What the Bible says about light and seed

The True Light "In him, (the Lord Jesus) was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world,…the world didn’t recognize him." John 1:4,9.

The Good Seed and the Weeds “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seeds in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. Matthew 13:24,25.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Le monde ne peut pas supporter l'idée d'une souveraineté juive à Jérusalem



Le silence assourdissant de la communauté internationale après l’attentat du tramway de Jérusalem qui a fait deux morts - dont un bébé de trois mois - tranche de manière criante avec les réactions irrationnelles entendues à peine quelques jours plus tard suite à l’annonce de projets de construction dans la même ville.

C’est en profondeur qu’il faut chercher ce qui pousse les Etats-Unis et l’Union Européenne à protester de manière aussi énergique et automatique à chaque fois que les Juifs annoncent qu’ils veulent construire des maisons dans leur capitale historique, alors que ces mêmes pays sont restés silencieux lorsque deux êtres innocents étaient volontairement fauchés par un terroriste imbibé de haine antisémite.

Si Washington et les capitales européennes condamnaient chaque construction dans des territoires disputés dans le monde entier, on pourrait, à la rigueur, croire en leur bonne foi.
Mais il faudrait pour cela créer dans tous ces pays des Ministères "des-condamnations-de-constructions-en-zones-disputées", avec des fonctionnaires à plein temps!

Mais en l’occurrence, la mauvaise foi, l’hypocrisie et la méchanceté suent par tous les pores. Même le Conseil de Sécurité se réunit en urgence spécialement pour cela alors que les pays arabes au Proche-Orient sont à feu et à sang. Il n’existe aucun cas similaire au monde. Et c’est précisément l’Etat juif qui est visé. Hasard, hasard…

L’Occident vieillissant perd peu à peu ses repères et ses valeurs. Et malgré tous les problèmes auxquels il est confronté, il estime qu’il a tout de même assez de temps libre pour suivre au microscope la politique cadastrale du petit Etat d’Israël.

De manière inconsciente, par son attitude, il condamne les pulsions de vie des Israéliens tout en justifiant tacitement les pulsions de mort de leurs ennemis. Le conflit qui se joue au Proche-Orient exprime aujourd’hui ce combat entre deux cultures : produire, développer, inventer, innover, bâtir, planter contre détruire, saccager et semer la mort. Dans cette configuration, Israël est résolument du côté de la vie. "Nous aimons la mort autant que vous aimez la vie" disent fréquemment les chefs terroristes arabes palestiniens aux Israéliens pour bien marquer leur "originalité". Une phrase surréaliste pour un esprit moderne et rationnel et que les Occidentaux commencent à comprendre dans leur propre chair.
Et pourtant, dès qu’il s’agit d’Israël les vieux réflexes sont de retour : les assassins deviennent des "combattants de la liberté" et les bâtisseurs sont accusés d’être un obstacle à la paix".

Construire des logements dans la ville qui est depuis plus de 3.000 ans la capitale du peuple juif est un signe de vie, de renaissance, une bouffée d’oxygène nationale, après 19 siècles d’absence. Construire à Jérusalem est sans doute l’un des signes les plus tangibles et symboliques des retrouvailles du peuple juif avec sa terre. Depuis 2000 ans, trois fois par jour, dans les prières juives, les fidèles récitent "Tu es béni, D.ieu, qui ramène les exilés de Ton peuple Israël" et "Tu es béni D.ieu qui reconstruit Jérusalem".
Ces prières composées depuis la nuit des temps s’exaucent sous nos yeux tout comme les prophéties bibliques. Merveilleux !

Et nous devrions cesser tout cela parce que des dirigeants américains, britanniques, belges, français ou espagnols nous le demandent ? Il est vrai qu’ils ont un alibi de taille : la gauche et les principaux médias israéliens qui les devancent et les encouragent dans leur opposition avec leur sempiternel "ce n’est pas le moment opportun pour construire ». Le Premier ministre Benyamin Netanyahou, dans son discours d’inauguration de la session parlementaire d’hiver a eu raison de placer cette gauche face à son hypocrisie : « Lorsqu’on vous écoute depuis des années, ce n’est jamais ni le lieu ni le moment pour construire à Jérusalem ».

Il y a 20 ans, un rabbin français avertissait qu’un jour, les Etats-Unis, grand alliés d’Israël, se retourneraient contre lui à propos de la question de Jérusalem, car la souveraineté juive retrouvée sur Jérusalem est une situation insupportable tant pour l’Occident chrétien que pour l’Islam.

Nous y sommes, et c’est là, à mon avis, la raison réelle, enfouie, subconsciente de cette hyperréactivité de la communauté internationale à la moindre annonce de projet de construction dans la capitale israélienne. Le choix du terme de « provocation » n’est pas gratuit dans la terminologie de la communauté internationale. La création de l’Etat d’Israël en 1948 et plus encore; la libération du berceau historique et de la capitale en 1967 furent autant de "provocations" pour tous ceux qui pensaient que la "question juive" était en passe d’être "résolue".

Jérusalem n’a jamais été la capitale d’un autre Etat ni d’un autre peuple; et Jérusalem n’a jamais été autant au cœur des préoccupations du monde que depuis que ses propriétaires légitimes y sont revenus. Durant les 19 ans d’occupation jordanienne de la ville, entre 1948 et 1967, jamais il n’a été question de faire de Jérusalem une "capitale palestinienne".
A nous, ses légitimes propriétaires, de protéger et développer notre capitale pour le bien de tous ses habitants, en dépit des critiques et des condamnations malveillantes dont nous sommes sevrés.

Jérusalem n’est pas seulement la capitale d’Israël, elle est aussi le capital le plus précieux pour tout le peuple juif.

Shraga Blum est un journaliste indépendant qui contribue à l'hebdomadaire "P'tit Hebdo" et un analyste politique pour plusieurs sites internet en français

Thursday, October 30, 2014

World Of Channeling Rocked Due To “Resignation” Of “Official Voice Of Heaven”, Channeler, Kathryn E. May

Note from the author of this blog: This post on my FB was sent by a very dear friend of mine. This is encouraging. Please read it carefully and pray for this lady who still has not found the truth and has come to the first step in renouncing invisible entities that she channels to help mankind reach godhood. I was trapped for 14 years in the New Age movement and in the last 3 years of my involvement in it, I started doubting whether it was the way to God when I saw through the broken promises, the discrepancies, and contradictions in the lives of the hindu monks and spiritual teachers that I earnestly believe and followed.
Finally after seeing many of my friends and followers of the Indian guru, all of them in their mid thirties die while they followed faithfully the teachings that were supposed to bring divine health, holiness and divine bliss, in despair I  turned to the Lord Jesus and asked him this simple question: Which way is true, you and the Bible or the guru and his teachings? He answered in a undeniable way and showed me in an unmistakable, concrete fashion that he was the Way, the Truth and the Life. 
This lady is at a crossroad in her life. Now comes the hard part . Once the Lord delivers someone from spiritual bondage and they receive the Spirit that guides them into all truth, the real spiritual battle starts. Satan doesn´t like to be forced to let go of one of his victims and popular instruments through whom he can deceive millions of people. 
Please intercede for this lady, that she will see the true light, that the protective power of the Spirit and the help of angels will shield her and that the Lord will use his earthly servants to testify of his love, his grace and his mercy for her. I pray that she will have a deep hunger and thirst for the truth of the Word of God that will make her free.
Let´s remember that the Lord Jesus met Saul at the cross road of Damascus. Nothing is beyond his power to save and to accomplish his will and purpose. Amen?
Photo found on a FB page
 Tuesday, October 28, 2014 10:51 Reposted from: (Before It's News)

Kathryn E. May… has submitted her resignation for now (reposted below), in a poignant letter to heaven and us all, about ‘the situation’…. involving the continued delays of all sorts of announcements and questionable strategies on their part… Kathryn has many feathers in her cap, that have earned her a wide respect across the multiverse… for her willingness to channel and share messages, without tainting them with her ego.  With this ability and other qualities, Kathryn has been holding retreats, seeing clients, activating Atlantis crystal in the tropics… writing books, appearing in videos, hosting a live radio show, doing channelings, answering emails… ON BEHALF OF ALL OF US!!! 
Can you imagine doing all this, and the shopping and house cleaning hehe?  Can you imagine being a spokesperson for heaven on a prison planet-type scenario?  Can you imagine receiving messages from Sananda, the returned master…. THE OFFICIAL TEACHINGS OF JESUS?  Kathryn can do more than imagine it… she has lived it.

I have noticed that some of the heavenly channels will sometimes add in little lies “on purpose” it seems… perhaps it is to see if we are truly discerning, or if we simply go on automatic once we have found a trusted source. I also expressed to heaven a while ago, that their tactic of deceiving us with their little ‘miscommunications’ like for example, using the word ‘soon’ which to us means ‘soon’ and to them it means ‘whenever it happens…. perhaps lightyears’, doesn’t sit well, since they can read our minds and know beforehand the probability of misinterpretations… whatever the reasons, I’m also tired of anyone playing games with the earthlings, let alone St. Germain and the crew  (Let’s ask Creator right now to end all the games of anyone trying to control anyone else on this planet… so be it!)… but that heaven may be using deception at this point in the game to teach the earthlings lessons, is definitely discouraging and not at all uplifting if it is happening, as if things are not challenging enough sheesh! Perhaps even heaven casts a shadow at this time on earth, but for a grand purpose that we on earth do not understand?… in admiration for Kathryn and The Company of Heaven, and with support and gratitude… further breakthroughs from the matrix of your illusions are welcomed… ideally there are millions of people actively sharing the messages from heavenly hosts that resonate, because it’s a lot of energy for one or a few people don’t you feel?… to carry that energy while the masses focus on things that are often not really imporant.  ======>  People just like you  <======== Does heaven wait for you while you wait for heaven? Keep rising above any shyness, embarassment, anger or distance you may have with heaven and heaven inside… and support those who are showing the rest how it’s done… who have already boldly gone where others do not dare to go yet… heart-to-heart Indian in the machine
Listen to “Heaven Inside”… Track 4 from Warrior Ignition

Kathryn:  My Resignation

Dear Friends,
I have decided today to resign from my position as “The Voice of Mother/Father God” and “The Voice of Sananda.”  I will not be channeling messages from the Ascended Masters for the foreseeable future.  I will explain why.

For several years, I have kept my promise to channel the voices of the Company of Heaven with absolute fidelity.  I have changed not a word, not an inflection, not a bit of what they have given to me.  I add nothing and leave out nothing.  And so, the messages stand as they were given.  I do not take credit or blame, except perhaps for having been the messenger for a program that evolved, little by little, into a series of cheerleading, encouraging and repetitive messages which have turned out to be, finally, a carrot without a prize. 

I was told unequivocally that it would happen this past weekend, with details, times and specific instructions.  I was assured repeatedly that they would never again promise me something that was not to be.  I reminded them not to give me details if they are not fact.  Once again, after enormous build-up, their date came and went, with more explanations and promises.  The same ones, again.

The whole RV build-up was a way to help people envision helping one another to build a new world.  I was delighted to represent the promise of hope, peace, and prosperity which could raise all of us out of the dark control of the cabal and discover our own power to change the world.  But ultimately, it has been all about money.

The explanation was that we would beat them at their own game, take back control of our institutions, our structures of governance and our own lives, to live no longer under the yoke of the overlord, Money.  We were to do this by having more money than God, as we joked.  Perhaps this makes sense from a certain perspective – that there are some who can be entrusted with great wealth, who can buy back our freedom and our dignity.

Is this what we really need?  This promise of material riches to set us free of the brain-washing, the poverty, the misery and want that was created to keep us divided against one another and against our God? 

It has been my life’s work to help people search within themselves for the anchor to their true Center – the heart and soul connection that can free us from the brain-centered selfishness that co-opted all of us into believing we are not good enough, worthy enough unless we have great wealth.  I still believe this is the real work we need to do, to be true to the body and soul we were born with, to live a life of integrity and Love regardless of what propaganda and mind-control our brains may have been subjected to along the way.
I will continue this work, the Visual Centering that has proven so effective in helping so many to find their center, to free themselves from childhood pain and childhood programming.  This is what matters to me – to see people reach deeply into their hearts, beyond religious beliefs, beyond any teachings or philosophical arguments, to find peace with the beauty they came here to express. 

I have given notice to my beloved friends in Higher Dimensions.  I will no longer channel any messages from them because they broke their promise to me to activate the revaluation of currencies, the flood of blessings we were promised by this weekend, or I would refuse to channel anything more.  I commanded that it be done, and they accepted my declaration that this was enough, enough cheerleading, enough promises, enough explanations and seeming apologies.
We have done our work in good faith.  We have searched within to connect with our highest good, and it makes it impossible now to accept anything that is not pure.  Pure truth, pure Love and Light does not support manipulation or lies, not for any reason.  The end does not justify the means.  Not now.  Perhaps the months and months of encouraging messages were necessary to help us raise our vibration to accept the energies from the Central Sun.  Perhaps you were testing us to see how long we would tolerate any kind of untruth.
I for one will not tolerate it any longer.  I have promised to the dear people who have followed me and my messages that a new day is here, and it will be filled with Light and endless Love.  I will not be a part of disappointing them again, not for any reason, not for any excuse.  

On Earth as it is in Heaven?  I do not believe Heaven is a place of tricks and riddles.  Only here, in lower dimensions, do we accept half-truths and “well-meaning” white lies.  No more.  I will not be a part of helping to create a drama, a house of mirrors, a slide down the rabbit hole into upside-down rationalizations, supposedly reasonable sounding explanations and outright lies.

We are aware that God is powerful enough to intervene when the time is right to do so.  We have given our vote to request help where we would have faced the threat of assassination if we were to face down the cabal, who feel no restriction against murdering Lightworkers wholesale.  Nevertheless, we have taken them on directly before, and I for one have no reluctance about doing so if necessary, if our Friends in High Places refuse to step in as they have promised.

Perhaps that is one of the rules of the game we agreed to before coming here, that we would go it alone, without intervention from outside ourselves.  We are told we are Them, we are One, and we have the power to manifest the Paradise on Earth we were taught to envision.  If we truly believe that, then we do not need their intervention or their money (Thanks, St. Germain, but are you true to your word?).  We are the Light.

I see brilliance all around me – the rising energies of unbelievably talented and powerful individuals who graciously share their blessings, their unconquerable Light, for the benefit of all.  Do we really need more than that?  When we join with one another to make our world a better place, it does change everything. 

Why have we been promised these things that do not materialize?  Why have we been asked to believe in the face of endless disappointments?  Was it to help us, the small group of Lightworkers who truly trust in God’s good Truth, to finally accept that we need nothing more than our own strong hearts and sturdy souls?  We have been forged in the fire of hundreds of lifetimes here.  No matter how dense the Veil, we still know we deserve real support, real nourishment for our tired bodies and our souls that really are reaching for the Impossible Dream.  We will settle for nothing less.

I pledge my heart and my energy to making our world a better place.  Continuing to channel these messages no longer feels right.  I am profoundly sad to have to refuse to bring messages from those I love deeply, but I must do so for now, until we are all made aware of why this has been handled in such a strange and uncomfortable way.

Perhaps I will channel again after we have received the blessings I still hope to see manifest, but only after I have been given a clear and reasonable explanation for why we have all been dragged along with endless seemingly empty promises, until everyone is exhausted, fed up and on the verge of losing faith in the proclaimed Gods who profess endless Love.  I command that they show us the faithfulness and good will that we have given to them.  Nothing less would be fair.  Love is Light, and Light is Truth.
I remain, in service to One, Kathryn

A Spirit Of Fear

No fear in love
Reposted from: http://gracethrufaith.com
A Bible Study by Jack Kelley
 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love (1 John 4:18).
There’s lots of fear mongering going on today. The word “monger” originally referred to a trader of commodities, but today it’s more often used to describe a person involved in something petty or contemptible.

You don’t have to look very far to find someone who’s only too willing to inform you about all the things you should fear, whether it’s financial collapse, food shortages, killer diseases, or the government secretly planning to lock you up in the FEMA camps they’ve been building so they can force you to take the mark of the beast.
Books and videos explaining signs from God that foretell of coming judgments are guaranteed to sell even if they are not always accurate in their interpretation of His word. This is because all around the world there is a growing expectation of judgment. Paul explained that even those who have no knowledge of God’s law intuitively know right from wrong (Romans 2:14-15), and even the most casual observers are beginning to sense that things are going wrong.
I don’t know of a single nation that’s being blessed today. All are in some stage of the end times judgment that will culminate in the fulfillment of Jeremiah 30:11 when the Lord will completely destroy them. Only Israel is guaranteed survival and even they will endure some very difficult times first.
We recently compared current events in the world with the “birth pangs” Jesus described as indicators that the end of the Age was drawing near. We saw evidence that these indicators are steadily becoming more frequent and more intense as the time for the Second Coming approaches in the same way that birth pangs become more frequent and more intense as the time for the delivery of a new life approaches.
Many Christians are still deeply immersed in the world, and even though they are born again, the fearful attitudes of their unbelieving counterparts have begun occupying their minds as well. What with the evening news, the internet, radio and TV talk shows, and what passes for secular entertainment these days it’s no wonder.

Don’t Let It Get You Down

The Bible warns us about letting the fears and uncertainties of this world infect our minds. In Matt. 6:25-34 Jesus repeatedly said, “Do not worry.” And in Matt. 13:22 He said the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of worldly wealth could stunt the growth of His word in our hearts and make us unfruitful. He said we should expect trouble in this world but to take heart because He has overcome the world (John 16:33). And about the times we’re in, He said, “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:28).
Notice that Jesus didn’t tell us to take heart because He would give us the strength to overcome the world ourselves. He said to take heart because He has overcome the world.  And He also said seeing the signs of the approaching End Times should cause us to stand up and lift up our heads because our redemption is drawing near. One of the great promises of the Bible is that we don’t have to be overtaken by events in this world, but can remain above them.
But because of our fallen nature, this doesn’t happen automatically. Our natural tendency is to mirror the attitudes of the world around us. We learn very early in life that this is how we get the people around us to accept us, and acceptance is one of our most basic human needs. That’s why so few of us are truly individuals. We’ve been working to fit in with the world around us since we were little children. By the time we reach adulthood it has become second nature to us. Most of us never come to understand that we are who we are primarily because we’ve learned to reflect the attitudes and habits of people whose acceptance has been important to us.
Becoming born again doesn’t automatically change us, especially if we are still immersed in the same society. In its newness, evidence of our faith will show itself in the way we talk and act. But if the company we keep doesn’t approve, we’ll soon learn to keep that part of ourself private. It’s a price we pay for acceptance.
Many Christians discover that living out their faith requires developing a whole new set of friends, but even then they often become the same kind of Christian their new friends are. Ever notice that in congregations who believe in prayer languages, just about everybody has one? But in those who don’t believe in prayer languages nobody has one.
The same is true when it comes to legalism, baptism, prophecy, different schools of theology, etc. A person’s position on any of these points will usually mirror the position of the church they attend. And it’s not because they went looking for a church that teaches a particular doctrine. Most of us didn’t know what to believe when we first started going to church, and the vast majority of us never check to see if what we are being taught is true. We believe it because the the people who have accepted us into their midst believe it.

Acceptance Trumps Knowledge

This is because the need for acceptance trumps Biblical knowledge. The Bible only teaches one view on all these things and if everyone relied on the Bible to help them form their beliefs there wouldn’t be all these different denominations. This was Paul’s point in 1 Cor. 3:1-9.
Brothers and sisters, I could not address you as people who live by the Spirit but as people who are still worldly—mere infants in Christ. I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere humans? For when one says, “I follow Paul,” and another, “I follow Apollos,” are you not mere human beings?
What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.
The problem is that most of us don’t rely on the Bible to inform us. We rely on what other people tell us. Because of that we can never be certain that what we know is true, and our uncertainty is the open door to our mind that fear walks through when things start to get scary.
Don’t conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2).
You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires;  to be made new in the attitude of your minds;  and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness (Ephes. 4:22-24).
Paul was speaking here of allowing the Holy Spirit to begin His regeneration process in our minds. Being transformed and being made new in the attitudes of our minds are not things we do, they’re things He does. Our participation in the process involves reading God’s word and letting the Holy Spirit confirm the truth of it in our minds. Jesus said the Holy Spirit would guide us into all truth (John 16:13). God’s word is the only source of that truth.
But many believers omit the step of reading God’s word. As a result they are left with only their feeling that the truth has been spiritually revealed to them. People like this have a zeal without knowledge, something Proverbs 19:2 says is not good.  I can’t count the number of e-mails I’ve received from people excitedly claiming that the Holy Spirit had revealed something new to them and they’ve decided to share it with me. Usually I discover after a few minutes of study that what had been “revealed” to them is in direct contradiction to what the written word says.
Most people don’t realize that our minds can be tricked into thinking we’ve received something from the Holy Spirit when it’s actually coming from a different source altogether. When we omit the step of reading God’s word we’re removing the confirmation step from the regeneration process, which can easily retard our spiritual growth and even result in believing a false teaching.
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ (Colossians 2:8).
I’m convinced that Paul was not just talking about sources from the unbelieving world here. Listening to a pastor or teacher without confirming that what he says is consistent with God’s word is one of the most common ways of having a false teaching planted in our minds. This is why Paul commended the Bereans for confirming everything he taught them by searching the Scriptures daily (Acts 17:11). In failing to do so we run the risk of simply exchanging a secular man made tradition for a religious one.

 What Does The Bible Say?

Jesus said there will be trouble in this world but to take heart because He has overcome the world (John 16:33). He said when the particular trouble the world is experiencing right now begins to take place we should stand up and lift up our heads because our redemption is drawing near (Luke 21:28). He said because we’ve kept His command to endure patiently He will keep us from the hour of trial that’s coming upon the whole world to test those who live on the Earth (Rev. 3:10). He said He will come back and take us to be with Him so that where He is we will also be (John 14:2-3).
Paul said Jesus will rescue us from the coming wrath (1 Thes. 1:10). He said we who are alive and are left will be caught up (raptured) to meet Him in the clouds and we will be with the Lord forever (1 Thes. 4:17). He said to encourage each other with these words (1 Thes. 4:18). He said events leading up to the end of the age should not take us by surprise (1 Thes. 5:4), and that we are not appointed to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through Christ our Lord (1 Thes. 5:9).
If you’ve only heard these things from the mouths of men then you can’t be sure they are true, and you’re fair game for the fear mongers who delight in shaking the confidence of the uncertain.
But if you have read with your own eyes the verses from which these statements come, and know them well enough so you can easily find them in your Bible, if you have asked the Holy Spirit to confirm the truth of them and believe in your heart that they apply to the times ahead, then you have protected yourself from all the fear mongering that abounds today.
You know that these promises do not necessarily exempt you from any persecution or trial between now and the day He comes to take us, but you know you are a child of God (John 1:12-13) and because of that you can continue to endure patiently. Since He left to prepare a place for you, you know He will come back for you. When He does He will take you to His Father’s house, and you will dwell in the house of the Lord forever (John 14:2-3). You can almost hear the footsteps of the Messiah. 10-25-14.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

One New Man - Qs and As

Reblogged from: http://gracethrufaith.com/ask-a-bible-teacher/one-new-man/

Q.  I am of the understanding that when we become a Christian we are baptized into Jesus Christ, yet there is a ‘Messianic’ Jewish teacher on television who teaches that when we accept Jesus Christ we are grafted in and become that “one new man”as a Jew.  I think he says ‘a spiritual Jew’.  

While reading Romans 2:29 it says “He is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter;  whose praise is not of men, but of God.”  I understand the circumcision of the heart part, but I am not understanding the connection between the Jew inwardly.   As Christians we don’t keep the law, so I don’t understand how this applies.

A.  I believe this teaching is intended to be a rebuttal to another false teaching called replacement theology.  For generations now some Christians have been teaching that Jews can only find spiritual fulfillment through the Church.  Now some Messianic teachers, especially those who relate to the Hebrew Roots movement, are saying Gentiles can only find  spiritual fulfillment through Israel.  Neither position is correct.

If you read Ephesians 2:11-22 carefully you can see that in his “one new man” teaching Paul was saying that God has taken some who were formerly called Jews and some who were formerly called Gentiles and made them into a new group called the Church.  It was an expansion of Paul’s comment in Galatians 3:28. If God had taken some who were Jews and some who were Gentiles and made them all into Jews He wouldn’t have one new man. He would simply have more Jews and fewer Gentiles.

As for Romans 2:28-29, Paul was saying that people would no longer be considered Jewish in God’s eyes simply because they had been circumcised in the flesh. His phrase “circumcision of the heart” is another way of saying “born again”.  The point is that whether they are circumcised in the flesh or not, Jews who are not born again are considered to be unbelievers just like Gentiles who are not born again.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Mike Hoggard Private Interpretations

Note from this blog´s author: You might be interested in more posts on the New Age deception, discernment and the way to resist being sucked in and seduced by the wisdom of Satan. His modus operandi is always the same, it worked with Adam and Eve who knew their Creator, were taught by him, had a father child relationship with him and still disobeyed and were banished from their pristine home and garden. What then makes us think that we are smarter than them ?  Below you will find a few essays and studies I have written on false teachings as it becomes increasingly difficult to find solid, biblically based, sound teaching among some popular online pastors and teachers whose doctrines and teachings deviate from the Word of God, adding their own interpretations and wild extrapolations that are leading people astray especially young believers who are not yet really established and grounded in the Scriptures.  


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Keeping it Simple

Keeping It Simple

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

Mankind has a propensity for taking simple things and making them complex, often confusing himself in the process.  Some say this began with the serpent’s question to Eve,  “Did God really say…?”(Genesis 3:1).  Lets look at some of the simple things of the Bible that man has tried to complicate and ask ourselves if we’re better off with man’s opinion or would it make more sense to keep it simple and stick with what the Bible says.


God said His work of creation required six days and He rested on the seventh day (Genesis 2:1-2).  There was no one around who could dispute His claim but that hasn’t stopped man from proposing alternatives.

The best man has come up with is that we’re really the product of random chance. The Big Bang theory and Evolution are called  laws of nature by some, but in fact, they violate natural law. Things in nature don’t naturally evolve from randomness, or chaos, into order. In fact they go the other way. The evidence is all around us. Your house, your car,  your body, and everything else that’s been created or made or manufactured confirms that absent some kind of preventive maintenance, the natural way is devolution, from order into chaos. Everything breaks down, wears out, rusts, rots, or dies. There’s no way around it.

And the best preventive maintenance can only retard the devolution process. It can never reverse it, let alone turn something into something else. Order into chaos, order into chaos. That’s nature’s way.  Some folks want you to ignore this simple fact and believe that where you’re concerned, natural law was spontaneously reversed for no reason at all so that the amoeba that became the fish that became the monkey could become you.  If we can’t believe the very first thing God said to us, how can we be sure about anything else He said?
The simple thing is to believe God.


God said we’re saved by grace through faith, not by works. (Ephesians 2:8-9) He doesn’t want anyone bragging that he earned his own way into the kingdom, and knows that we can’t do it anyway. He gave man a set of laws that were impossible to keep but which defined the standard He required of us. Then He sent His Son to keep those laws for us and give His life to purchase an unconditional pardon that releases us from the penalty of breaking them (Colossians 2:13-14). He said this is the only way we can be saved (John 14:6, Acts 4:12).  All we have to do is believe in the one He sent (John 6:28-29) admit we’re sinners, ask for His pardon, and accept it in faith (Romans 10:13).

But right from the beginning, man has tried to earn his own way into God’s Kingdom. Some have multiplied God’s laws by adding many others, while others have ignored His laws, substituting their own instead.  Either way man has made his existence here on earth miserable as he labors to prove that he doesn’t need God’s free pardon, living a life of guilt and fear in a vain attempt to earn something that has been offered to Him for free.
The simple thing is to believe God.


God said that anyone who wants to can choose this pardon and have eternal life.  It’s free for the asking irrespective of merit or worthiness (Matt. 7:7-8).  It doesn’t matter if you’re a Jew or Gentile, free or slave, male or female, civilized or barbarian (Galatians 3:26-29). If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you’ll be saved (Romans 10:9). You have your entire lifetime to make your choice. However when you die His offer of pardon expires (Hebrews 9:27).

Some men have  imposed conditions without number to this unconditional promise. They say you must have been chosen in advance by God, or belong to a certain denomination, or behave in a certain way, give a certain amount, maintain certain standards, avoid certain food or drink, etc, etc. Others say you don’t have to accept God’s terms at all.  Just try to do the best you can and treat others nicely. You’ll have a chance after you die to sit down and work it all out with God.  Still others say it doesn’t matter who your god is.   As long as you’re sincere in your belief, you’ll find your way to eternal life.  Jesus said all these ways lead to destruction (Matt. 7:13-14).
The simple thing is to believe God.


God says that when you’re saved He sends His Holy Spirit to dwell within you, sealed there as a deposit guaranteeing your inheritance (Ephesians 1:13-14).  It’s the down payment on His promise never to leave you or forsake you.  God Himself will make you stand firm (2 Cor. 1:21-22), and there’s no one who can take you out of His hand (John 10:27-30).  His Spirit will also guide you and advise you on behavior that’s pleasing to Him, not to earn His favor but as a way to express your gratitude for already having received it. Your behavior is still your own choice and when you sin, as we all do, the Holy Spirit will prompt you to confess so you can be forgiven and preserve your intimate relationship with God (1 John 1:9).

Man says something different.  Some say the Holy Spirit doesn’t come all at once. You get a little bit when you’re saved and more when you’re worthy. You’ll know you’re worthy when you receive a certain Spiritual gift that tells you and others that you’ve made it. They also say the Holy Spirit isn’t permanently sealed within you. He’ll leave you if you don’t behave right or if you decide you don’t want Him any more. And once He’s gone you can never get Him back. Scary.
The simple thing is to believe God.

Abundant Life

God says that you shouldn’t worry about how your life will work out, that He’ll take care of it.  Since He takes care of little birds and flowers, that aren’t worth anywhere near what you are to Him, He’ll certainly watch out for you. “Seek first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness,” He says, “And I’ll take care of everything (Matt. 6:31-33). After all, I came to Earth so that you could have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).  So don’t conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2).

Man says you have to figure out what you want and then strive to get it. Work hard and sacrifice much, and you’ll be rewarded. The stress you feel from the job, and the difficulty you have staying connected at home are just part of the deal. And when you become successful, if it wasn’t all you hoped it would be, well everybody feels that way. The more you have, the better you’ll feel. Stay with it.
The simple thing is to believe God.


God says to forgive as you’ve been forgiven, that nothing someone does to you can ever approximate what you’ve done to God. (Matt. 18:32-33) And since He’s forgiven you unconditionally, you should do the same. Don’t let the sun go down on your anger. Don’t give the devil a foothold. “Vengeance is mine,” says the Lord. “It’s mine to repay.”

Man says some folks don’t deserve to be forgiven. Make them prove that they’ve earned it before you let them off the hook. Besides, maybe it’s you. Maybe you’re just too weak, too naive. As you become more skeptical, less trusting, you’ll find people won’t take advantage so often. Don’t get mad, get even.
The simple thing is to believe God.


Jesus said don’t store up treasure on earth, where it can be stolen or destroyed.  Instead, store up treasure in heaven where nothing can happen to it (Matt. 6:19-21).   He said, “Give and it will be given to you, for with the measure you use it will be measured to you” (Luke 6:38).  Paul confirmed this.  He said if we sow sparingly we’ll reap sparingly, but if we sow generously we’ll also reap generously.  He said we should decide in our own heart what to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, because God loves a cheerful giver  (2 Cor. 9:6-7).  He said our generosity will be rewarded with blessing and we’ll be made rich in every way so we can be generous on every occasion (2 Cor. 9:10-11).

Some pastors say you owe a debt to God and if you don’t pay it back to the church you’ll be cursed. Others say you worked hard for your money and it’s yours to do with as you please. Why give any of it to a bunch of do-gooders who’ll just waste it on people who don’t deserve it. Give enough to keep them off your back, if you must, but not so much as to cramp your lifestyle.
The simple thing is to believe God.


God said he would never do anything without first revealing it through His servants the prophets. (Amos 3:7) For over 6,000 years now He’s had a perfect record of first saying what He’ll do and then doing it.  But many scholars call predictive prophecy a sham and go to great lengths to try and disprove its reliability. For example, when history documented that Daniel 11:1-35 contained 135 fulfilled prophecies, scholars tried to say it was written after the fact.

As a result the Book of Daniel became the most thoroughly validated Book in the entire Bible. And yet some still deny its authenticity, in spite of the fact that Daniel also predicted the rise of Alexander the Great (Daniel 7:6, 8:5-8, 8:21-22), named the exact day that Jesus would ride into Jerusalem as Israel’s Messiah,  and foretold His Crucifixion, as well as the city’s subsequent destruction as (Daniel 9:26).

Zechariah prophesied that the Messiah would ride into Jerusalem on a donkey (Zech. 9:9), then be betrayed for thirty pieces of silver with the money being thrown into the Temple for the purchase of a potter’s field (Zech 11:12-13). Micah prophesied that He would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2).  Isaiah that He would be the Son of God (Isaiah 9:6), born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14), pierced for our transgressions (Isaiah 53:5), though innocent would offer no defense (Isaiah 53:7), be buried in a rich man’s grave (Isaiah 53:9), and come back from the dead (Isaiah 53:11).  Amos said the sun would go down at noon on the day He was crucified (Amos 8:9-10). There well are over a hundred more that pertain to the first coming but you get the idea.

In spite of this, some of the very men and women who make a career out of studying the Word of God resort to extreme measures in their attempts to convince us that God is unreliable at best and at worst a liar.  And to what end? If they were diplomats and worked this hard at undermining the principles on which our country is founded, they’d be charged with treason. If they were managers who were committed to destroying the public’s perception of their company’s product, they’d be fired.  But since they claim to be Christians we call them scholars. “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise,” Paul wrote, “And the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate” (1 Cor. 1:19)  He was quoting from Isaiah 29:14.
The simple thing is to believe God.


These are harsh and perilous times and now, more than ever, we need someone we can rely on who is utterly dependable. When the hurricane’s threatening to blow you down, and the flood waters are rising fast, you don’t want to be worrying whether the One you’re praying to is committed to your well being.

If you’re from Israel and your neighbors are publicly planning your destruction, and take every olive branch you hand them then turn it into another excuse to attack, you need to know that the One who gave you the land you’re standing on will keep His promise that it’s yours forever.

When your eternal destiny hangs in the balance, you need to be certain that the One Who says He surrendered His life to redeem yours really did.

The End of the Age is upon us. It’s time to stop debating and start believing the simple truth of the Bible. God is Who He says He is and He did what He said He would do. And in the 6000 years of man’s relationship with Him, not one of the 14 billion of us who’ve walked this earth has ever been able to successfully refute this. Conversely, proof of His existence is so far beyond the limits of mere probability that it’s no longer debatable.  Therefore belief in Him is a choice we make. It’s time to choose and be done with it. Like my favorite bumper sticker says, “God said it. I believe it. That settles it.” It’s the simple thing to do. Selah 10-18-14.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Dalai Lama accused of religious persecution

Benny Gantz´s Troubling assessment by Caroline Glick

benny gantz

The outcome of the donor conference for Gaza reconstruction that was held in Cairo on Sunday was not surprising. 

Representatives of 50 countries convened to pledge funds to Hamas and the PLO. The Palestinians had hoped to receive $4 billion in pledges. They raised $5.4b. 

Most of the money will be transferred to the PLO-controlled Palestinian Authority led by President Mahmoud Abbas. But at least $1b. will go directly to Hamas, from its primary financier, Qatar.

With its $1b. Hamas will be able to pay its terrorist operatives and rebuild its terrorist forces. 
The air force revealed last week that Hamas is rebuilding its rocket arsenal already.
As for the money that will be transferred to Abbas, the billions in funding will give the PLO the money it needs to finance Abbas’s rapidly escalating political war against Israel in the international arena. At least some of the money will also go to Hamas, Abbas’s partner in the unity government.

The entire nature of the conference was surreal, but again predictable.

Surreal because it was based on a total disregard for reality.

In last summer’s war, Hamas wantonly and deliberately waged an unprovoked, illegal missile campaign against Israel for the third time in five years. It fired 4,500 projectiles at Israeli territory. It also used tunnels it dug into Israeli territory to attack Israel.

Had Hamas not attacked, Israel would not have counterattacked. There would have been no damage to repair in Gaza.

If the US, Europe and the Arab world were interested in actually helping Gaza, rather than organize a conference to fund Hamas and the PLO, they would have enjoined Israel to finish the job two months ago and end Hamas’s criminal, terrorist state in Gaza once and for all.

Yet, they did no such thing. Throughout the war, the US and the EU joined Qatar and Turkey in blaming Israel for Hamas’s illegal war.

And on Sunday, they put their money where their mouths are. They pledged billions to the PLO and its political war against Israel. And they funded Hamas – both directly and indirectly. Moreover, they gave Hamas a political victory by agreeing to fund Abbas, even though he is the head of a PLO-Hamas government.

All of this was predictable because it happens every time Israel is attacked, whether by terrorist armies in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, or in Lebanon.

Every time the Palestinians and Lebanese Hezbollah attack Israel, the US and Europe eventually side with the Arabs and demand that Israel stop defending itself.

The only difference between the most recent war with Hamas and its predecessors is that this time, the US was even more adamantly opposed to Israel’s attempts to defeat Hamas than the Europeans and many Arab governments.

In other words, the only difference between the most recent war and its predecessors is that the level of hostility towards Israel – and conversely support for Hamas – among leading members of the international community was unprecedented.

Israel’s job in contending with this hostile environment should have been similarly unprecedented.

Israel should have been offering to lead an international force in Gaza to overthrow Hamas and arrest its leaders pending war crimes trials. It should have been sticking the international community’s nose in the stench of its hypocrisy and anti-Israel bias.

Operationally, it should have recognized that Israel’s chief achievement in the war was its ability to withstand US pressure and maintain Gaza’s physical isolation by maintaining the borders shut, and so preventing the terrorist regime from resupplying and rearming.

At least on the last count, keeping Gaza sealed was Israel’s unflinching position throughout the war. To prevent the opening of Gaza’s borders, and through it, the rebuilding of Hamas’s terrorist infrastructure and political power, at great diplomatic cost, Israel repeatedly rejected US demands for an open border.

But today, this position is collapsing. True, Israel is insisting officially that stringent controls be placed on all dual use goods brought into Gaza. But officials openly acknowledge that there is no way to enforce the controls once the goods are imported.

Far worse than accepting that its position is difficult to enforce, Israel is actually facilitating the opening of Gaza’s borders. In so doing, Israel is giving Hamas the victory it failed to achieve on the battlefield.

And worst of all, the chief proponent of this policy is not Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, or even Justice Minister Tzipi Livni. Its chief advocate is IDF chief of staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz.

Throughout the war, tremors of criticism were heard in governing circles and the media against the IDF leadership in general, and against Gantz, in particular.

In a series of media interviews on the eve of Yom Kippur, Gantz showed that not only was the criticism warranted – it was far too mild.

For years, it has been rightly said that Israel suffers from a chronic shortage of strong leaders. But what Gantz showed in his interviews is that even if Israel was blessed with the strongest leaders in Jewish history, it is far from clear that they would have the capacity to act on their convictions.

In Israel, as in all countries, for a government to get things done political leaders require the assistance of professional echelons who develop tactical options for achieving strategic goals and implement government policies.

The chief criticism of Gantz during the war was that he failed to present the government with options for defeating Hamas or that when he did present them, he did so in ways that made it impossible for the government to adopt options he opposed.

It was also said that he failed to respect the government’s sovereign authority to determine policy, and interjected his position on issues that were well beyond the professional authority of the IDF.

In his interview with Maariv, Gantz said that the only way to guarantee that the cease-fire will hold is by paying off Hamas. That is, he made clear that he sides with the US and the rest of the international community against the government.

In his words, “At the end of the day, 1.8 million Palestinians live there, and the quiet is also dependent on the trend of creating economic hope there.”

Gantz placed the blame for their supposed hopelessness on Israel, and its measures to contain Hamas’s threat to Gaza. In his words, “The people there need to live, and they are caught between Egypt on one side, us on another side and the sea with a six mile fishing zone on the other side.”

Later in the interview, Gantz insisted that Israel’s interest is in enabling the international community to fund Hamas, arguing that terrorism is simply the result of economic privation.

As he put it, “The Palestinians also do not want to see terrorism operating from within them. Hamas absorbed a mighty blow and sustained great damage. It needs to see economic recovery, and this need, for economic growth is an opportunity for us.”

The question of whether or not Gaza should be enriched is not a military one. But that doesn’t bother Gantz. After dictating what the government’s position must be, he then coyly winked, “I leave this for the elected leadership.”

Throughout the war, Israel’s elected leadership insisted that Gaza remain sealed.

The Left has followed Gantz’s lead and attacked the government for not opening Gaza’s borders and even participating in the Cairo conference.

But again, reality tells a different tale.

Israel has nothing to gain from participating in a Hamas funding drive.

It does however have an interest in influencing the international agenda. To do so, the most basic requirement for the government is to reject the lie that Israel is to blame for Hamas’s aggression. Israel’s leaders – elected and appointed – need to internalize the fact that the war this summer, like all previous acts of Hamas aggression against Israel stemmed not from privation and hopelessness, but from empowerment and hopefulness.

Hamas doesn’t attack Israel because it needs money. It attacks Israel because doing so empowers it and weakens Israel – as we saw in Cairo on Sunday.
Unfortunately, for as long as our unelected professional class is led by men who have internalized our enemies’ narratives, there is no way that Israel can act on these basic strategic truths regardless of whom voters elect. And as a result, we shall continue to witness our soldiers’ hard won victories being squandered by our leaders – in and out of uniform.

Originally published in The Jerusalem Post. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Les Scultpures en Verre de Natacha Mondon et Eric Pierre. Glass Sculptures created by Natacha Mondon and Pierre Eric

Blog author´s note:  my niece and her husband are artists and sculptors who work with glass. Recently they have entered a competition in France and in the recent past have won several prizes for their wonderful, creative and very original work. You can find them at their English - French website here:

N. Mondon et E. Pierre sont verriers et candidats aux Trophées Trésor Vivant de l'Artisanat 2014.
N. Mondon and E.Pierre are  glass artisans and candidates to the " 2014 Living Treasure of Arts and Crafts Trophy" .

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Are We Watching an End Times War? ~Lamb & Lion Ministries, Dr. David Reagan

Is Your Church Worship More Pagan than Christian?

There is a great misunderstanding in churches of the purpose of music in Christian worship. Churches routinely advertise their “life-changing” or “dynamic” worship that will “bring you closer to God” or “change your life.” Certain worship CD’s promise that the music will “enable you to enter the presence of God.” Even a flyer for a recent conference for worship leaders boasted:

"Join us for dynamic teaching to set you on the right path, and inspiring worship where you can meet God and receive the energy and love you need to be a mover and shaker in today’s world…Alongside our teaching program are worship events which put you in touch with the power and love of God."

The problem with the flyer and with many church ads is that these kinds of promises reveal a significant theological error. Music is viewed as a means to facilitate an encounter with God; it will move us closer to God. In this schema, music becomes a means of mediation between God and man. But this idea is closer to ecstatic pagan practices than to Christian worship.

Jesus is the only mediator between God and man. He alone is the One who brings us to God. The popular but mistaken notions regarding worship music undermine this foundational truth of the Christian faith. It is also ironic that while many Christians deny the sacramental role of those ordinances which the Lord Himself has given to the church (baptism and the Lord’s Supper) they are eager to grant music sacramental powers. Music and “the worship experience” are viewed as means by which we enter the presence of God and receive his saving benefits. There is simply no evidence whatsoever in Scripture that music mediates direct encounters or experiences with God. This is a common pagan notion. It is far from Christian.

In his helpful book True Worship Vaughan Roberts offers four consequences of viewing music as an encounter with God. I will summarize them.

1. God’s Word is marginalized.
In many Churches and Christian gatherings it is not unusual for God’s Word to be shortchanged. Music gives people the elusive “liver quiver” while the Bible is more mundane. Pulpits have shrunk and even disappeared while bands and lighting have grown. But faith does not come from music, dynamic experiences, or supposed encounters with God. Faith is birthed through the proclamation of God’s Word (Rom 10:17).

2. Our assurance is threatened.
If we associate God’s presence with a particular experience or emotion, what happens when we no longer feel it? We search for churches whose praise band, orchestra, or pipe organ produce in us the feelings we are chasing. But the reality of God in our lives depends on the mediation of Christ not on subjective experiences.

3. Musicians are given priestly status.
When music is seen as a means to encounter God, worship leaders and musicians are vested with a priestly role. They become the ones who bring us into the presence of God rather than Jesus Christ who alone has already fulfilled that role. Understandably, when a worship leader or band doesn’t help me experience God they have failed and must be replaced. On the other hand, when we believe that they have successfully moved us into God’s presence they will attain in our minds a status that is far too high for their own good.

4. Division is increased.
If we identify a feeling as an encounter with God, and only a particular kind of music produces that feeling, then we will insist that same music be played regularly in our church or gatherings. As long as everyone else shares our taste then there is no problem. But if others depend upon a different kind of music to produce the feeling that is important to them then division is cultivated. And because we routinely classify particular feelings as encounters with God our demands for what produce those feelings become very rigid. This is why so many churches succumb to offering multiple styles of worship services. By doing so, they unwittingly sanction division and self-centeredness among the people of God.

Scripture is full of exhortations to God’s people to sing and make music to the Lord. Our God has been gracious to give us this means to worship Him. But it is important to understand that music in our worship is for two specific purposes: to honor God and to edify our fellow believers. Unfortunately, many Christians tend to grant music a sacramental power which Scripture never bestows upon it.

Todd Pruitt serves as Lead Pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Raised a Southern Baptist, he is a graduate of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City. He blogs regularly at Ref21 and 1517. Todd, along with Carl Trueman and Aimee Byrd, is one of the hosts of Mortification of Spin. He and his wife Karen have three children.