Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Prayer of a contrite repentant sinner

When the Lord delivered me from the occult, Hinduism and the New Age in 1984 and restored my life and my calling.
Posted by Jean-Louis@

If you want to read more of my journey in a fiction short story, here is the link for the first chapter:
Sighing and the divine response:

Lord Jesus, teach me to pray.

Teach me to learn and understand what prayer is, not only through intellectual knowledge, but according to the truth of your blessed word engraved in the heart, in the deepest place of my being that you created.

Lord, I am not learned enough to understand you or to understand the world that surrounds me. I need you like an exp
lorer lost in the middle of the jungle needs a compass.

I have the map, but I don´t know how to read it. Teach me to read and understand the meaning of the map. But most of all, guide my steps on the right path.

May your strength help me to walk for my legs are weak. Grant me the will needed to follow you, wait for me, do not stay in front, I beg you. Stay at my side; let me hold your hand, because if I stay alone behind, I run the risk of being lost and loosing you again.
Give me your will, because mine is too weak now.

May your light illumine the darkness in my mind and disperse the harmful thoughts and illusions that don´t cease to overwhelm me and keep me from getting up again and continue on the way.
I am your child who implores you in his poverty to fill him with spiritual riches, to bless him with the presence of your Holy Spirit and granting him the assurance of the peace that passes all human understanding. I need you, without you my life is not worth anything.

Teach me obedience, surrender and humility so that I can accept fully the grace and the eternal life that you give us through your death and your resurrection.
Teach me to be faithful.
Teach me to confess my faults and sins to you first, then to those against whom I have sinned.
Mold me according to your pattern.

Replace the emptiness that I feel in my life, in my heart with your purifying love.
Replace my weak intellect by the force of discernment and wisdom of your Spirit.
Use me, only you can make something of my life because until now I have not made much of it.  
Teach me how to be a good husband and a good father.
Help me to show my love not only with words but also with deeds.
Help me to be honest with myself and sincere with others, to always tell the truth, to fight against evil, to encourage and support my brothers and sisters and my neighbors when they live through hard times.
Help me to stay simple in my faith and my devotion for you.
Give me clarity in my thinking and the ability to organize my thoughts.
Help me to trust you every moment of my life in the little things as in the big ones.

Rid me of the burden of guilt.
Deliver me, O Lord from the fetters that chain my feet and prevent me to walk with you in me and me in you.
I plead with you; I implore you, hear and receive my prayer.
I cannot stand anymore this absence, this emptiness deep inside my being and my life. 
Lord Jesus, be the Lord of my life and the ruler of my heart.
Rule my heart and my spirit. I surrender to you, do with me as you please. Show me your will.
Thank you Lord for giving an attentive ear to my prayers. Blessed and praised be your Name.
Your son.

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