Saturday, February 8, 2014

Kerry, EU, listen up: We, Israeli Jews, are not for sale

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Kerry, EU, listen up: We, Israeli Jews, are not for sale | i24news - See beyond


Lieutenant-General Evelyn Baker commanded the British troops in Mandatory Palestine in 1946 at the time when the underground Irgun blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, which housed the British military command. The officer’s reaction will remain in the annals of history. He issued a decree forbidding British soldiers from frequenting Jewish establishments in Palestine. "Thus," he said, "we will hit the Jews where it hurts them most - their wallet - which will show our vile contempt for them."

This way of thinking about the relationship of the Jew to money is present in the DNA of an important part of humanity, influenced by centuries of Christian anti-Judaism and social and racial anti-Semitism. But it does not arise only during casual conversations between friends. The themes of classic anti-Semitism are sometimes found implicitly in the attitude of the international community towards the Jewish state, which has become the "Jew among the states."

Regarding the question of the relationship to money, current affairs provides us with two emblematic examples of the oftentimes unconsciously anti-Semitic spirit that influences countries which, ironically, claim to be Israel's friends.

The first example is perhaps the most significant. According to former US ambassador to Israel, Martin Indyk, who is heavily involved in the current talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, the document which will soon be put on the table by Secretary of State John Kerry contains a point that has never been considered before. As part of a final agreement, substantial benefits would be provided for the hundreds of thousands of Jews from the Arab-Muslim countries who were expelled or forced to leave after the establishment of the State of Israel, leaving behind their possessions and centuries of history. READ MORE

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