What the Bible says about light and seed
The True Light "In him, (the Lord Jesus) was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world,…the world didn’t recognize him." John 1:4,9.
The Good Seed and the Weeds “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seeds in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away.” Matthew 13:24,25.
The Good Seed and the Weeds “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seeds in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away.” Matthew 13:24,25.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Friday, December 26, 2014
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Estrela de TV demitido após pedir a deportação de muçulmanos para evitar o "caos e guerra civil".
Gente, estamos passando por isso, IMPORTANTE ler até o final, o Brasil está inserido neste contexto.
Aprendamos com experiências que outros países passam e que nós passaremos se ficarmos ''só olhando''.
Aprendamos com experiências que outros países passam e que nós passaremos se ficarmos ''só olhando''.
Estrela de TV demitido após pedir a deportação de muçulmanos para evitar o "caos e guerra civil".
A top apresentador de TV francês, Eric Zemmour, foi demitido por dizer que os muçulmanos devem ser deportados para evitar o "caos e guerra civil." Seus comentários provocaram um debate acalorado, com à direita a defendê-lo e esquerdistas denunciando-o como um ''racista''.3
Eric Zemmour foi retirado do canal iTele do bate-papo show que ele participa há mais de uma década.
Seguiram se comentários que ele fez, publicado no jornal italiano 'Corriere della Sera', onde ele disse: "Os muçulmanos foram para os subúrbios" e da "França estão sendo forçados a sair", relatou o The Local.
Ele também afirmou que os cinco milhões de muçulmanos que vivem na França "deveriam ser deportado para evitar o caos e guerra civil."
Em seu Twitter, Eric Ciotti ä diz: '''A remoção de Eric Zemmour do itele não é bom para a democracia''.
A decisão da emissora de TV para dispensar Zemmour, nascido de pais judeus na Argélia que emigraram para França na década de 1950, foi recebido pelo Sindicato dos Jornalistas SNJ, que disse que a medida foi uma "decisão forte" e também foi apoiada pelo watchdog anti-racismo e SOS Racismo.
E o esquerdista Antony Loewenstein rebate em seu Twitter:
''O que o fanático francês feio Eric Zemmour é ainda saudado como um herói por alguns e a Europa cada vez mais islamofóbico''
O diretor do canal, Celine Pigalle, disse ao jornal francês Le Figaro, onde Zemmour também foi colunista;
"Temos que ter muito cuidado de respeitar a liberdade de expressão. "
Enquanto isso, Bruno Le Roux, que é o líder do Partido Socialista, disse que o pensamento de Zemmour parecia datar de 70 anos atrás no período em torno da Segunda Guerra Mundial.
A entrevista com o 'Corriere della Sera' foi realizado há dois meses, mas o escândalo só veio à tona quando foi traduzido pelo político de esquerda Jean-Luc Mélenchon, que costumava ser o ministro da Educação da França.
Melenchon publicou a entrevista em seu blog no qual ele disse Zemmour estava ligando para a "deportação" dos muçulmanos na França, mesmo aqueles que tinham nascido no país.
No seu relatório, The Independent notado que a palavra "deportação" tem uma história negra em França, uma vez que está associado com o envio de centenas de milhares de judeus durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial para campos de extermínio na Europa.
Zemmour diz que nunca usou a palavra neste contexto. Enquanto isso, o jornalista italiano que conduziu a entrevista, disse a estrela de TV não significa que os muçulmanos devem ser deportados, mas repatriados.
O top da TV Zemmour, foi apoiado pela líder de extrema-direita da Frente Nacional, Marine Le Pen, que disse que o movimento para disparar Zemmour era uma "censura repugnante" em um tweet.
''Marine Le Pen @ MLP_officiel
Censura # Zemmour por @ itele é odioso!''
Zemmour também é bem conhecido por seu livro best-seller, "The Suicide francês", que já vendeu mais de 250.000 cópias.
Ele tocou em problemas na sociedade francesa, que ele acredita que resultam de um aumento da imigração, o feminismo e homossexualidade.
Por ironia do destino, a despedida da estrela de TV veio um dia antes do motorista ''mentalmente instável'', gritando "Allahu Akbar", deliberadamente atingiu uma multidão de pedestres na cidade francesa de Dijon, que deixou duas pessoas na gravemente ferido em hospital na véspera natalina
No sábado, um francês armado com uma faca invadiu uma delegacia de polícia em Joue-Les-Tours, perto da cidade de Tours e esfaqueou três policiais, também teria gritando "Allahu Akbar" em árabe. O atacante foi morto a tiros pela polícia.
Aqui termina a matéria, mas tem um comentário que chama a atenção e é a NOSSA REALIDADE aqui no Brasil onde o PT está trazendo imigrantes muçulmanos para trabalhar no abate Halal em grandes frigoríficos e outras indústrias...vejam:
Ikram Osmani
''Deve-se culpar seus próprios líderes do país para permitir que deixam entrar imigrantes, e não o contrário! Se você não gosta de imigrantes muçulmanos, então, não trazê-los para o trabalho barato! E também não fazer com países muçulmanos ou o comércio com eles!
Se você não viu, olhe esta matéria em que o PT firma acordos '''comerciais'' com árabes em São Paulo. Os sauditas USAM o Brasil para trazer para cá os imigrantes pobres de várias nacionalidades para trabalharem praticamente como ESCRAVOS em indústrias de abate Halal, assim o Brasil ganha com a exportação e os sauditas ganham comprando mais barato...tudo uma CORJA que usam escravos tanto lá nos seus países e o PT aqui também o faz... e depois vem os ministros dos direitos humanos arrotar falsidade e mentiras, pois fazem uso de pessoas pobres e sofridas de seus países e nós todos somos cúmplices deles serem explorados por sauditas aqui em nosso solo!! Na real é isso!
Veja o prefeito de São Bernardo (PT), recepcionando os sauditas num acordo de ''comércio e indústria'' com sheiks que querem a islamização na América latina e que são os cabeças ao trazerem estes ''imigrantes'' para cá:
AQUI, a matéria de muçulmanos queixando se de escravidão em fábricas de abate Halal no Brasil... exploração do PT e Sauditas e nós somos CÚMPLICES ao não combatermos isso:
E aqui o link da matéria:
A top apresentador de TV francês, Eric Zemmour, foi demitido por dizer que os muçulmanos devem ser deportados para evitar o "caos e guerra civil." Seus comentários provocaram um debate acalorado, com à direita a defendê-lo e esquerdistas denunciando-o como um ''racista''.3
Eric Zemmour foi retirado do canal iTele do bate-papo show que ele participa há mais de uma década.
Seguiram se comentários que ele fez, publicado no jornal italiano 'Corriere della Sera', onde ele disse: "Os muçulmanos foram para os subúrbios" e da "França estão sendo forçados a sair", relatou o The Local.
Ele também afirmou que os cinco milhões de muçulmanos que vivem na França "deveriam ser deportado para evitar o caos e guerra civil."
Em seu Twitter, Eric Ciotti ä diz: '''A remoção de Eric Zemmour do itele não é bom para a democracia''.
A decisão da emissora de TV para dispensar Zemmour, nascido de pais judeus na Argélia que emigraram para França na década de 1950, foi recebido pelo Sindicato dos Jornalistas SNJ, que disse que a medida foi uma "decisão forte" e também foi apoiada pelo watchdog anti-racismo e SOS Racismo.
E o esquerdista Antony Loewenstein rebate em seu Twitter:
''O que o fanático francês feio Eric Zemmour é ainda saudado como um herói por alguns e a Europa cada vez mais islamofóbico''
O diretor do canal, Celine Pigalle, disse ao jornal francês Le Figaro, onde Zemmour também foi colunista;
"Temos que ter muito cuidado de respeitar a liberdade de expressão. "
Enquanto isso, Bruno Le Roux, que é o líder do Partido Socialista, disse que o pensamento de Zemmour parecia datar de 70 anos atrás no período em torno da Segunda Guerra Mundial.
A entrevista com o 'Corriere della Sera' foi realizado há dois meses, mas o escândalo só veio à tona quando foi traduzido pelo político de esquerda Jean-Luc Mélenchon, que costumava ser o ministro da Educação da França.
Melenchon publicou a entrevista em seu blog no qual ele disse Zemmour estava ligando para a "deportação" dos muçulmanos na França, mesmo aqueles que tinham nascido no país.
No seu relatório, The Independent notado que a palavra "deportação" tem uma história negra em França, uma vez que está associado com o envio de centenas de milhares de judeus durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial para campos de extermínio na Europa.
Zemmour diz que nunca usou a palavra neste contexto. Enquanto isso, o jornalista italiano que conduziu a entrevista, disse a estrela de TV não significa que os muçulmanos devem ser deportados, mas repatriados.
O top da TV Zemmour, foi apoiado pela líder de extrema-direita da Frente Nacional, Marine Le Pen, que disse que o movimento para disparar Zemmour era uma "censura repugnante" em um tweet.
''Marine Le Pen @ MLP_officiel
Censura # Zemmour por @ itele é odioso!''
Zemmour também é bem conhecido por seu livro best-seller, "The Suicide francês", que já vendeu mais de 250.000 cópias.
Ele tocou em problemas na sociedade francesa, que ele acredita que resultam de um aumento da imigração, o feminismo e homossexualidade.
Por ironia do destino, a despedida da estrela de TV veio um dia antes do motorista ''mentalmente instável'', gritando "Allahu Akbar", deliberadamente atingiu uma multidão de pedestres na cidade francesa de Dijon, que deixou duas pessoas na gravemente ferido em hospital na véspera natalina
No sábado, um francês armado com uma faca invadiu uma delegacia de polícia em Joue-Les-Tours, perto da cidade de Tours e esfaqueou três policiais, também teria gritando "Allahu Akbar" em árabe. O atacante foi morto a tiros pela polícia.
Aqui termina a matéria, mas tem um comentário que chama a atenção e é a NOSSA REALIDADE aqui no Brasil onde o PT está trazendo imigrantes muçulmanos para trabalhar no abate Halal em grandes frigoríficos e outras indústrias...vejam:
Ikram Osmani
''Deve-se culpar seus próprios líderes do país para permitir que deixam entrar imigrantes, e não o contrário! Se você não gosta de imigrantes muçulmanos, então, não trazê-los para o trabalho barato! E também não fazer com países muçulmanos ou o comércio com eles!
Se você não viu, olhe esta matéria em que o PT firma acordos '''comerciais'' com árabes em São Paulo. Os sauditas USAM o Brasil para trazer para cá os imigrantes pobres de várias nacionalidades para trabalharem praticamente como ESCRAVOS em indústrias de abate Halal, assim o Brasil ganha com a exportação e os sauditas ganham comprando mais barato...tudo uma CORJA que usam escravos tanto lá nos seus países e o PT aqui também o faz... e depois vem os ministros dos direitos humanos arrotar falsidade e mentiras, pois fazem uso de pessoas pobres e sofridas de seus países e nós todos somos cúmplices deles serem explorados por sauditas aqui em nosso solo!! Na real é isso!
Veja o prefeito de São Bernardo (PT), recepcionando os sauditas num acordo de ''comércio e indústria'' com sheiks que querem a islamização na América latina e que são os cabeças ao trazerem estes ''imigrantes'' para cá:
AQUI, a matéria de muçulmanos queixando se de escravidão em fábricas de abate Halal no Brasil... exploração do PT e Sauditas e nós somos CÚMPLICES ao não combatermos isso:
E aqui o link da matéria:
French TV star fired after call for Muslims' deportation to avoid ‘chaos & civil war’
French journalist Eric Zemmour (Reuters/Jacky Naegelen)
Eric Zemmour was dropped from the iTELE channel from the chat show he has been a participant of for over a decade. This followed remarks he made, published in Italy’s Corriere della Sera, where he said, “Muslims kept themselves to the suburbs” and the “French were forced to move out,” The Local reported. He also stated that the 5 million or so Muslims living in France “should be deported to avoid chaos and civil war.”
The TV station’s decision to fire Zemmour, born to Jewish parents in Algeria who emigrated to France in the 1950s, was welcomed by the journalists union SNJ, who said the move was a “strong decision” and was also supported by the anti-racism watchdog SOS Racisme.
The channel's director, Celine Pigalle, told French newspaper Le Figaro, where Zemmour was also a columnist, “We are very careful to respect freedom of expression.” Meanwhile, Bruno Le Roux, who is the leader of the Socialist Party, said Zemmour’s thinking seemed to date back 70 years to the period around World War II.
Reuters/Youssef Boudlal
“It's time for TV shows and newspaper columns to cease harboring such statements,” Le Roux wrote on his blog. “Islamophobia is racism and is not part of the Republic.”
The interview with Corriere della Sera was conducted two months ago, but the scandal only came to light when it was translated by the left-wing politician Jean-Luc Melenchon, who used to be France’s Education Minister.
READ MORE: 'Shut your trap, Merkel!' French MEP slams German Chancellor over call for more cuts
Melenchon published the interview on his blog in French in which he said Zemmour was calling for the “deportation” of Muslims in France, even those who had been born in the country.
In its report, The Independent noted that the word “deportation” has a dark history in France, as it is associated with the sending of hundreds of thousands of Jews during the Second World War to death camps across Europe.
Zemmour says that he never used the word in this context. Meanwhile, the Italian journalist who conducted the interview said the TV star did not mean that Muslims should be deported, but repatriated.
The censorship of Zemmour by i-Tele is louthsome
The TV personality was supported by the far-right National Front leader, Marine Le Pen, who said the move to fire Zemmour was “loathsome censorship” in a tweet.
Zemmour is also well known for his bestselling book, “The French Suicide,” which has sold in excess of 250,000 copies. It touched on problems in French society, which he believes stem from increased immigration, feminism and homosexuality.
A policewoman collects evidence on December 21, 2014 in Dijon on the
site where a driver shouting "Allahu Akbar" ("God is great") ploughed
into a crowd injuring 11 people, two seriously, a source close to the
investigation said (AFP Photo / Arnaud Finistre)
On Saturday, a French man armed with a knife stormed a police station at Joue-les-Tours near the city of Tours and stabbed three police officers, also reportedly shouting “God is great” in Arabic. The attacker was shot dead by police.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
The Lordship of Jesus Christ

GraceLife Ministries
Jesus is Lord. No one who believes the Bible denies that. But what does that mean and how does Christ's lordship apply to our salvation and our Christian life?
Lord is also commonly used as a title with the name Jesus Christ. As a title, it not only shows respect, but also reflects who Jesus is. He is the Lord. When the Hebrew Bible was translated into the Greek Septuagint, the Hebrew name for God, YHWH, was usually translated Kyrios, or Lord. YHWH conveyed first of all deity, but implied all the other aspects unique to deity such as Creator, Owner, Ruler, Judge, Redeemer, and Savior.
So Lord is a title that primarily conveys Jesus' deity. What this means for salvation is that Jesus has the power and authority to save sinners because He is God. What this does not mean is that sinners can only be saved if they submit to Him as the Ruler of their lives. Ruler is only one subset of deity, and it is arbitrary to make that one divine function and position into a subjective demand. As the word implies, salvation requires a Savior. Jesus came to save sinners (1 Tim. 1:15; 4:10) and He can because He is God. Sinners need a divine Savior.
It is one thing to say that to be saved a sinner must acknowledge the divine authority that Jesus has as God or as the Son of God. It is quite another thing to say that to be saved a sinner must submit to Jesus as the Ruler of his life. The first acknowledges Jesus' objective position and power as God, the second demands a person's subjective response to Him as Ruler. The Bible has examples of unsaved sinners who addressed Jesus as Lord without submitting to Him (e. g., John 4:11, 15, 19; 9:36).
To further illustrate, we could say that during World War II General Douglas MacArthur saved the Philippines. He was able to save them because he had the position and power of a four star general of the United States Army. To the people of the Philippines, however, MacArthur was not their general, nor were they required to submit to him as their general. They only needed to accept the "salvation" that he offered them.
The grace that saves us is the free, unmerited, unconditional gift of God. Making a sinner's submission to Jesus as the Ruler of his life a condition for salvation destroys the grace of God which makes salvation a free gift that can only be received through faith (Rom. 4:4-5; 11:6; Eph. 2:8-9).
Lordship Salvation is also arbitrary because it only emphasizes rulership in the divine title Lord Jesus Christ. To be consistent, they should require sinners to accept Jesus as the Creator, Sustainer, Judge, Prophet, Priest, and King, because all these and more are aspects of His deity. Furthermore, they should demand acceptance of all that the name Jesus means, and all that the title Christ means.
Teachers of Lordship Salvation often derogatorily refer to those who believe in the freeness of grace in salvation as no-lordship, or non-lordship. Of course, this is incorrect and deliberately misleading. Their error comes from confusing the objective position of Jesus as the Lord with one's subjective response to Jesus as their Lord and making it a requirement for salvation.
Those who believe in the freeness of grace believe that Jesus must be the Lord (God) to be Savior. The response required of an unbeliever is simply to believe the gospel—who Jesus is, what He has done for our salvation, and what He promises us. There is no lexical or biblical basis for defining believe as submit. Believe simply means to be convinced of something or persuaded that it is true. There are even biblical examples of those who had submitted to Jesus as their Ruler but were not saved (Matt. 7:21-23), and those who were saved when not submitted to Jesus as their Ruler (Acts 5:1-10; 19:18-19).
We are not saying a person who comes to Jesus as Savior deliberately rejects the rulership of Jesus Christ. We are saying that to demand a sinner to submit to Him as Master is simply not the issue in salvation, much less is it reasonable to demand this of one who is spiritually dead.
Many passages admonish us who have believed in Jesus as Savior to now relate and submit to Him as Lord.
The point of Romans 6 is that now that we have a new Master in Jesus Christ, we should submit ourselves to Him. Romans 12:1 urges us to present ourselves as "living sacrifices." We live and die to the Lord (Rom. 14:8-9). As believers we are told to "sanctify the Lord God" in our hearts (1 Peter 3:15) and to "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18). Such admonitions would not be needed if we had already done all that in order to be saved.
Related Links The Meaning of Lord
The word usually translated Lord in the New Testament is the Greek word Kyrios. It is sometimes used as a title of respect, much as we would call someone sir. We see this in Acts 16:30 when the Philippian jailor addresses Paul and Silas as "Sirs" (the plural, kyrioi).Lord is also commonly used as a title with the name Jesus Christ. As a title, it not only shows respect, but also reflects who Jesus is. He is the Lord. When the Hebrew Bible was translated into the Greek Septuagint, the Hebrew name for God, YHWH, was usually translated Kyrios, or Lord. YHWH conveyed first of all deity, but implied all the other aspects unique to deity such as Creator, Owner, Ruler, Judge, Redeemer, and Savior.
The Lordship of Christ in Salvation
The Lordship, or deity of Jesus Christ, is essential to our salvation. Consider some of the things that Jesus did for our salvation only because He is the Lord God:- He became the perfect sacrifice for our sins, without spot or blemish.
- He gave His life as a sacrifice for all mankind—past, present, and future.
- He rose from the dead to live and offer us eternal life.
- He promises, provides, and secures the eternal life of all who believe in Him.
So Lord is a title that primarily conveys Jesus' deity. What this means for salvation is that Jesus has the power and authority to save sinners because He is God. What this does not mean is that sinners can only be saved if they submit to Him as the Ruler of their lives. Ruler is only one subset of deity, and it is arbitrary to make that one divine function and position into a subjective demand. As the word implies, salvation requires a Savior. Jesus came to save sinners (1 Tim. 1:15; 4:10) and He can because He is God. Sinners need a divine Savior.
It is one thing to say that to be saved a sinner must acknowledge the divine authority that Jesus has as God or as the Son of God. It is quite another thing to say that to be saved a sinner must submit to Jesus as the Ruler of his life. The first acknowledges Jesus' objective position and power as God, the second demands a person's subjective response to Him as Ruler. The Bible has examples of unsaved sinners who addressed Jesus as Lord without submitting to Him (e. g., John 4:11, 15, 19; 9:36).
To further illustrate, we could say that during World War II General Douglas MacArthur saved the Philippines. He was able to save them because he had the position and power of a four star general of the United States Army. To the people of the Philippines, however, MacArthur was not their general, nor were they required to submit to him as their general. They only needed to accept the "salvation" that he offered them.
The View Called Lordship Salvation
There is a view that teaches a sinner must submit to Jesus as Ruler of his life in order to be saved. Proponents of this view call it Lordship Salvation, though it should be called Commitment Salvation or Submission Salvation since it emphasizes the unbeliever's subjective response to Jesus Christ as Ruler. Lordship Salvation confuses the objective position of Jesus as Lord with the subjective response to one aspect of His lordship—rulership. Not only does this view reflect poor theological method—soteriology should not be built merely on titles, but it contradicts the Bible's teaching of salvation by grace through faith.The grace that saves us is the free, unmerited, unconditional gift of God. Making a sinner's submission to Jesus as the Ruler of his life a condition for salvation destroys the grace of God which makes salvation a free gift that can only be received through faith (Rom. 4:4-5; 11:6; Eph. 2:8-9).
Lordship Salvation is also arbitrary because it only emphasizes rulership in the divine title Lord Jesus Christ. To be consistent, they should require sinners to accept Jesus as the Creator, Sustainer, Judge, Prophet, Priest, and King, because all these and more are aspects of His deity. Furthermore, they should demand acceptance of all that the name Jesus means, and all that the title Christ means.
Teachers of Lordship Salvation often derogatorily refer to those who believe in the freeness of grace in salvation as no-lordship, or non-lordship. Of course, this is incorrect and deliberately misleading. Their error comes from confusing the objective position of Jesus as the Lord with one's subjective response to Jesus as their Lord and making it a requirement for salvation.
Those who believe in the freeness of grace believe that Jesus must be the Lord (God) to be Savior. The response required of an unbeliever is simply to believe the gospel—who Jesus is, what He has done for our salvation, and what He promises us. There is no lexical or biblical basis for defining believe as submit. Believe simply means to be convinced of something or persuaded that it is true. There are even biblical examples of those who had submitted to Jesus as their Ruler but were not saved (Matt. 7:21-23), and those who were saved when not submitted to Jesus as their Ruler (Acts 5:1-10; 19:18-19).
We are not saying a person who comes to Jesus as Savior deliberately rejects the rulership of Jesus Christ. We are saying that to demand a sinner to submit to Him as Master is simply not the issue in salvation, much less is it reasonable to demand this of one who is spiritually dead.
The Lordship of Christ and Sanctification
While we reject Lordship Salvation and its requirement that sinners must submit to Jesus as the Ruler of their lives, we enthusiastically embrace the term Lordship Sanctification or Lordship Discipleship because submitting to Jesus as our Ruler is what the Christian life is all about. Once we know Jesus as Savior, we must learn to relate to Him as our new Master.Many passages admonish us who have believed in Jesus as Savior to now relate and submit to Him as Lord.
The point of Romans 6 is that now that we have a new Master in Jesus Christ, we should submit ourselves to Him. Romans 12:1 urges us to present ourselves as "living sacrifices." We live and die to the Lord (Rom. 14:8-9). As believers we are told to "sanctify the Lord God" in our hearts (1 Peter 3:15) and to "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18). Such admonitions would not be needed if we had already done all that in order to be saved.
We cannot make Jesus Lord; He is the Lord! We can only submit to Him as servants. As our divine Savior He saves us; as our divine Master He sanctifies us. To keep the grace of the gospel free we must not confuse the faith required of an unbeliever for justification with the many aspects of submission required of believers for sanctification.- Grace Baiting: Twenty Ways Lordship Faith Advocates Mischaracterize Free Grace Theology • Free Grace Alliance (Bruce Bauer)
- Lordship salvation is Biblical? Think again! • MechaWingZero
- What Is Wrong with Lordship Salvation? • BPB (Andy Woods)
- Why Lordship Faith Misses the Mark for Salvation • GraceLife (Charlie Bing)
- Lordship Salvation for Dummies • Grace in Focus (Bob Wilkin)
- The Three Tenses of Salvation • BPB (Andy Woods)
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Issues in Calvinism

"To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." (Isaiah 8:20)The Five Points of Calvinism (i.e., TULIP) are a logically consistent soteriological system. Beginning from the first point, Total Depravity [1], the subsequent points of Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints seem to necessarily follow. It is this elegant and logical consistency that can be very intellectually satisfying, accounting for Calvinism's power of attraction for many thinking believers. Logical consistency alone, however, is not the standard of truth. Rather, "[God's] word is truth" (John 17:17), and it is against the absolute standard of "the law and the testimony" (Isaiah 8:20) that every claim must be measured.
Total Depravity
The deviancy of Calvinism from the plumb line of Scripture begins with its understanding of Total Depravity. Scripture asserts that the unregenerate man is "dead in trespasses and sins" (Ephesians 2:1). Calvinists understand this assertion to mean that "the sinner is so spiritually bankrupt that he can do nothing pertaining to his salvation" [2]; he cannot even respond to God by exercising the personal faith required for salvation (Acts 16:30-31) without first being sovereignly regenerated by God [3]. From Paul's use of the word "dead" in Ephesians 2:1, Calvinists construct the metaphor of the unregenerate man as a corpse (R. C. Sproul) or a cadaver (John F. MacArthur); since a literal corpse would not be able to respond to God in any way, the unregenerate man cannot either. Many Calvinists prefer the term Total Inability over Total Depravity to better express this concept, but based on their own analogy of corpse/cadaver the most accurate expression would be utter inability.Metaphors (by definition) are partial, incomplete representations of reality; they inevitably break down when pressed too far. The Calvinist's metaphorical construct of a physical corpse for the unregenerate man goes too far. For example, a physical corpse, in addition to being unable to believe, is also unable to sin, and yet the unregenerate man has no impediment to such an activity whatsoever. Scripture clearly presents a picture in which all men are commended by God to believe in order to be saved (e.g., Isaiah 45:22; Mark 1:15; Acts 16:30-31), along with the implication that it is possible for unregenerate men to do so (e.g., John 6:40; 7:37; Revelation 22:17). The Calvinistic construct of the unregenerate man's abilities/inabilities clearly lies beyond the true picture one sees in Scripture. Thus, although the subsequent four points may logically follow from the first, they suffer from an unbiblical understanding of Total Depravity that proves fatal for the system as a whole.
For additional analyses of Calvinistic teaching compared to Scripture, see:
"The view one takes concerning salvation will be determined, to a large
extent, by the view one takes concerning sin and its effects on human
nature. It is not surprising, therefore, that the first article dealt
with in the Calvinistic system is the biblical doctrine of total
inability or total depravity." David N. Steele and Curtis C. Thomas, The Five Points of Calvinism (Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing Company, Phillipsburg, NJ, 1963) 24.
[2] Steele and Thomas, The Five Points of Calvinism, 25.
[3] An axiom of Calvinism is that regeneration precedes faith.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
They Live! Interdimensional Creatures on the Mountains of Madness-Part 1 (Excerpt from Paul McGuire´s article)
Excerpt from http://www.paulmcguire.org/?p=1137 reblogged from http://www.paulmcguire.org/
According to Horowtiz, in September 1939 Rockefeller and Illuminati financial interests dictated that the standard tuning for the note of “A” above middle “C” would be precisely 440 cycles per second.
The British Standards Institute adopted A=440 Hz in 1939, promoted by the strange consortium of Rockefeller Foundation influence and the Nazi government. Ironically, the British adopted a tuning standard promoted by the Third Reich, just as both went to war. While 440 Hz had been rejected by British musicians only three months prior, Josef Goebbels persuaded the BSI to adapt 440 Hz, saying it was of extraordinary importance.
Dr. Leonard Horowitz writes “Music bioenergetically affects your body chemistry, psycho neuro immunology, and health. Your body is now vibrating musically, audibly and subliminally, according to an institutionally imposed frequency in harmony with aggression and in dissonance rather than vibrating in harmony with Love.”
If you think Horowtiz’s research is something out of a science fiction movie, do a little research into the background of the musical scales of the Grateful Dead.
Continue reading: http://www.paulmcguire.org/?p=1137
Both biologists and physicists are telling us that our DNA is actually transformed by emotion and thought. In addition, when people are healthy they actually glow because they produce bio photons within them. What if evil people and good people live on different vibrational frequencies and the energy they project is based on that specific vibrational frequency? The Bible tells us that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, which means that our physical body holds not only the Third Person of the Trinity, but some kind of vibrational frequency.
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, author of “Musical Cult Control: The Rockefeller Foundation’s War on Consciousness Through The Imposition of A=440 Hz Standard Tuning,” believes that ancient religions like Christianity and Judaism used music to elevate man spiritually. The original Solfeggio music scale, which was equivalent to the note “C,” was 528 Hz.According to Horowtiz, in September 1939 Rockefeller and Illuminati financial interests dictated that the standard tuning for the note of “A” above middle “C” would be precisely 440 cycles per second.
The British Standards Institute adopted A=440 Hz in 1939, promoted by the strange consortium of Rockefeller Foundation influence and the Nazi government. Ironically, the British adopted a tuning standard promoted by the Third Reich, just as both went to war. While 440 Hz had been rejected by British musicians only three months prior, Josef Goebbels persuaded the BSI to adapt 440 Hz, saying it was of extraordinary importance.
Dr. Leonard Horowitz writes “Music bioenergetically affects your body chemistry, psycho neuro immunology, and health. Your body is now vibrating musically, audibly and subliminally, according to an institutionally imposed frequency in harmony with aggression and in dissonance rather than vibrating in harmony with Love.”
If you think Horowtiz’s research is something out of a science fiction movie, do a little research into the background of the musical scales of the Grateful Dead.
Continue reading: http://www.paulmcguire.org/?p=1137
Friday, December 12, 2014
Can we be good without God?
Reblogged from Elizabeth Prata´s:
The End Time blog
It is an age-old question. If you ask someone, "Do you think you will go to heaven when you die?" Most often they will reply, "I think so. I've been a good person."
The question arising after that is "What is good?" Even then, most people will answer with a list of attributes that include do's and don'ts. They'll say that they would be qualified for heaven because they don't steal, they don't murder, they don't cheat. They'll say that they are nice, kind, charitable, loving, and so on.
But let's back up to a moment even just before the person's answer about being good. Why is there a universal acknowledgement in the first place that one must be good to get to heaven? Why can't we just go there after we die? Why is that even in the mix at all?
Because God put in us the desire to be good. Most people acknowledge that we need to be 'good.' But where false religions come in is their acknowledgement of their definitions of good, and from whence the qualifying benchmarks come. Christians know that the external source of all Good is God, (Matthew 19:17) and the benchmark for attaining heaven is written in the bible. Yet non-Christians still feel the pull of conscience, conviction of sin, and therefore they intrinsically understand there is a bad, or evil. They express the intuitive understanding that we cannot go to heaven as we are. We must be 'good.'
For ages, people have tried to go their own way with being good, attaining a morality of their own making that would be pleasing (to whomever, to their own self, to society, or to a made-up false god, etc. Let's take a case-study of this attitude in a famous American: Benjamin Franklin.
They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them. (Romans 2:15)
Franklin is a good one to study because he was obsessed with self-improvement, he acknowledged a deity, he proclaimed a need for a moral code, and he was a prolific writer.
It should be said at the outset, that Benjamin Franklin was not saved. He was not a Christian. As a matter of fact, from the beginning of his life to the end, though he acknowledged the likelihood of the existence of 'a deity', he repudiated the personal need for one.
In fact, Franklin wrote in 1757 of his pity for-
"weak and ignorant men and women, and of inexperienced, inconsiderate youth of both sexes, who have need of the motives of religion to restrain them from vice, to support their virtue, and retain them in the practice of it till it becomes habitual..."
So we need that though Franklin knew that man needed to be good, he denied needing any help in attaining it. He would do it himself. To wit, exhibit A.
In his autobiography, a young Franklin wrote,
It was about this time I conceived the bold and arduous project of arriving at moral perfection. I wished to live without committing any fault at any time; I would conquer all that either natural inclination, custom, or company might lead me into. As I knew, or thought I knew, what was right and wrong, I did not see why I might not always do the one and avoid the other.Pride is at the root of all sins, it is the first sin, it is the universal sin. Here we see the result of Franklin's unsancitifed mind: he would conquer all his faults and become perfect.
Then he wrote,
But I soon found I had undertaken a task of more difficulty than I had imagined.I'm shocked. Shocked.
While my care was employed in guarding against one fault, I was often surprised by another; habit took the advantage of inattention; inclination was sometimes too strong for reason. I concluded, at length, that the mere speculative conviction that it was our interest to be completely virtuous was not sufficient to prevent our slipping, and that the contrary habits must be broken, and good ones acquired and established, before we can have any dependence on a steady, uniform rectitude of conduct. For this purpose I therefore contrived the following method.Franklin was surprised by how often different "faults," as he put them, popped up in his daily life. What he needed was to be organized. Then he'd be on his way to moral perfection.
What Franklin did was create a little booklet containing lines and columns, like a ledger. He'd mark one spot for his failures for each day of the week and one line for each of his virtues he was trying to perfect. Though there hundreds of virtues a person can display, selected 12 in particular Franklin thought he needed improvement on. He added the 13th, 'Humility" because a Quaker friend said that Franklin was well-known to be difficult to converse with because of his tendency to dominate the conversation and telling everyone they were wrong. After the Quaker friend gave Franklin some examples, Franklin decided to add the 13th and work on humility.
Though in the list below, the Christian can see the roots of these virtues in certain portions of scripture, Franklin did not ascribe their source to the bible. How or why he self-selected these thirteen and not another thirteen, is also part of man's delusion that he can become good. One needs perfection in ALL in order to be considered good on the same level that Jesus is Good. Franklin decided that he would 'fix' one at a time, turning an opposing vice into the stated virtue. Incredibly, he estimated that it would take one week to fix each one, and that he could conclude his project in 13 weeks.
Franklin's list of virtues he planned to pursue to perfection,
Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.
Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation.
Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time.
Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.
Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself, i.e., waste nothing.
Lose no time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.
Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly.
Wrong none by doing injuries or omitting the benefits that are your duty.
Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.
Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes, or habitation.
Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.
Rarely use venery (sexual intercourse) but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the
injury of your own or another's peace or reputation.
Imitate Jesus and Socrates.
Did you ever read anything more proud? Anyway, for example, he chose to work on "Cleanliness" but did not include patience. Perhaps he thought he or his floor, could be better scrubbed, but had already achieved moral perfection in displaying patience? Or maybe there as a bit of the old craftiness in his selection, because cleanliness is a quantifiable virtue, an external virtue that others can see, and one that is easier to attain than, say, tranquility (especially when his wife would do most of the cleaning).
In his pride, Franklin surmised that all it would take would be thirteen weeks dedication to the project and then moral perfection would be attained. He did write in the future he planned to write a book on how to attain moral perfection using his method, and all people would be able to benefit from it. To that end, he purposely avoided mention of any one religion saying,
I had purposely avoided them [religious sects]; for, being fully persuaded of the utility and excellency of my method, and that it might be serviceable to people in all religions..." [emphasis mine]
It wasn't long before Franklin understood that the project of attaining moral perfection would take longer than 13 weeks. As a matter of fact, he kept his book, with few intermissions, for 50 years. Of all the virtues, he found humility the hardest to overcome. After a while Franklin simply used less dogmatic and inflammatory language. He'd say, "I perceive" instead of "Undoubtedly," and "I apprehend" instead of "Certainly." The most he could do was fake humility. Side note: if all you're doing is faking humility, doesn't that also destroy 'Sincerity'?
At the end of his life, Franklin wryly wrote that despite his best efforts to disguise his pride with cloaking language that he thought would be less dogmatical,
In reality, there is, perhaps, no one of our natural passions so hard to subdue as pride. Disguise it, struggle with it, beat it down, stifle it, mortify it as much as one pleases, it is still alive, and will every now and then peep out and show itself; you will see it, perhaps, often in this history; for, even if I could conceive that I had completely overcome it, I should probably be proud of my humility.
Preacher Charles Spurgeon said in sermon #2591, "Pride the Destroyer"
This sin of pride is often forgotten and many persons do not even think it is a sin at all. Here is a man who says that he is absolutely perfect. Does he know what the sin of pride really is? What prouder being can there be than one who talks like that? “Oh, but,” he says, “I am humble.” Is there any soul living that is so proud as he is who says he is humble? Is not that the acme and climax of pride?
The older Franklin got, the more he acknowledged that perhaps the Deity was indeed involved in the affairs of men, and perhaps Jesus of Nazareth was a good man delivering the best "system of morals" the world ever saw, but refused to believe in Jesus' divinity. Sorrowfully, at the end of his life, Franklin wrote,
"I have ... some doubts as to his divinity; tho’ it is a question I do not dogmatize upon, having never studied it, and think it needless to busy myself with it now, when I expect soon an opportunity of knowing the truth with less trouble."
Franklin couldn't be troubled to discover his eternal destiny? It was Franklin's eternal mistake.
As for our Lord, isn't a relief we do not have to spend 50 years trying to perfect humility only to fail every time? Isn't is a wonderful thing that we don't have to look at an eternity of pride blotting our heart to the detriment of all our relationships? Because we cannot attain moral perfection. We can't even go a day and not fail to display some grievous display of moral corruption.
Only Jesus is Good, and that (Luke 18:19). This is why only He could be the sacrificial Lamb, slain so He could shed His blood to cover our sins.
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, (Ephesians 2:8)
We cannot be good without God. But by grace, we have God.
Pope Francis Elected After Supernatural “Signs Says Cardinal—The Role His Jesuit Contemplative Ways Play
Reblogged from www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog
December 10th, 2014
Author: Lighthouse Trails Editors
Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, the Archbishop of Vienna, who was himself widely tipped as a possible successor to Pope Benedict, said he had personally had two “strong signs” that Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was “the chosen one” in the run up to vote.
He said only divine intervention could explain the speed with which the Argentine Cardinal – who did not feature on any of the main lists of likely candidates compiled by Vatican experts – was elected.1If this is true, that Pope Francis was elected through supernatural means, the question must be posed, from which side did this supernatural, “divine” intervention come? If it is indeed supernatural, it had to be either from God or from Satan (the two opposing forces). Because we know that the Catholic church is a false heretical church that believes salvation is justification through works and not the sole work of Christ on the Cross, that Mary is a co-redeemer who did not sin, and that Jesus Christ is found in the Eucharist and the Catholic Mass, we must conclude that this supernatural intervention that brought Jorge Mario Bergoglio to the station of Pope of the Roman Catholic Church is not from God.
How is this relevant to the evangelical/Protestant church today? As Lighthouse Trails and Understand the Times have reported since Pope Francis began his reign as Pope, evangelical leaders are racing to the Pope’s side like never before in the history of the evangelical/Protestant church. Some of these who are rallying with the Pope are Rick Warren, Kenneth Copeland, Joel Osteen, and James Robison, while other Christian leaders, such as Beth Moore, are coming out with statements that are giving strong credibility to the Catholic church.
It is a known fact that Pope Francis is a Jesuit. And as Lighthouse Trails has reported on a number of occasions, he is also a contemplative advocate. See our article Pope Francis – Spiritually “Founded” on a Contemplative Tradition. As research analyst Ray Yungen has documented, the Catholic Church is using contemplative prayer as a means of expanding her borders. Roger Oakland, founder of Understand the Times, has linked the mystical practice of the Eucharist to the Papacy’s New Evangelization program to bring the “lost brethren” back to the “Mother Church.” And as one can see, these efforts are having tremendous results. Ray Yungen states:
I had always been confused as to the real nature of this advance in the Catholic church. Was this just the work of a few mavericks and renegades, or did the church hierarchy sanction this practice? My concerns were affirmed when I read in an interview that the mystical prayer movement not only had the approval of the highest echelons of Catholicism but also was, in fact, the source of its expansion. (A Time of Departing, by Ray Yungen)
How does all this tie together? The cover story in Christianity Today’s December 2014 issue proclaims: “Why Everyone is Flocking to Francis.” CT has its own idea of why “everyone” is drawn to the Pope. But if Lighthouse Trails is correct in our conclusions about contemplative spirituality and its outcome, then what is happening here is a “supernatural” occurrence in the lives of millions of people, both Catholic and non-Catholic, who are finding themselves dramatically affected by this Pope.
While we will not try to speculate what the possible role of this Pope could be in relation to Bible prophecy and the endtimes, we will say this with surety: between the New Age and the Catholic Church, the world is being drawn deeper and deeper into darkness and closer and closer to a false christ whom the Bible says is coming.
In closing, we’ll leave you with these words from Warren B. Smith:
The Catholic Church today [is] linked to the foundational New Age/New Spirituality teaching that God is “in” everyone.
The 1994 Catechism of the Catholic Church, which is the official source for all Roman Catholic doctrine today, states:
“Let us rejoice then and give thanks that we have become not only Christians, but Christ himself. Do you understand and grasp, brethren, God’s grace toward us? Marvel and rejoice: we have become Christ.” (#795)
“For the Son of God became man so that we might become God.” (#460) (cited from “Another Jesus” Calling by Warren B. Smith)
Egypt's Largest Military Maneuver 'Meant for Israel'
Security expert details Egypt's 'Badr 2014' maneuver, as Sisi regime flexes its muscles.
By Ari Yashar
First Publish: 12/6/2014, 10:01 PM
Egyptian armored units (illustration)
Col. (res.) Dr. Shaul Shay, former deputy head of the Israel National Security Council, detailed the maneuver in Israel Defense on Saturday, analyzing the massive military preparations.
According to Shay, Egypt wants not only to improve security domestically, but also "it hopes to reassert its historic leadership role and become the regional hegemony. ...With the rise of (President) Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, a new generation of military leadership in Egypt has taken control of the country’s armed forces."
The security expert continued "Exercise 'Badr 2014' and the creation of the RDF (Rapid Deployment Force) signals a move toward enhancing Egypt’s more offensive, conventional, asymmetric and counterinsurgency capabilities both within and beyond the country’s borders."
Speaking directly about what that means for Israel, Shay noted that the exercise is meant to prepare for "a potential conflict with Israel."
"Israel is quietly stepping up its military co-operation with Egypt as both countries confront security threats from jihadist groups in the Sinai region and Hamas in Gaza strip. However, Egypt continues to see Israel as its primary military potential threat despite a decades-old peace treaty," analyzed Shay.
Shay quoted Egyptian Military Spokesman Brig. Gen. Mohammed Samir as calling the recent maneuver "the largest and most sophisticated strategic exercise in terms of planning, training, and size of forces involved." He noted that the Egyptian army is the largest in Africa and the Middle East, with most of the country's $1.5 billion in US yearly aid being military aid.
Egypt likewise in February sealed a $2 billion arms deal with Russia, after Russia in November said Egypt offered to buy advanced defense systems, military helicopters, MiG-29 aircraft and anti-tank missiles.
Preparing for Sinai mobilization?
In one part of the maneuver, a simulation of a Suez Canal crossing was held on October 27 by the Third Army. The drill included establishing movable bridges to allow vehicles and tanks to cross, with APCs (Armored Personnel Carriers) crossing accompanied by air force units and boats.
The maneuver is significant in that the peace agreement with Israel forbids large-scale Egyptian military mobilization in the Sinai, although Egypt's military has been recently more active in the region while trying to put down rampant violence by salafist terrorists, with some warning that the increase in Egyptian military presence could potentially signify a threat to Israel.
In another drill on November 3, Sisi attended the main phase of air force exercises in Wadi Nartun. Over 250 combat fighters and helicopters took part in over 60 air sorties, in cooperation with paratrooper units, Egyptian commandos and the Central Military Region regiments.
Recent Egyptian ousters like the sinking of an Israeli ship?
On the naval front, Shay noted "the Egyptian Navy is the largest navy in Middle East and Africa, and is the seventh largest in the world measured by the number of vessels."
He added the annual exercise of the navy is held on Navy Day, October 21, a date established after an incident on that day in 1967 in which the Israeli destroyer "Eilat" was sunk by Egyptian missile boats about 12 miles from Port Said around four months after Egypt's defeat in the 1967 Six Day War.
Sisi released a statement likening the success of the recent ousters of former presidents Hosni Mubarak and Mohammed Morsi with the October 21 sinking of the "Eilat."
"Sisi noted that these events changed the reality of Egypt politically, economically and socially, and he praised the navy as one of the main branches of the Egyptian military," reported Shay.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
The Hindu smashed the microscope!
Reblogged from the-end-time.blogspot.com
In his wonderful sermon, “Pride the Destroyer”, Charles Spurgeon preached,
But there is good news too. John 3 continues from verse 20 to verse 21,
"But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God."
Note from the blog´s author: Yogis showing the darkness of their superiority.
"Nobody loves me, everybody hates me, I think I am going to eat worms"...
If you feel sorry for yourself: Jesus said: "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. "
If you work, work and keep on working to earn your salvation and are not satisfied, he says to you: "You who have no money, come buy and eat. Why spend money on what is not bread. Give ear and come to me that your soul may live".
A prideful person “does not seek the Light of God. You can often notice that if a man has a high opinion of himself, he is extremely good and excellent and does not need to be saved by Grace. He does not want to be told too much about himself. He likes to go to a place of worship where they prophesy very smooth things and if he ever strays in where there is very plain talk, he says that the preacher is too personal. The Hindu thinks it is wicked to kill an insect, or to take life of any kind—and that he will surely not enter into his happy paradise if he does. When the missionary showed a Hindu, by means of a microscope, how many living creatures there were in a single drop of the water which was in a glass on the table, in order to convince him of the impossibility of avoiding the destruction of life if he drank the water, what did the Hindu do? Why, he smashed up the microscope! That was his way of answering it! And so, sometimes, if the Truth of God is put very plainly so that men cannot escape from the force of it, not wishing to know the uncomfortable Truth, they turn upon their heels and find fault with the preacher and refuse to hear any more from him!
We are the microscope. We show the truth of the hidden manna. We point the eye toward the hidden kingdom. Some will not even look through the lens! Others who dare to peer, will react as the Hindu did, and smash the Christian. Why is this?
For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. (John 3:20)
In 1845, American Preacher Daniel A. Clark said,
Wicked men hate the light, because it exposes his vileness. When the cellar has been shut up for years is first laid open, by the opening of knows and doors, it presents a disgusting sight. We wonder how so much filth could have accumulated there. So the dark and wicked heart of man seems unutterably vile and loathsome when God's Word and Spirit enters into it.(source, The American National Preacher, Volumes 19-22, 1845)
Wicked men hate the light, because it shows the necessity of a better character. The soul in love with sin is agonized with an apprehension of the necessity of reformation. Sinful habits let go their hold with a wonderful reluctance. They cry out, "let us alone," and they are expelled, just like the demons who were driven out by our Savior. The contrast which exists between good and bad men is painful to the wicked just as it is perceived.
But there is good news too. John 3 continues from verse 20 to verse 21,
"But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God."
Note from the blog´s author: Yogis showing the darkness of their superiority.
"Nobody loves me, everybody hates me, I think I am going to eat worms"...
If you feel sorry for yourself: Jesus said: "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. "
If you work, work and keep on working to earn your salvation and are not satisfied, he says to you: "You who have no money, come buy and eat. Why spend money on what is not bread. Give ear and come to me that your soul may live".
Shiva, I am so tired, so weary, so much Karma to work out, so many reincarnations
to go through...and then once I am free form my earthly karma, there is
the astral karma on another astral planet...before I can get a chance to be god, when will the weary
merry-go-round end, will it ever?
In Matthew 11:28-29, Jesus said: "come unto me
all who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest". The Lord
Jesus wants you to rest, and invites you to receive his free gift of
eternal life, he has bought it for you on the cross...No more trying to be good, no more performing good works to pacify you and earn salvation, no more need for
sleeping pills, no more drugs legal or illegal, no more booze, to numb your restless
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