Friday, August 12, 2016


By Jean-Louis

The first time I met Andrew David Schultz and his family was in 1992 when they visited my church in Hendersonville, NC.  As I welcomed them, we made an instant connection. Since then much has happened in our full lives. Now we find ourselves grieving for and mourning the loss of the precious life of an outstanding young man that was a shining example and a model for so many.

In his unfathomable wisdom our Father God allowed for Andrew´s life to be cut short. It is something that we can accept, albeit with great difficulty, because of our limited understanding of the grand purpose of God´s plan for our lives.

Nevertheless, our broken hearts joined in unison feel the void left by the physical absence of our dear beloved friend Andrew compensated only to a degree by the easily recognizable importance of his influence and inspiration in the lives of many people, young and old from different parts of the world. We had the privilege to experience the blessing of meeting and sharing the impacting presence of his authentic personality and character that left their mark in their hearts and minds.

I have never solicited any donation on my blog. I do this because of my love for my friends, the Schultz Family. I invite you, my faithful readers or visitors to participate in this Work of Love by donating whatever amount you can afford and feel led to give.

What I personally appreciate about “YouCaring” is the option of anonymity as to the amount and identity of the giver. Click on the link to learn more about the site: Andrew David Schultz Memorial

I appreciate you and am grateful for your prayers and contribution for Christene, Andrew´s, Benjamin´s and Caroline´s mother.

God bless you. 

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