Thursday, March 25, 2010

Do You Know?

 Since we know
Written by Jean-Louis. 1995.

Since we know that the Lord is a consuming fire,
That His Word is like a hammer and a flame,
Let us be broken and go through the fire of affliction.
Let us not resist the purifying work of the Holy Spirit.
All He wants us to do is to remove the idols of our hearts,
To take His rightful place on His throne, our altar.

Since we know that He sent His prophet Ezekiel
To speak life into the dead, dry bones,
Will He not be able to bring together,
What He has scattered?

Since we know that He does not speak only
To individuals, but to His whole body,
Is He not the one that brings us together,
To worship Him in Spirit and Truth,
And to serve Him gladly?

Since we know that He sees and hears our sorrow and affliction,
And that He inhabits the praises of His people,
As we gather in His Name
And allow His Spirit and His word to purify us,
As with humble and grateful hearts we yield
In praise and worship to His majesty,
Will He not send His Word to refresh us,
To bind our wounds,
And restore to us the joy of His salvation?

Since we know that He came to set the prisoners free,
And that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty,
Will He not break the bondage that prevents us
From experiencing the full benefit of His blessed presence?

Since we know that His grace and mercies abound,
Will He not restore in us our first love for Him,
And set our feet on a firm path?

 Image from Crowdsurf
Since we know that He bids us:
“Come, Now is the time of my salvation”,
Will we not respond in faith, trust and obedience,
Entering into the water flowing from His throne,
Not only ankle deep, nor knee deep;
But plunging wholeheartedly in the pure refreshing stream
And be made well and whole? Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of... 

Since we know that only those
who drink of the water of life,
Will be able to share His life with others,
Let us remember the woman at the well of Sichar.
Are we thirsty? Then let us come and drink freely,
The living water that costs nothing,
And He will satisfy our thirst to overflowing.

Since this was written for christians believers, I am certain that most of you will recognize and be able to identify the corresponding scriptures verses throughout the poem.


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