What the Bible says about light and seed

The True Light "In him, (the Lord Jesus) was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world,…the world didn’t recognize him." John 1:4,9.

The Good Seed and the Weeds “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seeds in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. Matthew 13:24,25.

Monday, October 24, 2022

A Timeless Note from Mark Twain About the Jewish People

A Timeless Note from Mark Twain About the Jewish People, published in the year 1899
 "If the statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one percent of the human race. It suggests a nebulous dim puff of star dust lost in the blaze of the Milky Way.
Properly the Jew ought hardly to be heard of, but he is heard of, has always been heard of.
He is as prominent on the planet as any other people, and his commercial importance is extravagantly out of proportion to the smallness of his bulk.
His contributions to the world’s list of great names in literature, science, art, music, finance, medicine, and abstruse learning are also away out of proportion to the weakness of his numbers. 
He has made a marvelous fight in the world, in all the ages; and has done it with his hands tied behind him. He could be vain of himself, and be excused for it. 
The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Persian rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream-stuff and passed away; the Greek and the Roman followed, and made a vast noise, and they are gone; other peoples have sprung up and held their torch high for a time, but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now, or have vanished. The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert and aggressive mind.
All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?” - Mark Twain

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Prophecy and the 2022 Mid-Term Elections - Rev. Michael Bresciani

By ——--September 26, 2022

If you are expecting a specific passage of the Bible to refer to the upcoming mid-term elections – don’t hold your breath. But as the bible refers to the general decline of nations in the last days, our midterms are part of the web and weave of it all.

We love to repeat the worn-out phrase about how religion and politics don’t mix but, trying to extricate the will and counsel of God from our history is an act of pure futility. Everything we do, including our involvement with politics, enters the realm of God’s responses to us in real time.

We know the difference between a president and a savior

The harder a nation sins, the harder it falls.

America’s first and most serious mistake is not political. Americans seem almost incapable of understanding that God sees nations as a body of like minds and their collective sinfulness is dealt with on that basis.

“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Pr 14:34)

As true believers we are indebted to the gospel message and that means we are to put the message of life-giving salvation through the shed blood of the Savior first. We may also encourage civic mindedness in choosing the best president and other leaders for the country – but we are not confused.

But we can safely say, that for those who do not choose Christ, it is not likely they are going to make the right choice for a conservative and patriotic president.

It is said that the more popular Christianity becomes, the weaker it becomes. There is little doubt that Christianity is on the wane in America and is estimated to be decreasing by 1% every year in the last several years, The mega church model is slipping and the sense that it has become largely big production entertainment is causing many to look for something else.

Those who personally turn to God already know, that politics would be the poorest substitute for their relationship with  and their worship of God.

We also know that politics affects almost every facet of our daily lives. Inflation, prices, housing, schooling, and social matters are all guided by the political climate of the day.

This alone is the reason we must choose leaders who are morally circumspect and honorable. With today’s democrats in control of the nation’s politics, that has become almost impossible.

If we do not change these things – it will not matter who we vote into office

Warning America of the changes it needs to make, is both a calling, and an irrepressible compunction born of the very Spirit of God. Even though it has been said in so many ways, the urgency has never been so great as it is this day.

We cannot continue to mutilate and molest our children in the name of gender confusion and transgenderism as we are now doing in our hospitals and clinics. It will bring deadly results regardless of who we vote for. God has his limitations.

Next, if we continue to teach our children that they may not be the gender they were born as, God will intervene, and the results will be a further plunge into financial distress and natural and manmade disasters.

Homosexual madness, transgender experimentation, and national gender dysphoria are demonically induced proclivities from the pits of hell, and no one is entitled to make an apology for us. We don’t ask devils for their opinion about anything.

If we will not defend and protect our children, God will. The days when he stands up to require us to hear him will be the sorriest days our nation will ever know.

Here’s the simple Biblical solution – repent.

On the outside chance that you are not familiar with this word, it means “cut it out” - quickly. We are dangerously perched on the precipice of our own destruction, republican or democrat leaders notwithstanding.

Are the things we allow; the reason God has allowed Joe Biden to take office?

“And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding” (Daniel 2:21)

The bible is quite clear, God has declared that he alone sets up or takes down rulers. Could Joe Biden have slipped by God’s sovereignty to take the White House? In fact, he may have slipped by us, but God is never fooled.

Here is a compact list of what we are allowing in our nation right now that could have caused God to bring in the kind of rulers we have at this moment.

  • The sexualization of our children.
  • Teaching of CRT and other socialist doctrines in our schools.
  • Promotion and active promulgation of the entire LGBT+ agenda.
  • Exposing children to trans people in libraries and classrooms.
  • Removing faith and belittling of the faithful in our schools and universities.
  • Persecution of believers, churches, and faith-based organizations.
  • The hatred of those in specific political parties and their former leader Donald Trump.
  • The clamoring for yet more dead babies in some states to add to the 60+ million already lost to the scourge of Roe v. Wade.
  • The wasting of America’s wealth and taxes on a fake cult called climate change.
  • The legalization of drugs and the permissive attitude toward drug abuse.
  • The opening of our sovereign borders to anyone including human traffickers, drug smugglers and terrorists.
  • The dishonesty and skullduggery of dead, fake and non-existent voters in our national and local elections.
  • The deliberate destruction of our energy dominance and independence and the selling of our reserves to o
 The ongoing and totally undesirable effects of our own deep sinfulness – and this is just the beginning
  • The very real threat of nuclear war with our greatest enemies.
  • The shortage of food and staples.
  • Rising costs of all goods.
  • Rising cost of fuel and energy.
  • Decline of education and practical training across the nation.
  • Unbridled crime and endangerment of millions in our cities and sub-urban areas.
  • Fentanyl deaths that overtake the number of victims lost to fake gender dysphoria.

The two-part solution in all its attractive simplicity

  1. As previously mentioned, – repent.
  2. Stop voting for Democrats, or anyone who does not love this country or live in the truth.

Tomorrow is up to us – but here is what’s ahead for the very near future.

We can describe and endlessly discuss the state of the nation and what will happen to us if we continue our present course. But then along comes the prophetic.

Here is what I can say with complete confidence.

America is headed for an ever-deepening period of extreme poverty and scarcity. The cornucopia is emptying fast, and it has only begun.

Turn now America, while there is still time.

Photo: Stevens Institute of Technology

Michael Bresciani

Sunday, June 12, 2022

How Far Off The Deep End Has The Gay Pride Movement Gone?

How Far Off The Deep End Has The Gay Pride Movement Gone? written by Phil Schneider June 12, 2022 

 What used to be a small trend of some people quietly choosing to live a homosexual lifestyle has grown into a massive movement of promotion of alternative lifestyles to children of all ages. What used to be a very minor aspect of life in America has now grown into a disturbing trend expanding exponentially.

What is driving this disturbing trend is not a natural evolution of human nature. It is an attempt to distort and modify the way that young children and older children view their essential nature as boys and girls. It is an attempt to change the way that people look at their very nature itself. It is an attempt to modify the way that the family unit is viewed. 

Why is there such a strong, seemingly obsessive push to force down the throats of so many people the alternative lifestyles of the homosexual community? It is not a simple question to answer. Here is one stab at an explanation. 

The alternative lifestyle is an attempt to literally change society as we know it and make society shift in such a way that the world will be different than we know it today. Since it is against the laws of nature that have existed since the Creation of the world, many of the people who are promoting their alternative lifestyles are subconsciously or consciously aware of the fact that what they are doing is unnatural.

But rather than deal with the problems that they have, they choose to try to make the world adapt to their problematic lifestyle. This is akin to people who have an alcoholic problem deciding to spread alcoholism to the entire world in order to make sure that their own drinking problem can persist. 

Of course, this is a non-politically correct perspective, and it could indeed be wrong, but it is certainly a legitimate opinion.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

"Please don’t die without Jesus"

Found on FB posted by:
Glenn Christopherson
I repost this from time to time.
"Please don’t die without Jesus"
Death is the ultimate wake-up call!
Unfortunately, it’s a call that comes too late.
All arguments are arrested, all surmising ceases, all excuses evaporate.
There is no escape and no bargaining.
Every hope and every desire and every thing in which men trust comes to an instant and screeching halt.
Money is no help, influence with men no aid and relationships forever changed.
The end of life removes all life’s priorities and pleasures…unless, of course you have served the One who has conquered death.
When death overtakes, concerns for global warming shrivel in the fear of eternal warming.
No longer do men worry about a financial crisis when the spiritual crisis of facing the Almighty looms.
Petty concerns of paying the bills are drastically over ridden when the Creator presents His invoice.
Unless, of course, the debt has been paid by One richer.
The atheist, although one of a small band with large presumption, finds that his mockery and scorn of the people of the faith (and their Faithfull Redeemer) comes up against the Rock who will not be mocked.
The wispy words of arrogant men are blown into nothingness at the roar of the holy hurricane of God’s unchanging words.
Please don’t die without Jesus. He is the only shelter from the righteous wrath of the Eternal One.
The politician is saved by no poll when God’s vote is cast.
The philosopher has no respite through his presumed wisdom when the Wisest of the Wise utters His infallible opinion.
The hedonist can no longer laughingly turn his back on his duty to his Sovereign
The perverted and unconverted is finally alerted to the fact that he has been under God’s watchful, sorrowful and offended gaze. Please don’t die without Jesus.
The broken-hearted find healing under the shadow of His wings.
The orphan and widow discover an all-powerful Defender.
The sin sick who is sick of His sin finds the Friend of honest sinners.
But the arrogant, the proud, the scornful finds His enmity against the warrior King finally brought to account.
Please don’t die without Jesus.
He is the great High Priest tempted in every way yet uncontaminated by iniquity.
He is the Ruler of all rulers uncorrupted by His infinite power.
He is the Prophet delivering the perfect word of His perfect Father.
And He is the one who faced, suffered and defeated death for me and for you. Please don’t die without Jesus.
In the court of heaven you and I need a perfect defence attorney. He is.
We need an omni-rich benefactor who is able and willing to pay an infinite fine. He is.
We need One who can answer the accusations of our enemy. He does.
We need a friend in the palace of the King against whom we have rebelled. He is
Please don’t die without Jesus.
The one who has trusted in his religion or his church or his tradition finds these all turn to dust before the presence of the living God.
The moralist discovers to his horror that all his good deeds done in smug pride are condemned as sin by the sinless Son of God.
The preacher, pastor, reverend and priest are judged not by regal titles but by the reality of their walk with God. On the day that death puts an end to all goals, vision and ambition.
Please don’t face death without Jesus.
For the stumbling saint, He is restorer.
For the seeking sinner, He is the end of the search.
For the wounded, He is the healer.
For the one aware of his spiritual poverty, He is the treasure trove of heaven.
For the repentant, He is Redeemer.
For the pray-er, He is the answer.
For the empty-handed, He is the unique and acceptable sacrifice.
For the lost, He is the eternal Guide.
For the spiritually hungry the Bread from heaven.
For the spiritually thirsty living water.
Keith Green used to sing a song, “How can they live without Jesus?”
An honourable question from one who now rests in the presence of the Lord.
How indeed do men live without Jesus…but an even more searching question,”How can they die without Jesus?"
When death comes calling there is no hope outside Christ. When death comes, which it inevitably will, Christ is all we need.
Please… please don’t die without Jesus.

Arnold Fruchtenbaum - The Rapture of the Church [ITA SUB]

My Jesus, I Love Thee

Sunday, April 10, 2022

''Metanoeo'' - by Jack Kinsella

 Omega Letter Community

''Metanoeo'' - by Jack Kinsella

The Bible was originally recorded in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek -- but not in the working language of Jesus' day, which was Latin.

The reason, I believe, is that Latin, like English, was a notoriously imprecise language. To the ancients, Latin was the language of business, Greek the language of philosophy and humanity, and Hebrew the language of God.

There is also a saying in our modern world to the effect that English is the language of business, French the language of love and Spanish the language of God. That reflects the areas in which those languages are the most descriptive.

The United Nations uses six official languages, Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

Originally, there were only five; Arabic wasn't added until the OPEC Crisis in 1973. The reason for six official languages is to make allowances for those things that get 'lost in translation' from one language to another.

Of the six, English is the most deficient. As with Latin, more things are lost in translating TO English than FROM it.

Some words have no English equivalent; 'Schadensfreude' is a German word that means, 'happiness at the misfortune of others' in English, but to a native German, it carries all kinds of shades and sub-texts English cannot support.

(The closest English word to "Schadensfreude" is "epicaricacy" -- I rest my case.)

Both Hebrew and Greek are very precise languages -- which explains why God chose those languages to record His Word -- there are some concepts that only Hebrew or Greek can do justice to -- they "lose something in the translation" into English.

The Greek word 'metanoeo' is one of those words that defies transliteration into English. The closest English equivalent to it is 'repent' but that word comes no closer to expressing the flavor of 'metanoeo' than 'epicaricacy' does for 'Schadensfreude'.

The Greek 'metanoeo' is a compound word; 'meta' meaning 'after' and implying 'change' and 'noeo' meaning 'the mind'. Combining them, 'metanoeo' literally means 'after thought' in the sense of 're-thinking'.

The implication here is, after rethinking everything, you have a change of mind from one thing to something else. (We don't have an English word that says all that. The closest we can come is 'repent' but it only applies to religion, not thought)

"metanoeo... lit. to perceive afterwards (meta, after, implying change, noeo, to perceive; [comes from the Greek noun] nous, the mind, the seat of moral reflection), in contrast to pronoeo, to perceive beforehand, hence signifies to change one's mind or purpose..." (Vine's Expository Dictionary).

By implication, metanoeo means a complete change of mind from one thing to another in which the two positions are mutually exclusive, rather than simply meaning any old change of thinking.

For a hard-line Far Left Democrat to become a hard-line conservative Republican is an example of 'metanoeo', for example, whereas deciding you like country music after all, is not.

(One can like country music without giving up one's love for Big Band Swing, one cannot become a "hard-line conservative" Republican and remain on the fence about abortion.)

Metanoeo is not just a 'changed' mind, it is a total reversal of one's previous beliefs.

When the Bible says 'repent and be saved' what it means is understand the nature of sin and be aware of your personal guilt. The concepts of sin and righteousness are originally perceived spiritually, but understanding and awareness of them are functions of the mind.

The fact that God demands repentance shows that it involves your mind; it is something you choose to do. Metanoeo suggests more than just rejecting your former position or attitude, and includes turning to and embracing a new one.

For some Christians, 'repenting' is what you do once when you get saved, and after that, it almost seems as if no further repentance is necessary. One is forgiven and that's that.

THAT version of 'repentance' is more like deciding you like country music but you still love swing.

On the other side of the extreme, 'repentance' means to never sin again. For some Christians, that means that one maintains their own salvation on guts alone, in constant fear they will sin themselves out of God's protective Hand.

That version doesn't require a change of mind, it demands a change of works. There are many churches who have voted to disfellowship someone because they 'showed no signs of repentance' -- which is nothing less than judging what is in another person's mind and heart -- both the exclusive provinces of God.

Biblical 'metanoeo' is somewhere in the middle -- it is neither a one-time event before resuming the life of Good Times Charlie nor is it a Sword of Damocles hanging over the head of a believer.

Before I was a believer, my concept of sin was anything that hurt another person directly (especially if it meant I'd be exposed as the culprit). It's been rightly observed that the "best measure of a man's character is what he does when nobody is looking."

When I became a believer, I knew that no matter what I did, whether in Grand Central Station or alone in a locked room, there was always Somebody looking. It was a total reversal of my worldview -- a complete change of mind that brought with it a semi-complete change of heart.

I say 'semi-complete' change of heart because metanoeo is a process -- I am not the believer I was twenty years ago -- indeed, I'm not the believer I was twenty days ago.

If you are a sincere, born again, Blood-bought believer, there is something in your life you've undergone a metanoeo over since coming to Christ. (If you are like me, there are many somethings -- and a couple on the horizon you're still wrestling with)

Before I was a believer, I was uninterested in coming to Christ because of all the things I'd have to give up first. Like most unbelievers, I believed that salvation meant cleaning myself up first, and then presenting myself before the Lord. It was too much to even contemplate.

When I learned the Gospel, I underwent a total metanoeo about both my guilt and God's forgiveness, and as I've matured in the Lord, that 'change of mind' has continued.

A related word is metanoia, which usually is translated "repentance" or "conversion." It literally means your thinking has been converted. It does not mean you have achieved sinless perfection, nor does it hold out any promise that you will in this life.

It means understanding that you CANNOT, and that Jesus Christ in His mercy, made a way for you to be converted (notice 'being converted' is a process), starting by removing your sin and your guilt at the moment of salvation.

"Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:" (Philippians 1:6)

You can be 'confident' that it is Jesus Who began 'a good work in you' and it is Jesus Who will perform it. Trust Him and allow Him direct you on the path He has prepared for you.

Don't let doubts or the enemy or some clever argument steal away your victory. The refrain from the old hymn, "Saved" says it all. At the moment you were saved by the Crucified One, "Your sins are all pardoned, your guilt is all gone!"

But your metanoeo was just beginning.
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Tuesday, March 29, 2022

2022 03 27 John Haller's Prophecy Update "I'm Not a Biologist, but..."

Currahee - Pete Garcia Omega Letter

Currahee by Pete Garcia - https://www.rev310.net/ 

 Does it seem like it is increasingly harder and harder to find a good church? I’m not talking about the mega-church with its own zip code and parking attendants, but the kind that when you worship, you feel the presence of God in your midst. Where the Gospel is not abandoned for flowery upbeat, self-help sermons on how to be a better you, but the kind that puts the old rugged cross at the crossroads of every man and woman’s life. Increasingly, as we see the end approaching, we see the apostasy and heresy that have always been present to varying extents within Christendom, start to take over, and what was once a nuisance, is now a serious threat to the very Gospel we cling to. More and more born-again believers are departing their churches for worship in homes or with friends, rather than part-taking in the emergent or ecumenical movements that are sweeping across the land. 

For this, the born-again believer has become increasingly isolated. “The truly spiritual man is indeed something of an oddity. He lives not for himself but to promote the interests of another. He seeks to persuade people to give all to his Lord and asks no portion or share for himself. He delights not to be honored but to see his Saviour glorified in the eyes of men. His joy is to see his Lord promoted and himself neglected. He finds few who care to talk about that which is the supreme object of his interest, so he is often silent and preoccupied in the midst of noisy religious shoptalk. For this, he earns the reputation of being dull and over-serious, so he is avoided and the gulf between him and society widens. He searches for friends upon whose garments he can detect the smell of myrrh and aloes and cassia out of the ivory palaces, and finding few or none he, like Mary of old, keeps these things in his heart. It is this very loneliness that throws him back upon God." -AW Tozer: The Saint Must Walk Alone It’s hard not to feel some sense of isolation here in this day and age when so many churches run lukewarm. 

My intent here is not to expose some new shocking detail about the cults or the pseudo-quasi religions masquerading as Christianity, but to encourage those of you who find it increasingly difficult to find commonality amongst other people, especially Christians, in these waning days as we wait upon the Lord to return. It seems the longer we wait, the fewer people we find that simply hold to the simplicity of the Gospel. Paul stated THIS was the gospel he preached and the ONLY one that saved: 

 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you, first of all, that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. 1 Corinthians 15:1-6 

Because the Gospel we hold to runs so counter-intuitive to anything the world offers, it continually separates us from the expanding theological persuasion that there are many paths to God or that God is in everything. It (the world) is forcing us either to assimilate or face destitution. Surely, our growing cultural isolationism is a testament to the lateness of the hour in which we find ourselves. Not only are those who oppose the Gospel message more numerous, but they do so now with increased vitriol and hostility.

This is not just in the Muslim world, where there was always a certain level of intolerance, but in the “Christian” westernized nations that have church histories dating back many centuries have all but shunned the evangelical Christian. But this is no surprise to the biblically literate, as it is stated in numerous places that we would increasingly find ourselves at odds with the world (1 Timothy 4, 2 Timothy 3, 2 Peter 2-3)

Jesus said: If the world hates you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. John 15:18-19 

We find it harder and harder to find pleasure these days, so dedicated to the god of this world. Nothing is sacred anymore, nothing is so pure or innocent that it can’t be tainted by some scandal or depravity. While our longing to be with Christ goes on day after day as seemingly unanswered, many lose faith and wander off seeking enlightenment elsewhere. 

Then there are those who remain so fixed on our deliverance, that they move from event to event, hoping that it means some more conclusive sign that our enthusiasm is not misplaced. Quite often they are disappointed that the Lord did not come at some appointed time they had figured out. But our hope isn’t in the Rapture itself, although we look forward to that day with much anticipation, it is in the person who is doing the catching up. If we have faith in who Jesus is, then we know that His promise (Jn 14:1-3) is not delayed for the sake of delaying. We know that His delay is so that all the men and women that could be saved, would be (2 Peter 3:9). 

But even though the knowledge of that delay is justified still does not fully satisfy our desire to leave this fallen world and be with our Redeemer. It just makes the understanding a little more tolerable to bear. I believe that the reason the Bible spends so much time emphasizing that we love one another is that Jesus knew how difficult this world would be for the believer. We are sojourners in this world, pilgrims passing through (1 Peter 2:11). 

Many, who have gone before us did not see the promise of the Messiah within their lifetimes, and they often struggled with profound difficulties we here in modern America could barely fathom. And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment:

They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth. And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise: God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect. Hebrews 11:36-40

We are the arms for the Body of Christ here on this earth now. Having received our salvation by the redemptive blood of Jesus Christ, and being sealed unto the day of promise by the Holy Spirit, we are to reach out to our brothers and sisters showing them a true, genuine concern and caring, that the world is incapable of offering. In lifting each other up, we strengthen and encourage the remaining body of Christ as a whole here. This shows the world something that is so strange and obscure that they can’t wrap their mind around it. That our hope is not based on money, government handouts, entitlement programs, or anything else on this earth. Our hope doesn’t even lie in this realm of life. We realize that our life, even if to 120 years of age, is a blemish on a grain of sand compared to eternity (Ps 103:15). Our reward is forever in the company of the Creator of this universe. 

Don’t lose hope, even though our world is growing darker. It only means your light will shine that much brighter. It will draw some, but it also makes us an easier target to spot by those who hate Christianity in the world. As time continues on, it will seem like the darkness is threatening to engulf us all and swallow us up in an ocean of violence and depravity, it is at times like these that we must stand together.

We must build each other up and pray for brothers and sisters in Christ, to stand strong and not lose hope. It is always darkest before dawn, and when our day of redemption does come, all these troubles will be over for us as we rule and reign with our Lord and Savior forever. Hold fast to this promise:

 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Revelation 3:10 

By the way, in case you were wondering, Currahee is a Cherokee word that means "we stand alone together," which is a fitting motto for us believers here in the last days. Hold fast to the faith, and keep running for that crown. Our family may dwindle in size, but God always has His remnant. 

 Author's note: Originally published on Monday, September 26, 2011, at the beginning of my time with the Omega Letter. Prior to the writing of this, I spent four glorious years with the 101st Airborne in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, of which, the Fourth Brigade Combat Team (formerly known as the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment [of the HBO miniseries 'Band of Brothers' fame] had the unit moniker of "Currahee." You can read their history here if you want. 

 As an aside, I found the image of the lone platoon running up Mt. Currahee similar to our current struggle as Christians in these last days. We are not just running the race, but we are doing so uphill, alone, and oftentimes, in varying states of misery. Just keep in mind that this race is almost over, and that trumpet is about to sound. Keep running, never quit, and know that we might be alone, but we are "alone together." 

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Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The Abolition of Humanity - J.R. Nyquist

Posted on March 15, 2022 The Abolition of Humanity

 Four reformers met under a bramble bush. They were all agreed that the world must be changed. ‘We must abolish property,’ said one.

‘We must abolish Marriage,’ said the second.

‘We must abolish God,’ said the third.

‘I wish we could abolish work,’ said the fourth.

‘Do not let us get beyond practical politics,’ said the first. ‘The first thing is to reduce men to a common level.’ 

‘The first thing,’ said the second, ‘ is to give freedom to the sexes.’

‘The first thing,’ said the third, ‘is to find out how to do it.’

‘The first step,’ said the first, ‘is to abolish the Bible.’

‘The first thing,’ said the second, is to abolish the laws.’ 

‘The first thing,’ said the third, ‘is to abolish mankind.’ Robert Louis Stevenson, “The Four Reformers” ⚔️

 What a devil wants, in the greater scheme of things, is to destroy. There is, in the cosmos, a creative principle. There is, opposing it, a destructive principle. Thus we find, two opposing tendencies behind everything. And you cannot have one without the other. Look at the policies of any leader and ask if these policies tend towards creation or destruction. Will his policies bring prosperity or bankruptcy? Will they bring peace or war?

Now let us consider, again, the socialists and their New Religion. The first socialist country (the motherland of socialism] was the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics, otherwise known as the Soviet Union. Was this country a destructive or creative formation? Under its founder, Vladimir Lenin, millions were killed in the Russian Civil War and the Red Terror. We don’t even have an exact death count. What was then built? Everyone was poor. There was no money. So Lenin embraced “state capitalism” under the New Economic Policy (NEP). In other words, he destroyed the country for the sake of his power, then he rebuilt it with capitalism.

Of course, Lenin died in 1924 and Stalin took over. And once Stalin had built something, he began selectively destroying again; first, destroying elements of the Communist Party itself; second, by destroying the more prosperous farmers (the “kulaks”); third, by instituting a terror famine in Ukraine; fourth, by preparing a massive military buildup in advance of World War II. Stalin killed between 30 and 60 million human beings. Again, we do not know the exact number. 

Then, to unleash Hitler on the world, Stalin signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. That begin what Stalin called the Second Imperialist War. Moscow and Berlin partitioned Poland. The West declared war on Hitler and the communists under Stalin gloated. They said to themselves. “The fools have given us Europe. All we have to do is wait for the combatants to exhaust each other while we build an arsenal of 30,000 tanks.” 

Hitler was too successful in this early phase, defeating France in 1940. Hitler then realized what Stalin was up to and turned on his “partner,” attacking the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941. Tens of millions died. But Stalin was saved by the West. And he invaded what is now China and helped the communists come to power there. And once this was accomplished, he contemplated a war with the West. But then he died, or perhaps was murdered by his associates.

These associates developed a long range strategy that involved re-enacting Lenin’s New Economic Policy. They wanted access to technology and money. They wanted to build in order to have a better means of destroying. They wanted also to subvert the West by becoming the West’s partner. And China would play a special role in this.

Now let us consider where we are today. Like Lenin, Gorbachev began a New Economic Policy back in the 1980s. The USSR gave up its empire for the sake of rebuilding itself, for the alleged sake of creation. Thirty years later, President Vladimir Putin has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world. In other words, creation was placed in the service of destruction.

Despite what people are saying, Putin has a potent military. And we have only seen a small part of it. Naturally, it is not perfect. As Viktor Suvorov has argued, Moscow’s army is paradoxically strong and weak, effective and ineffective. With every apparent defeat it will move forward. It will win hard-fought battles. This is the pattern. This is already the way Russian history works. 

And in this current military scenario, Putin has aligned his country with China and the other communist countries. He has not done this because he is a Christian. Oh no. He is a fake Christian even as he was a fake democrat. Putin is a communist, and his goal has always been to paste the Soviet Union back together – which is why he invaded Ukraine. 

Putin stated in his pre-war speech that the breakup of the Soviet Union was illegal. That means he is not actually the leader of Russia, but the leader of the Soviet Union. His objective, therefore, is to lead the communist bloc to victory over the imperialists and capitalists. Therefore, the war in Ukraine is part of a much larger project. 

Of course, Putin says he is liberating the Ukrainian people from American imperialist control. But everyone can see that the Ukrainian people are already free, and they are willing to fight and die for that freedom – because they do not want to be ruled by Moscow. And so, Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has met stiff resistance. The weather in February was warmer than usual. The Russian tanks and vehicles have been largely road-bound and limited in their ability to maneuver. So Russian casualties have been higher than expected. 

So what does Putin do?

He bombards Ukraine’s cities. He destroys and he destroys. Last week the mayor of Kharkiv said one third of the city – Ukraine’s largest city – was rubble. Mariupol has been besieged and its 400,000 residents are said to be without running water or heat. Kiev faces the greatest offensive of all. Elements of four Russian armies are gathering to the north and east of the city. Their objective is to surround it, to bombard it, and to wipe out Ukraine’s center of government. The suffering in Ukraine is unimaginable. Yet the people bravely fight on against difficult odds.

President Zelensky, addressing the British Parliament, received a standing ovation when he said, “Ukraine has not wanted to become great, but we have become great in the course of this war. We are the country that is saving people despite having to fight one of the biggest armies in the world. We have to fight the helicopters, the rockets. The question for us now is, ‘To be or not to be.’ Oh no, for the last ten days this question could have been asked. But now I can give you a definitive answer. It is definitely ‘yes, to be.’ And I would like to remind you, and the world, what you have already heard, again: We will not give up. And we will not lose. We will fight to the end, at sea and in the air. We will continue fighting for our land whatever the cost. We will fight in the forests, in the fields, on the shores, in the streets…. We will fight on the banks of different rivers … and we are looking for your help, for the help of the civilized countries. We are thankful for this help, and I am very grateful to you, Boris [Johnson, Prime Minister of the U.K.]. Please increase the pressure of sanctions against this country. And please recognize this country [Russia] as a terrorist state. And please make sure that our Ukrainian skies are safe. Be sure that you do what needs to be done, and what is stipulated by the greatness of your country. Best of all to Ukraine and the United Kingdom.” 

How can the West resist this plea? Can the civilized world stand by and merely watch? The alternative, of course, is to risk nuclear war. The Russian government has sternly warned the world to stay out. They have put their nuclear forces on alert. They are ready to launch their missiles. And here is a moral dilemma. Does the West remain comfortable and safe as it watches an entire nation destroyed? 

I am afraid there is no happy answer here. If we do nothing, I must tell you my honest opinion. We will be bombed and attacked when our turn comes. This is something I came to understand long ago. Putin and his communist allies are destroyers, and they seek America’s destruction even more earnestly than they seek Ukraine’s. 

Putin has shown that he is a destroyer, not a creator. The destruction we are now witnessing appears quite insane to us. Yet Putin is not a madman. Destruction is a choice open to all. It is the choice, I believe, of all the totalitarian countries. And we have refused to recognize this. War with these countries has always been in the cards. And if by some miracle we avoid a great war now, it will yet come. 

And for that matter, we have communists right here in America, facilitating the work of destruction, aiding and abetting our enemies in Beijing and Moscow.Watch the death and destruction unleashed on Kiev. There are even more destructive Russian weapons aimed at New York and Washington. If the leaders in Moscow are willing to level the cities of their brother Slavs, do you think they will fail to level our cities?

We have no idea how much danger we are in right now. And we have no idea how much our own survival may depend on the survival of Ukraine. 

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Saturday, March 12, 2022

The Feast of Purim and the victory of our Great God.

Note from the author: I cannot take full credit for this work. I just have a pen and I transcribed the body from memory and edited it. It seemed to make sense because of the strong spiritual battle that is felt every year around this season. BTW. I was born again March 18th 1966, just after my arrival in the US.

Amplified and edited by Jean-Louis Mondon 

Dear brothers and friends,


Just a note to remember to keep your mind and heart alert to the stratagems of the enemy during this Purim period that is coming soon, on the 16th of this month, a few days away. He manifests in the spirit of Amalek who wants to take away from us the victory that we have in the shed blood of our Lord Jesus on the cross.

He will try to put doubts of all kinds in our minds and hearts and cause us to waver in our trust in the goodness, love, mercy and hope, our heritage, the salvation of our Lord. When he is preparing us to receive great blessings in our life and service to Him, this spirit tries to prevent us from keeping our eyes on the Lord and put them on our weaknesses and carnal tendencies.

When the adversary condemns us with these lies, we must agree, but we also have an advocate in Christ, speak the truth and not deny that we are sinners but that He gives us the victory.

Rebuke and tell him that in His sacrifice on the cross God He has forgiven us and now has no power against us because we are loved, redeemed, legitimate and blessed children of our loving Father.

In this sense, we can place ourselves under the authority of the word of God by demonstrating our faith and hope in Him alone.

Below is the list of the 10 sons of Haman who tried to destroy the people of Israel. Their names in the Persian language represent the tendencies of our flesh to glorify and uplift our “I” (ego or self).

I can recognize myself in some and confess, ask the Lord to forgive me for having thought and acted from my selfishness instead of walking in the Spirit. I ask that His strong Spirit kill my flesh and take refuge under his wings, my tower of strength and power. I pray the same for you, his family, your children, Christian friends and brothers in the Church.

Queen Hadassah (Esther) saved the people of Israel, but she also had doubts. But King Xerxes not only hanged Haman, but his ten sons.

Parshandatha: the curious 'I' represents a nosy person

Dalphon: the 'me' crying, self-pity

Aspatha: the assembled “self” self-sufficiency, independence

Poratha: the generous “me” the spender, impulsive purchases for himself

Adalia: the weak “me” feelings of inferiority, shyness, inhibition

Aridatha: the strong “self”, self-confidence

Parmashta: the pre-eminent “ego” ambition, desire to have pre-eminence over others

Arisai: the brazen, daring “me”, insolence, impudence

Aridai: the decorous “I” majestic, stately, superb, haughtiness, sense of superiority

Vairatha: the pure “I'”, claims of moral superiority, self-righteousness, one who considers himself purer than others

My brothers, I pray that the Lord will guide your eyes and your fingers in the word where you can find the promises and scriptures that will give you strength to stand firm in the power and strength of the Spirit in these perilous times.

Now I do not have time to do it for you, but I am sure that you have learned them and that you know where to find the pure waters of life, the spiritual food and the shield of Faith.

May God grant you his peace that may keep your minds and hearts free from fear of the enemy.

Christ the Servant of Jews and Gentile

12And once more, Isaiah says: “The Root of Jesse will appear, One who will arise to rule over the Gentiles; in Him the Gentiles will put their hope.” 13Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. 14I myself am convinced, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, brimming with knowledge, and able to instruct one another.…Romans 15:13

Thank you for continuing to pray for me and my family.

Your friend and brother in Christ.


Sources: part of a message heard on the radio sometime around 1995. from memory.

Commentary on the Book of Ester by Ray Stedman

Zelensky: 'What's happening here is what will happen in Europe tomorrow'...

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Bible Prophecy Update – March 6th, 2022

Would Putin use nuclear weapons by Robert 'Bob' Maginnis

· I'm not a prophet but my sources say: "Yes, Putin would use tactical nuclear weapons against NATO." My 2018 book, Alliance of Evil: Russia, China, the United States and a New Cold War, outlines 16 indicators of our new cold war. 

Indicator #9 addresses Putin's threat to use nuclear weapons especially against the Baltics. Below are excerpts from Indictor #9: In 2015, at the Lennart Meri conference, then Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves asked a panel of experts addressing the topic “Thinking the Unthinkable” an important question: Should the barrage of recent Russian nuclear threats be taken seriously or dismissed as mere posturing? A US diplomat named Alexander Vershbow, who was then NATO’s deputy secretary general, responded: “Yes: a short answer is yes.” 

 Russia maintains a giant strategic (nuclear) force. Under the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), it is limited to no more than 1,500 deployed warheads on 700 triad platforms. Those platforms include a fleet of bombers (mostly Tu-95 Bear and Tu-160 Blackjack), intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) (SS-18, SS-19, SS-25, and expect newer, road-mobile and silo-based systems by 2020) and 10 nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines. Moscow plans to invest $28 billion by 2020 to update its triad. This nuclear triad has until recently been Russia’s post-Cold War security guarantor, only to be used in a last resort. However, that view seems to be changing, which makes nuclear war more likely. After all, Russia’s new military doctrine anticipates a first use of nuclear weapons “in the event of aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons when the very existence of the state is in jeopardy.” 

Nuclear war also seems to be more likely with President Putin in the Kremlin. Every recent Russian large-scale exercise (such as the 2017 Zapad, “West” along the East European frontier) includes a scenario of a limited nuclear strike against NATO, dubbed Moscow’s “escalation to de-escalate” concept. Instances of simulated nuclear strike exercises are reported to have targeted Warsaw, the Stockholm archipelago, and the Danish island of Bornholm. Moscow’s “escalation to de-escalate” doctrine seems more credible when one considers that Russia has in recent years acquired an edge over NATO in tactical nuclear weaponry, apparently another violation of the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, as well as the means to deliver small nuclear payloads aboard highly accurate cruise missiles. 

That combination of tactical nuclear weapons and greater range, accurate delivery systems makes Russian talk about limited nuclear war scenarios worrisome and believable. The Baltic region of Europe is especially concerned about Russia’s growing regional superiority in conventional forces, anti-access/area denial platforms, and the threat of limited nuclear use. The problem for the West in this region is it relies on a strategy of deterrence, but Russia already has sufficient military posture in place to quickly overwhelm, seize entire small countries (like Estonia and Lithuania), and then defend them against a slow NATO response by issuing credible nuclear threats. 

This is a repeat of an old Cold War confrontation strategy—but worse, if the Russians expect they can limit the use of nuclear weapons. The problem, as former US Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work testified in 2015, “Anyone who thinks they can control escalation through the use of nuclear weapons is literally playing with fire. Escalation is escalation, and nuclear use would be the ultimate escalation.” But Russia appears to believe it has the upper hand and is ready to use its nuclear arsenal under the right circumstances. A veteran Russian politician indicates that the Kremlin will use nuclear arms if the US or NATO moves against the Crimean Peninsula or eastern Ukraine and, likely, against any future Russian move on the Baltics or other former Soviet satellites. Vyacheslav Alekseyevich Nikonov, a member of the Duma, Russia’s lower house of parliament, told attendees of the 2017 GLOBSEC Bratislava Global Security Forum in Slovakia that “Russian forces would need to utilize some form of nuclear warfare to deter US or NATO forces from invading Russia should they decide to enter Crimea or eastern Ukraine.” “On the issue of NATO expansion on our borders, at some point I heard from the Russian military—and I think they are right—if U.S. forces, NATO forces, are, were, in the Crimea, in eastern Ukraine, Russia is undefendable militarily in case of conflict without using nuclear weapons in the early stage of the conflict,” Nikonov said.

 This view is supported by the Military Doctrine of Russia, which was last updated in 2014. That doctrine states Moscow reserves “the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and/or its allies, as well as in the event of aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons when the very existence of the state is in jeopardy.”

It is important to understand that Russia developed nuclear capabilities far beyond what is necessary to protect the state and in some rather unexpected ways. Specifically, the Kremlin created an underwater nuclear drone capable of carrying a 100-megaton nuclear warhead, a discovery announced in a leaked draft of the Pentagon’s Nuclear Posture Review. That draft reported by the Huffington Post indicated that the weapon, an autonomous underwater vehicle officially known as Ocean Multipurpose System Status-6 and nicknamed “Kanyon,” was reportedly tested in 2016 after being launched from a Sarov-class submarine. The Kanyon reportedly has a range of 6,200 miles, with a top speed in excess of 56 knots and can dive to 3,280 feet below sea level. Moscow’s growing nuclear arsenal and its evident willingness to do the “unthinkable,” employ that arsenal in a future war, explains the Trump administration’s desire to substantially increase the US’ nuclear stockpile and match some of Russia’s new nuclear capabilities.