Monday, April 23, 2018

We Got You Covered -- A Light Seed Reflection on Security - Revised

Today is my wife´s B´day. I feel light-headed and warm-hearted so does my serious Christian humor. So I hope that this will be good medicine for your heart. Today everyone in high places talks about peace and security... We got the peace that passes all understanding, but are we sure we´ve got the best security? Good day!

We got you covered. Reflection on Security. Original posted 10/2012. Written and published by: Jean-Louis, in response to a post on church covering/shepherding/spiritual abuse found in charismatic authoritarian movements  

Minimum Security

  • Comes in all colors, sizes and prices.
    For older antique models, guaranteed status recognition! Guaranteed to fade, rust and attract moths. 
    • Optional 3D rose colored glasses for optimum happiness perspective enhancement.
    • Built-in obsolescence guaranteed due to the law of diminishing returns.
    Warning! Can be torn, lost, stolen, or misplaced causing sudden panic attacks.
Maximum Security
(Disclaimer: No other intention than to provide illustration for humor)

  • Very expensive. We are the best in the protection garment market. Time tested. All instructions come in our best seller books and videos.
  • Inner and outer warm fuzzies specially patented treatment  guaranteed to go down to your toes and let you enjoy free jumping exhilaration.
  • Pogo stick optional ( interpretation: We stick it to you with an x-treme fee, I mean donation, to justify the X-treme worship feeling and for higher elevation level. Your kid will love it - See Mama, no hands.
Let us wrap you with our latest protective garment.
  • Unisex. One size fits all. Waterproof. Fireproof, Beyond proof and/or reproof.Just open your arms, close your eyes and feel the divine presence enveloping you. Our highly trained coaches will gently slide the comforting, healing jacket in an embrace of love.    
  • Guaranteed to provide total freedom  as you finally experience wholeness in our restoration conferences therapy groups.  Let us handle all your cares and needs. Trust us, You have our word for it.
Eternal Security
  • Free Garment. A gift from you Heavenly Father, whose price has been paid for your sins by His son Jesus Christ on the cross. Isaiah 61:10
  • Guaranteed to last forever by the promise found in the Word of God: Isaiah 61:10; Ephesians 1:11-14. Ephesians 4:30; II Corinthians 5:5.
  • Cannot be bought, lost, borrowed, stolen, given away, torn.
  • Protective armor of  light. Romans 13:12. Guaranteed darkness repellent.
Lord Jesus´ Glorious Light


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