What the Bible says about light and seed

The True Light "In him, (the Lord Jesus) was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world,…the world didn’t recognize him." John 1:4,9.

The Good Seed and the Weeds “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seeds in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. Matthew 13:24,25.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Merry Christmas from Muhammad and Devotees

Reposted from omegaletter.com
Israel - Middle East
Friday, December 30, 2016
Alf Cengia 

The Prophet Muhammad's legacy of terror has reached out from the past and wished many western Christians another merry Christmas. It's an upward trend.
This was why Gatestone Institute was able to send out an accurate early warning to Europeans for 2016.

So far, Australians may consider themselves as extremely lucky to have been spared Muhammad's wrath. One monumental Christmas attack was foiled. But there have near misses. How long before a planned attack find its target? Why plan attacks on a welcoming multi-cultural nation such as Australia? What's going on here?

For various reasons, the media and authorities are typically reticent to ascribe terror attacks to an organization (or even Islam). When someone shouts Allahu Akbar as he stabs or shoots infidels, they'd rather refer to it as a "lone wolf" incident.

However, Howard Bloom notes that even the lone wolf phenomenon can be attributed to Muhammad's legacy. After a disastrous battle, Muhammad had to ensure that his troops wouldn't leave the battlefield. So, aside from the "spoils of war", he introduced some further incentives. One was the idea that dying for the sake of Islam was a certain ticket to paradise.

And then he added sexual gratification as another incentive: "The Muslim paradise was not like the dull and boring Christian heaven where you sat at the feet of God singing his praises day after day." There would also be "large eyed" and "full breasted maidens" who would remain "eternally young." Well, you get the drift.
Bloom observes that millions of Muslims today model their lives on Muhammad's example during the years of peace:

But others model themselves on the period of the Prophet’s life in which he became addicted to the systematic use of what he called “slaughter” and “terror.”
Muhammad was a genius. His followers down through the centuries have successfully retained these teachings for profit and fun. Whether it's an organization such as ISIS or a "lone wolf" enabled by a radical preacher, the source is the same - Muhammad.

It wasn't too long ago that the world recognized the problem of Islam and wasn't afraid to say so. Jefferson didn't keep a Qur'an in his library for devotional use, as some Islamic devotees like to think. He wanted to understand the dynamics of the Barbary Pirates and how Islam fitted into all this.
Tripoli Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman provided the context for those who paid attention:
...it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise. (See also Thomas Jefferson & the Tripoli Pirates pp 12-15)
Muhammad's Modern Devotees can be found in government authorities and even some church organizations. Islamic radicals disrupted Christmas through violence. Yet European leaders employ a different strategy. They systematically remove public references to Christianity in the interest of "multiculturalism" and for fear that it might offend Muslims. For example:
A German school in Turkey just banned Christmas celebrations: the school, Istanbul Lisesi, funded by the German government, decided that Christmas traditions and carol-singing would no longer be allowed. A Woolworth's store in Germany scrapped Christmas decorations telling customers that the shop "is now Muslim".

Giulio Meotti writes that Christianophobia is the Trojan Horse of Islam. He notes that:
Everywhere in Europe, a weary, secularist absence of purpose and confused values damns Christianity in favor of Islam.

Christmas and Hanukkah are observed at roughly the same time. That may be the reason why Mr. Obama was determined not to leave Israel out the "Christmas celebrations" by abstaining from the UN resolution against Israel. Barack Obama may not be an observing Muslim, but he sure as heck acts like a devotee.

And make no mistake; the UN is fundamentally driven by Islamic sympathies. This is why they're obsessed with Israel's alleged misdemeanors while largely ignoring human rights abuses in places such as Iran, Turkey, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

President Obama's "Christmas surprise" was always expected. He was predictable before he became president. One only had to do their homework. I've used the example of the story of the scorpion and the frog in Aesop's Fable. The scorpion can't help itself - it's in his nature.

Obama is exhibiting all the finesse of an Eighties Rock Star trashing his hotel room before he leaves the premises. He quickly set his people to work against Israel - John Kerry and Samantha Power. There may be more to come before he leaves.

Despite Power's eloquent excuses to abstain from the UN vote, the peace problem has never been about "settlements." This is an overly abused Red Herring. The real issue is that Israel's existence in the region offends Islam.

John Kerry claims Israel can't be a Democratic, Jewish State; that it has to be one or the other. Yet Israel has successfully integrated diversity. People are simply offended at the idea of a Jewish State.

Samantha Power has a history of anti-Israel rhetoric. She once raised the specter of genocide in context to the Israel-Palestinian conflict, and called for radical measures:
It may mean, more crucially, sacrificing, or investing I think more than sacrificing, literally billions of dollars, not in servicing Israel’s military but actually investing in the new state of Palestine; in investing billions of dollars it would probably take also to support I think what will have to be a mammoth a protection force - not of the old Srebrenica kind or of the Rwanda kind, but a meaningful military presence. Because it seems to me at this stage - and this is true of actual genocides as well and not just major human rights abuses which we’re seeing there - that is that you have to go in as if you’re serious, you have to put something on the line. (Emphasis mine)
Aside from the "human rights abuses" canard, are these words befitting an ally? Does it concern Power that Palestinian leaderships abuse their people? Does the UN worry over the abuse of Christians under Islam? Nope - they are possessed by a clamoring anti-Israel spirit.

Israel shouldn't have been taken by surprise by Obama. I've said this before and it bears repeating: it cannot place its trust in any man or group of nations. It will eventually learn this lesson in the hardest of ways.

As for Islam, when will the world understand Aesop's lesson?

This week, I providentially came across the following thoughts by Charles Spurgeon. It seems appropriate to let him speak here:
We anticipate the happy day when every knee will bow before Christ; when the gods of the heathen shall be cast to the moles and the bats; when empty religion will be exploded, and the crescent of Mohammed will topple, never again to cast harmful rays upon the nations; when kings shall worship before the Prince of Peace, and all nations shall call the Redeemer blessed.
Amen! Lord, Come Quickly!

About Alf Cengia



See also Part 1 Year in Review | See also Part 2 Year in Review

Listed in order of date posted.
1/Jesuit Pope Francis, Pastor Rick Warren And The Coming One-World Religion for Peace
By Roger Oakland Understand the Times
Hardly a day goes by without news relating to Bible prophecy and especially the advancing trend towards a global religion for the cause of peace. It seems there are few who understand this is what the Bible predicts will happen on planet earth before the return of Jesus Christ to set up His Kingdom.

2/Terror Against Israel
By Tony Pearce Light For the Last Days Ministries (UK)
Israel is in the grip of a terror offensive as Palestinians have been attacking Israelis with knives and driving their cars at them. Between September 13 and November 30, 2015, 22 Israelis were killed and 215 wounded.
The attacks began after false accusations that Israel was defiling the Al Aqsa Mosque (on the site of the former Jewish Temple in Jerusalem). Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has been telling his people that Israel was planning to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque and “change the Arab and Islamic character and identity” of Jerusalem. He condemned Jews for “defiling the Aqsa Mosque with their filthy feet.” Radical Islamist and terrorist elements are calling on Palestinian youth to murder Jews. Statements by Fatah and Hamas have described the attacks as “heroic actions” and “the natural response to Israel”s crimes.”

3/The Rising Storm and a Clarion Call for Humility, Truth, and Repentance
By Chris Lawson Spiritual Research Network
Filmed between a 45-minute break between down-pouring rain and a storm system approaching from the horizon, this unscripted, impromptu video expresses my heart and desire to see people in the Calvary Chapel movement (and other movements) helped and healed and strengthened in their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ in these last days.
I have no desire to divide the Body of Christ or needlessly offend anyone who is in Calvary Chapel movement and beyond. I am simply sharing my heart and God’s truth in light of a number of observations I have seen growing for over 25 years now in the Calvary Chapel movement. Things now have become so blatant in the rising storm of ecumenical apostasy that only sincere prayer and publicly declared clarion calls for humility, truth, and repentance will make any difference at all. My prayer is that God Himself by His Spirit and His Word will raise up clarion voices around the globe in this late hour.
As a Christian missionary and as a former Calvary Chapel pastor for many years, I have been observing a growing trend of too many people remaining silent on far too many major ecumenical compromises. A host of other issues are also of concern.

4/Guideposts: Teaching Little Children to Blaspheme
By Cedric Fisher TruthKeepers
Recently, I was in a hospital waiting room and reluctantly picked up an issue of Guidepost Magazine. I very seldom read Guidepost because the long-time publisher, Norman Vincent Peale, promotes heresy and diabolical religions. He has also denied the virgin birth and the necessity of being born again.
As I perused the magazine, I landed on an article by Anna Gentile, a hospital chaplain. The article was about Guideposts and Gentile’s work with sick children.

5/Andy Stanley’s Dangerous Path – Tells SBC Leaders “Get the spotlight off the Bible.”
By Jim Fletcher
Late last month, the Southern Baptist Convention’s “Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission” (ERLC) hosted another self-serving conference in Nashville, titled “Onward” (shockingly, the same title as that of the ERLC chief’s new book; it’s about the marketing, stupid). Stanley was invited to speak. Boy, did he.
While ERLC President Russell Moore looked on grinning, Andy Stanley said the following: “I would ask preachers and pastors and student pastors in their communications to get the spotlight off the Bible and back on the resurrection.”

6/The Hijacking of the Calvary Chapel Movement into the Coming One-World Religion
By Roger Oakland Understand the Times
The commentary you are about to read has been written with much prayer and thought. I have not written it impulsively or with ill motive but rather believe God has compelled me to testify of things that have gone unspoken of and hidden in secret for too long. For the sake of the body of Christ and the furtherance of the Gospel, the secret things in darkness need to be exposed.
There are a number of low-profile Calvary Chapel pastors starting to ask questions. Chuck Smith, the founder of the movement, seemed to be biblically sound and determined to serve the Lord throughout his many years of ministry. Toward the end of his ministry, it appears there were strange bedfellows planted around him who in earlier years he would have avoided. So what happened? The purpose of this commentary will be to answer that question.
Chuck Smith attributed the growth and the strength of the Calvary Chapel movement to the Holy Spirit and not to man-designed gimmicks or human effort. He never wavered from that position until the day he died. He called Calvary Chapel “His Church.” While there were those who had some questions about strange things going on behind the scenes, the Calvary ship sailed pretty well most of the time.

7/Fed Up With False Teaching: Calvary Chapel Church Says “So Long” to the CC Association
By Amy Spreeman Berean Research
Fed up with false teaching: Calvary Chapel church says “So Long” to the CC Association – Berean Research
A Calvary Chapel pastor who warned of false teachings and apostate movements seeping into the Calvary Chapel organization has been removed from his regional leadership position, and is now removing his local congregation out of the Calvary Chapel Association altogether.Pastor Dwight Douville of Calvary Chapel Appleton Wisconsin was informed last month that he was being removed from his position as a regional leader, a position he’s held for many years. Why? He says because personal friendships have been put above doctrinal truth, muddying the waters of what Calvary Chapels are all about. And because he advocated for maintaining and staying the course while calling out wolves and yeast seeping into Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and the organization as a whole since the death of founder Chuck Smith.

8/The Spirit of Antichrist—in the Church
By Mike Oppenheimer
Let Us Reason Ministries

“Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons” (1 Timothy 4:1). Paul warns us that at the end of the age, inside the church, there will be teachings of demons—quite a serious charge. That it will be a time that is extremely dangerous to believers who do not know the Word correctly and do not watch what they are being taught.
The Devil has tailor-made deceptions for every church in every age; he knows the people’s weaknesses and propensities to do wrong in certain areas. He will use whomever he can in whatever capacity he can to bring confusion, falsehoods, and destruction—especially if he can target a church’s pastor. Contrary to popular teaching, the Devil, who is the greatest of angelic creatures, is of the highest intelligence, has power, and is often underestimated in his scheming by those who think they can bind him.

By Ray Yungen 
In an article released in January 2016 written by New Age leader Deepak Chopra titled, “Will Pope Francis Become a Holy Man for the World?,” Chopra states,
Pope Francis I is poised to be more than a very popular pontiff . . . He could rise to become a symbol of holiness beyond the Catholic Church. . . . for those of us who aren’t Catholic, there’s a universal message voiced personally by the Pope: “No one can be excluded from God’s mercy. The question, then, is how potent this mission will be.
Chopra says that “millions of non-Catholics feel a fresh wind blowing” because of the Pope’s actions and that Pope Francis has “become a spiritual exemplar.”
In the article, Chopra gives some advice to Pope Francis, that he not become another “theological” pope but rather  one with a “higher consciousness” and like the “Jesus” who was not theological but rather “enlightened.”

10/Mindfulness Meditation and Yoga Infiltration of Major School Systems
By Lois Putnam
Miami-Dade County Schools Partner with Mindful Kids Miami
Miami-Dade County Schools (Fourth Largest School District in the U.S.A.) is being transformed into a mindfulness-yoga school system through its partnership with Mindful Kids Miami, and its mindfulness lady leader–Valerie York-Zimmerman.
Yes, grades Pre-K through 12, students as well as teachers and administrators will be instructed in mindfulness meditation. Training centers have been set up all over Miami even in the sanctuary of the “most progressive church in the city”–Riviera Presbyterian Church (USA).  Recently Riviera adherents proudly held up a banner reading, “We All Are God’s Beloved Children: No Exceptions!”

Monday, December 26, 2016

Le printemps éternel de joie, de paix et d´espérance du coeur de Dieu - Une réflexion de Noel

par Jean-Louis Mondon

Les gens célèbrent la saison de Noël avec toutes sortes de symboles, et leur opinion varie sur  l´année ou l´époque de la condescencion divine de Jésus parmi nous. J´aimerai partager avec vous la réalité spirituelle que je retire de cet événement unique et bouleversant dans les annales de l´histoire du monde.

Alors que je réfléchissais  sur l´incarnation de notre Sauveur Jésus-Christ, don suprême de notre Père Céleste à l´humanité, je n´ai pas pu m´empêcher de constater que parfois nous possédons une  perspective limitée sur la mesure infinie des qualités et oeuvres de Dieu dans le vaste univers qu´il a créé et aussi dans chacune de nos vies.

La première chose à considérer quand je médite sur le miracle de la naissance surnaturelle de Jésus-Christ est que Dieu a choisi de manifester la présence de son Fils  Emmanuel , Dieu parmi nous, dans un corps humain, en tant que semence du Saint Esprit dans le ventre de as mère Marie.

Pensons-y! Le créateur et celui qui maintient l´univers en place par la puissance de sa Parole devient un être humain fragile lui-même sujet à la loi naturelle de la naissance et de l´existence physique.

Ce qui est incroyable, c´est que quand on suit le trajet de sa naissance, de as vie, de sa mort, de sa résurrection, de son ascension,  et de son prochain retour pour chercher ses croyants fidèles pour qu´ils reignent avec lui, les mêmes étapes caractéristiques s´appliquent à ceux d´entre nous qui ont fait l´expérience de la nouvelle  naissance spirituelle et qui sont passés de la mort à la vie, du royaume des ténêbres dans sa merveillleuse lumière.

De même que l´essence de  l´arbre adulte est contenue dans la semence en attente de se développer dans les différentes étapes de croissance, la vie du Seigneur Jésus  et celle de chacun de nous est basé sur ce modèle divin.

Une illustration du partage des cadeaux de Noël me vient à l´esprit. Imaginez l´un des cadeaux dans une boite énorme avec  le nom de quelqu´um. La personne déchire l´emballage avec enthousiasme en espérant découvrir un grand cadeau qui lui donnera u niveau de satisfaction au niveau de la perception de ses mesures. Cependant au fur et à mesure que la grande boite en révèle une autre plus petite sous l´emballage de biles de styromousse, il commence à soupçonner que quelqu´un est en train de lui faire une blague quand il se rend compte du poids véritable de la boite.

Continuant à ouvir une autre boite, puis encore une autre, Il finit par ouvrir une petite boite et quelque soit la valeur du cadeau, cette découverte lui laisse un mauvais goût et un sens d´attente déçue et de satisfaction diminuée. C´est cela en bref comment l´acquisition et le plaisir de posséder des choses matérielles supposées de combler nos vies du berceau jusqu´au tombeau devient à la fin une grande déception et un piège. Il n´en est pas de même avec le don gratuit du salut disponible à quiconque disposé à l´accepter et à le recevoir.

Inversement, imaginez recevoir le don de Dieu, le salut par la grâce dans une petite boite. Après avoir reçu et ouvert le cadeau, une fois que votre vie est transformée par cette toute  petite semence, vous vous rendez compte qu´en grandissant, le cadeau continue à croître em apprenant et en mûrissant spirituellement jusqu´au stade de vie éternelle, la boite de notre vie qui pour ainsi dire qui continue à s´agrandir.
Maintenant, considérons le partage de cadeaux d´un autre pont de vue . Jésus
a beaucoup à dire sur l´avidité. Dans Luke 12:15, il déclare que “la vie d´un homme ne dépend  pas de ses biens, fût-il dans l´ abondance.”  D´´autre part dans Matthieu 6:19-21, il nous dit:  Ne vous amassez pas des trésors sur la terre, où la teigne et la rouille détruisent, et où les voleurs percent et dérobent;  mais amassez-vous des trésors dans le ciel, où la teigne et la rouille ne détruisent point, et où les voleurs ne percent ni ne dérobent. Car là où est ton trésor, là aussi sera ton coeur

Dans ces passages, Jésus ne parle pas uniquement de simples trésors, mais de trésors incorruptibles. De quoi parle-t´il? Il fait allusion à des trésors qui naissent d´une semence incorporelle ici sur terre et continuent au ciel qui jouissent de tous les stades de développement de la semence simultanément dans deux dimensions, l´un dans un corps physique et en même temps dans le royaume invidble de l´esprit.

Il entend par là des trésors comme les vertus chrétiennes, la générosité d´esprit, la bonté, la miséricorde, le pardon, l´humilité, la foi, la sagesse, l´intelligence spirituelle, l´amour, la patience, fruits de l´Esprit, tous incorporels, mais dont les effets se ressentent lorsqu´ils se traduisent par de bonnes oeuvres et par le service à nos frères et soeurs et notre prochain. Et bien sûr sont également inclus tous les bienfaits matériels dont il nous a béni en abondance pour pouvoir partager avec ceux qui souffrent de pauvreté et de fournir les moyens de faire avancer le Royaume de Dieu par la prédication de l´Évangile en donnant des offrandes aux missions dans le monde entier. Cela comprend tout ce qui formera les pierres de fondations  de notre sphère d´influence dans le futur royaume.

Dans 1 Timothée 6: 17 -18, Paul dit à Timothée: « Recommande aux riches du présent siècle de ne pas être orgueilleux, et de ne pas mettre leur espérance dans des richesses incertaines, mais de la mettre en Dieu, qui nous donne avec abondance toutes choses pour que nous en jouissions. Recommande-leur de faire du bien, d'être riches en bonnes oeuvres, d'avoir de la libéralité, de la générosité,  et de s'amasser ainsi pour l'avenir un trésor placé sur un fondement solide, afin de saisir la vie véritable. Il est évident qu´on ne peut construire une maison ou un immeuble aussi haut et grand que les dimensions des fondations qui les supportent, sinon la construction s´ écroule.

Dans la Bible, on peut découvrir plusieurs mentions de cette manifestation de vie résumée dans le titre de notre Seigneur Jésus qui est “ l´Alpha et l´Oméga”, le commencement et la fin, et bien entendu tout ce qui est compris au-dedans de ce cadre de vie.

Le passage de 1 Pierre 1:23 décrit avec justesse la caractéristique fondamentale de cette semence de vie et sa provenance puisque vous avez été régénérés, non par une semence corruptible, mais par une semence incorruptible, par la parole vivante et permanente de Dieu."

D´autre part la promesse de la venue du Seigneur d´Ésaïe 9:6,7 suit ce développement: Car un enfant nous est né, un fils nous est donné, Et la domination reposera sur son épaule; On l'appellera Admirable, Conseiller, Dieu puissant, Père éternel, Prince de la paix. 7 ​Donner à l'empire de l'accroissement, Et une paix sans fin au trône de David et à son royaume, L'affermir et le soutenir par le droit et par la justice, Dès maintenant et à toujours: Voilà ce que fera le zèle de l'Eternel des armées. 

Le salut, la connaissance et la sagesse font partie de ces trésors incorruptibles dont Christ parle dans le passage de Matthieu. En référence à Christ Ésaïe 33:5,6 déclare: L'Eternel domine tout, car il a sa résidence en haut. Il remplit Sion de droit et de justice.  Il assure la sécurité de ton existence, il te fournit en abondance le salut, la sagesse et la connaissance. La crainte de l'Eternel, tel est le trésor de Sion."
Ce passage devient encore plus clair à la lumière d´Ésaïe 11;1-5 où nous découvrons les trois aspects de la connaissance, du salut et de la crainte de l´Éternel exemplifiés par le Sauveur lui-même dans cette image du stade de la germination jusqu´à la maturité de la production du fruit de l´Esprit: “Puis un rameau sortira du tronc d'Isaï, Et un rejeton naîtra de ses racines.  L'Esprit de l'Eternel reposera sur lui: Esprit de sagesse et d'intelligence, Esprit de conseil et de force, Esprit de connaissance et de crainte de l'Eternel.  Il respirera la crainte de l'Eternel; et Ésaïe 61 le passage parallèle mirroir d´Ésaie , à  peu de différence. le premier décrivant la dynamique, influence  intérieure du Saint Esprit et le dernier l´application extériorisée en action lors du début du ministère terrestre de Jésus lorsqu´il lit le parchemin du livre d´Ésaïe à la synagogue. L´harmonie entre l´Ancien et le Nouveau Testament est démontrée lors  de la naissance de Jésus et du moyen que Dieu a choisi par l´ange Gabriel qui annonce à Marie:  Le Saint-Esprit viendra sur toi, et la puissance du Très-Haut te couvrira de son ombre. C'est pourquoi le saint enfant qui naîtra de toi sera appelé Fils de Dieu.

Ce salut commençant sous la forme d´une semence spirituelle plantée dans le coeur des êtres humains qui l´ont reçue selon ses conditions de croire par la foi en son sacrifice sur la croix continuent à grandir et révèlent le coeur tendre de notre Pére céleste durant cette saison et pendant toute l´année.

Paul prie pour les Éphésiens dans Éphésiens 3:14-19 que: “A cause de cela, je fléchis les genoux devant le Père, duquel tire son nom toute famille dans les cieux et sur la terre,  afin qu'il vous donne, selon la richesse de sa gloire, d'être puissamment fortifiés par son Esprit dans l'homme intérieur,  en sorte que Christ habite dans vos coeurs par la foi; afin qu'étant enracinés et fondés dans l'amour,  vous puissiez comprendre avec tous les saints quelle est la largeur, la longueur, la profondeur et la hauteur, et connaître l'amour de Christ, qui surpasse toute connaissance, en sorte que vous soyez remplis jusqu'à toute la plénitude de Dieu.  C´est également ma prière  pour nous aujourd´hui et pour toute l´année prochaine.

Contrairement à la philosophie de ce monde transitoire, le don de la vie éternelle en Jésus–Christ a son origine dans une semence minuscule, en premier la semence humaine héritée  de notre père naturel et puis la semence spirituelle du Saint-Esprit contenant tout ce qui est capable et nécessaire à satisfaire les raisons pour lesquelles notre père et créateur nous a placé sur cette terre.

Voir 1 Corinthiens 15:45-49 écrit sur le sujet de la résurrection des morts et la transformation de notre corps terrestre: ​C'est pourquoi il est écrit: Le premier homme, Adam, devint une âme vivante. Le dernier Adam est devenu un esprit vivifiant.  Mais ce qui est spirituel n'est pas le premier, c'est ce qui est animal; ce qui est spirituel vient ensuite. Le premier homme, tiré de la terre, est terrestre; le second homme est du ciel. Tel est le terrestre, tels sont aussi les terrestres; et tel est le céleste, tels sont aussi les célestes. Et de même que nous avons porté l'image du terrestre, nous porterons aussi l'image du céleste.

Alors cette saison de Noël jusqu´au début de 2017 et plus loin, je vous invite à vous souvenir avec un coeur humble et reconnaissant que la manifestation de l´une des plus petite et des plus fragiles manifestations de vie, une semence humaine, un tout petit bébé dans la ventre de sa mère est infiniment précieuse et digne de protection  et de Dieu selon le Psaulme 139.

Je vous invite également à laisser vos coeurs et vos pensées s´élargir dans d´autres extraordinaires dimensions de vie et de considérer toutes les étapes de la vie de Jésus le Dieu Sauveur, de sa naissance, de sa vie, de sa mort, de sa résurrection, de son retour à sa gloire dans les Cieux et aussi de son retour dans les nuées pour nous revêtir de nos corps célestes glorifiés car nous avons déjà été réssuscités (spirituellement) si nous sommes nés de nouveau, en commençant comme une toute petite semence emballée dans un petit paquet fragile que nous sommes tous, en tant que pèlerins sur cette planète.  

En cette saison, Jésus nous offre l´espoir, la joie et la paix dans un monde qui malheureusement manque de ces bénédictions.
Que le Dieu de l'espérance vous remplisse de toute joie et de toute paix dans la foi, pour que vous abondiez en espérance, par la puissance du Saint-Esprit!Romains 15:13
Seigneur Dieu, notre Père céleste, nous te remercions et nous te louons pour le don de la vie que tu nous accordes maintenant et dans l´éternité en Jésus-Christ notre Seigneur.

The Eternal Spring of Joy, Peace and Hope from the Heart of God - A Christmas reflection

Written and Posted by Jean-Louis Mondon.
As people celebrate Christmas with all its symbols, regardless of what they think the exact time and year of God's divine condescension among us  are, this is what this season represents to me as a spiritual reality.

As I was reflecting upon the incarnation of our Savior Christ Jesus as the supreme gift of our Heavenly Father to mankind, I could not help but think of the limited perspective that we sometimes have of the infinite measure of all of God’s attributes and works in the vast universe He created but also in each of our lives.

The first thing I consider when I ponder the miracle of the supernatural birth of Jesus-Christ is that God chose to manifest His presence in the flesh as a seed of the Holy Spirit in the chosen womb of Mary.

Imagine a little! The creator and sustainer of the endless universe becoming a frail human being Himself subject to the natural law of human birth and physical existence.

What is amazing is that as we follow the course of His birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension and His coming back to take His own faithful ones to reign with Him, the same characteristic stages apply to us who have experienced the second spiritual birth and have passed from death to life, from the kingdom of darkness into His marvelous light.

 As the mature tree is essentially contained in the seed just waiting to develop through the different stages of growth, so was the life of the Lord Jesus and so is every one of our lives.

An illustration from the sharing of presents on Christmas day comes to mind. Imagine one of the present being a huge box with someone’s name on it. The person feverishly tears off the paper hoping to discover a big present that will provide a level of satisfaction commensurate to his perceived size. But as the box reveals another smaller box hidden under the packing peanuts, he suspects someone is playing a joke on him as he realizes from the sheer weight of the box.

As he keeps on opening another box, then another one, he finally opens the last tiny box and no matter what the value of the present, it leaves him or her with a sense of unfulfilled expectation and diminished satisfaction. Here in brief is how the acquiring and enjoying of material things which are supposed to fulfill our lives from the cradle to the grave end up being a great disappointment and a snare in the end. Not so with the present from our God, the free gift of salvation available to anyone willing to accept and receive it.  

Conversely, imagine that you received the gift of God, salvation by grace in a small box. After receiving and opening the gift, once your life is changed by that spiritual tiny seed, you realize that as you grow, the gift keeps on growing as you learn and mature into eternal everlasting life, the box of our life, so to speak, getting bigger and bigger.

Now considering another angle to giving and sharing presents.

Jesus talking about greed said that life doesn’t consist in the abundance of things. Luke 12:15.And He told the people to “not lay up for yourselves treasures upon earth where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven…for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:19-21.

Jesus is not only talking about treasures, but incorruptible treasures! What is He talking about? He is talking about treasures that have their beginning as an intangible seed beginning here on the earth and continuing in Heaven and/or enjoying all the stages of the growth of the seed in two dimensions simultaneously, in the physical body while at the same time in the invisible realm of the spirit.

He means treasures like the Christian virtues, generosity of spirit, goodness, mercy, humility, faith, wisdom, spiritual knowledge, love, patience, fruits of the Spirit, all intangible, but whose effects are felt when translated into good works and service to our brothers, sisters and fellow man. And of course, included are all the material gifts that he has blessed us with in superabundance to share with those less fortunate than us and to provide the means to advance the Kingdom of God, through preaching of the Gospel through gifts to missions throughout the world. Everything that will become the stones building the foundation of our sphere of influence in the coming Kingdom.

In I Timothy 6: 18, Paul tells Timothy to "Command those who are rich in this present world... to put their hope in God who richly provide us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way, they will lay up for themselves a firm foundation for the coming age so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life". It is obvious that one can build a house or a building only as tall and as large as the dimensions of the foundation supporting it, otherwise the building collapses.

In the Bible we can find several mentions of this manifestation of life as encapsulated in the title of Our Lord who is the Alpha, the beginning and Omega, the end and of course everything in between.

We can find the image of the seed in I Peter 1:23. “For you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is through the living and abiding Word of God.” Isaiah 9:6-7 promise of the coming Messiah follows this development: "for a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us, and the government will rest upon His shoulders … there will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace."

Salvation, knowledge and wisdom are part of the incorruptible treasures that Christ talks about in Matthew. Talking about Christ, Isaiah 33:6 declares:He will be a sure foundation for our times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge: The fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.”
This passage becomes clearer in the light of Isaiah 11:1-5 where we can find the three aspects of knowledge, salvation and the fear of the Lord exemplified by the Savior himself growing out of the germination stage up to the maturity of the fruit of the Spirit: Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, And a branch from his roots will bear fruit. The Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him, The spirit of wisdom and understanding, The spirit of counsel and strength, The spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. And He will delight in the fear of the Lord,There is also the parallel passage  which mirrors Isaiah 11 with little difference, the former describing the internal dynamic and influence of the Holy Spirit and the latter in the external application in action at the beginning of Jesus´ earthly ministry when he reads the Isaiah manuscript in the synagogue.  The harmony of  the Old and the New testament is demonstrated at the announcement of Jesus´ birth and the way the Father willed to accomplish it when the angel Gabriel announced to Mary: The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy Child shall be called the Son of God. Luke 1:35
This salvation which starts as a spiritual seed planted by the Holy Spirit Himself in the hearts of men who have received Him on His terms is ever expanding and revealing the loving heart of our Heavenly Father at this time of the year and all year long. "And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us". Romans 5:5

Paul prays for the Ephesians in Ephesians 3:14-17 that: "He would grant you according to the riches of His glory to be strengthened with power through His spirit in the inner man so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith and that you being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God." This is also my prayer for all of us today and for the coming year.

Contrary to the philosophy of this passing and dying world, the present of eternal life in Christ Jesus started as a tiny seed, first the human seed inherited form our natural father and then the Holy Spirit seed  that contained all that is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which our Father and Creator put us on this earth. See I Corinthians 15:45-49:
So also it is written, “The first man, Adam, became a living soul.” The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.  However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural; then the spiritual. The first man is from the earth, earthy; the second man is from heaven.  As is the earthy, so also are those who are earthy; and as is the heavenly, so also are those who are heavenly. Just as we have borne the image of the earthy, we will also bear the image of the heavenly.

So this Christmas season until the beginning of 2017 and beyond, I invite you to remember with grateful and humble hearts, that the tiniest and most humble manifestation of life, a human seed, a tiny baby in his or her mother's womb is infinitely precious and worthy of protection and nurturing because it was made in God’s image. Psalm 139.

I invite you also to let your hearts and minds expand onto other amazing dimensions of life and consider all the stages of the life of the Savior in His birth, His death, His resurrection, His going back into the glory of Heaven and His coming back to give us glorified bodies, for we have already been resurrected (spiritually)  if we have been born again, starting as a tiny seed wrapped up in a small and fragile package that we all are, as pilgrims on this earth. 

This season Jesus offers us hope, joy and peace in a world sadly lacking theses blessings.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13.

Lord God, our loving Heavenly Father, we thank you and praise you fo the gift of life present and eternal in Our Lord Jesus-Christ.