What the Bible says about light and seed

The True Light "In him, (the Lord Jesus) was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world,…the world didn’t recognize him." John 1:4,9.

The Good Seed and the Weeds “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seeds in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. Matthew 13:24,25.

Friday, October 30, 2015

The Camp of the Saints - Jean Raspail - English subtitles

Blogster note: A prophetic novel published in 1973. As a novelist he imagined the scenario of one million immigrants on boats anchored in the waters of the French Riviera. He was right.
His writing caused a furious reaction from the French government. He was brended a racist, xenpphobe and was ostracized for years. For years, I searched for the book in French but could remember, neither title nor author. 
The book´s 1973 original edition is on sale at Amazon.com

As it was in the Days of Noah - Jeff Kinley

The spookiest story ever told - Franklin in the morning

Turquie : "Les vieux démons ont resurgi sous de nouveaux traits"

Reblogged from tempsreel.nouvelobs.com/monde

Alors qu'Erdogan, mis en difficulté au Parlement, tente par tous les moyens de maintenir son pouvoir sur le pays, les indices du retour de la nébuleuse militaro-nationaliste se multiplient.
Le Premier ministre turc, Erdogan, en juin 2013. (ADEM ALTAN / AFP) 
Le Premier ministre turc, Erdogan, en juin 2013. (ADEM ALTAN / AFP)
"Si l'AKP perd les élections, les bandes criminelles resurgiront par ici et les Toros blanches feront leur retour". La menace de voir réapparaître des Renault 12, appelées "Toros" sur les routes de Turquie, pourrait faire sourire. Mais le Premier ministre Ahmet Davutoglu, qui l'a proférée au cours d'un meeting dans la grande ville kurde de Van, à quelques jours des élections législatives, a glacé le sang d'une bonne partie du pays.

Dans les régions de l'Est, nul n'ignore que ce véhicule populaire longtemps fabriqué localement reste encore largement associé aux escadrons de la mort qui raflaient, torturaient et exécutaient des militants kurdes dans les années 90, aux pires heures de la "sale guerre". Des milliers de disparitions sont restées inexpliquées.
Demandez à n'importe qui dans ces villes, tout le monde a une histoire à raconter avec les Renault blanches dans les années 90", confirme Muharrem Erbey, un avocat de Diyarbakir.
"Mais on dirait qu'aujourd'hui, ils n'ont même plus besoin de se cacher."

 250 civils tués en trois mois

Depuis le 20 juillet, le conflit armé a repris de plus belle entre les forces de sécurité turques et les rebelles du PKK (parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan), mettant fin à deux ans d'armistice et de négociations de paix entre les belligérants. Plus de 250 civils ont été tués en trois mois, selon l'Association des droits de l'homme (IHD) qui note un retour rapide à un niveau de violence jamais vu depuis 20 ans. Des enfants, des personnes âgées, ont été abattus en pleine rue par des snipers. Les forces spéciales de la police ont imposé un couvre-feu total sur des dizaines de villes et de quartiers. A Cizre, à la frontière turco-syro irakienne, le siège a duré 10 jours et 10 nuits, et 23 civils ont été tués. Des slogans vengeurs, "la république turque est là", "vous allez voir notre force", ont été laissés sur les murs. Une punition collective pour tous les bastions électoraux du parti prokurde HDP (parti des peuples et de la démocratie). 

Si certains acteurs ont changé – la police a notamment remplacé l'armée – les méthodes utilisées par la contre-guérilla dans les années 90 pour mater l'insurrection kurde sont réapparues. L'attentat d'Ankara, commis par une cellule djihadiste proche de l'Etat islamique, le 10 octobre, a également révélé des failles dans la surveillance et nourri les soupçons de collusion entre l'Etat et Daech. "Les vieux démons ont resurgi sous de nouveaux traits. La rencontre entre 'l'Etat profond' et la 'Nouvelle Turquie' d'Erdogan", souligne le chercheur Karabekir Akkoyunlu, dans un article publié par le site Open Democracy.

 Le drame de Sirnak

Une image plus qu'une autre a hanté les réseaux sociaux. Celle d'un corps, attaché par une corde au pare-choc d'un véhicule blindé des forces spéciales, traîné dans toute la ville de Sirnak comme un trophée de chasse. Ce bourg perché dans la montagne est un fief acquis à la rébellion, ses habitants ont fui des dizaines de village rasés et occupés par l'armée depuis les années 90. Le corps était celui de Haci Birlik. Un jeune comédien, passionné de théâtre et de cinéma, originaire de Sirnak, mais aussi un sympathisant de la cause kurde, beau-frère de Leyla Birlik, députée locale du HDP, vraisemblablement tué au cours d'affrontements armés à l'entrée de la ville. Une vidéo filmée depuis l'intérieur du blindé a accompagné cette macabre mise en scène. Ce sont les policiers eux-mêmes qui ont diffusé les images sur Twitter, sur un compte au nom de "Jitem". Comme les  commandos de gendarmerie fondés par le général Veli Küçük pour terroriser la base militante du PKK.

Militaires, agents, barbouzes, trafiquants de drogue...

Le Jitem était au cœur de "l'Etat profond", cette nébuleuse militaro nationaliste, réunissant militaires, agents, barbouzes, trafiquants de drogue, exécutant dans l'ombre, les basses œuvres de l'Etat. Une tradition plus ancienne que les années 90, souligne l'universitaire Karabekir Akkoyunlu.
Il y a un siècle, la junte panturque qui contrôlait le gouvernement ottoman utilisait les services d'agents de renseignement et de tribus kurdes pour commettre des atrocités contre les populations arméniennes".
L'éradication de ces cellules nationalistes étaient l'un des objectifs de l'affaire Ergenekon, ouverte par la justice en 2008. Le général Küçük en était l'une des têtes d'affiche. Mais après 2013, pour régler ses comptes avec son ancien allié, le prédicateur islamiste Fethullah Gülen, le gouvernement AKP de Recep Tayyip Erdogan a fait libérer de prison tout ce beau monde. Pour le réutiliser à son profit ?

Symbolique de cette époque, le parrain mafieux Sedat Peker est remonté sur scène juste avant les législatives du 7 juin. Condamné deux fois pour meurtre et association de malfaiteurs dans les années 90, baron des casinos et des parkings clandestins, membre des fameux Loups Gris, milice ultranationaliste, il a été libéré en 2014. Pour se muer aussitôt en supporter inconditionnel d'Erdogan, originaire comme lui de la ville de Rize, sur la Mer Noire.

Guillaume Perrier

Moringa oleifera health benefits

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Wake Up America: Democrats at War with We The People

Reblogged from canadafreepress.com via servehiminthewaiting.com

It is extremely chilling that a major political party places its liberal agenda above the lives and best interest of Americans. This is how their party rolls folks; Democrats verses We The People.

By Lloyd Marcus -- Bio and Archives  October 27, 2015
7 Comments | Print friendly | Subscribe | Email Us

Please forgive me for sounding like a doting dad, but I was blessed to watch my adult daughter play softball in the world series. I beamed with pride as the out fielders backed up when she came to bat. However, what I am about to report will further entrench me as a traitor in the minds of other blacks in my family.

My wife Mary alerted me to the latest horrific incident of the Knockout Game that was ignored by the mainstream media. In New Jersey, a black thug knocked out an unsuspecting defenseless white woman. In Baltimore, 50 black teens almost beat a 61 year old white man to near-death which was again hidden from most Americans.  My former employer WJZ-TV Baltimore refused to mention that the attackers were black in their coverage. And yet, race is the first thing out of reporters’ mouths in those rare incidences in which whites assault blacks. Stats show that blacks assault whites far more that vice versa.

I am the first to say everyone is solely responsible for their behavior. However, I see these black assaults on whites as the fist of the Democratic Party punching out innocent whites; the hand of the Democratic Party pulling the trigger assassinating police officers across America.

Democrats with MSM assistance have successfully convinced many black youths to believe white America is racist, murderers and responsible for all of black America’s woes. This Democrat insidious lie has caused black youths to feel morally justified in punishing their white Nemesis.

Few people realize the Democratic Party is at war with America. Yes, I am unequivocally saying everything the Democratic Party does is an attack on traditional morals and values. The Party leadership is repulsed by our God given freedom and rights written in the Constitution. Due to his radical education and perverted view of morality Obama believes the world has too little because America has too much. He is using his presidency to dethrone America as the world power.

From the Oval Office to numerous corrupted liberalism-infected government agencies, Democrats arrogantly bully and govern with an iron fist against the will of a majority of Americans. In essence, the Obama regime gives the American people the finger, daily.
From their perch of superiority, Democrats and liberal celebrity elitists believe only they should be permitted to bear arms, rather than us hayseed commoners. These elitists live in massive mansions, drive gas guzzlers and use massive amounts of fuel flying their private planes. Meanwhile, they lobby to force us peons to drive tiny tin cans, use public transportation and “lower our carbon footprint” to “save the planet”.
Here are just a few examples of the Dems hidden war against Americans

The nationwide epidemic of blacks attacking innocent whites

The nationwide epidemic of blacks attacking innocent whites is due to a clarion call to attack by Democrat inspired and supported Black Lives Matter. What is so frustrating and crazy is the BLM movement was founded on the lie that white cops and white civilians routinely murder blacks. Furthering this hate-generating lie, legitimizing and empowering the vile hate group, the Democrat National Committee has given BLM its blessing to host a presidential town hall – to discuss “racial justice.” Give me a break. Why not invite the KKK as well?
Then there is Kate’s Law which was voted down in the Senate by 44 Democrats.

Thirty-two year old Kate Steinle while enjoying a leisurely stroll with her dad on a San Francisco pier was shot by an illegal who was convicted and deported numerous times. And yet, he kept coming back to the US.

Kate’s Law is a mandatory five years in jail for felony illegals who keep coming back. To protect our families, a majority of Americans want Kate’s Law. Democrats said screw you America. We want to continue rolling out the welcome mat to illegals because we are working on giving them the right to vote. With all the government handouts we offer, we are pretty confident the illegals will become loyal Democrat voters. So, screw Kate, her family and you America!

Another reason why Obama and the Democrats ignore federal law encouraging the invasion of illegals is they believe America has been too white for too long.  I have to endure a rant from my wife every time she has to “press one for English”.

Despite national protest rallies and massive intense opposition from the American people Obama officially signed his insane Iran Nuke deal giving the world’s largest sponsors of terrorism $150 billion.  Iranians boldly chant, “Death to America”. Obama lied claiming there are ballistic missile restrictions in his Iran Nuke deal.  There are not. And where will those missiles be pointed? The answer is America. Ponder that folks.

By the way, a majority of American voters still oppose Obamacare.  Obamacare is another example of the Democrats saying screw you, we’re taking over your health care, deciding who lives or dies whether you like it or not.

Average American Joe knows very little regarding what happened at our U.S. consulate in Benghazi Libya. In a nutshell, Ambassador Stevens begged Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for more security, saying they were sitting ducks for Al Qaeda terrorists. Stevens’ request was denied. Nothing, including Stevens and his staff’s lives, would be allowed to contradict the Obama Administration’s lie that Al Qaeda was no longer a threat. Ambassador Stevens and other Americans were killed in a terrorist attack on our consulate. Stevens’ body was abused and dragged through the street.

To protect the Administration’s terrorism-is-not-a-problem lie, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and Obama appeared on numerous TV shows insisting that the attack was a spontaneous protest sparked by an anti-Muslim video. Emails revealed that Hillary knew the attack had nothing to do with a video and was a planned Al Qaeda terrorist attack.

Displaying the self-serving callousness of a sociopath, Hillary looked Pat Smith, mother of Benghazi victim Sean Smith, in the eye and promised to punish the producer of the video that caused the death of her son.

It is extremely chilling that a major political party places its liberal agenda above the lives and best interest of Americans. This is how their party rolls folks; Democrats verses We The People.

In softball, my daughter is a “natural”. She hit a blast into the stadium lights, exploding them. Okay, I am exaggerating a bit. She did hit a ground ball single that drove in the winning run. That’s my girl!
Lloyd Marcus -- Bio and Archives | Click to view 7 Comments
Lloyd Marcus is the songwriter and vocalist of the “American Tea Party Anthem.” He currently serves as president of NAACPC (National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of Color). Visit his website at LloydMarcus.com Lloyd can be reached at Mr_LloydMarcus@hotmail.com
© Copyright 2009 by Lloyd Marcus

Affecting truth by “reforming” religion

Reblogged from canadafreepress.com
By A. Dru Kristenev -- Bio and Archives  October 28, 2015
6 Comments | Print friendly | Subscribe | Email Us

Is there such a thing as a “reform” religion? Given some thought, a number of questions crop up regarding what is actually a reform religion, particularly when applied to the mosques, synagogues and churches that claim to practice their faith under the auspices of newness.
Starting with this: If one believes in the religion, yet thinks it must be reformed (changed, re-“formed”) in order to be applicable to their lives, then is not the act of reforming the “truth,” making it a new or different truth, in fact, denying that the original “truth” was truth at all
Yes, it sounds convoluted, but mull it over. If an adherent to a religion cannot subscribe to the founding tenets of that belief system, then why follow it in the first place, or follow it just far enough to want or feel compelled to change it? (Get used to this as the whole article is one query after another.)

Is it tradition? The individual feels duty-bound to walk the same road as his ancestors even though he disagrees with the doctrine?

Is it shame? That should the person turn to another faith that speaks more to his belief system he would be shamed by family and friends, even threatened were he to leave a militaristically dogmatic religion such as Islam?

Is it the comfort of sticking with what he knows even if some of the basic ideas stir up strife in his heart, effectually making him restless and uncomfortable? And does one follow a religion because it makes them comfortable, or because it calls them to step out beyond their comfort zone? Or does someone choose a religion because their friends or peers attend?

In accepting a religion, there should be a strong spiritual draw to that belief to begin with, otherwise, why even bother? And for whatever reason a person follows a religious belief system, it is assumed, at some point, they accept the religion as being grounded in truth. Then why reform?
If truth cannot change then reforming a religion in order to be relevant in a modern world disputes the truth of it, making it irrelevant rather than the opposite, and, in effect, wrong. Truth is truth, or it is not – simple. If truth needs reform then it was never truth in the first place.

This is why Tayyip Erdogan is correct when he said, “Islam is Islam and that’s it.” He had a point in that for every religion, as an adherent, one believes it or they do not. If the original faith was true, then changing (reforming) it makes it not true, in which case, there cannot be a reform Islam, Judaism, Hinduism or Christianity. Changing it makes it a different religion. If the religion needed to be reformed then the reformer didn’t believe it at the outset.

This is why Jesus said not to add or take away from His Word (Rev. 22:18-19, Deuteronomy 4:1-2) and why purposefully changing it to fit a fad, custom or whim of society – man’s new interpretation – voids the truth He gave. Truth is not malleable or flexible to suit individual desires or the drifting mores of a secular social scene.

To reform a religion is to change it and what we seek in Christianity today is to restore our understanding of truth, not to re-form it. Even the term “revival” has more meaning and application because it is meant that the Word be revived in our hearts. However, if pastors and Church leaders are hell-bent (that’s what I said) on re-forming the Church to fit a modern social venue – i.e. blessing gay marriage, abortion, or other amoral and immoral behaviors – then they never did believe the Truth for which Jesus sacrificed His life on the Cross.

It is time to examine what you believe… is it true or would you “reform” it?

Kaboom! Cruz launches missile at debate hosts

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Turkey Is on the Path to Rogue Dictatorship

Should President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's AK Party not win a majority of seats in the Nov. 1 vote, the mainstream media hold that his power will diminish. The headline of a much-circulated Reuters analysis sums up this view: "Erdoğan seen with little choice but to share power after Turkish vote." Agence France-Presse predicts that winning less than half the seats "would again force [the AKP] to share power or call yet another election." Almost identically, Middle East Online sees this situation forcing the AKP "to share power or organise yet another election." And so on, almost invariably including the words "share power."

The Supreme Election Board (Yüksek Seçim Kurulu) oversees voting in Turkey; will it be forced to rig the election on Nov. 1?
But what if Erdoğan chooses not to share power? He then has two options. If the results are close, election fraud is a distinct possibility; reports suggest sophisticated software (think Volkswagen) to skew the results.
  If the results are not close, Erdoğan can sideline the parliament, the prime minister, the other ministers, and the whole damn government. This sidelining option, which the press ignores as a possibility, follows directly from Erdoğan's past actions. Since he left the prime ministry in August 2014 to become Turkey's president, he has diminished his old office, depriving it of nearly all authority. He turned it over to a professorial foreign-policy theorist with no political base, Ahmet Davutoğlu, and controls him so tightly that Davutoğlu cannot even decide on his own aides (who also double as Erdoğan's informants).

At the same time, Erdoğan built himself a 1,005-room presidential palace housing a staff of 2,700 which constitutes a bureaucracy that potentially can take over the other ministries of state, leaving a seemingly unchanged government in place that behinds the scenes follows orders from the palace.
Turkey's President Erdoğan (l) gives Prime Minister Davutoğlu (r) his marching orders.
Erdoğan will surely sideline parliament as well; not by turning it into a grotesque North Korea-style rubber-stamp assembly but into an Egypt- or Iran-style body consumed with secondary matters (school examinations, new highways) while paying close heed to wishes of the Big Boss.
Then, to complete his takeover, he will deploy his many tools of influence to control the judiciary, the media, corporations, the academy, and the arts. He will also shut down private dissent, especially on social media, as suggested by the many lawsuits he and his cronies have initiated against ordinary citizens who dare criticize him.
At this point, the Hugo Chávez/Vladimir Putin of Turkey, the one who compared democracy to a trolley ("You ride it until you arrive at your destination, then you step off") will truly have arrived at his destination. As a reward, he may even declare himself the caliph of all Muslims.
Chávez of Venezuela (l) and Putin of Russia (r) in each other's arms: But where's Erdoğan?
Returning to the present: The number of AKP seats in parliament hardly matters because Erdoğan will do what it takes, legally or illegally, to become the new sultan. He will not have to "share power," but will seize more power by hook (sidelining parliament) or crook (electoral fraud). Foreign capitals need to prepare for the unpleasant likelihood of a rogue dictatorship in Turkey.

Oct. 26, 2015 update: Kadri Gürsel explores various possibilities should the AKP not win a majority of the votes, including Erdoğan forcing a third round of voting. But he does not raise the sidelining of parliament as one of the president's choices.

Refugee Resettlement - Ann Corcoran

Monday, October 26, 2015

Un reportage France 2 de 2009 sur les chrétiens en Algérie - Info chrétienne

Un reportage France 2 de 2009 sur les chrétiens en Algérie

Un reportage France 2 de 2009 sur les chrétiens en Algérie. Un puissant encouragement, une raison de louer le Seigneur et une invitation à prier encore pour que le Royaume de Dieu s'établisse sur la terre !

Posted by Info Chrétienne on Sunday, August 23, 2015

CANADA: So, why does Justin Trudeau seem to spend so much time in bed with radical Muslims?

Reblogged from www.barenakedislam.com 

CKNjngmUAAQgT43.jpg-largeRecently, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau met privately with a group of Islamic leaders inside a Regina mosque, an event from which the media were barred. The Liberal party is keeping a tight lid on what transpired during the two-hour, closed-door session last Tuesday.

TORONTO SUN The gathering may well be one of the few election events of 2015 that will go unreported because as one correspondent assigned to cover the story told me: “Unfortunately I wasn’t permitted inside.”It seems almost every time Trudeau steps inside a mosque, he walks into a minefield of controversy.


In March 2011 he visited a mosque in Montreal that a month later was classified by U.S. intelligence as an al-QaEda recruitment centre. Trudeau pleaded ignorance, arguing the mosque’s link to al-Qaeda came up only after he had visited it. In fact, as early as 2006, CBC’s Radio Canada had done a lengthy investigative report on that mosque, identifying it as a well-known centre of radical anti-West rhetoric.


In 2013, Trudeau spent an evening at the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) Islamic centre west of Toronto during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The parent organization of ISNA in the U.S. has been listed by the U.S. Justice Department as an “unindicted co-conspirator” in a terror funding trial.

ISNA was never charged with any crime, but prosecutors listed it as one of the “entities who are and/or were members of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood”. (A federal judge later ruled the document should not have been released and ISNA said its inclusion was guilt by association.)

Justin_Trudeau muslim brotherhood

The Regina mosque where Trudeau held his closed-door meeting last week “recommends” the ISNA website to its members on its web page.

A Liberal press release made no mention of the event. When I pressed for an explanation, a Liberal staffer in Ottawa called me saying it was not Liberal policy to make visits to religious institutions open to the media.

But that’s not accurate. Trudeau has been photographed praying alongside Muslims in a Surrey mosque.


Next, I asked Liberal MP Ralph Goodale who had accompanied Trudeau, why the media was barred from the Regina mosque event. His answer was: “Media was present for coverage at door to mosque. Inside was regular evening prayer. Not our place to invite media.”

But that does not match the account by Regina’s Leader-Post newspaper. It said, “The Liberal leader arrived in Regina on Tuesday evening and headed to a south-end mosque where … the media was not permitted to attend.” The reporter, Nathan Liewicki, later told me, “A (Liberal) party spokesperson said Trudeau was going to be at the mosque and that the media were not able to attend.”

Trudeau was keynote speaker at Hamas-linked Islamic Relief function
Trudeau was keynote speaker at Hamas-linked Islamic Relief function

Meanwhile, a spokesman for the mosque told me in an email Trudeau met with many members of the local Muslim community during his visit adding: “It was wrongly reported in the media that they were not allowed to attend. The coordinator from the Liberal party was asked to arrange for (a) media person if they wanted.”


Contrast the Liberals’ secrecy with Conservative Leader Stephen Harper’s visit to a Hindu temple in Toronto on Monday. It was an open event with no restrictions on the media while the Liberal one was shrouded in secrecy.

Trudeau owes an explanation to Canadians. What was discussed behind closed doors with Islamic leaders inside that mosque?

Trudeau outed for meeting with Muslim leader who publishes that men should beat their wives
Trudeau outed for meeting with Muslim leader Shaykh Omar Subedar 
who publishes that men should beat their wives

Mid-East Prophecy Update – October 25th, 2015

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Brazil Pension Crisis: 'Think Greece but More Colossal'

Image: Brazil Pension Crisis: 'Think Greece but More Colossal' (Dollar Photo Club)
By Newsmax Wires   |   Wednesday, 21 Oct 2015
Brazil reportedly is mired in a pension crisis of historic proportions. “Think Greece but more colossal,” one economist said in describing the chaotic impact on national finances amid a political struggle.

Brazil's economy, the largest in Latin America, shrank over the past couple of quarters and is slated to contract this year and next, the country's first back-to-back annual retractions since the 1930s. Households across Brazil are tapping their savings as accelerating inflation and rising unemployment are weighing down their finances, Reuters reports.

Brazilians retire at an average age of 54, and some public servants, military officials and politicians manage to collect multiple pensions totaling more than $100,000 year, The New York Times reported. Loopholes enable the spouses or daughters of retirees to go on collecting the pensions for the rest of their lives.

The phenomenon is so common in Brazil’s vast public bureaucracy that some scholars call it the “Viagra effect” — retired civil servants, many in their 60s or 70s, wed to much younger women who are entitled to the full pensions for decades after their spouses are gone, the Times reported.

“Think Greece, but on a crazier, more colossal scale,” Paulo Tafner, an economist and a leading authority on Brazil’s pension system, told the Times.

“The entire country should be frightened to its core. The pensions Brazilians obtain and the ages at which they start receiving them are nothing less than scandalous.”

The pension crisis is fueling Brazil’s political turmoil as President Dilma Rousseff fights to stay in office. School and health budgets are being cut, and Rousseff is now proposing steps to keep pension spending from ballooning even more, the Times reported.

But a rebellious Congress voted this year to significantly expand pension benefits. Rousseff vetoed the legislation, setting the stage for a bruising battle with lawmakers.

Economist Nouriel Roubini of New York University warns that "Brazil is on the brink of a precipice" as Latin America’s largest economy struggles amid political strife.

Roubini, one of the few economists who predicted the financial crisis of 2008, predicts that without fiscal adjustment, the country will lose its investment grade rating with other credit rating agencies, borrowing costs will skyrocket and its currency will plunge and the economy will shrink.

But the dire prediction isn’t written in stone, he said.

"Brazil isn't destined to have a crisis, it's possible to avoid it," he told Folha de S.Paulo. "If they make the necessary adjustments, there won't be any further downgrading and confidence in fiscal policy will improve. That will make people more comfortable about spending,” he said.

To be sure, pensions remain a problem in Greece, where such bloated entitlements were part of the momentum which almost pushed the nation off a fiscal cliff.

Greek civil servants union ADEDY has called a 24-hour general strike for Nov. 12 in protest at pension reforms required under Greece's latest bailout deal with its international lenders, the Associated Press reported.
Monday, private sector union GSEE called a strike for the same day, adding to a groundswell of public discontent at a raft of tax hikes and pension cutbacks that Athens has had to make under the terms of the 86 billion euro (63 billion pound) bailout, its third since 2010.
© 2015 Newsmax Finance. All rights reserved.

Read more: NYT: An Exploding Pension Crisis Feeds Brazil's Political Turmoil
Important: Can you afford to Retire?

Behold, I Make All Things New

All Things New

    Site update: Words cannot express how much your comments here and on Facebook, and your emails have meant to me this past week. From the beginning, the Lord has brought us the most amazing and supportive readers. And I am so very grateful for you all.

    We began this ministry by modeling it after George Muller. He opened and ran orphanages, and supported missionaries by mentioning his needs to the Lord only. The main purpose was not in giving, though that was extreme and generous,  it was in proving that the God we serve is real, that He cares for us, and that He answers our prayers.

    We celebrated our tenth anniversary as missionaries in Mexico this past September. And in these ten years we have seen the Lord do amazing things through this ministry, while staying true to our goal to show that it is the Lord only who provides all these things. We never advertised, or fundraised. We never asked for donations, so we knew that everything we received was what and how the Lord desired. And it has been an absolute joy to be the channel through which the blessings of the Lord have flowed. From the Lord, through you, through this ministry, to bless the lives of countless others. Consistently, we would pray about a need we would see, and the Lord would respond, “you do it.” And new donations would arrive, in just the right amounts. It is a privilege and an honor to serve the living God, and to partner with you, the Body of Christ.

    Jack had a special gifting to help all of us know and experience the grace and mercy and love of our Creator. To simplify what seemed complicated, and clarify what seemed confusing. I am so grateful for this site, not just for you who have supported and prayed and cried with us, but for this place to come and read Jack’s words anew and feel encouraged and a little less alone.

    I don’t know what the Lord has in mind for me, our missionary work, or for this website. I do know that He has always been faithful. And I know that I will keep Jack’s words up indefinitely. As a dear friend told me, the Lord gave us this ministry and we won’t allow the devil to take it away. We’ve never done anything without seeking the Lord, and waiting for His provision. I will continue to live by the faith that it is our job to seek the Lord first and His righteousness, and it’s His job to provide all of our needs, even when we don’t know what that looks like.

    While I wait on the Lord and seek His face, I ask for your prayers for clarity and an open heart, not clouded by grief but in celebrating both what was and what is to come… which can’t be far off. I’ll post the Prophecy in the Headlines each day. And I’ll be going through the huge body of work on this site and through Jack’s unpublished writings at home and putting them up fresh on the site for those, like me, who would like to remember. (He was writing some amazing Christmas devotional posts that I’m particularly excited about.) I’m reposting this article below so we can all focus on what is to come. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

    A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

    And He that sat upon the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” (Rev. 21:5)
    “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him” (I Cor 2:9).

    The Greek word translated new in Rev 21:5 can also mean renewed or restored, and includes circumstances and conditions along with appearance.  It’s the same word used in Rev 21:1 referring to a new heaven and a new earth.  And Rev. 21:1 is a reference to  Isaiah 65:17 where new heavens and a new earth are also mentioned, along with one of the better descriptions of life in Israel during the Millennium. The Hebrew word for new in Isaiah 65:17 comes from a root meaning to rebuild, renew, or repair.

    Since Jesus described His 2nd Coming as the renewal of all things (Matt. 19:28), it’s reasonable to interpret Rev. 21 as describing Heaven and Earth being restored to the condition they were in before the fall; refreshed, renewed, repaired and rebuilt for Messiah’s Kingdom.  It will be like God hit the reset button to put everything back the way it was at the beginning, giving the Creation a fresh start for the Millennium.

    The context of Rev. 20 also supports this interpretation since Rev. 20:7-15 is actually a parenthetical explanation of the ultimate destinies of Satan and the unbelieving world.  John was simply bringing his subject to its conclusion before returning to the beginning of the Millennium to describe the New Jerusalem.  We know this because John skipped forward to the end of the Millennium in Rev. 20:7 and then returned to open both Rev. 21 (Isaiah 65:17) and Rev. 22 (Ezekiel 47:12) with millennial quotes from the Old Testament.

    Israel And The Church In The Millennium

    Have you noticed that there’s a lot more information about the nature of the coming Kingdom in the Old Testament than in the New? That’s because even though Christians talk more about the Millennium than Jews do, the fact is that the 1000 year Kingdom of the Messiah is intended for Israel not the Church, and for Earth not Heaven.

    Major glimpses of life in the Millennium are found throughout Isaiah (2, 4, 35, 54, 55, 60, 61, 65, 66) Ezekiel (40-48) Joel (3) Amos (9) Micah (4) and Zechariah (14) with other smatterings through out the Old Testament. All we know from the New Testament is found in Rev. 20-22, and even there, portions referring to New Jerusalem describe only our physical surroundings, not our life style.

    In the rest of the New Testament, we find only a couple of hints, such as Matthew 19:28 and Acts 3:21, because the New Testament concerns Christian life in phase one of the Kingdom of Heaven (before the rapture), not phase two (after it). So we can read much more about life on Earth during the Millennium, than we can about life in New Jerusalem. Those passages are important because they describe the fulfillment of God’s promise to Israel, a promise that includes peace (finally) prosperity, land of their own and long happy life with God in their midst, but they’re not written for us.

    So What About Us?

    Descriptions of life in New Jerusalem are limited; no more death, or mourning, or crying, or pain (Rev 21:4). Sounds great, but what do we do all day? On Earth folks will be building houses, bearing children, planting vineyards, tending sheep and otherwise enjoying the works of their hands (Isa 65:17-25). Do we just spend our time in some endless worship service?  Though it’s not likely, no one knows for sure what we’ll be doing.  But even though the Bible doesn’t answer our questions about our everyday  activities, it does speak of our state of mind.

    Become As Little Children

    Jesus said that in order to enter the Kingdom, we would have to change and become like little children (Matt. 18:3).  What does that mean?  Behavioral Scientists have determined that the average child is much happier than the average adult, partly because children spend most of their time learning and doing new things, and partly because they haven’t yet acquired the fears and worries of adult life. By the way, Science has also discovered that while for all practical purposes the creative potential of the human brain is limitless, the average adult uses a mere fraction of that potential working toward and achieving life goals.

    A reasonably successful life in the US has always been beyond the wildest dream of most non-Americans, but even that can be reduced to such a predictable routine that once learned it’s quite possible to “live the good life” without much mental effort at all. Most people  invest more of their creativity in hobbies and leisure activities than in career goals.
    In short, our Creator has endowed us with limitless creative potential (Deut 8:18), but since very little of that potential is needed to live successfully, we become bored and unhappy, searching for something to stimulate our creativity and get us excited again. Such is life, at least on Earth.

    What’s The Alternative?

    But suppose we were suddenly thrust into an environment filled with endless opportunities for exploration and the acquisition of new experience and knowledge without any fears or worries, just like being kids again.  Suppose each of us would see this environment as if it was created especially for us, to stimulate our unique blend of talent and creative ability, even to the extent of being designed around our favorite shapes and colors. Suppose it was a dynamic environment, growing as we grow, to provide endless opportunity for discovery without any possibility of defeat, disappointment or failure.

    And suppose we were gifted with boundless energy, always feeling better than our best day on Earth, without a hint of fatigue, sickness, accident or injury. Ever.
    Ever notice how curious kids are, asking all kinds of questions about what we’re doing and why?  Suppose we were given full use of the dimension of time, able to observe all of history first hand and understand how everything came to be and why it happened the way it did.

    Suppose we had been divested of all fear, hatred, jealousy, envy, greed and worry, our minds filled instead with happiness, gratitude, joy and satisfaction for self and others. Suppose there were no more misunderstandings, arguments, or betrayals, and that everyone around us was just as concerned for our well being as we were for theirs.  Perhaps this is what the Lord meant by becoming as little children.

    Billy Graham was once asked if there would be golf courses in heaven. “If they’re necessary for our happiness,” he replied “they’ll be there.” I believe everything necessary for our happiness has been created and installed in the New Jerusalem, and that even with our supernatural abilities we’ll live endless lives of exploration and realization, joy and happiness.  This is what the Millennium will be like for us.

    So why doesn’t the Bible go into more detail about it?  Well,  the Bible was written to and for Earth bound humankind in our natural state.  Even if there was a detailed description of what awaits us, it would be so different from what we’re used to that our limited minds couldn’t comprehend very much of it.  And what little we could understand would make us so miserable here that we’d do anything possible to hasten our departure. In short it would make our lives here intolerable.

    As it is written “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him (1 Cor. 2:9).  I think we’re supposed to read that literally.  10-16-10

    Saturday, October 24, 2015

    College students can't handle 'feminism fails' message

    College students can't handle 'feminism fails' message

    Suzanne Venker Students at Williams College apparently are mentally and physically unable to handle messages such "feminism fails." Suzanne Venker, a WND Books author whose "The Flipside of Feminism" and "How to Choose a Husband" confront contemporary feminist agenda bullet points, had been scheduled to speak at Williams for a special "Uncomfortable Learning" series. But according…

    Moscow summons UK attache over claims RAF licensed to down Russian jets

    Note from the blogster:  We have to be careful when relating stories read in the MSM. Who knows who is telling the truth?
    Reblogged from  www.theguardian.com
    Defence attache called to Moscow to clarify ‘inaccurate’ newspaper reports concerning RAF rules of engagement in Iraq

    RAF Tornado GR4  in Iraq in September 2014
    Russia’s defence ministry has summoned the British defence attache over reports in Sunday newspapers claiming that RAF pilots were given licence to shoot down Russian jets in Iraq if threatened. 

    The reports in the Daily Star on Sunday and the Sunday Times were described by the UK Foreign Office as inaccurate. The report said RAF Tornado fighters launching airstrikes on Islamic State targets in Iraq were using missiles designed for aerial combat.

    The British embassy in Moscow confirmed that the defence attache had been asked to clarify the UK’s position and had visited the Russian ministry of defence in Moscow on Sunday. 

    According to a British government source, Russia accepted the explanation.
    A Foreign Office spokesperson in London said the defence attache had expressed concern over Russia’s Syria policy during the meeting: “The Russian government sought clarification over inaccurate newspaper reports concerning RAF rules of engagement in Iraq. The defence attache reiterated the British government’s concerns about Russia’s military operation in Syria, including targeting legitimate opposition groups, using unguided weaponry and leading to large numbers of civilian deaths.”

    In London, the Russian ambassador, Alexander Yakovenko, said Moscow had urgently requested an explanation from the Foreign Office.

    He said: “The very premise of a potential conflict of UK and Russian combat aircraft over Iraq is incomprehensible. It is known that Russian air force does not take part in strikes against Isis targets in the said country. At the same time, RAF does not participate in the anti-Isis coalition strikes in Syria. The question arises, what is the goal of such a provocative media leak? Whose morale are they meant to raise?”

    The Daily Star Sunday, which claimed the story as an exclusive, said British pilots have been told to take drastic action if fired upon by Russians during missions over Iraq and that it was just a matter of time before there was a deadly confrontation with Russian planes
    The Star added that RAF Tornado jets will be equipped with the Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile – a supersonic weapon which can blast any aircraft out of the sky.

    The Sunday Times appears to have followed up the story.
    An RAF spokesman said: “There is no truth in this story.”
    A defence source said that RAF planes flying in Iraq can carry air-to-air missiles but they do not in Iraq and there is no intention to do so. The RAF only conducts surveillance over Syrian air space at present but these are carried out by Reaper drones. RAF surveillance planes also monitor events on the ground in Syria but they do so from positions outside Syria.

    Russia has not ruled out airstrikes in Iraq if they are requested by the Iraqi government, but so far is only operating in Syria.

    Yakovenko also complained that Britain had not provided intelligence to Russia on the location of Isis’s infrastructure in Syria, despite repeated requests. Western countries have expressed alarm at the Russian campaign in the country. President Vladimir Putin has said the goal is to target Isis, but the strikes appear mainly to have targeted rebel groups fighting 
    Bashar al-Assad’s forces.

    The Russian strikes came after Putin addressed the UN late last month and called for a global coalition against Isis. Just two days later, Russian planes carried out their first attacks.

    Kommersant Dengi, a financial magazine, estimated the potential cost of Russia’s Syria commitments to be €1bn (£740m) a year.