Thursday, April 23, 2020

Mirian, Menina de Tranças

Written and published by Jean-Louis 

Today is my wife Mirian's birthday.


I want to thank God for giving me such a blessing.
13 years ago, Mirian appeared out of nowhere just as in a dream. I am a realist, but I couldn't help it, I just wanted to prove to myself if it was true that when we grow older, some of us become like little children again. Wow, this has been even better than what I imagined it to be. Mirian has taught me so much. She opened my eyes to the beauty and the joy found in simple things of life.

Her childlike faith and love for her Heavenly Father has given me a renewed hope and a desire to seek God and trust in His promises like never before. Her courage and perseverance in the face of adversity have been an example for my life.
Her smile and contagious joy has been a source of great happiness in our home and her beautiful music has soothed and lifted up my sometimes weary soul at the end of a hard day. I am a very blessed man indeed for having such a wonderful wife and best friend.

Mirian, may the Lord bless you with the richest of blessings this coming year, may He be your shield and your great reward, that is the best thing I can wish to anyone, to be a friend of the Lord Jesus and be in His confidence.
Psalm 25; 14 says: the Lord confides in those who fear Him. He makes His covenant known to them.

Happy Birthday!

Menina de Tranças

Espero na plataforma
O trem atrasado,
O trenzinho levando
Os sonhos da menina.

O caminho da serra
É mais árduo de trilhar
Até chegar ao luar. 

Nunca deixarei escapar
O balão que sua mão
Num gesto generoso
Abandonou no ar

Confiando ao vento
Seu precioso tesouro
De ternos pensamentos

Peixes no mar
Aves no ar
Cada um seguindo
Seu próprio destino.

Mas entre nós
O amor é a mais
Curta distância entre
Dois olhares cúmplices
Revelando-se em silêncio
Vestidos de suspiros
Na esperança do retorno.


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