Friday, February 7, 2014

Does God Expect Me to Be Perfect?

Reblogged from
Does God Expect Me to Be Perfect?

By Dan Delzell, Special to CP
February 6, 2014|7:43 am
Nobody is perfect. So why even try to be? It is a hopeless pursuit, right? Yes and no. Here are a few thoughts about perfection which might surprise you, or at least give you a new perspective on yourself and God.

God is the ultimate "perfectionist." Until you understand that fact, you might not see the beauty of the Gospel message, as well as the beauty of God's perfect Law.

When we think of a perfectionist, we imagine someone who is so obsessed with perfection that he micromanages other people and every situation. Such a person obviously misses the big picture in life. God approaches it differently. God never misses the big picture, and He has given us the free will to manage our own thought life and our own decisions.
God's Law is perfect. And His standards are completely righteous. So what is God to do with man, who comes along and brings his imperfections into the equation? How is God supposed to respond to these flaws in man?

God responds the only way a perfect and holy God can respond. He addresses man's imperfections in a manner which is perfect in justice. This calls for punishment. Otherwise, God would not be perfect. He would condone imperfection. This would make God far less than perfect.

Here is where Jesus comes into the picture. He literally bore the punishment you and I deserve to pay. (see Isaiah 53:5) That is what the cross accomplished. But there was more than justice going on at the cross. There was also deep and abiding love. (see John 3:16) The righteous One taking the punishment of the imperfect ones. Love and justice. Mercy and punishment. Sin and grace. The innocent Lamb being sacrificed on the "altar" of the cross.

In order to get into God's family, not to mention heaven as well, one must indeed be perfect in God's eyes. This can only happen by having God look at you through the "lens of Jesus" so to speak. This occurs when a person trusts Jesus as Savior. When you accept the fact that Jesus bore the sentence you deserve to be given, your sin is completely washed away. Without that washing away of sin, no one is even close to perfect in God's eyes.
So are you completely perfect in the Father's eyes today, or completely sinful? Those are the only two options.  READ MORE

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