. "Peace, peace, be still!" 

2 Master, with anguish of spirit I bow in my grief today; The depths of my sad heart are troubled, Oh, waken and save, I pray; Torrents of sin and of anguish Sweep o’er my sinking soul! And I perish! I perish, dear Master: Oh, hasten and take control. [Refrain] 

3 Master, the terror is over, The elements sweetly rest; Earth’s sun in the calm lake is mirrored, And heaven’s within my breast. Linger, O blessed Redeemer, Leave me alone no more; And with joy I shall make the blest harbor, And rest on the blissful shore. [Refrain]

Friday, December 22, 2023

THINK ABOUT HIS LOVE Maranatha singers


This salvation which starts as a spiritual seed planted by the Holy Spirit Himself in the hearts of men who have received Him on His terms is ever expanding and revealing the loving heart of our Heavenly Father at this time of the year and all year long. "And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us". Romans 5:5 

Paul prays for the Ephesians in Ephesians 3:14-17 that: "He would grant you according to the riches of His glory to be strengthened with power through His spirit in the inner man so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith and that you being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God." This is also my prayer for all of us today and for the coming year. https://thelightseed.blogspot.com/2017/12/the-eternal-spring-of-joy-peace-and.html

Monday, December 11, 2023

Uma Historia Natalina. Uma experiença inesquecível. Jean-Louis Mondon.

Composta e publicada por Jean-Louis Mondon

Uma Historia Natalina. Uma experiença inesquecível. Jean-Louis Mondon.
Há muitos anos, estava trabalhando num restaurante na Riviera Francesa. As festas de fim de ano se aproximavam e com muita expectativa, eu esperava que meu patrão me desse um dia de folga pela véspera de Natal.
Uma semana antes, lhe pedi o dia que eu e meus amigos celebrariamos já que fizemos planos para o fim de ano. A resposta dele foi um NÃO categórico.
Como meu pai sempre dizia que eu tinha o dom da persuasão, insisti mais uma vez, com argumentos que eu acreditava serem incontestáveis. Como último recurso tentando abrir os olhos gananciosos dele, enfatizei que a relação custo/beneficio mostrava que não valia a pena manter as portas abertas, por causa dos gastos de energia, o desperdicio da comida, dos salarios dos empregados, da lenha para assar a carne cara importada da Argentina, enfim, inclui tudo que era possível, mas foi em vão. Assim é a vida e não podemos ganhar sempre.
Disfarçando para manter as aparências, falei com um tom desenvolto, como se fosse uma promessa implicante: "Você vai ver, ninguém virá comer no restaurante".
Chegou a véspera de Natal. Às duas horas da tarde, cheguei ao trabalho, preparamos tudo para os clientes, acendi a churrasqueira para assar a carne, o fogo aquecia o ambiente com as suas chamas atraentes como se fosse uma dança de luz.
Meu patrão estava-me olhando com um olhar atrevido e eu retribuía-lhe com um sorriso confiante. Só faltava ganhar minha aposta. Ele, apesar de ter tanta certeza, não faria isso por medo de perder dinheiro, e eu, pelas minhas convicções.
Assim passamos algumas horas, a noite chegou e a dança das chamas na churrasqueira reduziu-se a uma pequena brasa.
O proprietário pediu-me que pusesse mais lenha para que se vissem os rostos sorridentes dos empregados aborrecidos. Mas ninguém sorria porque, como eu lhe tinha dito, nem uma alma se dirigia ao restaurante para apreciar este acolhimento caloroso do nosso anfitrião, que se arriscava a perder sua dignidade que, na verdade, só ele atribuia a si próprio.
Finalmente, após tantas horas, uma dama da terceira idade, solitária aproximou-se da porta e entrou. Finalmente, nosso presente de Natal tinha chegado!
Os pensamentos do meu coração suavizavam-se ao pensar que aquela senhora poderia ser a minha avó ou a minha mãe.
Geralmente, o patrão não permitia que os empregados se sentassem com os clientes, mas, com um pouco de boa vontade, deixou-me sentar com a única cliente da noite. Compartilhamos uma conversa amigável em que ela contou-me um pouco da sua vida.
A experiência foi profunda e ensinou-me que não há dúvida e que cada gesto de amor e bondade é necessário para tornar este mundo um lugar melhor, apenas se tocarmos o coração de uma pessoa de cada vez. Que lição ilustrativa de vida valiosa!
Além disso, o meu patrão ganhou uma cliente, mas perdeu dinheiro também porque se sentiu muito culpado ao pedir a esta pobre senhora que pagasse a conta. Eu sugeri a ele não cobrasse. A meu ver, a experiença de vida foi valiosa especialmente neste tempo de fim de ano. Nenhum de nós perdeu a dignidade e, alguns meses depois, separámo-nos e seguimos caminhos diferentes.
Feliz Natal a todos! Espero que esta estação especial lhes trará alegria e a realização dos seus sonhos no ano que entra. 
Jean-Louis Mondon.


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Vision concernant l'Enlèvement de l'Eglise, reçue par Jean Schwab en 1952
Le 11 Déc. 1952 à Bergen de Jean Schwab
1 Thessaloniciens 4/17 «Ensuite, nous les vivants, qui serons restés, nous serons tous ensemble enlevés avec eux sur des nuées, à la rencontre du Seigneur dans les airs, et ainsi nous serons toujours avec le Seigneur.»

Ce qui suit m'a été révélé le matin du 11 décembre 1952 à Bergen (Norvège), alors que je lisais une brochure, et que j'étais loin de penser à l'enlèvement de l'Eglise. Je me sentis poussé de l'écrire, car cette vision m’avait bouleversé, mais cependant, des doutes subsistaient en moi. Je dis à Dieu: "Je ne puis me souvenir de tout. Si tu veux que je l'écrive, donne-moi encore une fois cette révélation". Après quelques semaines, "elle" vint à nouveau. Il était dix heures du soir, et ce fut comme si quelqu'un s'asseyait à mes cotés pour lire un rapport dans un journal. De suite je pris un crayon et un cahier, et je me mis a écrire sans discontinuer jusqu'à près d'une heure du matin.

Arrivé là, n’en pouvant plus car j'avais alors 79 ans, je priais le Seigneur lui demandant de pouvoir me reposer. Je lui proposais de bien vouloir me donner la suite le jour suivant, si toutefois il avait davantage à me montrer. Je m'étendis sur mon lit et m’endormis aussitôt. Une semaine plus tard, également à 22 heures, je reçus à nouveau cette vision. En fait, c'était une continuation de la précédente. Elle commençait exactement à l'endroit où nous nous étions arrêtés la dernière fois. Je souhaite que ces quelques lignes servent au réveil des âmes.

Il est 9 heures du matin, Mme Andersen, assise devant le poste de radio, écoute "l’heure des enfants". Elle trouve le programme à son goût aujourd'hui. Cette émission mélange un peu de religion à son programme juste ce qu'il faut, afin de ne rien exagérer. Alors que l'émission se poursuit depuis 4 ou 5 minutes, celle-ci s'interrompt subitement. Une nouvelle sensationnelle: Oslo, la capitale, est dans une horrible panique: la police communique qu'un événement inexplicable vient de se produire. Un grand nombre d'enfants et d'adultes ont disparu sans laisser aucune trace. On ne sait encore le nombre de disparus, il est si grand que les autorités sont impuissantes pour entreprendre des recherches. Elles demandent aux familles touchées par cet événement de fournir des informations détaillées sur le lieu et l'heure des disparitions, car cela est indispensable pour faire face à la situation et en éclaircir les causes, quelques vendeurs avaient disparu alors qu'ils exerçaient leur travail. 

Une dame qui achetait des fleurs, vit le fleuriste qui cherchait la monnaie à lui rendre, disparaître subitement. Elle entendit bien qu’il disait: "Merci Jésus", mais elle ne le vit plus. Elle se frotta les yeux, car il lui semblait avoir du brouillard devant elle, mais l’homme n'était plus là, et le brouillard avait également disparu. Une jeune femme hurlait à faire frissonner jusqu'à la moelle des os. Elle cherchait dans une poussette vide, criant: "Quelqu'un a volé mon enfant: c'est un garçon de 8 mois. OÙ est-il? OÙ est la police?" La police était bien là, mais que pouvait-elle faire? De toutes parts, on criait et un grand tumulte se fut entendre. Un commerçant de forte taille sortit de son magasin en criant "Au secours" : deux de ses vendeuses venaient de disparaître de derrière l'étalage. Qu'était-ce donc que cela? Stockholm annonçait aussi la disparition de beaucoup de personnes et la ville était plongée dans la panique. On rapportait que même plusieurs gendarmes avaient disparu.

Maintenant, pareilles nouvelles arrivaient de Copenhague et d’Helsinki. Les informations parvenues de la campagne annonçaient de plus en plus de disparition. Partout des enfants et des adultes manquaient. La police ne sut pas qu'entreprendre, face à ce mystère. Mme Anderson se leva en soupirant : "Mon Dieu, mon Dieu' qu'est-ce que cela ?" Elle sortit de son jardin et regardant dans la rue bordée de coquettes villas environnées de beaux jardins, elle vit accourir Mme Holand qui, les mains en visière sur ses yeux criait : Ruth! Ruth! Lorsqu’elle aperçut Mme Anderson, elle lui demanda: "As-tu vu passer un étranger par ici ? Ruth a disparu: elle était assise devant notre maison sur l'escalier, pendant que je m'occupais des rosiers, et subitement elle a disparu! Plus de trace d'elle! Je l'appelais et criais: Ruth! Mais personne ne répondit. J’avais l’impression que quelque chose avait passé dans la rue, mais je suis toute troublée car je ne comprends plus rien. Ruth! où es-tu? Qui l'a enlevée? Mme Holand pleurait dans son désespoir.

Maintenant, c'est Monsieur Anderson qui arrive. "Comment, tu viens déjà? Ce n'est pourtant pas l'heure, il n'est que 9. heures 31?" lui dit sa femme. "Je n'ai plus envie de travailler" lui rétorque-t-il. "Dans notre atelier, tout est en désordre, car beaucoup d'ouvriers ont disparu. On supposait d’abord que des accidents en étaient responsables et nous avons fait des recherches, mais sans trouver la moindre trace d'eux. Alors, un homme qui fréquentait des réunions et qui se disait chrétien se mit à dire: "Maintenant c'est arrivé:" Quoi, lui ai-je demandé? "Jésus a enlevé les siens" me dit-il en se tordant les mains. Il pleurait éperdument en continuant de dire "Et moi je suis resté ici"! Je le priais de cesser de dire des bêtises, mais il sanglotait de plus en plus, et c'était vraiment terrible de l'entendre. Certainement que d'autres se trouvent dans la même situation. Je pense qu'on devra faire des heures supplémentaires ce soir.

"En ville, la situation est plus mauvaise encore. Un embouteillage monstre s'était créé, car des conducteurs d'autobus et de voitures privées avaient été enlevés et beaucoup de passagers avaient disparu. Les tramways durent s'arrêter, bloqués comme les bus et les taxis, formant de longues files dans les rues. Parmi cet embouteillage, les voitures ayant encore des conducteurs cherchaient à se frayer un passage. Les gens étaient comme fous, courant çà et là en cherchant leurs disparus. La police était impuissante. Mme Holland rentra en pleurant, ainsi que Monsieur et Madame Anderson. Le poste de Bergen disait - "De tous côtés on annonce des personnes disparues. Toute la matinée, le téléphone a sonné. Les gens questionnent ou apportent leur témoignage. Sur mer, de nombreux bateaux annoncent des personnes disparues. 

A la maternité, tous les nouveau-nés ont disparu et les employées sont effrayées. Parmi les soeurs religieuses, quelques-unes manquent à l'appel. A l'asile des vieillards, plusieurs ont disparu". De Londres cette fois, à 11 heures, la radio communique que ce matin dès 9 heures, des nouvelles arrivaient subitement de toutes les parties de l'Angleterre annonçant la disparition d'une multitude d'enfants et d'adultes sans qu'ils aient laissé la moindre trace. Aucun n'a été retrouvé. C'est un grand mystère. Quelques pasteurs ont convoqué les membres de leur communauté, et ils ont découvert que les plus pieux, les plus fidèles dans la prière ont disparu. Une partie des pasteurs manque aussi.

L'évêque d'une grande Eglise a convoqué le corps pastoral pour ce soir. Trois heures et demie se sont écoulées depuis le premier rapport venu d’Oslo, et ceux-ci continuent d’affluer de tous les pays. La nouvelle la plus sensationnelle vient d'Extrême-Orient, de la Corée où l'on évalue le nombre de disparus à plusieurs centaines de milliers, parmi lesquels beaucoup de soldats. Les événements qui se succèdent sont impossibles à décrire au fur et à mesure. Tous sont profondément effrayés. Dans la rue, les gens cherchent désespérément les leurs, particulièrement les mères privées de leurs enfants. Par contre, plusieurs se moquent et maudissent aussi bien Dieu que les hommes. 

Un homme arrive en courant, criant: "Attention, attention, nous serons bientôt tous enlevés". Il a probablement perdu la raison. Au coin d'une rue, les mains jointes et les yeux levés au ciel, - une femme âgée - dit: "O non, si nous ne nous sommes pas préparés à temps, maintenant plus personne ne sera enlevé. Seigneur Dieu, aie pitié! Maintenant, c'est arrivé! J'ai toujours été religieuse, mais je ne pensais pas qu'il viendrait si tôt. Je ne pensais pas que ce soit aussi sérieux!" La direction des chemins de fer communique qu'aucun accident ne s'est produit jusqu'ici. Seul un convoi est demeuré à Finse sans conducteur, ni contrôleur. L'ordre a été donné à tous les surveillants de chercher le long des voies les personnes qui auraient éventuellement sauté du train car plusieurs voyageurs sont portés manquants. Pareillement des nouvelles venaient des bateaux faisant le service des côtes et des Fjords. 

Les journaux du soir publiaient une manière d'explication, recommandant que tous restent calmes et raisonnables. La police et les autorités font tout leur possible pour publier un rapport sur le nombre de personnes disparues. Les savants, particulièrement les météorologues, travaillent à trouver le plus vite possible la cause de ce phénomène extraordinaire. On vient d'apprendre des Etats-Unis que les rapports commencent d'affluer à la police. Les nouvelles sont pareilles à celles de Norvège. D'énormes difficultés de circulation eurent lieu et l'on déplore la perte de vies humaines. Les journaux annoncent pour le lendemain un aperçu plus complet de ce qui est arrivé dans les différents Etats. Vingt heures. Il ressort des nouvelles parvenues du monde entier que tous ont été surpris de la même manière par cette catastrophe. Les rapports sur le nombre des disparus arrivent principalement des villes mais aussi des campagnes.

Dans l'hémisphère sud, pareilles choses se sont produites. Une terrible inquiétude règne partout. Les gens n'osent pas se coucher, et l'on discute jusqu'à l'hystérie dans les rues sur ce qui s'est passé. De plus en plus, la conclusion est que tout cela se trouve en rapport avec les chrétiens et le christianisme. Ceux qui ont connu les disparus disent, en accord avec la parenté, que ceux-ci étaient exclusivement des chrétiens fanatiques et d'innocents enfants. Un ouvrier de brasserie racontait ce soir: "Oui, Hans Olson est loin. Il lui est arrivé ce qu’il croyait et prêchait par ici, disant que bientôt, Jésus allait venir le chercher". Oui, répondit un autre, nous en avions aussi un pareil qui a été emporté. Mais maintenant les autorités vont bien prendre les choses en mains et interdire toute religion, afin que pareille chose ne se reproduise plus.
„Oh, non", s'écria un autre, „cela n'arrivera plus jamais. Ils ont tout de même eu raison ces chrétiens, car ils avaient un pressentiment. Oh ! si seulement nous les avions écoutés, nous serions maintenant dans une meilleure situation, au lieu de devoir vivre dans cet enfer, dans ce chaos. Et je crains que cela empire." „Ah! si tu croyais en eux, pourquoi donc n'es-tu pas parti avec eux? lui rétorqua un autre". „Je souhaite bien d’avoir pu le faire," dit-il, puis il s'en alla. Quelqu'un cria après lui, "On devrait te pendre! Toi et tous ceux qui s'occupent de ce christianisme imbécile!" 

Le lendemain de ce jour, les journaux ne pouvaient encore donner l’explication à ce mystère. Les rapports de tous les pays concordaient. Des champs de mission, les nouvelles disaient que les chrétiens avaient disparu en masse. Seul un petit nombre d'entre eux sont restés. Lors de l'assemblée convoquée le soir précédent, un bon nombre de pasteurs étaient présents, mais beaucoup avaient aussi été enlevés.

L'atmosphère était tendue et sombre, plusieurs se sentaient malheureux. Aucun doute ne subsistait quant à la nature de l'événement: c'était l'enlèvement des saints prédit par l'écriture, l’élévation de l'Eglise-Epouse. Quelques pasteurs reconnaissaient que malgré leurs études théologiques, ils ne s'étaient pas imaginé l'événement de cette manière. Ils n'avaient jamais expérimenté la nouvelle naissance, ni connu l'Esprit-Saint donné aux enfants de Dieu. Un jeune pasteur disait: "Ce n'est pas de cette manière que j'ai été enseigné. Les professeurs ne nous ont jamais dit que cela arriverait comme nous venons de l'expérimenter". Les journalistes prétendaient qu'une forte tendance à la discussion se faisait jour, cependant, les gens étaient trop excités pour être objectifs. La police s'était adressée au public pour connaître le point de vue général, un rapport fut rédigé par les pasteurs et approuvé par la majorité. Il disait en substance: Ce qui vient d'arriver pourrait être un événement prédit par la Bible, qui est appelé "l'enlèvement de l'Epouse". Jésus serait venu chercher les siens. Pour l’instant, c'est tout ce que nous pouvons dire". 

Pourtant la police ne voulait pas publier cette déclaration, estimant qu'elle était le fruit d'une imagination hystérique névrosée. Vu la portée de ces événements, elle estimait que le gouvernement devrait s'en occuper. Puisque la religion chrétienne était en rapport avec ces choses, elle demandait que toutes les églises et lieux de rassemblement religieux soient fermes jusqu'à ce que tout soit éclairci. Elle déclarait que c'est un problème qui touche toutes les nations, de sorte qu'une décision commune devait être prise. Ce serait à l'ONU d'examiner cette question à fond. Les chrétiens semblent être très déprimés. Hier, qui était un dimanche, toutes les églises et salles du culte étaient bondées. Quelques églises se trouvaient démunies de pasteurs, et beaucoup de membres manquaient. Dans plusieurs assemblées, il ne restait que peu de croyants, mais par contre, un grand nombre de gens du dehors affluaient, principalement ceux qui avaient été frappés par "le grand malheur" comme on l'appelait généralement. 

Le peuple voulait entendre la Parole de Dieu, mais c'était comme si elle avait été enlevée. Un homme essayait bien de lire, mais il devait y renoncer, disant : "je n'y comprends rien". Un autre, qui avait repris la Bible de ses mains disait : "Je ne peux lire la Bible". D'autres pleuraient, mais la grande masse s'accordait à dire que les chrétiens devaient être la cause de ces événements tragiques et qu’ils devaient donner une explication valable. Pourtant un grand nombre venait chercher le secours de Dieu. Ils étaient profondément malheureux.

Dans la plupart des assemblées, la confusion régnait. Un homme se leva, montrant du poing le pasteur et lui dit: „C'est de ta faute si tant des nôtres sont restés. Tu ne nous as jamais avertis que Jésus allait bientôt venir chercher les siens, et que nous devions nous réconcilier avec notre prochain et que nous devions avoir un coeur pur, rempli du Saint-Esprit. Je sais bien ce qui m’a retenu, ce ne sont que des peccadilles. Mais, mais ... Seigneur, aide nous!" Le pasteur qui estimait avoir fait son devoir lui disait de se taire, et tous s'accusaient mutuellement en pleurant et en criant. Ils frappaient mais la porte demeurait fermée. Il est impossible de décrire la situation. Le peuple se rendait compte qu’ils marchaient tous au-devant d’un temps terrible. C'est comme si l'on sentait dans l'air que tout espoir avait disparu. La porte était fermée, et tous ceux qui s'étaient contentés d'expressions traditionnelles vides de sens se mettaient maintenant à crier et à frapper. Les uns étaient venus par camaraderie, les autres avaient été attirés par le chant ou la musique, mais aucun n'était né de nouveau. Ils n'avaient pas reçu l'Esprit d'adoption, ni un droit à l'héritage céleste. Pour beaucoup, la fréquentation des réunions n'était qu'un dada, un passe-temps intéressant mais maintenant, ils frappaient tous à la porte fermée, disant: "Seigneur, Seigneur, ouvre-nous! "

Le problème de l'enlèvement n'avait pas préoccupé longtemps les gouvernements. Ils défendaient sous peine de mort de prononcer le nom de Jésus. Ainsi commençait la plus horrible de toutes les époques de l’humanité. Un grand nombre de chrétiens qui continuaient à invoquer Dieu ne se soumirent pas à l'interdiction des autorités. Ils furent arrêtés et interrogés selon les méthodes de la Gestapo. On leur disait: "Si tu renies Jésus-Christ et que tu le maudisses, tu peux sauver ta vie". Mais des milliers tinrent ferme et le massacre devint indescriptible. Plusieurs furent torturés terriblement, jusqu'à ce que mort s'en suive. La loi et la justice n'existaient plus. 

Satan se déchaînait véritablement. "Malheur à la terre, et à ceux qui l'habitent", disait l'Ecriture. Dans cette détresse plusieurs faiblirent et cédèrent. Ils ne savaient où s'enfuir car le monde entier se trouvait sous la domination du mal. Les nations étaient unanimes à vouloir l’extermination des chrétiens. Le prince de ce monde manifestait la puissance de son règne. Les enfants trahirent leurs parents de telle manière que la vie de ceux-ci était en danger. La parole de Luc 21:16 s'accomplissait: "Vous serez livrés même par vos parents, par vos frères, par vos proches et par vos amis et ils feront mourir plusieurs d'entre vous. Vous serez haïs de tous, à cause de mon nom". Il est impossible de décrire les conditions de cette tribulation mais Dieu avait tout annoncé dans le livre de l'Apocalypse. Le grand cri de ces malheureux était: "Seigneur, veuille abréger ces jours".

Cher ami, ne prends pas le risque de demeurer en arrière. Plie-toi devant la face du Dieu Tout-Puissant et demande lui humblement Sa lumière et Sa grâce. Il est encore temps aujourd'hui d'être scellé par Jésus-Christ pour lui appartenir en propre. Ainsi, tu seras prêt pour le jour où Il reviendra.
Ce jour est proche :
Seigneur après cette lecture de cette révélation que tu nous as donnée, donne-nous de la prendre au sérieux, afin de ne pas avoir à passer par cette terrible tribulation survenant après cet enlèvement qui est si proche.
Donne-nous de nous engager de tout notre coeur dans cette voie de salut que tu as préparée pour nous au travers de l'Oeuvre de Golgotha où tu as tout accompli pour notre libération de nos péchés et de la puissance du péché et te remercions. Amen! J.S.
Jean Schwab, Mont -Tendre 3, CH-1400 Yverdon - Suisse

Tuesday, November 21, 2023



Composto e publicado por Jean-Louis


A porta da gaiola abre e fecha lentamente,

Hesitando como num balé com um ritmo excêntrico

A frágil vítima amarela contempla seu destino   

Ou definhar como prisioneira por dentro

Ou arriscar tudo e fugir fora viva.

O gato preto predatorio se finge de morto

Esperando pacientemente para ouvir um movimento,

Um bater rápido de asas sugerindo

O macabro anticipado som de tropeço.

A liberdade está tão perto, a prudência chama

Para passar despercebido, disfarça-se com as paredes

O felino sonha salivando de malícia

O medo domina a presa acorrentada

Ela treme esperando por um resgate

Desejando um milagre de libertação

De repente, o canário ganha novo ânimo

Lembrando que ela é abençoada por seu Criador

Por mais do que a beleza de sua plumagem

Ela começa a cantar uma canção de louvor

Ao seu Protetor prestando-lhe homenagem

E num vôo de notas altas recupera sua liberdade.


O inimigo foge assustado                             

Pelo poderoso grito de guerra

Clamado com alegria e fé invencíveis

Naquele que ajuda-nos a vencer o medo.

                                   Mad Cat Cartoons and Comics - funny pictures from CartoonStock


Sunday, October 29, 2023

Jewish Resistance in Algeria

Reproduced from Facing History and Ourselves. 

Excerpts from "Jewish Resistance in Algeria." 

This reading provides historical context about the Jews in Algeria and their resistance to antisemitic attacks.

Last Updated: June 30, 2023

Algeria was colonized by France in 1830, and, in 1870, the Jews of Algeria were granted French citizenship with the Cremieux Decree. This change in the status of Jews infuriated many non-Jewish European settlers in Algeria and there followed a period of media incitement and street violence against the Jews by non-Jewish European settlers who felt that Jews had no right to be French. By 1900, there was a period of relative calm, but the incitement against Jews continued, and the ubiquity of antisemitic ideas in the European-controlled press had an influence on the Muslim population in the region. In 1934, the spread of hate was linked to a violent attack against the Jewish community in the Algerian city of Constantine. According to historian Gitta Amipaz-Silber: 

On August 5, 1934, a Jew was accused of having profaned a mosque. The slander resulted in atrocities as thousands of excited Muslims . . . plundered and burned Jewish shops and houses for an entire day, destroyed much property, killed twenty-five Jews—men, women and children—and wounded tens more. The rioters were encouraged during the rampage by Muslim women who ululated (rhythmic wail characteristic of North Africa) from balconies and windows. All this happened in the presence of security forces, who were in charge of law and order, yet did not lift a finger to prevent the pogrom.
 Amipaz-Sliber goes on to note that: 
There were many Arabs who not only refused to be influenced by the excited rioters but rushed to save their Jewish friends. Many Muslims who participated in the pogrom were arrested and tried. It should be stressed that Constantine’s Muslim leadership condemned the pogrom and worked with the Jewish leadership to calm passions and restore order.

Following the pogrom, an interfaith organization called the Union of Monotheistic Believers was established to cultivate positive relationships between members of the dominant religions. 

The antisemitic attacks in the press continued. In March of 1937, the Governor-General of Algeria said, ”The abominable press really enjoys deplorable impunity and is taking advantage of it. But a law, which is being prepared, will compel the press to show respect for the beliefs, the opinions, the honor and the freedom of others.” The Marchandeau law referenced in this statement was passed two years later and it prohibited racial or religious incitement by the press. 

When the Vichy government came to power in France in 1940, following the surrender to Nazi Germany, the situation for the Jews of Algeria deteriorated. The Marchandeau law was annulled, and written antisemitic attacks in the press escalated further. Amipaz-Silber writes:

The annulment of [the Marchandeau law] gave formal free rein to growing anti-Semitic activities. In Algiers, posters appeared on walls holding Jews responsible for the defeat of France, the motherland, and calling for them to be expelled.

Between 1940–1942, attacks against Jews in Algeria escalated with violence in the streets, destruction of Jewish businesses, and confiscation of Jewish property. There were also extensive antisemitic racial laws passed and enforced by “A special Department for the Control of the Jewish Problem.” The Cremieux Decree was revoked, taking away Jewish citizenship. Jewish students were expelled from schools, and Jews were forbidden to own businesses or work in various professions including law, medicine, banking, media, teaching, and public service. In response to this reality, an underground resistance movement began to coalesce.

If you want to read more about the help of the Jews` resistance in Algeria and how the Americans and Allied forces took Algiers without a battle, how the success of the operation opened a new front in the fight against the Nazis, helping the Allies to move up through Southern Europe, click on the link   https://www.facinghistory.org/resource-library/jewish-resistance-algeria

Shalom Jerusalém Paul Wilbur 1995

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Don´t be fooled! Seek the Truth with all your heart and you will find Him.

Written and published by Jean-Louis Mondon

Among all religions, which one doesn´t practice proselytism? They all do it even though some of their adepts sometimes deny the obvious undeniable facts.

Why are christians accused of believing and declaring that theirs is the only way to God?

Isn´t it narrow minded, exclusive and offensive to people of other religions or atheists?

The reality backed up by facts proves that all religions practice the recruitment of disciples.

Why would anyone believe someone who said: I really don´t believe in the uniqueness of my religion, but I invite you to join us and to see the truth in master´s teaching as a way to reach God.

And yet, that is what I have heard as an argument to accuse christianity of narrow-mindedness.

Islam is notorious for his forcing conversion throughout history, so was the Catholic church.

Swami Vivekananda attended the Parliament of Religions at Chicago in1893 as representative of Hinduism.

Self-Realization Fellowship guru Paramahansa Yogananda followed in 1933. 

(I once was an adept of Hindu meditation called Kriya yoga and a disciple of Guru Paramahansa Yogananda before being rescued by the Lord Jesus Christ.)

Who doesn´t remember the Beattles and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who first introduced Transcendental Meditation in the US In 1959,

So what is the essential difference which makes Christianity stand apart from all others religions or ideologies not classified as religions, but in effect are?

It boils down to man´s  acceptance of God´s of divine grace and rejection of man´s works as the way of reconciliation between sinful man and a holy God who is the one who makes the rules because he is Lord and King and creator of the universe. No other way has been provided by God´s providencial  provision for the salvation of mankind. 

 Peter and John Before the Council
11This Jesus is ‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.’ 12 Salvation exists in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” 13When they saw the boldness of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they marveled and took note that these men had been with Jesus.…

All other religions are based on the principle of work to gain entrance into the presence of God after death. Even some Christian denominations add works to grace as a way to merit salvation.

These statements in no way disrespect other people´s religions or their customs and traditions. God has given each of us human being freedom to choose whom to worship and serve.

What kind of a father would punish this children without instructing them beforehand of what is right and wrong and warning them of the consequences of their actions? The first example of that admonition happened with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden.

16And the LORD God commanded him, “You may eat freely from every tree of the garden, 17but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; for in the day that you eat of it, you will surely die.” Genesis 2:16,17.

Argument using numbers: 

Have you heard an argument such as this one: Can millions of Hindus be wrong? (Wikipedia) Hinduism has approximately 1.2 billion adherents worldwide (15-16% of the world's population).

Old Testaments Scriptures

Psalm 49:7-9: None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him: 8 (For the redemption of their soul is precious, and it ceaseth for ever:) 9That he should still live for ever, and not see corruption.

Psalm 50:23: “He who offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving honors Me; And to him who sets his way properly I will show the salvation of God.”

Isaiah 42: God wanted the Jews to bring in gentiles to know and worship Him.

6“I, the LORD, have called you for a righteous purpose, and I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and appoint you to be a covenant for the people and a light to the nations, 7to open the eyes of the blind, to bring prisoners out of the dungeon and those sitting in darkness out from the prison house. “

New Testament Scriptures

Acts 10. the story of Cornelius

Cornelius Sends for Peter

1At Caesarea there was a man named Cornelius, a centurion in what was called the Italian Regiment. 2He and all his household were devout and God-fearing. He gave generously to the people and prayed to God regularly. 3One day at about the ninth hour,a he had a clear vision of an angel of God who came to him and said, “Cornelius!”

4Cornelius stared at him in fear and asked, “What is it, Lord?”

The angel answered, “Your prayers and gifts to the poor have ascended as a memorial offering before God. 5Now send men to Joppa to call for a man named Simon who is called Peter. 6He is staying with Simon the tanner, whose house is by the sea.b

21So Peter went down to the menf and said, “Here am I, the one you are looking for. Why have you come?”

22“Cornelius the centurion has sent us,” they said. “He is a righteous and God-fearing man with a good reputation among the whole Jewish nation. A holy angel instructed him to request your presence in his home so he could hear a message from you.”

23So Peter invited them in as his guests. And the next day he got ready and went with them, accompanied by some of the brothers from Joppa.

Peter Visits Cornelius

24The following day he arrived in Caesarea, where Cornelius was expecting them and had called together his relatives and close friends. 25As Peter was about to enter, Cornelius met him and fell at his feet to worship him. 26But Peter helped him up. “Stand up,” he said, “I am only a man myself.”

27As Peter talked with him, he went inside and found many people gathered together. 28He said to them, “You know how unlawful it is for a Jew to associate with a foreigner or visit him. But God has shown me that I should not call any man impure or unclean. 29So when I was invited, I came without objection. I ask, then, why have you sent for me?”

30Cornelius answered: “Four days ago I was in my house praying at this, the ninth hour.g Suddenly a man in radiant clothing stood before me 31and said, ‘Cornelius, your prayer has been heard, and your gifts to the poor have been remembered before God. 32Therefore send to Joppa for Simon, who is called Peter. He is a guest in the home of Simon the tanner, by the sea.’

33So I sent for you immediately, and you were kind enough to come. Now then, we are all here in the presence of God to listen to everything the Lord has instructed you to tell us.”

Good News for the Gentiles

34Then Peter began to speak: “I now truly understand that God does not show favoritism, 35but welcomes those from every nation who fear Him and do what is right. 36He has sent this message to the people of Israel, proclaiming the gospel of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.

37You yourselves know what has happened throughout Judea, beginning in Galilee with the baptism that John proclaimed: 38how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, because God was with Him.

39We are witnesses of all that He did, both in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem. And although they put Him to death by hanging Him on a tree, 40God raised Him up on the third day and caused Him to be seen— 41not by all the people, but by the witnesses God had chosen beforehand, by us who ate and drank with Him after He rose from the dead. 42And He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that He is the One appointed by God to judge the living and the dead. 43All the prophets testify about Him that everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through His name.”

The Gentiles Receive the Holy Spirit
(Acts 19:1–7)

44While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who heard his message. 45All the circumcised believers who had accompanied Peter were astounded that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles. 46For they heard them speaking in tongues and exalting God.

The Prophecy of Simeon Luke 2: 25-32

25Now there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. 26The Holy Spirit had revealed to him that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. 27Led by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts.e And when the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for Him what was customary under the Law,

28Simeon took Him in his arms and blessed God, saying:

29“Sovereign Lord, as You have promised, You now dismiss Your servant in peace.

30For my eyes have seen Your salvation, 31which You have prepared in the sight of all people,

32a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to Your people Israel.” 

My own testimony in allegorical form of my journey in the spiritual desert. https://thelightseed.blogspot.com/2017/09/mp3-audio-file-update-to-joshua-tree.html

Israel at War — Brandon Holthaus

Wednesday, September 13, 2023


Reposted by Jean-Louis Mondon

One of the most difficult things to grasp about Christianity is its simplicity. It is that simplicity that has spawned literally hundreds of denominations and thousands of cults, sects and sub-sects, all of whom are convinced they have discovered some hidden and complicated truth nobody else ever discovered.
There is a old saying that "the simple truth of God is that the truth of God is simple" and old sayings generally become old sayings because they are true.
"The LORD preserveth the simple: I was brought low, and He helped me." (Psalms 116:6)
There is probably no truth explained more simply than the basic doctrine of salvation. It is so simple that a little child can understand it. It is a question that can be answered in a single sentence.
"And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." (Acts 16:31)
Many even seek to complicate that simple answer by focusing on the words "and thy house" instead of simply reading the next verse for context.
"And they spake unto him the Word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house." (Acts 16:32)
That's how people get saved. That's how the jailer got saved, and that's how his family, or his "house" got saved. That's how YOU got saved. By hearing the Word of the Lord.
"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." (Romans 10:17)
It's not so complicated. When somebody asks you, "what must I do to be saved?" the answer is the same today as it was when the jailer asked the question of Paul and Silas. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Oh, and . . .
quit smoking
quit drinking
stop running around with unsaved friends
go to church
don't sin
Oh, and a bunch of other stuff, depending on which denomination you end up joining. There are entire websites devoted to showing all the extra stuff you have to do in order to stay saved. But the simple truth of God is simple.
"What must I do to be saved?" the jailer asked.
When Jesus was asked by the Pharisees to name the greatest commandment, it was an effort to trap Him into complicating the simple truth of God. Once the simple truth of God can be complicated, it can be twisted beyond recognition.
"Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." (Matthew 22:37-40)
So, having dealt with the question," what must I do to be saved?", what about the question, 'what must I do to stay saved?' It isn't all that complicated.
You simply love God above all things and love your neighbor as yourself, do everything on the first list and. . .
keep the Sabbath (Saturday or Sunday, depending on which denomination you end up with)
confess your sins regularly (unless you belong to a group devoted to finding ways you can lose your salvation)
obey most of the ten commandments (most let you skip over the graven images stuff)
live your life in an exemplary fashion (compliance is in the eye of the beholder)
It is human nature to complicate the simple. It is at the heart of every lie since the very first lie told in the Garden of Eden. God gave Adam and Eve one simple rule. It wasn't complicated, so Satan had to find a way to make it seem complicated.
That first lie was delivered in three parts.
"Your eyes shall be opened."
Satan wants us to believe that somehow, as Christians, we can understand the Mind of God. But God Himself says that is impossible.
"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:9)
The idea that "our eyes shall be opened" carries with it some suggestion that we are privy to some secret, hidden knowlege of God. The truth is that we are made privy to some secret, heretofore hidden, knowledge about OURSELVES.
That we are sinners who stand guilty and without excuse before a Righteous God.
To try and divine the truth about God's promise based on the witness of another implies our eyes have been 'opened' to something only God can know. The condition of another's heart.
The second part of that lie is like unto the first; "Knowing good from evil." Human beings know right from wrong. Good and evil are outcomes -- and outcomes are known ONLY to God.
Each of us has tons of personal examples in our own lives we can look to for confirmation of that truth, usually those things of which we say, "I wouldn't go through that again for anything, but I wouldn't have missed it for the world."
What seemed exceedingly evil at the time, as time goes on, reveals itself to have been, in fact, a good thing. Who knows what God has planned for someone else's life that will come out of their current state of witness?
What is impossible for God?
One need look no farther than Joseph for Biblical evidence of that fact. Joseph's brothers threw him down a well, and later sold him into slavery because they were jealous of his relationship with their father.
Joseph subsequently rose to the position of the second most powerful man in Egypt, just as a famine threatened to wipe out the sons of Israel and their families. They went to Egypt, where Joseph, having been warned by God, had stored up food against the coming famine.
Had Joseph not been in the position he was at the time, his brothers, who were not Egyptians, would have been turned away to starve. God had a plan for Israel and it didn't involve them starving to death before it could come to fruition.
As Joseph himself noted in Genesis 45:3-8, his brothers meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.
In setting up the Oldest Lie in the Book, Satan questioned God's Word;
"Yea, hath God said . . . ?" (Genesis 3:1)
The question led to Eve's ADDING to the Word of God: "neither shall ye touch it" -- God didn't say that. God said,
"But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." (Genesis 2:17)
We are indirectly questioning God's faithfulness based on the evidence of some individual's unfaithfulness. We judge the guy as evil without certain knowledge of the outcome and we end up questioning God as a result. Do you see it?
The third part is "Ye shall be as gods." If we can question God's ability to preserve one's salvation based on the bad works of the one who we believe is saved, then it follows that we play a role in saving ourselves. But only God has the power to save:
"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)
"I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain." (Galatians 2:21)
You can't really make it less complicated than Paul did to the Galatians. "If righteousness comes by the law, then Christ is dead in vain." How much simpler can it be?
Think about that. If one can attain righteousness by being obedient, then He was sacrificed for nothing, since that was already the condition of sinful mankind before He began His ministry.
The simple truth of God is that at the point of salvation, one becomes a new creature.
"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a NEW CREATURE: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17)
That's not complicated. A caterpillar is a little fuzzy worm, distinct and different from a winged insect. Then the caterpillar goes into a cocoon and is transformed. When it emerges, the caterpillar no longer exists, but in its place is a new, winged creature called a butterfly.
The butterfly isn't a caterpillar with wings -- it is an entirely new creature. Remove the wings and it still isn't a caterpillar. It is a one-way transformation. Once it’s a butterfly, it isn't what it WILL be, it is what it IS.
That is why it is called TRANSFORMATION. It is permanent and irrevocable.
"For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature." (Galatians 6:15)
Becoming a 'new creature' in Christ is NOT a future event -- it CANNOT be, since it takes place at the moment of salvation. The transformation is complete at that moment. The rest is up to Jesus.
"Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:" (Philippians 1:6)
Could it be made any simpler? Who is it that began a good work in you at the moment of salvation?
That is a critical question, since the Bible says that the one that began the good work in you is the one that is charged with performing it until Jesus comes for His Church. Fortunately for us, there is a simple answer to the critical question.
The Bible says at the moment of salvation, the Holy Spirit takes up residence in you, and from that moment forward, He will guide you into all truth. (John 16:13) That's pretty simple and straightforward. The Holy Spirit not only indwells us and guides us, He also comforts and assures us.
"The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:" (Romans 8:16)
Jesus said that He would send the Comforter and that He would abide with us until the Lord returns for His Church.
"I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." (John 14:18)
So, the Comforter, Who is our guide, will indwell us and bear witness with us until the Day of Jesus Christ. He is the One that began the good work and He will abide with us until we see Jesus, either at the Rapture or when we die.
It's pretty simple.
Salvation comes by believing in Jesus as Lord and trusting Him for your salvation.
Once saved, one is transformed into a new creature that isn't the old creature.
The transformation is accomplished by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
The Lord Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit will indwell us until He comes for us.
IF I saved myself by my behavior and IF I effected the transformation by an act of my own will, THEN by my behavior I can condemn myself and transform myself back into the old creature.
Pretty simple, really.