Saturday, July 23, 2016

The First 10 Generations of Mankind Form a Composite Picture of Messiah's Ministry

Reposted from FB
Bible Study Planet

• Adam is the "Son of God" (Luke 3)
• Abel is the "Son of Man" (Adam means "man", Genesis 4)
• Adam died through a "tree". (Genesis 3)
• Abel was a Shepherd whose blood was shed by his brother. (Genesis 4)
• Seth was the 3rd Son whose life resurrected the righteous lineage in place of Abel's death. (Genesis 4)
• Enoch walked closely with God and was taken away to Heaven. (Genesis 5)
• Methuselah's life (the oldest life at 969 years) was a picture of GRACE *restraining* the Judgment of God via the Flood (Methuselah's name means "When He Dies; It [the Flood] Shall Come")
• Noah and His family of 7 entered the single Door in the Ark of Salvation to escape the Judgment on the World (Genesis 7)
• Noah and His family of 7 return to Earth and set up an altar of sacrifice to give thanks to God in a New World and New Order (Genesis 8)
::: COMPARE :::
• Jesus is the "Son of God" and the "Son of Man" (Mark 1; John 1)
• Jesus is the Good Shepherd whose blood was shed by his brothers. (John 10)
• Jesus died on a "tree". (John 19)
• Jesus was resurrected in the 3rd Day, resurrecting the Righteousness of God in place of His prior death. (John 20)
• After His resurrection God took back His son in the Ascension to Heaven to sit at His right-hand. (Acts 1)
• The Church Age [approximately 2,000 years] is known as the "Age of GRACE" and as the Light we restrain the Darkness; when we are REMOVED the Judgment of God is delivered [in the Tribulation]
• Christ and His 7 Churches enter through the Single Door set in Heaven via the Rapture to escape the Judgment on the World (Revelation 2-4)
• Christ and His Church return to Earth and Christ sets up the Temple of God (Ezekiel 40-48) in a New World Order known as the "Kingdom" (Revelation 19-20)

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