Friday, June 26, 2020

Soros: Now is a ‘Revolutionary Moment’ where the ‘Inconceivable’ is ‘Necessary’

“This sentence is decreed by the Watchers; This verdict is commanded by the Holy Ones So that all creatures may know That the Most High is sovereign over the realm of man, And He gives it to whom He wishes And He may set over it even the lowest of men.’” Daniel 4:14 (The Israel Bible™)
“This is the crisis of my lifetime,” Soros said. “Even before the pandemic hit, I realized that we were in a revolutionary moment where what would be impossible or even inconceivable in normal times had become not only possible but probably absolutely necessary.”

It should be noted that Soros lived through the Holocaust in Hungary, surviving as a courier for the Jewish council that identified and kept track of the Jews for the Nazi occupiers. He later assumed a fake name, and his father paid a Christian government official to take the boy in as his “godson.”

“And then came COVID-19, which has totally disrupted people’s lives and required very different behavior,” Soros said in the interview. “It is an unprecedented event that probably has never occurred in this combination. And it really endangers the survival of our civilization.”

Soros lamented that the pandemic which has killed over 470,000 worldwide has prevented China and the US from uniting to combat the real existential threat facing humanity: climate change.

“The continuing conflict between the US and China complicates matters because we ought to work together on climate change and on developing a vaccine against COVID-19. But, apparently, we cannot work together because we are already competing over who will develop – and use – the vaccine.”

It should be noted that documents from the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2011 show Soros Fund Management LLC invested heavily into WUXI Pharmatech Caymen, Inc., a pharmaceutical and biotechnology company that operated a research facility in Wuhan. 

In the interview, Soros was highly critical of President Trump.
‘Donald Trump would like to be a dictator,” Soros said. “But he cannot be one because there is a constitution in the United States that people still respect. And it will prevent him from doing certain things. That does not mean that he will not try, because he is literally fighting for his life. I will also say that I have put my faith in Trump to destroy himself, and he has exceeded my wildest expectations.”

As of February 2018, he had a net worth of $8 billion, having donated more than $32 billion to the Open Society Foundations. Domestically, the OSF is a strong supporter of the left-wing and the Democratic Party, especially through its support of Priorities USA Action, the Democratic Party’s largest super PAC. 
The OSF funds a number of anti-Israel organizations that deny the legitimacy of Israel and Jewish sovereignty, and are involved in demonization campaigns. Soros has compared Israel to Nazi Germany.

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