What the Bible says about light and seed
The True Light "In him, (the Lord Jesus) was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world,…the world didn’t recognize him." John 1:4,9.
The Good Seed and the Weeds “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seeds in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away.” Matthew 13:24,25.
The Good Seed and the Weeds “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seeds in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away.” Matthew 13:24,25.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Um estudo realizado por pesquisadores da Universidade de Minnesota revelou que quase 15 por cento dos adolescentes dos EUA sentiam ser “altamente provável” que morreriam antes de completarem 35 anos. Aqueles que expressavam essa visão pessimista tinham maior probabilidade de engajar-se em comportamento imprudente. A dra. Iris Borowsky, autora deste estudo publicado em renomada revista disse: “Estes jovens podem correr riscos porque se sentem desanimados e acham que não há muito a perder.”
Ninguém é imune a sentimentos de desespero. O salmo expressa repetidos pedidos de ajuda quando a vida parece tenebrosa. “Por que estás abatida, ó minha alma? Por que te perturbas dentro de mim? Espera em Deus, pois ainda o louvarei, a ele, meu auxílio…” (Salmo 42:5). Com um passo de fé, desafiador, o salmista diz a si mesmo para não esquecer-se de Deus, que nunca o abandonará.
Curtis Almquist escreveu: “A esperança é alimentada pela presença de Deus. …[Ela] também é alimentada pelo futuro de Deus nas nossas vidas.” Podemos dizer com o salmista: “…ainda o louvarei…” (v.5).
Nenhum seguidor de Cristo deve relutar em buscar conselho contra a depressão. Também não devemos sentir que a fé e a oração são simples demais para ajudar. Sempre existe esperança em Deus!
A esperança é uma certeza — porque o seu fundamento é Deus. (RBC)
Um estudo realizado por pesquisadores da Universidade de Minnesota revelou que quase 15 por cento dos adolescentes dos EUA sentiam ser “altamente provável” que morreriam antes de completarem 35 anos. Aqueles que expressavam essa visão pessimista tinham maior probabilidade de engajar-se em comportamento imprudente. A dra. Iris Borowsky, autora deste estudo publicado em renomada revista disse: “Estes jovens podem correr riscos porque se sentem desanimados e acham que não há muito a perder.”
Ninguém é imune a sentimentos de desespero. O salmo expressa repetidos pedidos de ajuda quando a vida parece tenebrosa. “Por que estás abatida, ó minha alma? Por que te perturbas dentro de mim? Espera em Deus, pois ainda o louvarei, a ele, meu auxílio…” (Salmo 42:5). Com um passo de fé, desafiador, o salmista diz a si mesmo para não esquecer-se de Deus, que nunca o abandonará.
Curtis Almquist escreveu: “A esperança é alimentada pela presença de Deus. …[Ela] também é alimentada pelo futuro de Deus nas nossas vidas.” Podemos dizer com o salmista: “…ainda o louvarei…” (v.5).
Nenhum seguidor de Cristo deve relutar em buscar conselho contra a depressão. Também não devemos sentir que a fé e a oração são simples demais para ajudar. Sempre existe esperança em Deus!
A esperança é uma certeza — porque o seu fundamento é Deus. (RBC)
Fear of Judgment
The Christian Post > U.S.
Sat, Nov. 26 2011
Fear of Judgment
By Tullian Tchividjian
Christian Post Guest Columnist
As you all know too painfully well, relationships flounder in an environment of judging. Both the Bible and our experience teach us that where judgment reigns relationships are ruined.
At some level, every relationship is assaulted by an aroma of judgment–this sense that we will never measure up to the expectations and demands of another. Critical environments are contexts which (while never explicitly stated) shout: “my approval of you, love for you, and joy in you depends on your ability to measure up to my standards, to become what I need you to become in order for me to be happy.” It’s a context in which achievement precedes acceptance. We’ve all felt this. We’ve felt it at school, in churches, in the workplace, with our friends, a boyfriend, a girlfriend, and most painfully, at home with our spouses, our children, our siblings, and our parents. This is why any relationship where criticism is constant, where you always feel like you’re being evaluated and falling short, is an unhappy relationship.
In his book Who Will Deliver Us? Paul Zahl writes:
I wonder if any of us are strong enough to withstand the perceived judgments upon our lives, which touch the fears within. Have you ever tried to win the favor of a person who actively dislikes you? To get him to like you, you may have changed your style of dress. You may have altered your schedule. You may have stopped something you’ve been doing or started something new. You may have carried out their wishes to the last detail. You may tried once, then again, then a thousand times. But you have not won from this person the affirmation you so deeply desire. Judgment steamrolls over most of us.
Can you relate to that? I can.
The deepest fear we have, “the fear beneath all fears”, is the fear of not measuring up, the fear of judgment. It’s this fear that creates the stress and depression of everyday life. And it comes from the fact that down deep we all know we don’t measure up and are therefore deserving of judgment. We’re aware that we fail, that our best is never good enough, that “we’ve been weighed in the balances and been found wanting.”
The judgment of others is a surface echo of a judgment that goes deeper. So if we’re living in an environment or we are in a relationship that feeds this fear of judgment with constant judging, we deflate and detach because it becomes discouragingly exhausting trying to satisfy the demands and appease the judgment of the other. We become depleted of the hope that we can ever attain the affirmation that seems so necessary for us to live and breathe and so the relationship flounders.
The fact is, that relational demand always creates relational detachment. Control produces relational chaos, criticism produces relational commotion.
Most preachers and parents, spouses and siblings, fall prey to the false idea that real change happens when we lay down the law, exercise control, demand good performance, and offer constant constructive criticism. When we do this, we are failing to acknowledge the obvious: “Judgment kills. Only grace makes alive.” We wonder why our spouse, or our children, or our friends, or our colleagues, or our congregants become relationally and emotionally detached from us. It’s because we are feeding their deep fear of judgment by playing the judge, by being the voice of law.
When we feel this weight of judgment against us, we all tend to slip into the slavery of self-salvation: trying to appease the judge (friends, parents, spouse, ourselves) with hard work, good behavior, getting better, achievement, losing weight, and so on. We conclude, “If I can just stay out of trouble and get good grades, maybe my mom and dad will finally approve of me; If I can overcome this addiction, then I’ll be able to accept myself; If I can get thin, maybe my husband will finally think I’m beautiful and pay attention to me; If I can help out more with the kids, maybe my wife won’t criticize me as much; If I can make a name for myself and be successful, maybe I’ll get the respect I long for.” But, as is always the case, self-salvation projects experientially eclipse the only salvation project that can set us free from this oppression. “If we were confident of ultimate acquittal”, says Zahl, “judgment from others would not possess the sting it does.”
The Gospel announces that Jesus came to acquit the guilty. He came to judge and be judged in our place. Christ came to satisfy the deep judgment against us once and for all so that we could be free from the judgement of God, others, and ourselves. He came to give rest to our efforts at trying to deal with judgment on our own. Colossians 2:13-14 announces, “And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross.”
The Gospel declares that our guilt has been atoned for, the law has been fulfilled. So we don’t need to live under the burden of trying to appease the judgment we feel. In Christ the ultimate demand has been met, the deepest judgment has been satisfied. The atonement of Christ frees us from the fear of judgment.
This story told by my friend and former professor, Steve Brown, illustrates well the radical discrepancy between the ways in which we hold other people hostage in their sin and the unconditional forgiveness that God offers to us in Christ.
Do you remember the story about the little boy who killed his grandmother’s pet duck? He accidentally hit the duck with a rock from his slingshot. The boy didn’t think anybody saw the foul deed, so he buried the duck in the backyard and didn’t tell a soul.
Later, the boy found out that his sister had seen it all. Not only that, she now had the leverage of his secret and used it. Whenever it was the sister’s turn to wash the dishes, take out the garbage or wash the car, she would whisper in his ear, “Remember the duck.” And then the little boy would do what his sister should have done.
There is always a limit to that sort of thing. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore-he’d had it! The boy went to his grandmother and, with great fear, confessed what he had done. To his surprise, she hugged him and thanked him. She said, “I was standing at the kitchen sink and saw the whole thing. I forgave you then. I was just wondering when you were going to get tired of your sister’s blackmail and come to me.”
Jesus took on himself all the judgment we deserve from God so that we could be free from the paralyzing sting of judgment we draw from others.
Sat, Nov. 26 2011
Fear of Judgment
By Tullian Tchividjian
Christian Post Guest Columnist
As you all know too painfully well, relationships flounder in an environment of judging. Both the Bible and our experience teach us that where judgment reigns relationships are ruined.
At some level, every relationship is assaulted by an aroma of judgment–this sense that we will never measure up to the expectations and demands of another. Critical environments are contexts which (while never explicitly stated) shout: “my approval of you, love for you, and joy in you depends on your ability to measure up to my standards, to become what I need you to become in order for me to be happy.” It’s a context in which achievement precedes acceptance. We’ve all felt this. We’ve felt it at school, in churches, in the workplace, with our friends, a boyfriend, a girlfriend, and most painfully, at home with our spouses, our children, our siblings, and our parents. This is why any relationship where criticism is constant, where you always feel like you’re being evaluated and falling short, is an unhappy relationship.
In his book Who Will Deliver Us? Paul Zahl writes:
I wonder if any of us are strong enough to withstand the perceived judgments upon our lives, which touch the fears within. Have you ever tried to win the favor of a person who actively dislikes you? To get him to like you, you may have changed your style of dress. You may have altered your schedule. You may have stopped something you’ve been doing or started something new. You may have carried out their wishes to the last detail. You may tried once, then again, then a thousand times. But you have not won from this person the affirmation you so deeply desire. Judgment steamrolls over most of us.
Can you relate to that? I can.
The deepest fear we have, “the fear beneath all fears”, is the fear of not measuring up, the fear of judgment. It’s this fear that creates the stress and depression of everyday life. And it comes from the fact that down deep we all know we don’t measure up and are therefore deserving of judgment. We’re aware that we fail, that our best is never good enough, that “we’ve been weighed in the balances and been found wanting.”
The judgment of others is a surface echo of a judgment that goes deeper. So if we’re living in an environment or we are in a relationship that feeds this fear of judgment with constant judging, we deflate and detach because it becomes discouragingly exhausting trying to satisfy the demands and appease the judgment of the other. We become depleted of the hope that we can ever attain the affirmation that seems so necessary for us to live and breathe and so the relationship flounders.
The fact is, that relational demand always creates relational detachment. Control produces relational chaos, criticism produces relational commotion.
Most preachers and parents, spouses and siblings, fall prey to the false idea that real change happens when we lay down the law, exercise control, demand good performance, and offer constant constructive criticism. When we do this, we are failing to acknowledge the obvious: “Judgment kills. Only grace makes alive.” We wonder why our spouse, or our children, or our friends, or our colleagues, or our congregants become relationally and emotionally detached from us. It’s because we are feeding their deep fear of judgment by playing the judge, by being the voice of law.
When we feel this weight of judgment against us, we all tend to slip into the slavery of self-salvation: trying to appease the judge (friends, parents, spouse, ourselves) with hard work, good behavior, getting better, achievement, losing weight, and so on. We conclude, “If I can just stay out of trouble and get good grades, maybe my mom and dad will finally approve of me; If I can overcome this addiction, then I’ll be able to accept myself; If I can get thin, maybe my husband will finally think I’m beautiful and pay attention to me; If I can help out more with the kids, maybe my wife won’t criticize me as much; If I can make a name for myself and be successful, maybe I’ll get the respect I long for.” But, as is always the case, self-salvation projects experientially eclipse the only salvation project that can set us free from this oppression. “If we were confident of ultimate acquittal”, says Zahl, “judgment from others would not possess the sting it does.”
The Gospel announces that Jesus came to acquit the guilty. He came to judge and be judged in our place. Christ came to satisfy the deep judgment against us once and for all so that we could be free from the judgement of God, others, and ourselves. He came to give rest to our efforts at trying to deal with judgment on our own. Colossians 2:13-14 announces, “And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross.”
The Gospel declares that our guilt has been atoned for, the law has been fulfilled. So we don’t need to live under the burden of trying to appease the judgment we feel. In Christ the ultimate demand has been met, the deepest judgment has been satisfied. The atonement of Christ frees us from the fear of judgment.
This story told by my friend and former professor, Steve Brown, illustrates well the radical discrepancy between the ways in which we hold other people hostage in their sin and the unconditional forgiveness that God offers to us in Christ.
Do you remember the story about the little boy who killed his grandmother’s pet duck? He accidentally hit the duck with a rock from his slingshot. The boy didn’t think anybody saw the foul deed, so he buried the duck in the backyard and didn’t tell a soul.
Later, the boy found out that his sister had seen it all. Not only that, she now had the leverage of his secret and used it. Whenever it was the sister’s turn to wash the dishes, take out the garbage or wash the car, she would whisper in his ear, “Remember the duck.” And then the little boy would do what his sister should have done.
There is always a limit to that sort of thing. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore-he’d had it! The boy went to his grandmother and, with great fear, confessed what he had done. To his surprise, she hugged him and thanked him. She said, “I was standing at the kitchen sink and saw the whole thing. I forgave you then. I was just wondering when you were going to get tired of your sister’s blackmail and come to me.”
Jesus took on himself all the judgment we deserve from God so that we could be free from the paralyzing sting of judgment we draw from others.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
WE THANK THE LORD on Thansksgiving day!

Anna Anderson’s husband died early in their marriage, leaving her with three young daughters and a difficult future. Although trained in Virginia as a teacher, she lacked full credentials to work in the Philadelphia schools, so she took in laundry, did ironing, and later scrubbed floors at a large department store. As African-Americans, they often experienced racial prejudice and discrimination. When doors of opportunity closed, Anna believed that if they would trust the Lord with all their heart and acknowledge Him in all their ways, He would direct their paths (Prov. 3:5-6). She taught her daughters to depend on God, follow Him, and always be thankful.
When her firstborn, Marian, rose to become an internationally acclaimed classical singer, Anna continued to pray for her, and always gave God credit for her success. Reporters, who asked Anna how she felt after attending Marian’s concerts at Carnegie Hall and her 1955 debut with the Metropolitan Opera, heard her say, “We thank the Lord.” Her reply was not a cliché, but sincere gratefulness to God.
Rather than lament what she lacked, Anna Anderson expressed gratitude for what she had and used it for God’s glory. Today, we can follow her example with faith, confidence, and a heartfelt, “We thank the Lord.”
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Russia, Syria, Israel and Iran. What is next?
The Trouble with Russia and the Media: 11/21/11 from Gary Stearman on Vimeo.
Gary sits down with noted lecturer L.A. Marzulli and they discuss a myriad of subjects. Russia, Syria, Israel and Iran. How do they fall into Gog and Magog? The talk about the lack of media coverage on these events.
To read a full commentary article on the escalation and positioning for the war preparation, click on the previous link for Debka files article.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Russian Warships off Syria, US Carriers near Iran
Russian warships off Syria, US carriers near Iran
DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security
DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Arrebatamento e Grande Tribulação
Arrebatamento e Grande Tribulação
Estive lendo alguns comentários de nossa irmã Auristela Mena Barreto Mendes, e eis que são muito oportunos, edificantes, servem de alerta, “escatologia”, assim, resolvi compilar!
O Arrabatemento, esperado pelos que amam a Cristo e almejam estar com Ele, se aproxima, para glória de Deus, em dias abreviados, para 2010, mas, caso não seja, ainda esperamos...
Muitos são os canais seculares que não falam de outras coisas, a não ser sobre o fim do mundo, mas, os evangélicos não! Se concentram em seus templos, muitos luxuosos, na busca da liturgia de casamentos, programando viagens com a família, na compra de suas casas, no futuro de suas empresas e se não a possuem, tentam na barganha dos dízimos e ofertas adquirir uma, querem uma vida de regalias, fama, fortuna, num futuro promissor de prosperidade, aqui quando digo prosperidade, é prosperidade de qualquer forma, mas, aparecerá os pastores malaquianos e irão dizer que prosperidade Deus tem para todos...
Em maravilha, cumpre-se a Palavra de Jesus:
“E, como foi nos dias de Noé, assim será também a vinda do Filho do homem.
Porquanto, assim como, nos dias anteriores ao dilúvio, comiam, bebiam, casavam e davam-se em casamento, até ao dia em que Noé entrou na arca,
e não o perceberam, até que veio o dilúvio, e os levou a todos, assim será também a vinda do Filho do homem.” [Mateus 24]
É oportuno para se frisar que o “2012” é apenas distração para o mundo, porque provavelmente em 2012 o mundo já estará vivendo nos dias da Grande Tribulação, que vem após o Arrebatamento, assim que o anticristo assinar o acordo de paz com Israel, que será de sete anos, começa a contar a última semana do profeta Daniel.
Então vai acontecer o Arrebatameto; o Espírito Santo se retira da terra juntamente com a Igreja, vem um governo mundial = anticristo, onde ele faz um acordo de paz com Israel por sete anos, durante os três anos e meio, o mundo verá a falsa paz na terra, no meio dos três anos e meio, ele rompe o acordo com Israel, e vai exigir ser adorado, quando virá a tão falada marca da besta, quem aceitar essa marca já estará fadado ao inferno. Durante o início da Grande Tribulação, Deus vai selar 144.000 judeus que vão pregar o evangelho em todos os cantos da terra, vai ter as duas testemunhas de Deus que vão descer para a terra, e vai ter o anjo gritando no céu.
É necessário afirmar que após o Arrebatamento, o sobrenatural estará a olhos visíveis na terra, porque as duas testemunhas vêm do céu, os 144 mil selados o anticristo não vai ter poder sobre eles, não poderá matá-los, e eles poderão se mudar de local sem transporte, algo assim, estarão selados por Deus, o anjo no céu também será visto bradando para que não aceitem a marca. Então por isso digo que o sobrenatural estará visível.
Gostamos demais deste assunto, amamos a volta do Senhor Jesus, por isso nos empolgamos escrevendo. Quem não for arrebatado não pode aceitar a marca, porque se aceitar será condenado.
Jesus está voltando! Aleluia! Meditem, leiam, estudem a Bíblia, é a maravilhosa Palavra de Deus, onde vocês encontrarão tudo que lhes falta, nada neste mundo vai ficar bom, mas ao menos teremos a eternidade ao lado de Deus, num mundo de paz e amor, onde habitará a Justiça Divina Eterna, e é pela graça, não por dízimos e ofertas avultosas, e muitos menos por instituições igreja templos de tijolos!
Pastor evangélico não poderá interceder por ninguém, e não poderá apresentar ninguém a Deus [“E Aquele que examina os corações sabe qual é a intenção do Espírito; e é Ele que segundo Deus intercede pelos santos” - Romanos 8], pois, o pastor evangélico, como qualquer outro, estará diante de Cristo prestando conta do que fez! [“Porque todos devemos comparecer ante o tribunal de Cristo, para que cada um receba segundo o que tiver feito por meio do corpo, ou bem, ou mal” – 2Coríntios 5].
Por Cristo. Em Cristo. Para Cristo. Nos interesses de Sua Igreja.
As 13:29 postado por James, crente desigrejado!
Estive lendo alguns comentários de nossa irmã Auristela Mena Barreto Mendes, e eis que são muito oportunos, edificantes, servem de alerta, “escatologia”, assim, resolvi compilar!
O Arrabatemento, esperado pelos que amam a Cristo e almejam estar com Ele, se aproxima, para glória de Deus, em dias abreviados, para 2010, mas, caso não seja, ainda esperamos...
Muitos são os canais seculares que não falam de outras coisas, a não ser sobre o fim do mundo, mas, os evangélicos não! Se concentram em seus templos, muitos luxuosos, na busca da liturgia de casamentos, programando viagens com a família, na compra de suas casas, no futuro de suas empresas e se não a possuem, tentam na barganha dos dízimos e ofertas adquirir uma, querem uma vida de regalias, fama, fortuna, num futuro promissor de prosperidade, aqui quando digo prosperidade, é prosperidade de qualquer forma, mas, aparecerá os pastores malaquianos e irão dizer que prosperidade Deus tem para todos...
Em maravilha, cumpre-se a Palavra de Jesus:
“E, como foi nos dias de Noé, assim será também a vinda do Filho do homem.
Porquanto, assim como, nos dias anteriores ao dilúvio, comiam, bebiam, casavam e davam-se em casamento, até ao dia em que Noé entrou na arca,
e não o perceberam, até que veio o dilúvio, e os levou a todos, assim será também a vinda do Filho do homem.” [Mateus 24]
É oportuno para se frisar que o “2012” é apenas distração para o mundo, porque provavelmente em 2012 o mundo já estará vivendo nos dias da Grande Tribulação, que vem após o Arrebatamento, assim que o anticristo assinar o acordo de paz com Israel, que será de sete anos, começa a contar a última semana do profeta Daniel.
Então vai acontecer o Arrebatameto; o Espírito Santo se retira da terra juntamente com a Igreja, vem um governo mundial = anticristo, onde ele faz um acordo de paz com Israel por sete anos, durante os três anos e meio, o mundo verá a falsa paz na terra, no meio dos três anos e meio, ele rompe o acordo com Israel, e vai exigir ser adorado, quando virá a tão falada marca da besta, quem aceitar essa marca já estará fadado ao inferno. Durante o início da Grande Tribulação, Deus vai selar 144.000 judeus que vão pregar o evangelho em todos os cantos da terra, vai ter as duas testemunhas de Deus que vão descer para a terra, e vai ter o anjo gritando no céu.
É necessário afirmar que após o Arrebatamento, o sobrenatural estará a olhos visíveis na terra, porque as duas testemunhas vêm do céu, os 144 mil selados o anticristo não vai ter poder sobre eles, não poderá matá-los, e eles poderão se mudar de local sem transporte, algo assim, estarão selados por Deus, o anjo no céu também será visto bradando para que não aceitem a marca. Então por isso digo que o sobrenatural estará visível.
Gostamos demais deste assunto, amamos a volta do Senhor Jesus, por isso nos empolgamos escrevendo. Quem não for arrebatado não pode aceitar a marca, porque se aceitar será condenado.
Jesus está voltando! Aleluia! Meditem, leiam, estudem a Bíblia, é a maravilhosa Palavra de Deus, onde vocês encontrarão tudo que lhes falta, nada neste mundo vai ficar bom, mas ao menos teremos a eternidade ao lado de Deus, num mundo de paz e amor, onde habitará a Justiça Divina Eterna, e é pela graça, não por dízimos e ofertas avultosas, e muitos menos por instituições igreja templos de tijolos!
Pastor evangélico não poderá interceder por ninguém, e não poderá apresentar ninguém a Deus [“E Aquele que examina os corações sabe qual é a intenção do Espírito; e é Ele que segundo Deus intercede pelos santos” - Romanos 8], pois, o pastor evangélico, como qualquer outro, estará diante de Cristo prestando conta do que fez! [“Porque todos devemos comparecer ante o tribunal de Cristo, para que cada um receba segundo o que tiver feito por meio do corpo, ou bem, ou mal” – 2Coríntios 5].
Por Cristo. Em Cristo. Para Cristo. Nos interesses de Sua Igreja.
As 13:29 postado por James, crente desigrejado!
Are We Hedging Our Bets?
Are We Hedging Our Bets?
This Week’s Feature Article by Jack Kelley
You may have read some of what follows before, but please read it again. In the clearest message the Lord has given me in a long time, He said to write these things now. I was in bed and half asleep when the message came to me. Fearful of forgetting it, I got up and made a bunch of random notes and then went back to bed. When they still made sense the next morning I decided it must have really been Him. Here’s the message I received.
Man’s religion tells us:
For our salvation, it’s faith plus works. For our health, it’s faith plus modern medicine. For our life, it’s faith plus self reliance.
The majority of religious people believe that faith is only part of the equation that leads to success. They think it’s a good beginning, but it has to be supplemented by human effort to produce the result we want.
But God’s Word tells us:
You can’t serve two masters (Matt. 6:24). A double minded man shouldn’t expect anything (James 1:7-8). Don’t store up treasure on Earth (Matt. 6:19). Sell everything you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in Heaven (Mark 10:21).
According to the Bible faith is not just one part of the equation, it’s the whole thing. We’re either walking by faith or we’re not. There’s no middle ground, no balanced approach, no hedging our bets.
And he told them this parable: “The ground of a certain rich man produced a good crop. He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’
“Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”’
“But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’
“This is how it will be for anyone who stores things up for himself but is not rich toward God.” (Luke 12:16-21)
This called the Parable of the Rich Fool for a reason. He was preparing for a future that would never come and in the process missed a bunch of opportunities to express his gratitude for the way the Lord had blessed him (being rich toward God). Who among us can guarantee that the future we’re preparing for will come to pass for us? In the meantime how many opportunities to express our gratitude to God through our generosity to others are we missing? There are people in every community who don’t have enough to eat today. How can we justify storing up for ourselves against the possibility of hard times in the future when there are urgent needs all around us today? The Lord told us not to worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will worry about itself. Instead we should seek His Kingdom and His righteousness and let Him meet our needs day by day (Matt. 6:31-34).
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. (2 Cor. 9:6-8)
The Lord hasn’t called us to store up goods for ourselves in case we’ll need them in the future, but He has called us to share what we have now, promising to give us more as we do. And before you say, “What about Joseph in Egypt?” read Genesis 41 again.
Upon learning of the coming famine, Joseph didn’t tell the Egyptians to begin storing up their excess. Instead, he imposed a 20% levy on the harvest and collected the all the extra grain in Egypt during seven years of plenty. When the famine came he sold it back to the very people he had taken it from. When he had all their money, he took their animals, and when he had all their animals he took their land, and finally he took them. By the end of the famine the people of Egypt were destitute slaves who literally belonged to Pharaoh (Genesis 47:13-21). Joseph had made him the richest man in the world.
The only free people left in Egypt were Pharaoh, the priests he supported, and the 70 members of Jacob’s family, who had never contributed anything to Egypt but were given its most fertile land. Until a few years ago it was most likely the biggest government orchestrated transfer of wealth in history. I’m convinced the main purpose of the famine was to move Jacob’s family to Egypt and restore Joseph to them. It certainly wasn’t meant to improve the lot of the Egyptian people.
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matt. 6:19-21)
But even if you don’t consider the outcome, the famine in Egypt is not a model for our times. Unlike Joseph, we’re not being told to store up treasure on Earth to prepare for a temporary time of hardship here. We’re being told to store up treasure in Heaven to prepare for a permanent relocation there.
Do not take along any gold or silver or copper in your belts; take no bag for the journey, or extra tunic, or sandals or a staff; for the worker is worth his keep. (Matt. 10:9-10)
This was the Lord’s instruction to the 12 disciples as He sent them out to preach the good news. When you’re working for Him, He takes care of the expenses. Even when He was alerting them to the difficult times ahead, as in Luke 21:12-19, He never advised them to create a secret stash in the mountains, but to stand firm in their faith that He would keep His promise to them. And His warning to people in Israel when the Great Tribulation begins is to not take anything with them when they flee (Matt. 24:15-18).
Paul complimented the Macedonian churches when out of their own severe trials came overflowing joy at the opportunity to help others, and who in their extreme poverty demonstrated rich generosity. Paul called this a manifestation of God’s grace (2 Cor. 8:1-2). They had every reason to save up what little extra they had against an uncertain future but instead delighted in the opportunity to help others even worse off than they were.
Some who advocate storing things up for the future claim it’s a demonstration of good stewardship. But the Bible’s definition of stewardship is to think of ourselves as a distribution channel for the Lord’s blessings. Give and it will be given to you, Jesus said, for with the measure you use it will be measured to you. (Luke 6:38). Our job is to begin the process by giving out of our excess. The Lord, who loves a generous giver, will send us more so we’ll have more to give.
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. (2 Cor. 9:6)
A farmer knows the size of his harvest will ultimately be determined by the manner in which he sows the seed. Would he therefore sow as little as possible and hide the rest for fear that he wouldn’t have enough in the future? Sowing generously brings a bountiful harvest assuring there will plenty for consumption now as well as sufficient seed for future sowing.
Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. (2 Cor. 9:10-11)
It’s the same with God. Generously sowing the blessings God has given us will assure a bountiful harvest. We’ll have more than enough for ourselves leaving plenty to share with others. And the more generously we sow, the more generously we’ll reap.
No where is this advice conditioned upon making sure we first have our own future needs met. Instead we’re told that generously sharing what we have now is the one thing that can guarantee our future needs will be met.
You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.” But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today. (Deut. 8:17-18)
Like the Israelites, you could say, “It’s my money and I can do whatever I want with it.” Once again, the Bible disagrees. There are plenty of people just as smart and just as talented as you are. They also work as hard as you work, but what they have doesn’t come close to what you have. The difference is you were blessed by God. It may have come in the form of an opportunity you happened upon, or the family you were born into, or even the country in which you live. But whatever it was, there is no exclusive connection between your capability and your reward. You are not the proverbial self made man. The fact is you’ve been blessed and your generosity is a demonstration of the extent to which you understand this and are grateful for it.
After a previous message like this someone asked, What are we supposed to do? Give away everything and just live hand to mouth? Based on Mark 10:21 the answer would be yes, but remember, it’s from God’s hand to our mouth and we can depend on Him.
This doesn’t have to begin as a big deal and you don’t have to work through your church if you don’t want to, although some churches have great programs for helping others. If yours doesn’t have such a program you could help start one, or you can go through a local Food Bank, Homeless Shelter, Rescue Mission or equivalent. You could start by just reducing your stock of “emergency” supplies and making a contribution to one of these organizations. Or you could hold a garage sale and get rid of a bunch of stuff you don’t use any more and hand them a check.
While you’re there ask some questions to find out what they do and how great the need is. Check out all the local programs and pitch in where you see the Lord working. I promise you it will soon become the most personally rewarding thing you do, and you’ll thank the Lord for blessing you so richly. Selah 11-19-11.
This Week’s Feature Article by Jack Kelley
You may have read some of what follows before, but please read it again. In the clearest message the Lord has given me in a long time, He said to write these things now. I was in bed and half asleep when the message came to me. Fearful of forgetting it, I got up and made a bunch of random notes and then went back to bed. When they still made sense the next morning I decided it must have really been Him. Here’s the message I received.
Man’s religion tells us:
For our salvation, it’s faith plus works. For our health, it’s faith plus modern medicine. For our life, it’s faith plus self reliance.
The majority of religious people believe that faith is only part of the equation that leads to success. They think it’s a good beginning, but it has to be supplemented by human effort to produce the result we want.
But God’s Word tells us:
You can’t serve two masters (Matt. 6:24). A double minded man shouldn’t expect anything (James 1:7-8). Don’t store up treasure on Earth (Matt. 6:19). Sell everything you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in Heaven (Mark 10:21).
According to the Bible faith is not just one part of the equation, it’s the whole thing. We’re either walking by faith or we’re not. There’s no middle ground, no balanced approach, no hedging our bets.
And he told them this parable: “The ground of a certain rich man produced a good crop. He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’
“Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”’
“But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’
“This is how it will be for anyone who stores things up for himself but is not rich toward God.” (Luke 12:16-21)
This called the Parable of the Rich Fool for a reason. He was preparing for a future that would never come and in the process missed a bunch of opportunities to express his gratitude for the way the Lord had blessed him (being rich toward God). Who among us can guarantee that the future we’re preparing for will come to pass for us? In the meantime how many opportunities to express our gratitude to God through our generosity to others are we missing? There are people in every community who don’t have enough to eat today. How can we justify storing up for ourselves against the possibility of hard times in the future when there are urgent needs all around us today? The Lord told us not to worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will worry about itself. Instead we should seek His Kingdom and His righteousness and let Him meet our needs day by day (Matt. 6:31-34).
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. (2 Cor. 9:6-8)
The Lord hasn’t called us to store up goods for ourselves in case we’ll need them in the future, but He has called us to share what we have now, promising to give us more as we do. And before you say, “What about Joseph in Egypt?” read Genesis 41 again.
Upon learning of the coming famine, Joseph didn’t tell the Egyptians to begin storing up their excess. Instead, he imposed a 20% levy on the harvest and collected the all the extra grain in Egypt during seven years of plenty. When the famine came he sold it back to the very people he had taken it from. When he had all their money, he took their animals, and when he had all their animals he took their land, and finally he took them. By the end of the famine the people of Egypt were destitute slaves who literally belonged to Pharaoh (Genesis 47:13-21). Joseph had made him the richest man in the world.
The only free people left in Egypt were Pharaoh, the priests he supported, and the 70 members of Jacob’s family, who had never contributed anything to Egypt but were given its most fertile land. Until a few years ago it was most likely the biggest government orchestrated transfer of wealth in history. I’m convinced the main purpose of the famine was to move Jacob’s family to Egypt and restore Joseph to them. It certainly wasn’t meant to improve the lot of the Egyptian people.
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matt. 6:19-21)
But even if you don’t consider the outcome, the famine in Egypt is not a model for our times. Unlike Joseph, we’re not being told to store up treasure on Earth to prepare for a temporary time of hardship here. We’re being told to store up treasure in Heaven to prepare for a permanent relocation there.
Do not take along any gold or silver or copper in your belts; take no bag for the journey, or extra tunic, or sandals or a staff; for the worker is worth his keep. (Matt. 10:9-10)
This was the Lord’s instruction to the 12 disciples as He sent them out to preach the good news. When you’re working for Him, He takes care of the expenses. Even when He was alerting them to the difficult times ahead, as in Luke 21:12-19, He never advised them to create a secret stash in the mountains, but to stand firm in their faith that He would keep His promise to them. And His warning to people in Israel when the Great Tribulation begins is to not take anything with them when they flee (Matt. 24:15-18).
Paul complimented the Macedonian churches when out of their own severe trials came overflowing joy at the opportunity to help others, and who in their extreme poverty demonstrated rich generosity. Paul called this a manifestation of God’s grace (2 Cor. 8:1-2). They had every reason to save up what little extra they had against an uncertain future but instead delighted in the opportunity to help others even worse off than they were.
Some who advocate storing things up for the future claim it’s a demonstration of good stewardship. But the Bible’s definition of stewardship is to think of ourselves as a distribution channel for the Lord’s blessings. Give and it will be given to you, Jesus said, for with the measure you use it will be measured to you. (Luke 6:38). Our job is to begin the process by giving out of our excess. The Lord, who loves a generous giver, will send us more so we’ll have more to give.
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. (2 Cor. 9:6)
A farmer knows the size of his harvest will ultimately be determined by the manner in which he sows the seed. Would he therefore sow as little as possible and hide the rest for fear that he wouldn’t have enough in the future? Sowing generously brings a bountiful harvest assuring there will plenty for consumption now as well as sufficient seed for future sowing.
Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. (2 Cor. 9:10-11)
It’s the same with God. Generously sowing the blessings God has given us will assure a bountiful harvest. We’ll have more than enough for ourselves leaving plenty to share with others. And the more generously we sow, the more generously we’ll reap.
No where is this advice conditioned upon making sure we first have our own future needs met. Instead we’re told that generously sharing what we have now is the one thing that can guarantee our future needs will be met.
You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.” But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today. (Deut. 8:17-18)
Like the Israelites, you could say, “It’s my money and I can do whatever I want with it.” Once again, the Bible disagrees. There are plenty of people just as smart and just as talented as you are. They also work as hard as you work, but what they have doesn’t come close to what you have. The difference is you were blessed by God. It may have come in the form of an opportunity you happened upon, or the family you were born into, or even the country in which you live. But whatever it was, there is no exclusive connection between your capability and your reward. You are not the proverbial self made man. The fact is you’ve been blessed and your generosity is a demonstration of the extent to which you understand this and are grateful for it.
After a previous message like this someone asked, What are we supposed to do? Give away everything and just live hand to mouth? Based on Mark 10:21 the answer would be yes, but remember, it’s from God’s hand to our mouth and we can depend on Him.
This doesn’t have to begin as a big deal and you don’t have to work through your church if you don’t want to, although some churches have great programs for helping others. If yours doesn’t have such a program you could help start one, or you can go through a local Food Bank, Homeless Shelter, Rescue Mission or equivalent. You could start by just reducing your stock of “emergency” supplies and making a contribution to one of these organizations. Or you could hold a garage sale and get rid of a bunch of stuff you don’t use any more and hand them a check.
While you’re there ask some questions to find out what they do and how great the need is. Check out all the local programs and pitch in where you see the Lord working. I promise you it will soon become the most personally rewarding thing you do, and you’ll thank the Lord for blessing you so richly. Selah 11-19-11.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Where is Mount Sinai?:
Where is Mount Sinai?: 11/16/11 from Gary Stearman on Vimeo.
Gary talks with Bob Cornuke about where the biblical Mount Sinai is. Bob believes that it is not in the Sinai Peninsula but in Saudi Arabia.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Time Travelers of the Bible Part 3 - The Cross of Christ
Time Travelers of the Bible Part 3 from Gary Stearman on Vimeo.
Gary and Bob continue their discussion on Gary's book "Time Travelers of the Bible".
Apostle Paul's Shipwreck on Malta
Apostle Paul's Shipwreck 11/15/11 from Gary Stearman on Vimeo.
Gary sits down with Bob Cornuke to discuss his Lost Shipwreck of Paul project. Have we located where the wreck occurred? Have the anchors been recovered?
For a study on Paul´s shipwreck part I, click here
Faith Or Fear
Faith Or Fear, Follow Up
Q. In response to “Faith or Fear” I certainly understand everyone’s natural fear for the future what with all the events happening in our world today. Your short response of essentially: “don’t worry, have faith … God will provide” bothered me greatly. Yes, we are to maintain a solid faith in our Lord and His faithful provision for His own. However; there should be a balance. I believe He expects us to be “Preppers” once He has forewarned us! What’s wrong with preparing for the future with whatever wisdom you have? I can think of several times that the Lord sent word to His people to prepare. Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and David were all given warnings and told to prepare. It’s a godly thing to prepare. Being a “Prepper” is stepping out in faith. I’m a Berean.
A. The response I gave, “don’t worry, have faith … God will provide” was a direct quote from Jesus (Matt. 6:31-33).
Bereans searched the scripture to find the truth. What you’ve done is search the scripture to find verses that justify your opinion. None of them are comparable because all of them concerned a temporary condition on Earth. What we’re dealing with is a permanent departure to Heaven.
Saying there needs to be a balance is like saying we need to mix faith with self reliance, which is not Biblical. If you want to exercise your faith by preparing, then stop storing up treasure on Earth and start storing it up in heaven (Matt. 6:19-20), because that’s where you’re going.
Q. In response to “Faith or Fear” I certainly understand everyone’s natural fear for the future what with all the events happening in our world today. Your short response of essentially: “don’t worry, have faith … God will provide” bothered me greatly. Yes, we are to maintain a solid faith in our Lord and His faithful provision for His own. However; there should be a balance. I believe He expects us to be “Preppers” once He has forewarned us! What’s wrong with preparing for the future with whatever wisdom you have? I can think of several times that the Lord sent word to His people to prepare. Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and David were all given warnings and told to prepare. It’s a godly thing to prepare. Being a “Prepper” is stepping out in faith. I’m a Berean.
A. The response I gave, “don’t worry, have faith … God will provide” was a direct quote from Jesus (Matt. 6:31-33).
Bereans searched the scripture to find the truth. What you’ve done is search the scripture to find verses that justify your opinion. None of them are comparable because all of them concerned a temporary condition on Earth. What we’re dealing with is a permanent departure to Heaven.
Saying there needs to be a balance is like saying we need to mix faith with self reliance, which is not Biblical. If you want to exercise your faith by preparing, then stop storing up treasure on Earth and start storing it up in heaven (Matt. 6:19-20), because that’s where you’re going.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Phil Keaggy and Benny Prasad Jam without Practice
Phil Keaggy and Benny Prasad jamming session without practice.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Column One: With friends like these ... JPost - Opinion
Column One: With friends like these
Column One: With friends like the... JPost - Opinion - Columnists
Column One: With friends like the... JPost - Opinion - Columnists
Friday, November 11, 2011
The Best Study Method
The Best Study Method
Jack Kelley. http://gracethrufaith.com/ask-a-bible-teacher
Q. I have been following you for such a long time; and finally decided to ask a question I’ve long wondered about. You have become such an expert on answering scripture related questions; and I trust and respect your wisdom. Would you share with me the technique (method) you find most helpful in studying the Word? I’ve tried several methods and have lots of reference books, but still don’t seem to have a handle on the best way. I, too, believe time is short; and I want to learn all I can while I’m still here.
A. I don’t subscribe to any organized method of study. I think they’re too structured and can turn something that should be fun into drudgery. From the beginning I let the Holy Spirit direct me in my studies and went wherever I thought He was taking me. This resulted in my study always being an exciting journey of discovery. I’m like a dog sniffing a rabbit trail, going where ever it leads me without a thought for how random or circuitous it seems. The Holy Spirit was sent to be our teacher (John 16:13-15) and has a plan uniquely tailored for each of us. I’m following the plan He has for me.
Jack Kelley. http://gracethrufaith.com/ask-a-bible-teacher
Q. I have been following you for such a long time; and finally decided to ask a question I’ve long wondered about. You have become such an expert on answering scripture related questions; and I trust and respect your wisdom. Would you share with me the technique (method) you find most helpful in studying the Word? I’ve tried several methods and have lots of reference books, but still don’t seem to have a handle on the best way. I, too, believe time is short; and I want to learn all I can while I’m still here.
A. I don’t subscribe to any organized method of study. I think they’re too structured and can turn something that should be fun into drudgery. From the beginning I let the Holy Spirit direct me in my studies and went wherever I thought He was taking me. This resulted in my study always being an exciting journey of discovery. I’m like a dog sniffing a rabbit trail, going where ever it leads me without a thought for how random or circuitous it seems. The Holy Spirit was sent to be our teacher (John 16:13-15) and has a plan uniquely tailored for each of us. I’m following the plan He has for me.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Love does not behave itself unseemingly (is not rude). I Corinthians 13. The most excellent way.
L´amour ne fait rien d´inconvenant. I Corinthiens 13. L'approche par excellence.
Love does not behave itself unseemingly (is not rude). I Corinthians 13. The most excellent way.
L´amour ne fait rien d´inconvenant. I Corinthiens 13. L'approche par excellence.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
C’est mon premier jour sur le tracteur ! Une brise matinale fraîche balaie le champ. Le bruit du moteur étouffe le chant des grillons et les faibles sons de la campagne. Avec la charrue dans le sol, je traverse le champ. Je baisse le regard sur les jauges et la commande de changement de vitesse, je serre l’acier froid du volant, puis j’admire la puissance à ma disposition. Finalement, je regarde derrière pour voir les résultats. Au lieu du sillon bien droit que je m’attendais à voir, je vois ce qui ressemble plutôt à un serpent ondulant, plus tortueux que l’Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
C’est qu’on nous dit bien : « Laboure en gardant les yeux fixés sur le piquet declôture. » En fixant du regard un point au-delà du champ, le laboureur est sûr de labourer en ligne droite. Je m’y emploie au retour, avec des résultats révélateurs : le sillon est droit. Il n’ondulait que lorsque je n’avais pas de point de mire.
Paul a usé d’une sagesse similaire lorsqu’il a écrit au sujet de la nécessité de garder le regard fixé sur Jésus-Christ et de l’incidence que cela a eue sur lui. Cela lui a permis non seulement de faire fi des distractions(Ph 3.8,13), mais encore de garder les yeux fixés sur le but (v. 8,14), de remarquer le résultat (v. 9-11) et d’observer l’exemple qu’il donne aux autres (v. 16,17).
Comme Paul, si nous gardons le regard fixé sur Christ, nous labourerons des sillons droits et nous accomplirons les desseins de Dieu dans notre vie.
Si vous gardez les yeux fixés sur Christ,
tout se mettra en perspective. (RBC)
C’est mon premier jour sur le tracteur ! Une brise matinale fraîche balaie le champ. Le bruit du moteur étouffe le chant des grillons et les faibles sons de la campagne. Avec la charrue dans le sol, je traverse le champ. Je baisse le regard sur les jauges et la commande de changement de vitesse, je serre l’acier froid du volant, puis j’admire la puissance à ma disposition. Finalement, je regarde derrière pour voir les résultats. Au lieu du sillon bien droit que je m’attendais à voir, je vois ce qui ressemble plutôt à un serpent ondulant, plus tortueux que l’Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
C’est qu’on nous dit bien : « Laboure en gardant les yeux fixés sur le piquet declôture. » En fixant du regard un point au-delà du champ, le laboureur est sûr de labourer en ligne droite. Je m’y emploie au retour, avec des résultats révélateurs : le sillon est droit. Il n’ondulait que lorsque je n’avais pas de point de mire.
Paul a usé d’une sagesse similaire lorsqu’il a écrit au sujet de la nécessité de garder le regard fixé sur Jésus-Christ et de l’incidence que cela a eue sur lui. Cela lui a permis non seulement de faire fi des distractions(Ph 3.8,13), mais encore de garder les yeux fixés sur le but (v. 8,14), de remarquer le résultat (v. 9-11) et d’observer l’exemple qu’il donne aux autres (v. 16,17).
Comme Paul, si nous gardons le regard fixé sur Christ, nous labourerons des sillons droits et nous accomplirons les desseins de Dieu dans notre vie.
Si vous gardez les yeux fixés sur Christ,
tout se mettra en perspective. (RBC)
It’s my first day on the tractor! A crisp morning breeze brushes across the field. Crickets and country silence yield to the roar of the engine. Dropping the plow into the soil, I head out across the field. I look down at the gauges and gearshift, squeeze the cold steel of the steering wheel, and admire the power at my disposal. Finally, I look back to view the results. Instead of the ramrod straight line I was expecting, I see what looks like a slithering snake, with more bends and curves than the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
We know better. “Plow with your eye on the fence post,” we’ve been told. By staying focused on a point across the field, a person plowing is assured of a straight line. On the return I comply, with telling results: The line is straight. The row was messed up only when I didn’t have a focus point.
Paul had similar wisdom when he wrote of having his focus on Jesus Christ and the impact it had on him. Not only did he ignore distractions (Phil. 3:8,13), he set the focus (vv.8,14), noted the result (vv.9-11), and observed the pattern it sets for others (vv.16-17).
Like Paul, if we focus on Christ, we will plow a straight path and accomplish God’s purpose in our lives.
When you keep your eyes on God, everything will come into focus. (RBC)
It’s my first day on the tractor! A crisp morning breeze brushes across the field. Crickets and country silence yield to the roar of the engine. Dropping the plow into the soil, I head out across the field. I look down at the gauges and gearshift, squeeze the cold steel of the steering wheel, and admire the power at my disposal. Finally, I look back to view the results. Instead of the ramrod straight line I was expecting, I see what looks like a slithering snake, with more bends and curves than the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
We know better. “Plow with your eye on the fence post,” we’ve been told. By staying focused on a point across the field, a person plowing is assured of a straight line. On the return I comply, with telling results: The line is straight. The row was messed up only when I didn’t have a focus point.
Paul had similar wisdom when he wrote of having his focus on Jesus Christ and the impact it had on him. Not only did he ignore distractions (Phil. 3:8,13), he set the focus (vv.8,14), noted the result (vv.9-11), and observed the pattern it sets for others (vv.16-17).
Like Paul, if we focus on Christ, we will plow a straight path and accomplish God’s purpose in our lives.
When you keep your eyes on God, everything will come into focus. (RBC)
The Nicholaitans- More on false teachings and practices.
Written and posted by Jean-Louis
In Revelation chapter 2:15 John mentions the Nicolaitans twice. This group is formed as a partnership of the Church and the world, through the ordination of a supposedly superior clergy elite class ruling over a supposedly inferior laity, the spiritually uneducated masses if you will. This, in Greek, is the meaning of Nico and Laitan. It begins with a compromise and ends in powerlessness and destruction when the Lord judges and removes the candlestick of such churches. The institution can have the appearance of a functioning organization ruled by men but its life source, its spiritual guidance and dynamic power have been removed as when the glory of God departed from the temple in the time of Ezequiel or “Ichabod, the Glory has departed” was pronounced in 1 Samuel 4:19-22.
Who were these Nicolaitans? It is supposed that this group whose name is derived from a man named Nicolas, compromised with pagan practices in order to allow Christians to associate with popular customs.
Does it remind us of another time in Israel’s history when the people wanted a King like the other nations around them and rejected God´s rule? God told them that their King would lord it over them. This is exactly what happened to the institution of the church through the ages, the clergy, a separate hierarchical class of trained ministers, taking the control of God´s people through different methods that are not from God and are not recorded in His Word. WE are ALL a nation of priests according to Peter, none of us superior to the other. In the last half of the twentieth century, the Church has been infiltrated by the world’s philosophy and has found a most welcome reception in both "liberal" and "conservative" elements in its ranks.
This is exactly what Paul, Peter and John were warning their flocks about. In Revelation chapter 2, the teaching of Balaam is mentioned in the same paragraph as the teaching of the Nicolaitans. To study more about this, see 2 Peter 2:15 and Jude 11.
Of course, this practice in the churches is not new. Since the absorption of pagan practices in the church under Roman Emperors Constantine’s and Theodosius’ reigns resulting in a syncretism which has permeated the church until now, we have witnessed this phenomenon in the modern "church" that will culminate in the unification of all the apostate ecumenical churches under the rule of Antichrist during the greatest deception ever perpetrated on mankind.
As far as I know, God has not rescinded His commands to the Church. He has not changed one iota of His perfect, pure, eternal, unchanging Word. He still keeps on building His Church on the perfect, indestructible “foundation of the apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone”. Ephesians 2:20.
Maybe our human hands build buildings imperfectly on faulty foundations that will crack and not support the weight. Not so with the Lord and his Word. Everything He creates and builds is perfect. We do not need to try and improve on it.
Furthermore, there are warnings throughout the Bible for those who would try and change it. Deuteronomy 4:2 declares: “do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you”.
Several other passages give the same command, with consequences added in the case of Revelation 22:19: “And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.”
Further in 2 Corinthians 10:8, Paul continues with this theme after explaining to us the good use of his authority when he declares: “For even if I boast somewhat freely about the authority the Lord gave us for building you up rather than pulling you down, I will not be ashamed of it”. We can see from these words that Paul always had his disciples’ best interest at heart.
In conclusion, let us beware of practices prohibited by God in His Word, first introduced by people outside and inside the Church who distort the Scriptures to back up these practices and later on formulate a false theology once the practice has been entrenched through decades or centuries of traditions in the lives of people.
True Christian practices should always have as their basis pure and sound doctrine and should stem from biblical principles and the leading of the Holy Spirit who will never contradict His Word. Sound teaching should always precede good practices, not the other way around because the human heart is so deceitful. Let’s leave this type of behavior to the politicians who have perfected it to an art.
In Revelation chapter 2:15 John mentions the Nicolaitans twice. This group is formed as a partnership of the Church and the world, through the ordination of a supposedly superior clergy elite class ruling over a supposedly inferior laity, the spiritually uneducated masses if you will. This, in Greek, is the meaning of Nico and Laitan. It begins with a compromise and ends in powerlessness and destruction when the Lord judges and removes the candlestick of such churches. The institution can have the appearance of a functioning organization ruled by men but its life source, its spiritual guidance and dynamic power have been removed as when the glory of God departed from the temple in the time of Ezequiel or “Ichabod, the Glory has departed” was pronounced in 1 Samuel 4:19-22.
Who were these Nicolaitans? It is supposed that this group whose name is derived from a man named Nicolas, compromised with pagan practices in order to allow Christians to associate with popular customs.
Does it remind us of another time in Israel’s history when the people wanted a King like the other nations around them and rejected God´s rule? God told them that their King would lord it over them. This is exactly what happened to the institution of the church through the ages, the clergy, a separate hierarchical class of trained ministers, taking the control of God´s people through different methods that are not from God and are not recorded in His Word. WE are ALL a nation of priests according to Peter, none of us superior to the other. In the last half of the twentieth century, the Church has been infiltrated by the world’s philosophy and has found a most welcome reception in both "liberal" and "conservative" elements in its ranks.
This is exactly what Paul, Peter and John were warning their flocks about. In Revelation chapter 2, the teaching of Balaam is mentioned in the same paragraph as the teaching of the Nicolaitans. To study more about this, see 2 Peter 2:15 and Jude 11.
Of course, this practice in the churches is not new. Since the absorption of pagan practices in the church under Roman Emperors Constantine’s and Theodosius’ reigns resulting in a syncretism which has permeated the church until now, we have witnessed this phenomenon in the modern "church" that will culminate in the unification of all the apostate ecumenical churches under the rule of Antichrist during the greatest deception ever perpetrated on mankind.
As far as I know, God has not rescinded His commands to the Church. He has not changed one iota of His perfect, pure, eternal, unchanging Word. He still keeps on building His Church on the perfect, indestructible “foundation of the apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone”. Ephesians 2:20.
Maybe our human hands build buildings imperfectly on faulty foundations that will crack and not support the weight. Not so with the Lord and his Word. Everything He creates and builds is perfect. We do not need to try and improve on it.
Furthermore, there are warnings throughout the Bible for those who would try and change it. Deuteronomy 4:2 declares: “do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you”.
Several other passages give the same command, with consequences added in the case of Revelation 22:19: “And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.”
Further in 2 Corinthians 10:8, Paul continues with this theme after explaining to us the good use of his authority when he declares: “For even if I boast somewhat freely about the authority the Lord gave us for building you up rather than pulling you down, I will not be ashamed of it”. We can see from these words that Paul always had his disciples’ best interest at heart.
In conclusion, let us beware of practices prohibited by God in His Word, first introduced by people outside and inside the Church who distort the Scriptures to back up these practices and later on formulate a false theology once the practice has been entrenched through decades or centuries of traditions in the lives of people.
True Christian practices should always have as their basis pure and sound doctrine and should stem from biblical principles and the leading of the Holy Spirit who will never contradict His Word. Sound teaching should always precede good practices, not the other way around because the human heart is so deceitful. Let’s leave this type of behavior to the politicians who have perfected it to an art.
Monday, November 7, 2011
The PreTrib Rapture with Fred DeRuvo
The PreTrib Rapture with Fred DeRuvo from Gary Stearman on Vimeo.
Gary sits down with Fred DeRuvo to discuss the pretribulation rapture of the church.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Le poison des faux enseignements et le besoin plus que jamais pressant d´exercer le don de discernement dans l´église aujourd´hui
La Scène:
Une serre pleine de fleurs et de plantes.
C’est le moment de fertiliser les plantes pour qu’elles grandissent et deviennent fortes et belles.
Equipement nécessaire:
Une citerne pour le mélange, de l’eau, une pompe et un tuyau avec un jet pour amener l’eau et le fertilizant sous pression jusqu’aux plantes.
Equipement personnel:
Des vêtements de protection imperméables, des bottes, des gants et un masque respiratoire protecteur.
Fertilisant chimique:
Contenu dans un sac en papier en forme de poudre soluble.
Ingrédients inertes: 99,5 %
Ingrédients actifs: 0,5 %
Mode d’emploi:
Rempir le réservoir d’eau, diluer la dose appropriée de fertilisant et commencer à arroser les plantes copieusement.
Résultat espéré:
La croissance des plantes.
Maintenant imaginons un scénario dans lequel au lieu de fertilisant, quelqu’un sans faire attention aux avertissements de l’étiquette ou peut-être intentionellement mélangerait un insecticide ou un pesticide à l’eau.
Tout serait pareil, le cadre, l’ouvrier, les plantes et fleurs, l’eau, l’équipement, les ingrédients inertes en mesure égales, tout sauf les 0,5% (plus ou moins) de quantité de poison mortel pour les plantes.
Quel en est l’effet sur les plantes? Au minimum, elles se flétrissent, jaunissent, perdent de la vigueur, de leur beauté ou même meurent si la concentration d’insectide est assez forte.
Changement de scène.
Imaginons un temple.
Nous avons l’édifice, les gens, les chaises, le groupe de louanges, les instruments de musique, le lutrin, et le Pasteur ou l’ancien prêchant la parole de Dieu de la Bible.
Ou cela pourrait être une classe d’école dominicale ou un groupe de réunion de foyers dans lequel le dirigeant ou d’autres participants du groupe partagent des témoignages, des histoires ou des illustrations visant à aider le groupe.
Voyez-vous le parallèle avec la situation dans la serre?
Chaque fois que quelqu’un (le travailleur qui arrose les plantes) apporte la Parole de Dieu utilisant la Bible et expliquent clairement et fidèlement les Écritures sous l’onction du Saint-Esprit, les auditeurs (représentés par les plantes) grandissent en sagesse, entendement, amour, force intérieures, etc, et sont consolés, encouragés dans tous les aspects de la vie chrétienne s’ils mettent en pratique les leçons des Écritures avec diligence et obéissance à la parole.
Les histoires, les illustrations, les poèmes, paraboles et témoignages personnels
peuvent être comparés aux ingrédients inertes qui aident à apporter le
message biblique aux auditeurs. Ils sont neutres et ont pour but de fournir un
cadre pour le message spirituel. Ils peuvent être intéressants, fascinants, mais
ce qui fournit la croissance du croyant, c’est la puissante et pénétrante parole
divine qui agit par son oeuvre de conversion du pécheur, purifiant le coeur et
l’esprit de l’être humain. C’est le Saint-Esprit à travers la parole qui illumine, établit et édifie en lui donnant lumière, force, paix et consolation. La liste des bénéfices et bénédictions de la parole de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ dans la vie du croyant est inépuisable.
La parole de Dieu est si remplie de vie, de puissance et si efficace qu’un seul
verset de la Bible suffit pour transformer un coeur dur et impénétrable, ouvrir
l’esprit et changer la vie d’un homme et le tirer de la mort jusqu’à la vie, des
ténêbres à la lumière par la puissance du Saint-Esprit qui applique la parole de
vie au coeur du pécheur et qui achève son oeuvre invisible et pourtant manisfeste.
Maintenant changeons de scénario. Nous avons la même situation, le même
édifice, les mêmes personnes, le même groupe de louanges, les mêmes
instruments, le même lutrin, les mêmes pasteurs ou anciens, la même Bible,
tout est pareil.
Mais il se peut que certaines illustrations, poèmes, histoires accompagnant la
prédication ou la leçon biblique contiennent des éléments douteux et
imperceptibles de fausses croyances, celles-ci lues dans un livre ou relatées
dans un programme de radio ou de télévision. Ou même et encore pire, un
changement du sens de la parole elle-même, chose interdite par Dieu lui-
Supposons que l’homme manque de discernement et parle sans connaître
l’origine, la nature ou la portée de ce qu’il relate. Peu importe, l’effet a des
conséquences dévastatrices dans la vie de ceux qui l’écoutent, l’absorbent et
l’assimilent car le poison même en petites doses est toujours du poison, même
si la personne est bien intentionnée. Selon l’importance et la vulnérabilité et
manque de discernment du chrétien, l’influence et son effet sera plus ou moins
Dans l’église, Dieu notre père nous a donné tout ce dont nous avons besoin. Les
structures et l’équipement matériels, les pasteurs, les maîtres, les frères et
soeurs participant au culte. Il nous a donné la voix pour le louer, pour
proclamer son message de pardon et d’amour, notre esprit et notre coeur pour
recevoir et partager sa parole. Celle-ci, par la pratique des oeuvres nous aide à
grandir et à mûrir pour devenir conforme à l’image de notre Seigneur Jésus-
Christ. Sa parole est pure et ne peut jamais se mélanger à n’importe quoi
Un enseignement autre ou contraire à la parole est poison pour notre âme. On
ne doit pas permettre à notre voix de transmettre ce qui est poison aux oreilles
d’autres personnes
Les maîtres ont bien sûr une plus grand responsabilité d’exercer la prudence
envers la parole. Bien sûr, chaque chrétien doit se servir de la parole comme
système de filtration pour juger ce qui est bon et vrai lorsqu’il s’agit d’enseignement spirituel. La parole avec l’aide du Saint–Esprit nous aide à discerner, à nous protéger et nous devons la manier comme arme offensive pour combattre les mensonges et les tromperies de notre enemi. Le meilleur antidote si on a avalé du poison par inadvertance est la parole de Dieu a l´effet salutaire, purifiant et guérisseur. On se doit dans ce contexte d´appliquer l´enseignement de Paul sur les Béréens que Paul louait pour leur discernement lorsqu´ils n´acceptaientt pas d´emblée comme véridique l´enseignement de Paul sans avoir au préalable consulté le texte biblique pour vérifier si ses paroles étaient basées sur la vérité divine révélée antérieurement.
Dans l bible la Parole est comparée au pain. Jésus nous a averti que notre pain doit se
garder de tout ajout de levain de pharisien qui est l´hypocrisie quand nous
nous comportons comme eux en ajoutant de faux enseignements et un fardeau
dont le Seigneur lui-même ne nous a pas chargé. Il est intéssant de noter que
le ferment dont le boulanger se sert pour faire monter la pâte de pain ne peut
se développer que dans un milieu tiède qui décrit parfaitement la condition de
l´église de Laodicéa dans l´Apocalypse. Le levain ne peut pas survivre dans
des températures chaudes ou froides qui neutralisent son effet gonflant.
Il suffit d´observer les effets pour reconnaître les cause.
Le zèle sans connaissance est sans profit. Proverbes 19:2, Romains 10:2. La
connaissance, comme le levain sans amour gongle, I Corinthians 8:1: La
connaissance enorgueillit, mais l´amour édifie. Car en Jésus-Christ ce qui a de
la valeur, c´est la foi, qui est agissante par l´amour. Un peu de levain fait
lever toute la pâte. Galates 5: 6-9.
Proverbes 30:5 Toute parole de Dieu est éprouvée (ou pure), il est un bouclier
pour ceux qui se réfugient en lui.
Hébreux 4:12-13 Louis Segond (LSG) 12 Car la parole de Dieu est vivante et efficace, plus tranchante qu'une épée quelconque à deux tranchants, pénétrante jusqu'à partager âme et esprit, jointures et moelles; elle juge les sentiments et les pensées du coeur. 13 Nulle créature n'est cachée devant lui, mais tout est à nu et à découvert aux yeux de celui à qui nous devons rendre compte.
By Jean-Louis.
La Scène:
Une serre pleine de fleurs et de plantes.
C’est le moment de fertiliser les plantes pour qu’elles grandissent et deviennent fortes et belles.
Equipement nécessaire:
Une citerne pour le mélange, de l’eau, une pompe et un tuyau avec un jet pour amener l’eau et le fertilizant sous pression jusqu’aux plantes.
Equipement personnel:
Des vêtements de protection imperméables, des bottes, des gants et un masque respiratoire protecteur.
Fertilisant chimique:
Contenu dans un sac en papier en forme de poudre soluble.
Ingrédients inertes: 99,5 %
Ingrédients actifs: 0,5 %
Mode d’emploi:
Rempir le réservoir d’eau, diluer la dose appropriée de fertilisant et commencer à arroser les plantes copieusement.
Résultat espéré:
La croissance des plantes.
Maintenant imaginons un scénario dans lequel au lieu de fertilisant, quelqu’un sans faire attention aux avertissements de l’étiquette ou peut-être intentionellement mélangerait un insecticide ou un pesticide à l’eau.
Tout serait pareil, le cadre, l’ouvrier, les plantes et fleurs, l’eau, l’équipement, les ingrédients inertes en mesure égales, tout sauf les 0,5% (plus ou moins) de quantité de poison mortel pour les plantes.
Quel en est l’effet sur les plantes? Au minimum, elles se flétrissent, jaunissent, perdent de la vigueur, de leur beauté ou même meurent si la concentration d’insectide est assez forte.
Changement de scène.
Imaginons un temple.
Nous avons l’édifice, les gens, les chaises, le groupe de louanges, les instruments de musique, le lutrin, et le Pasteur ou l’ancien prêchant la parole de Dieu de la Bible.
Ou cela pourrait être une classe d’école dominicale ou un groupe de réunion de foyers dans lequel le dirigeant ou d’autres participants du groupe partagent des témoignages, des histoires ou des illustrations visant à aider le groupe.
Voyez-vous le parallèle avec la situation dans la serre?
Chaque fois que quelqu’un (le travailleur qui arrose les plantes) apporte la Parole de Dieu utilisant la Bible et expliquent clairement et fidèlement les Écritures sous l’onction du Saint-Esprit, les auditeurs (représentés par les plantes) grandissent en sagesse, entendement, amour, force intérieures, etc, et sont consolés, encouragés dans tous les aspects de la vie chrétienne s’ils mettent en pratique les leçons des Écritures avec diligence et obéissance à la parole.
Les histoires, les illustrations, les poèmes, paraboles et témoignages personnels
peuvent être comparés aux ingrédients inertes qui aident à apporter le
message biblique aux auditeurs. Ils sont neutres et ont pour but de fournir un
cadre pour le message spirituel. Ils peuvent être intéressants, fascinants, mais
ce qui fournit la croissance du croyant, c’est la puissante et pénétrante parole
divine qui agit par son oeuvre de conversion du pécheur, purifiant le coeur et
l’esprit de l’être humain. C’est le Saint-Esprit à travers la parole qui illumine, établit et édifie en lui donnant lumière, force, paix et consolation. La liste des bénéfices et bénédictions de la parole de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ dans la vie du croyant est inépuisable.
La parole de Dieu est si remplie de vie, de puissance et si efficace qu’un seul
verset de la Bible suffit pour transformer un coeur dur et impénétrable, ouvrir
l’esprit et changer la vie d’un homme et le tirer de la mort jusqu’à la vie, des
ténêbres à la lumière par la puissance du Saint-Esprit qui applique la parole de
vie au coeur du pécheur et qui achève son oeuvre invisible et pourtant manisfeste.
Maintenant changeons de scénario. Nous avons la même situation, le même
édifice, les mêmes personnes, le même groupe de louanges, les mêmes
instruments, le même lutrin, les mêmes pasteurs ou anciens, la même Bible,
tout est pareil.
Mais il se peut que certaines illustrations, poèmes, histoires accompagnant la
prédication ou la leçon biblique contiennent des éléments douteux et
imperceptibles de fausses croyances, celles-ci lues dans un livre ou relatées
dans un programme de radio ou de télévision. Ou même et encore pire, un
changement du sens de la parole elle-même, chose interdite par Dieu lui-
Supposons que l’homme manque de discernement et parle sans connaître
l’origine, la nature ou la portée de ce qu’il relate. Peu importe, l’effet a des
conséquences dévastatrices dans la vie de ceux qui l’écoutent, l’absorbent et
l’assimilent car le poison même en petites doses est toujours du poison, même
si la personne est bien intentionnée. Selon l’importance et la vulnérabilité et
manque de discernment du chrétien, l’influence et son effet sera plus ou moins
Dans l’église, Dieu notre père nous a donné tout ce dont nous avons besoin. Les
structures et l’équipement matériels, les pasteurs, les maîtres, les frères et
soeurs participant au culte. Il nous a donné la voix pour le louer, pour
proclamer son message de pardon et d’amour, notre esprit et notre coeur pour
recevoir et partager sa parole. Celle-ci, par la pratique des oeuvres nous aide à
grandir et à mûrir pour devenir conforme à l’image de notre Seigneur Jésus-
Christ. Sa parole est pure et ne peut jamais se mélanger à n’importe quoi
Un enseignement autre ou contraire à la parole est poison pour notre âme. On
ne doit pas permettre à notre voix de transmettre ce qui est poison aux oreilles
d’autres personnes
Les maîtres ont bien sûr une plus grand responsabilité d’exercer la prudence
envers la parole. Bien sûr, chaque chrétien doit se servir de la parole comme
système de filtration pour juger ce qui est bon et vrai lorsqu’il s’agit d’enseignement spirituel. La parole avec l’aide du Saint–Esprit nous aide à discerner, à nous protéger et nous devons la manier comme arme offensive pour combattre les mensonges et les tromperies de notre enemi. Le meilleur antidote si on a avalé du poison par inadvertance est la parole de Dieu a l´effet salutaire, purifiant et guérisseur. On se doit dans ce contexte d´appliquer l´enseignement de Paul sur les Béréens que Paul louait pour leur discernement lorsqu´ils n´acceptaientt pas d´emblée comme véridique l´enseignement de Paul sans avoir au préalable consulté le texte biblique pour vérifier si ses paroles étaient basées sur la vérité divine révélée antérieurement.
Dans l bible la Parole est comparée au pain. Jésus nous a averti que notre pain doit se
garder de tout ajout de levain de pharisien qui est l´hypocrisie quand nous
nous comportons comme eux en ajoutant de faux enseignements et un fardeau
dont le Seigneur lui-même ne nous a pas chargé. Il est intéssant de noter que
le ferment dont le boulanger se sert pour faire monter la pâte de pain ne peut
se développer que dans un milieu tiède qui décrit parfaitement la condition de
l´église de Laodicéa dans l´Apocalypse. Le levain ne peut pas survivre dans
des températures chaudes ou froides qui neutralisent son effet gonflant.
Il suffit d´observer les effets pour reconnaître les cause.
Le zèle sans connaissance est sans profit. Proverbes 19:2, Romains 10:2. La
connaissance, comme le levain sans amour gongle, I Corinthians 8:1: La
connaissance enorgueillit, mais l´amour édifie. Car en Jésus-Christ ce qui a de
la valeur, c´est la foi, qui est agissante par l´amour. Un peu de levain fait
lever toute la pâte. Galates 5: 6-9.
Proverbes 30:5 Toute parole de Dieu est éprouvée (ou pure), il est un bouclier
pour ceux qui se réfugient en lui.
Hébreux 4:12-13 Louis Segond (LSG) 12 Car la parole de Dieu est vivante et efficace, plus tranchante qu'une épée quelconque à deux tranchants, pénétrante jusqu'à partager âme et esprit, jointures et moelles; elle juge les sentiments et les pensées du coeur. 13 Nulle créature n'est cachée devant lui, mais tout est à nu et à découvert aux yeux de celui à qui nous devons rendre compte.
By Jean-Louis.
BLOG TEACHERV JOANI C.P.: MÁ ALIMENTAÇÃO ESPIRITUAL: Em muitos países, a obesidade infantil está em constante elevação. Os maiores responsáveis por este ganho de peso nocivo à saúde são os m...
Friday, November 4, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Sometimes, upon rereading my reflections on relationships or my love poems, I wonder where I find all these thoughts and I find that they have a life of their own. Like a baby they have 2 parents and once they are born, they don´t belong to us, but have their origin in the Creator who was kind enough to put in us the talents and gifts that we have to lighten up the dark world in which we live. All my efforts at writing would come up empty if it weren´t for my Inspiration, the other parent. These thoughts first of all come from the source of life and second they come from the inspiration of my muse. I try keeping them for the moments when I feel empty and the mere act of remembering elicits in me a natural joie de vivre.
Inspiration is part of the respiration process. Compare the 2 sorts of sighs people experience and let out as a manifestation of their inner being's condition.
If we are depressed, bored, inactive, feeling heavy, sad, uneasy, indecisive, hopeless, our breath will give it away in the way we sigh, we have no inspiration for life, no zest, just the sour lemon!!
But when inspiration makes her appearance, watch out, a sigh of relief will mark a new season in life as if all those feelings and attitudes are thrown out of our inner being and inspiration acts not only like the cleanser, the primer that starts the engine, but also the fuel that propels forward on our way to a brand new future, we have a new lease on life, our senses are more acutely aware of the beauty in nature, people, there is a new hope a vibrancy and a meaning to life that was missing before....
Inspiration is part of the respiration process. Compare the 2 sorts of sighs people experience and let out as a manifestation of their inner being's condition.
If we are depressed, bored, inactive, feeling heavy, sad, uneasy, indecisive, hopeless, our breath will give it away in the way we sigh, we have no inspiration for life, no zest, just the sour lemon!!
But when inspiration makes her appearance, watch out, a sigh of relief will mark a new season in life as if all those feelings and attitudes are thrown out of our inner being and inspiration acts not only like the cleanser, the primer that starts the engine, but also the fuel that propels forward on our way to a brand new future, we have a new lease on life, our senses are more acutely aware of the beauty in nature, people, there is a new hope a vibrancy and a meaning to life that was missing before....
Can you tell I have been inspired?
Oh yes, the breath, I forgot,... I get so excited I forgot the expiration... No expiration date on this inspiration that keeps inspiring, day and night, good for life, never runs out, better than the bunny rabbit...Clap....Clap....Clap...
The lost little lamb Part II
Written and posted by Jean-Louis http://thelightseed.blogspot.com
Translation from the French version by the author.
To read the French version click: http://thelightseed.blogspot.com/2007/12/leons-de-laire-de-battage.html
John 10:9-18 (NIV) I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.[a] They will come in and go out, and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 12 The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. 13 The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. 14 “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— 15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. 16 I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. 17 The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. 18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.”
The reality of the horrible incident was still alive in his mind, but fortunately, he calmed down immediately because the herd did not show any sign of being in an imminent danger. His only worry came from hearing the desperate bleating of the little she lamb that was standing in a corner of the enclosure. Just a quick glance around reassured him that there was no visible danger. Yet, instead of being quieted by his presence, the poor lamb continued her desperate crying. He reasoned that she was calling for her mother. But, strangely nothing nor anybody prevented her from rejoining the flock. She could have been guided on her way by responding to the others´ bleating in echoing her own.
When the young shepherd came close to her, she started jumping and running in the opposite direction. That led him in a totally useless chase, because every time he tried to run after and catch her, she would bound aside and escape him. Since he did not have much else to do, he tried several times in the afternoon to go after and capture her without success. The sun was setting and goats and sheep were on their way back to the barn. But the little lamb, stubborn as a mule was still refusing to join the flock. She spent the whole night outside bleating loudly calling for help.
This little game lasted three whole days. From time to time, the shepherd was attempting to gain the confidence of his little friend by talking to her gently and softly, but she tenaciously refused the helping hand that she so desperately needed. He loved all the animals in his charge and decided that he would bring back to safety no matter what the cost. The only thing he could not understand is that his older brother has given him this responsibility without asking the help of the children or his neighbors. Maybe he thought that since she was going to be sold or her meat put in the freezer a few weeks hence, she would find the way back by herself. After all why run after this obstinate animal that was not worth the time or physical energy that were so precious to him?
The shepherd that enjoyed solving problems resolved that he was not going to be satisfied until he returned the lamb to her mother.
On the third day in the afternoon, he thought of an idea that seemed to be feasible and could be successful. He drew from the stock of his childhood memories several episodes of cartoons in which the hero and the villain try to escape from a hot pursuit . Certainly you remember the scenes. While they are in a free fall after having jumped from a high cliff, they continue running with their legs in the air as if they were trusting the ground support on terra firma. Of course, back then, the comical scene elicited a lot of laughter. But this simple and innocent return into childhood was providing a serious answer to his problem. He elaborated a rescue plan that would put an end to the unexpected interruption in his monotonous life.
Taking advantage of the lamb being stuck in a marshy corner at the bottom of the pasture, he chose this propitious moment to put his plan into action. Facing her and moving his arms to make her move in his direction, he was getting closer to her, step by step in the soggy muck that was reaching his calves close to his knees. The little lamb frozen with fear was preparing to bounce as usual and right at the moment when facing him, launched into the air. The young shepherd let himself fall backwards in the mud catching the lamb in his open arms, while she, imitating the funny cartoons characters was trying to run, beating the air with her short legs without any firm support.
She, taken aback was caught in the tender trap of the shepherd´s protective arms. He, bursting into a celebrating laughter and shouting rejoicing cries of victory alerted the rest of the family that wondered what could have happened. It goes without saying that he was covered from top to bottom with foul smelling mud but it did not seem to bother him a bit. He has completed the task entrusted to him by his older brother. Not letting go, he got up and grabbing the lamb´s legs he strapped her around his shoulders, talking to her tenderly and scolding her gently.
Finally, a glorious twilight marked the happy homecoming reunion of the little lamb with her mother. Needless to say the ewe was happy to see that her run away progeny had not forgotten how to suckle at the mother´s breast.
Dear reader, if you still don´t know the Lord Jesus, here is your personal invitation. Click on this post address that will show you how to be saved or born again.
If you are looking around for your way back to God, if you feel despondent and at the end of your strength tired of struggling against insurmountable odds without success, listen to God´s voice calling you to give you life abundant and eternal. Confessing your sins and renouncing the things that caused you to stray away from your shepherd, simply ask him and he will respond because he has promised to do so.Here
Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV) 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
John 7:16-18 (NIV) 16 Jesus answered, “My teaching is not my own. It comes from the one who sent me. 17 Anyone who chooses to do the will of God will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own. 18 Whoever speaks on their own does so to gain personal glory, but he who seeks the glory of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him.
You can find spiritual help on salvation by clicking Here
Written and posted by Jean-Louis http://thelightseed.blogspot.com
Translation from the French version by the author.
To read the French version click: http://thelightseed.blogspot.com/2007/12/leons-de-laire-de-battage.html
John 10:9-18 (NIV) I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.[a] They will come in and go out, and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 12 The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. 13 The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. 14 “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— 15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. 16 I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. 17 The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. 18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.”
The reality of the horrible incident was still alive in his mind, but fortunately, he calmed down immediately because the herd did not show any sign of being in an imminent danger. His only worry came from hearing the desperate bleating of the little she lamb that was standing in a corner of the enclosure. Just a quick glance around reassured him that there was no visible danger. Yet, instead of being quieted by his presence, the poor lamb continued her desperate crying. He reasoned that she was calling for her mother. But, strangely nothing nor anybody prevented her from rejoining the flock. She could have been guided on her way by responding to the others´ bleating in echoing her own.
When the young shepherd came close to her, she started jumping and running in the opposite direction. That led him in a totally useless chase, because every time he tried to run after and catch her, she would bound aside and escape him. Since he did not have much else to do, he tried several times in the afternoon to go after and capture her without success. The sun was setting and goats and sheep were on their way back to the barn. But the little lamb, stubborn as a mule was still refusing to join the flock. She spent the whole night outside bleating loudly calling for help.
This little game lasted three whole days. From time to time, the shepherd was attempting to gain the confidence of his little friend by talking to her gently and softly, but she tenaciously refused the helping hand that she so desperately needed. He loved all the animals in his charge and decided that he would bring back to safety no matter what the cost. The only thing he could not understand is that his older brother has given him this responsibility without asking the help of the children or his neighbors. Maybe he thought that since she was going to be sold or her meat put in the freezer a few weeks hence, she would find the way back by herself. After all why run after this obstinate animal that was not worth the time or physical energy that were so precious to him?
The shepherd that enjoyed solving problems resolved that he was not going to be satisfied until he returned the lamb to her mother.
On the third day in the afternoon, he thought of an idea that seemed to be feasible and could be successful. He drew from the stock of his childhood memories several episodes of cartoons in which the hero and the villain try to escape from a hot pursuit . Certainly you remember the scenes. While they are in a free fall after having jumped from a high cliff, they continue running with their legs in the air as if they were trusting the ground support on terra firma. Of course, back then, the comical scene elicited a lot of laughter. But this simple and innocent return into childhood was providing a serious answer to his problem. He elaborated a rescue plan that would put an end to the unexpected interruption in his monotonous life.
Taking advantage of the lamb being stuck in a marshy corner at the bottom of the pasture, he chose this propitious moment to put his plan into action. Facing her and moving his arms to make her move in his direction, he was getting closer to her, step by step in the soggy muck that was reaching his calves close to his knees. The little lamb frozen with fear was preparing to bounce as usual and right at the moment when facing him, launched into the air. The young shepherd let himself fall backwards in the mud catching the lamb in his open arms, while she, imitating the funny cartoons characters was trying to run, beating the air with her short legs without any firm support.
She, taken aback was caught in the tender trap of the shepherd´s protective arms. He, bursting into a celebrating laughter and shouting rejoicing cries of victory alerted the rest of the family that wondered what could have happened. It goes without saying that he was covered from top to bottom with foul smelling mud but it did not seem to bother him a bit. He has completed the task entrusted to him by his older brother. Not letting go, he got up and grabbing the lamb´s legs he strapped her around his shoulders, talking to her tenderly and scolding her gently.
Finally, a glorious twilight marked the happy homecoming reunion of the little lamb with her mother. Needless to say the ewe was happy to see that her run away progeny had not forgotten how to suckle at the mother´s breast.
Dear reader, if you still don´t know the Lord Jesus, here is your personal invitation. Click on this post address that will show you how to be saved or born again.
If you are looking around for your way back to God, if you feel despondent and at the end of your strength tired of struggling against insurmountable odds without success, listen to God´s voice calling you to give you life abundant and eternal. Confessing your sins and renouncing the things that caused you to stray away from your shepherd, simply ask him and he will respond because he has promised to do so.Here
Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV) 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
John 7:16-18 (NIV) 16 Jesus answered, “My teaching is not my own. It comes from the one who sent me. 17 Anyone who chooses to do the will of God will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own. 18 Whoever speaks on their own does so to gain personal glory, but he who seeks the glory of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him.
You can find spiritual help on salvation by clicking Here
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