What the Bible says about light and seed

The True Light "In him, (the Lord Jesus) was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world,…the world didn’t recognize him." John 1:4,9.

The Good Seed and the Weeds “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seeds in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. Matthew 13:24,25.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

WHAT IF...Louis Scott

Written by Louis Scott on Facebook

WHAT IF ... the message you HEARD being "taught" from the PULPIT ... you know, the one that SHAPED much of your understanding of God ... was actually "unintentionally" misunderstood, and therefore IMPROPERLY TAUGHT to you? 
Would you desire to know the actual truth? For many, the truth is of no consequence because their mind has been COMPLETELY SEARED in the "deceitfulness" of a lie.
As if spiritual scar tissue has warped or "twisted" their mind's sensitivity to comprehend BEYOND a lie ... that they think to be the truth. Even when truth is clearly presented to them.
It's a very "slippery slope" between the truth and a lie. And ANY change ... even the "smallest" amount of change ... to the TRUTH ... is a lie.
Adding something else to the truth ... is a lie. And subtracting from the truth ... is a lie. 
And what kinda CONCERNS ME ... is that today, one will hardly ever seek truth ... because they are comfortably wrapped in a mountain of lies.
Many no longer seek truth, but rather only seek the things that make them happy or "feel good" ... in order to justify their current "understanding."
People NO LONGER desire the actual truth ... because they desire the proverbial "feelings" of increased dopamine they receive from HEARING what they want to hear from their slanted eco chamber.
It's very challenging at times to get one to metanoeō ... or to CHANGE their mind.
However, the Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth. There is only THE TRUTH ... there is no "My truth vs. Your truth vs. Their truth." 
The truth for me, is the same truth for you whether you agree with or understand or believe in that truth.
It is the SAME "objective truth" for everyone. The red pen will always be objectively red ... no matter how much you wanna believe it is green.
The pen is red because truth CONFIRMS the pen to be red ... not our "opinions" or "beliefs" about the pen. 
You don't gotta BELIEVE in the sun to receive light from the sun. You don't gotta BELIEVE in gravity to stay on the ground. And you can surely put a cat in the oven ... but it doesn't make it a biscuit.
I make NO CLAIMS today to be the sole bearer of truth ... I only claim (from my understanding of the word) to be a "co-heir" with the one who DOES make that claim.
And Jesus Christ (Yeshua Hamashiach) DIDN'T SAY ... I "kinda" know the truth ... or I "once knew" the truth ... or let me help you go find the truth in those bushes over there. Jesus Christ claimed ... I AM the Truth. (alētheia)
And I ENCOURAGE you today ... that as you sit under the "tutelage" of those in high regard in the pulpit ... to "think" beyond the pulpit.
NOT as a disrespect to the pulpit ... but to rather make sure that your eternal salvation is in no one's hands but our saviors. 
Remember ... the truth does not mind being questioned ... but a lie, doesn't like to be challenged.

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