Prophecy Signs ~ Jack Kinsella
What Rhymes with Rome?
Prophecy – Signs Tuesday, December 04, 2012 Jack Kinsella – Omega Letter Editor
”History doesn’t repeat itself. But it rhymes.” – Mark Twain
Ancient Rome doesn’t enjoy a very
popular reputation among modern scholars or in popular culture. I don’t
recall ever seeing a movie that portrayed Rome in a positive light.
In general, modern history regards
the ancient Romans as bad people who crucified Jesus, persecuted the
Apostles, threw Christians to the lions, killed uncountable thousands of
Jews, sacked Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple.
When Rome wasn’t outside the Empire
seeking to enslave its neighbors, it was crucifying dissidents and
runaway slaves inside the Empire.
In many ways, this is an accurate
picture of the Roman Empire at the peak of its decadence, which is
generally the only Roman Empire that Hollywood or history ever pays any
attention to. We think of Rome as it was in Jesus’ time and beyond,
almost as if prior Roman history were inconsequential.
The Roman Republic was born almost
five hundred years before following the overthrow of the Roman King
Lucius Tarquinius Superbus. The new Roman Republic abolished the
hereditary monarchy and set up a new government that would survive for
the next five hundred years.
The Roman Senate had an enormous
degree of power over the civil government in Rome. Only the Senate could
authorize the disbursal of public funds from the Roman treasury.
The Roman Republic was ruled by two
consuls, each elected for a one year term and advised by the Roman
Senate. Each consul had veto authority over the other to prevent a
misuse of power. Later checks and balances included the institution of an elected assembly and judiciary.
Rome’s supreme leaders were called dictators, but their authority was limited to the military under six month term limits.
Roman dictators were also elected officials.
Rome, by the first century was no longer a Republic, but a dictatorship ruled by an Imperator, from which we get the English word, emperor.
But the word imperator
meant something more along the lines of a strongman dictator, a fact
well-understood by Italian fascist leader Benito Mussolini, who fancied
himself Imperator of a new Italian empire modeled after that of ancient Rome.
It wasn’t until after the fall of
the Roman Republic and its replacement by the Imperial Roman Empire that
the balance of power shifted from the Senate to the Imperator. But once
the Emperor controlled the Senate, the Senate was the vehicle through
which Roman Emperors exercised their powers.
Rome lasted for one thousand years,
as a kingdom, then a republic, then as an imperial dictatorship, and
before finally succumbing to what the Roman poet Juvenal called “panem et cirenses” or “bread and circuses.”
Imperial Rome literally spent itself
out of existence trying to distract the public from its misery while
the Empire collapsed around them.
It was probably Imperial Rome that Alexis de Tocqueville had in mind when he wrote:
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy.”
But it was the Roman Republic that the Founders had in mind when they replaced the British monarchy with the Republic of the United States of America.
If one takes a look around
Washington DC, one can see evidence of a conscious effort on the part of
the Founders to emulate Rome. The city was constructed like a Roman
city, with Roman architecture bearing construction dates using Roman
Although a dead language for
centuries, most educated men of the period were conversant in Latin and
many of America’s mottos and slogans are in Latin, as in the 1782 motto
on the Great Seal of the United States, “novus ordo seclorum” meaning,
“New Order of the Ages.”
The Founders named their principle
lawmaking body the “Senate” after the Romans and even chose Rome’s
national symbol, the eagle. They chose to model their new nation after
the Roman republic rather than an English commonwealth or a Greek democracy.
The Founders hoped that America
would adopt the virtues of the ancient Roman Republic, but expected that
it would grow into an empire — they spoke regularly about the “rising
American empire.”
They hoped the Roman Republic would
endure as the American model but they feared it would become the Rome of
the Ceasars. Imperial Rome was the first absolute superpower to exist
in history. The United States is the second.
America’s post WWII strategic and military dominance combined with affluence inspired
Twenty-first century America, having
just handed Barack Obama an unrestricted second term, inspires
comparisons to the Roman Empire in decline.
It is hard to miss the history
rhymes. Rome got bogged down in a quagmire in the Middle East between
the Jews of Judea and the surrounding Idumean (Arab) population.
The Romans tried to solve the
problem by creating a Jewish state side by side with an Idumean one and
appointing an Idumean puppet-King (Herod) to oversee it. That didn’t
really work out all that well.
And there were problems in Egypt to deal with . . .
Persian forces swept into the
frontiers of the Roman Empire, which were too thinly stretched in terms
of its military and other commitments to respond effectively.
The Romans poured Roman blood and
treasure into the region until Rome’s ability to project its power was
stretched to the limits.
Imperial Rome recovered, and beat
back the Persian threat, but it emerged a different kind of empire. The
government got so bloated the Empire was forced to split into two legs,
an Eastern and Western Empire.
Where Rome had formerly relied on a strong and loyal middle class, Roman society became rigid, formal and politically correct.
Without new conquests to fund
everything, Rome imposed heavier taxes on landowners and farmers,
further alienating the middle class, who were fed up paying for bread
and circuses for the poor.
The Germanic tribes formed new
federations and coalitions with other barbarian tribes and swept into
the Roman Empire in the West, including Gaul and Britain.
I don’t need to list the rhymes with Roman history. The headlines do it for me.
Substitute “entitlements” for bread and circuses and al-Qaeda barbarians for the Germanic barbarians and Obama for the Imperator and you pretty much have the same scenario playing out all over again, only in fast-forward speed.
It doesn’t take much of a stretch to
foresee a struggling US, especially after eight years of socialist
Obamanomics, considering a merger with socialist Europe as a way to
forestall the collapse of both empires.
“And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.” (Daniel 2:44)H/T Brian Cantwell
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