What the Bible says about light and seed

The True Light "In him, (the Lord Jesus) was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world,…the world didn’t recognize him." John 1:4,9.

The Good Seed and the Weeds “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seeds in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. Matthew 13:24,25.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Quero Conhecer a Jesus

O Plano Simples De Deus Para A Salvação

Meu amigo! Faço-te a mais importante pergunta desta vida. Tua alegria ou tristeza por toda a ETERNIDADE depende dela. Eis a pergunta: Estás SALVO? Quer dizer ... ESTÁS CERTO de que irás para o Céu quando morreres? Não te pergunto se és membro de alguma igreja, mas ESTÁS SALVO? Não te pergunto se és pessoa de bem mas ESTÁS SALVO? Ninguém pode gozar das bênçãos de Deus ou ir para o Céu, sem estar salvo. Jesus disse a Nicodemos, em João 3:7 - "Necessário vos é nascer de novo." Deus nos deu na Sua Palavra um ÚNICO plano de Salvação. Esse plano é simples. Podes ser salvo HOJE.
Primeiro, meu amigo, tens de reconhecer que és PECADOR.
Romanos 3:10 - "Não há um justo, nem um sequer."
Romanos 3:22, 23 - "Porque não há diferença: TODOS pecaram e destituidos estão da glória de Deus."

Não há OPORTUNIDADE de seres salvo, se não reconheceres que ÉS PECADOR.
Porque és pecador, estás CONDENADO À MORTE!
Romanos 6:23 - "Porque o salário do pecado é a morte."
Tiago 1:15 - "E o pecado, gera a morte."

Isto significa separação de Deus, no Inferno para sempre. Sim, é terrível, meu amigo, mas é verdade. Mas Deus te amou tanto que Deu seu unigênito filho, Jesus Cristo, como teu substituto, para levar teus pecados e morrer em teu lugar.

2 Coríntios 5:21 - "AQUELE que não conheceu pecado (Jesus) 0 fez pecado por NOS para que nELE fôssemos feitos justiça de Deus."
1 Pedro 2:24 - "Levando Ele mesmo em SEU corpo os NOSSOS pecados sobre o madeiro, para que, mortos para os pecados, pudéssemos viver para a justiça; e pelas Suas feridas FOSTES SARADOS."
Jesus teve que morrer. Ele teve que derramar o Seu sangue. "Porque a alma da carne está no sangue (Levíticos 17:1 1). "Sem derramamento de sangue não ha remissão" (Hebreus 9:22).

Não podemos, agora, compreender como os nossos pecados foram colocados sobre Cristo, mas Deus, em SUA PALAVRA, diz que foi assim. Assim os TEUS PECADOS, meu amigo, foram carregados POR JESUS, e ELE MORREU EM TEU LUGAR. Isto é verdade. Deus não pode mentir!
0 carcereiro de Filipos perguntou a Paulo e Silas: "Que é necessário que EU FAÇA para me SALVAR?"
Atos 16:31 - "E eles disseram: CRÊ no Senhor Jesus Cristo, e SERÁS SALVO, tu e a tua casa."

Basta crer nELE como 0 que carregou teu pecado, e morreu no teu lugar, foi sepultado e ressuscitou para tua justificação. Clama, agora, por Ele!
Romanos 10:13 - "Porque TODO AQUELE que invocar o nome do Senhor será salvo."

A primeira oração que um PECADOR deve fazer, é a seguinte: "Ó Deus, tem misericórdia DE MIM, pecador" (Lucas 18:13). Agora és um pecador e sentes tristeza por isso. Então, AONDE ESTIVERES, podes elevar o teu coração a Deus em oração. Não é necessário fazer uma longa oração em voz alta, porque Deus está ANSIOSO para te salvar. Basta dizeres: "Ó Deus, sou um pecador arrependido. Tem misericórdia de mim e salva-me pelo amor de Jesus." Aceita-0, então, de acôrdo com a Sua Palavra.
Romanos 10:13 - "Porque TODO AQUELE (isto te inclui) que invocar o nome do Senhor SERÁ SALVO (será salvo, e não talvez seja salvo). SERÁ SALVO!
Crê em Deus e na Sua PALAVRA. Quando tiveres feito o que Ele te pediu, aceita a SALVAÇÃO PELA FÉ, conforme a SUA PALAVRA. CRÊ E SERÁS SALVO. Nenhuma igreja, nenhuma sociedade nem as boas obras ninguém - mas Só e unicamente JESUS CRISTO PODE TE SALVAR.

0 plano simples da salvação é: ÉS PECADOR; porque és pecador, DEVARÁS MORRER ou crer em Cristo que foi TEU SUBSTITUTO e morreu em TEU LUGAR, foi sepultado e ressuscitou. Clama por Ele, reconhecendo que és um pecador e pede-LHE que tenha misericórdia de ti e te salve, pelo AMOR DE JESUS. Crê, então, na Sua Palavra e, PELA FÉ,ACEITA A SALVAÇÃO. Dirás talvez:" Certamente isto não basta para ser salvo."
Sim - nada mais e absolutamente nada. Graças a Deus, muitos têm sido ganhos para Cristo por esse simples plano. Está nas ESCRITURAS. É 0 PLANO DE DEUS. Crê nÊLE meu amigo, e SEGUE-0. Agora é o tempo. HOJE é o dia.
2 Coríntios 6:2 - "Eis aqui AGORA o tempo aceitável, eis aqui AGORA o dia da salvação."
Provérbios 27:1 - "Não presumas do dia de amanhã, porque não sabes o que produzirá o dia."

Se não achares perfeitamente claro, lê novamente até poderes compreender. Procura um Cristão verdadeiro em qual podes confiar e pede-lhe que te tires as dúvidas. Não abandones a leitura ou sua busca de Deus, até que possas entendê-lo totalmente. Tua alma tem mais valor do que tudo no mundo.
Marcos 8:36, 37 - "Pois que aproveitaria ao homem ganhar todo o mundo e perder a sua alma? Ou que daria o homem pelo resgate da sua alma?"
Assegura a tua salvação. Coloca a tua salvação acima de todas as coisas. Se perderes a tua alma, não entrarás no céu e perderás tudo. Deus te ajudará afim de que sejas salvo hoje.

Deus te salvará e, também, TE GUARDARÁ.
1 Coríntios 10: 13 - "Não veio sobre vós tentação, senão humana; mas fiel é Deus, que vos não deixará tentar acima do que podeis, antes com a tentação dará também o escape, para que a possais suportar."
Não contia nos teus sentimentos. Estes mudam. Firma-te nas promessas de Deus. Estas nunca mudam.

DEPOIS DE SALVO, há três coisas que deves realizar, para o teu crescimento espiritual:
ORA - e falarás com Deus. LÊ A BIBLIA - e Deus falará contigo. TESTIFICA - e falarás por Deus. Em seguida deves ser batizado e afiliado a uma congregação o grupo de crentes, adoradores que creia verdadeiramente na Bíblia.
Mateus 10:32 - "Portanto qualquer que me confessar diante dos homens, eu o confessarei diante de meu Pai, que está nos céus."

Blogs que me Inspiraram em 2008

Voce não pode ver mas dentro da concha existem pérolas que brilham intensamente! Só vemos bem com o coraçao! Meu blog presenteia blogs que brilharam em 2008: Café com Poesia Esterança Street Kids Caroline L'Atelier

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Paris interactive flight - Sobrevoe Paris - Vol sur Paris

To treat yourself to an incredible view of Paris from the night sky, click on the link below.
Then, click on the photo to zoom and move the mouse around to travel...click on the hotel and the building windows to see what our French friends are up to. Click here

Para um inacreditavel passeio sobre Paris clique abaixo. Em seguida clique na foto para aumentar, deslize o mouse para viajar... clique nas janelas do hotel e dos predios, para ver cenas do quotidiano. Clique aqui!

Pour découvrir Paris d'en haut, cliquer en bas.... Une fois ouvert, cliquer sur la photo pour l'augmenter, et faire glisser la souris pour voyager...cliquer sur les fenêtres d'hôtel et des immeubles pour des scènes quotidiennes. Cliquer ici


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Sois prompt à écouter

"Que tout homme soit prompt à écouter, lent à parler et lent à se mettre en colère" Jacques 1.19

On a dit un jour d'un célèbre linguiste qu'il "pouvait se taire en sept langues différentes". L'Ecclésiaste nous enseigne : "qu'il y a un temps pour se taire et un temps pour parler" (Ecclésiaste 3.7).

Malheureusement, nous mélangeons ces deux temps. Chacun d'entre nous doit apprendre à se taire afin d'écouter l'autre. J'ai remarqué ceci : bien souvent nous nous parlons sans nous écouter. Nous écoutons non pour comprendre ce que l'autre dit mais uniquement pour lui répondre.

En d'autres termes, lorsque l'autre parle, au lieu de l'écouter pour analyser son point de vue, nous l'écoutons tout en cherchant dans notre tête une contre argumentation ; ce qui débouche inexorablement sur une discussion sans fin. C'est pourquoi tant de personnes peuvent parler pendant des heures sans finalement jamais se comprendre, alors que d'autres parviennent à régler un conflit entre elles en seulement dix minutes. Pourquoi ces dernières arrivent-elles à résoudre leur problème ? Parce qu'elles ont su se taire pour écouter et comprendre l'autre.

Avez-vous déjà remarqué que deux personnes qui se disputent généralement le font en criant ? Pourtant elles ne sont qu'à quelques centimètres l'une de l'autre ! Est-il bien nécessaire de crier ? Bien sûr, si une personne est de l'autre côté de la route ou bien à une grande distance, il lui faut hausser la voix pour se faire entendre. Mais pourquoi deux personnes crient-elles lorsqu'elles sont à quelques pas l'une de l'autre ? La raison en est simple : malgré la proximité physique, les deux individus sont loin l'un de l'autre, ils ne s'entendent plus, et ils pensent qu'en criant ils seront mieux compris.

Il ne faut pas qu'il en soit ainsi. Comme la Bible l'enseigne, soyez prompt à écouter et vous verrez que dans la plupart des cas, les cris cesseront. Car celui qui n'est pas prompt à écouter, en règle générale parle vite et plus il parle vite, plus il parlera fort et plus il parlera fort, plus il se mettra en colère. Alors : "Que tout homme soit prompt à écouter, lent à parler et lent à se mettre en colère" (Jacques 1.19).

Une action pour aujourd'hui.

Dès à présent, décidez de développer un "programme de silence constructif" en écoutant pour essayer de comprendre ce que l'autre dit sans chercher à argumenter votre cause.
Patrice Martorano

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Occasional Letter Number One

Some Lessons From The Underground History Of American Education

By John Taylor Gatto Spinninglobe

Editor’s note: John Taylor Gatto was the New York State Teacher of the Year in 1991 and has been named New York City Teacher of the Year three times.

Between 1896 and 1920, a small group of industrialists and financiers, together with their private charitable foundations, subsidized university chairs, university researchers, and school administrators, spending more money on forced schooling than did the government itself. Carnegie and Rockefeller, as late as 1915, were themselves spending more. In this laissez-faire fashion a system of modern schooling was constructed without public participation. The motives for this are undoubtedly mixed, but it will be useful for you to hear an excerpt from the first mission statement of Rockefeller’s General Education Board as it occurred in a document called Occasional Letter Number One (1906):

"In our dreams, people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present educational conventions [intellectual and character education] fade from our minds, and unhampered by tradition we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or men of science. We have not to raise up from among them authors, educators, poets or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians, nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we have ample supply. The task we set before ourselves is very simple … we will organize children … and teach them to do in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way".

For more interesting and enlightening reading on the subject, consult:


Saturday, January 19, 2008

Love always hopes.

Written and  posted by Jean-Louis at http://thelightseed.blogspot.com
This is a post I wrote a few years ago 


Almonds trees in blooms
As people celebrate Christmas with all its symbols regardless of what they think the exact time and year of God's divine condescension among us  are, this is what this season represents to me as a spiritual reality.

As I was reflecting upon the incarnation of our Savior Christ Jesus as the supreme gift of our Heavenly Father to mankind, I could not help but think of the limited perspective that we sometimes have of the infinite measure of all of God’s attributes and works in the vast universe He created but also in each of our lives.

The first thing I consider when I ponder the miracle of the supernatural birth of Jesus-Christ is that God chose to manifest His presence in the flesh as a seed of the Holy Spirit in the chosen womb of Mary.

Imagine a little! The creator and sustainer of the endless universe becoming a frail human being Himself subject to the natural law of human birth and physical existence.
What is amazing is that as we follow the course of His birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension and His coming back to take His own faithful ones to reign with Him, the same characteristic stages apply to us who have experienced the second spiritual birth and have passed from death to life, from the kingdom of darkness into His marvelous light.

 As the mature tree is essentially contained in the seed just waiting to develop through the different stages of growth, so was the life of the Lord Jesus and so is every one of our lives.

An illustration from the sharing of presents on Christmas day comes to my mind. Imagine one of the present being a huge box with someone’s name on it. The person feverishly tears off the paper hoping to discover a big present that will provide a level of satisfaction commensurate to his perceived size. But as the box reveals another smaller box hidden under the packing peanuts, he suspects someone is playing a joke on him as he realizes from the sheer weight of the box.

As he keeps on opening another box, then another one, he finally opens the last tiny box and no matter what the value of the present, it leaves him or her with a sense of unfulfilled expectation and diminished satisfaction. Here in brief is how the acquiring and enjoying of material things which are supposed to fulfill our lives from the cradle to the grave end up being a great disappointment and a snare in the end. Not so with the present from our God, the free gift of salvation available to anyone willing to accept it. 

Conversely, imagine that you received the gift of God, salvation by grace in a small box. After receiving and opening the gift, once your life is changed by that spiritual tiny seed, you realize that as you grow, the gift keeps on growing as you learn and mature into eternal everlasting life, the box of our life, so to speak, getting bigger and bigger.

Now considering another angle to giving and sharing presents.
Jesus talking about greed said that life doesn’t consist in the abundance of things. Luke 12:15.And He told the people to not lay up for yourselves treasures upon earth where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven…for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19-21.

Jesus is not only talking about treasures, but incorruptible treasures! What is He talking about? He is talking about treasures that have their beginning as an intangible seed beginning here on the earth and continuing in Heaven and/or enjoying all the stages of the growth of the seed in two dimensions simultaneously, in the physical body while at the same time in the invisible realm of the spirit.

He means treasures like the Christian virtues, generosity of spirit, goodness, mercy, humility, faith, wisdom, spiritual knowledge, love, patience, fruits of the Spirit, all intangible, but whose effects are felt when translated into good works and service to our brothers, sisters and fellow man. And of course, included are all the material gifts that he has blessed us with in superabundance to share with those less fortunate than us and to provide the means to advance the Kingdom of God, through preaching of the Gospel through gifts to missions throughout the world. Everything that will become the stones building the foundation of our sphere of influence in the coming Kingdom.

In I Timothy 6: 18, Paul tells Timothy to "Command those who are rich in this present world... to put their hope in God who richly provide us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way, they will lay up for themselves a firm foundation for the coming age so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life". It is obvious that one can build a house or a building only as tall and as large as the dimensions of the foundation supporting it, otherwise the building collapses.

In the Bible we can find several mentions of this manifestation of life as encapsulated in the title of Our Lord who is the Alpha, the beginning and Omega, the end and of course everything in between.

We can find the image of the seed in I Peter 1:23. “For you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is through the living and abiding Word of God.” Isaiah 9:6-7 promise of the coming Messiah follows this development: "for a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us, and the government will rest upon His shoulders … there will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace."

Salvation, knowledge and wisdom are part of the incorruptible treasures that Christ talks about in Matthew. Talking about Christ, Isaiah 33:6 declares:He will be a sure foundation for our times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge: The fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.”
This salvation which starts as a spiritual seed planted by the Holy Spirit Himself in the hearts of men who have received Him on His terms is ever expanding and revealing the loving heart of our Heavenly Father at this time of the year and all year long. "And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us". Romans 5:5

Paul prays for the Ephesians in Ephesians 3:14-17 that: "He would grant you according to the riches of His glory to be strengthened with power through His spirit in the inner man so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith and that you being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God." This is also my prayer for all of us today and for the coming year.

Contrary to the philosophy of this passing and dying world, the present of eternal life in Christ Jesus started as a tiny seed, first the human seed inherited form our natural father and then the Holy Spirit seed  that contained all that is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which our Father and Creator put us on this earth. See I Corinthians 15. 
45 So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit. 46 The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual. (NIV)

So this Christmas season until the beginning of 2014 and beyond, I invite you to remember with grateful and humble hearts, that the tiniest and most humble manifestation of life, a human seed, a tiny baby in his or her mother's womb is infinitely precious and worthy of protection and nurturing because it was made in God’s image. Psalm 139.

I invite you also to let your hearts and minds expand onto other amazing dimensions of life and consider all the stages of the life of the Savior in His birth, His death, His resurrection, His going back into the glory of Heaven and His coming back to give us glorified bodies, for we have already been resurrected if we have been born again, starting as a tiny seed wrapped up in a small and fragile package that we all are, as pilgrims on this earth. 

This season Jesus offers us hope, joy and peace in a world sadly lacking theses blessings.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13.

Lord God, our loving Heavenly Father, we thank you and praise you for the gift of life present and eternal.
