Friday, March 27, 2020

Corona Virus Statistics charts and commentaries March 26 2020

This is a repost by Jean-Louis Mondon

 My source for the 1st batch of statistics and subsequent commentaries is one of my personal physician who is well informed and keeps updated. I have not found out yet where he got the information. I did a quick search on the Web but could not find anything as close as the second batch of data that is close enough. I copied the second table at 21:05 PM March 26 2020 with some of the rolling scrolls still turning fast and furious. So the numbers are pretty close considering we are in the 3rd quarter of March. I´ll try to find out where my doctor found the statistics. look under "Health" item.

Source: Data from the University of Hamburg .

Number of deaths worldwide in the first two months of 2020
2,360: Coronavirus
69,602: Common cold
140,584: Malaria
153,696: Suicide
193,479: Car / bus accidents
240,950: death from HIV
358,471: Alcohol
716,498: Smoking
1,177,141: Cancer

So you think Corona is so dangerous as to close all trade, roads and end the country's economy?
Or is it the goal of the media campaign to resolve the trade war between China and the United States or to reduce financial markets to set the scene for merger and acquisition markets, centralize wealth or sell US Treasury bonds to cover the fiscal deficit on them ...

or is it a Panic created by pharmaceutical companies to sell their products like disinfectant, masks, medicines etc ...

Don't panic and don't kill yourself with unnecessary fear: I'm posting this to balance your news feed of posts that caused fear and panic.
82,000 people are currently sick with Coronavirus, of which 77,000 are in China, which has a population of 1.1 billion people.

This means that if you are not in China or have not visited China recently, that should eliminate 94% of your concern.

If you contract Coronavirus, this is not a cause for panic yet because:
81% of cases are LIGHT
14% of cases are MODERATE. Only
5% of cases are CRITICAL.

Which means that even if you get the virus, you are more likely to recover.

Some said, "but this is worse than SARS!"
SARS had a 10% mortality rate, while COVID-19 had a 2% mortality rate

Furthermore, looking at the ages of those who are dying from this virus, the mortality rate for people under 50 is just 0.2%.

This means that:
If you are under 50 and do not live in China - you are more likely to win the lottery (which has a 1 in 45,000,000 chance) than to die from this virus.

Let's see an example:
February 10, when 108 people in CHINA died of coronavirus. On the same day:
26,283 people died of cancer
24,641 people died of heart disease
4,300 people died of diabetes

Suicide took 28 times more lives than coronavirus.
Mosquitoes kill 2,740 people every day.
HUMAN beings kill 1,300 human companions every day, and
(Snakes kill 137 people every day and sharks kill only 2 people a year)



Comparison Charts:

Source: Data from the University of Hamburg The number of deaths worldwide in the first two months of 2020

2,360: Coronavirus
69,602: Common cold
140,584: Malaria
153,696: Suicide
193,479: Car / bus accidents
240,950: death from HIV
358,471: Alcohol
716,498: Smoking
1,177,141: Cancer

3,054,049 Communicable disease deaths this year
114,361 Seasonal flu deaths this year
1,788,207 Deaths of children under 5 this year
9,999,196 Abortions this year
72,715 Deaths of mothers during birth this year
41,665,822 HIV/AIDS infected people
395,483 Deaths caused by HIV/AIDS this year
1,932,154 Deaths caused by cancer this year
230,760 Deaths caused by malaria this year
13,329,351,933 Cigarettes smoked today
1,176,061 Deaths caused by smoking this year
588,402 Deaths caused by alcohol this year
252,278 Suicides this year
$ 94,114,578,131 Money spent on illegal drugs this year
317,576 Road traffic accident fatalities this year

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