Saturday, October 28, 2017

UPDATE: MP3 audio file of "The Wounds of my Friend Jesus"

UPDATE: MP3  audio of  "The Wounds of my Friend Jesus"
Written and Published by Jean-Louis Mondon
Voice participation by w.c. whitaker


Written and posted by Jean-Louis 
"Better is an open rebuke than hidden love.
Faithful are the wounds of a friend."
Proverbs 27: 5,6.

To my friend Terry

Oh, Jesus my very best friend
Your love for me has no end
You prove it to me when
You open up a festering wound
With the sharp edge of your sWord
Then wash it clean to make me holy,
Without stain, wrinkle or blemish
Cleansing me with the pure water of your Word.

When I gaze upon your face
 Eternity fills my soul’s empty space
Earthly sorrow becomes gain
When grace and truth meet up close
  And righteousness and peace kiss each other 
  I better understand your grand purpose
In the light of the truth of your Word.

Slowly, the needle point, holy piercing hurts
In your loving hand I trust
Stitches and knots, compassion’s handiwork
The ugly tear mending
With the painful truth of your Word.

The wounds you give me, gratefully I receive
My hopes fulfilled, your promises kept,
I rest in you, I need not fret
The wings of your wind bring healing
My fragmented life becomes whole and authentic
When I believe the eternal truth of your Word.

Your wounds were left open
But mine gently closed without blame
You poured on them the balm of Gilead
To cover up sin’s shame
With the healing truth of your Word.

I, like Ephraim was deceived
Without any hope of being free
In your mercy Father, you sent your Word
With a command my chains you broke
Opening the door of freedom forever
With the powerful truth of your Word.

My head you anoint with your oil
Now sorrow turns into great joy
Mourning into dancing, darkness into light
The spirit of heaviness take a flight
All these hidden treasures are found
With the key you give to all your children
Who love and keep the truth of your Word.

Gen 32: 31; Deut 32:39;  Psalm 38:1,2,5;  85:10,11; 119:67-71; Prov: 27:5,6; Jeremias 8:21,22;10:19,20; 14:19; 15:18,19; Hosea 6:1


1 comment:

  1. Hey Jean-Louis Mondon,
    I saw “Jack Langford Lucifer & The Ancient Earth” on Prophecy Watchers today and it only confirmed my belief in a literal 6 day creation a Young Earth but an Old Universe.
    I want to see more of your writings and will try and visit periodically.
    My blog is:

    Hey God bless you man and have a great day.



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