Saturday, July 2, 2016

Jean-Claude Juncker declared he talked with extraterrestrials about Brexit | Katehon think tank. Geopolitics & Tradition


Note from this blogger who is also a professional translator: Here is an accurate, verbatim translation of the statement made by Jean-Claude Juncker in front of the EU Parliament:
"It is our flight towards the future. The horizons are awaiting us and we fly towards the horizons that are those of Europe and of the entire planet. We must know that those who are observing us are worried. I have seen and heard...listened several leaders from other planets who are very  anxious because they wonder on which the European Union is going to continue. So we must reassure the Europeans and  those who are observing us from farther away." 
Notice that the word "Jean-Claude Juncker "talked""  is absent from the original statement and added by the writer. Further, a sentence segment was added in, again absent in the original,"that we take the best decisions in the consolidation of peace and the world economy" at least in what was presented in the video.   
The mechanism by which Mr. Juncker contacted or was contacted by the alien powers was left to the imagination. Like a lot of world leaders, does he get information through mediumistic or demonic channeling seances? Did these demonic entities manifest physically.?These are valid questions. 
But the whole event was brushed aside and the consensus was that Mr. Juncker´s incoherent ramblings and "lapsus linguae" of his confused mind were due to the trauma  he suffered at the announcement of the Brexit that took everyone by surprise. Or was it? 
In the next few days, It is going to be interesting to hear the buzz in the blogosphere created by this weird piece of news. Probably our attention will be caught with some other piece of the puzzle falling in place. At least, the circus entertainment was free! They really work hard for the money they earn! Let´s hope we don´t run out of bread soon like Venezuela. Hard choice, circus or bread!   


Friday, 1 July, 2016 – 00:00 European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, talked in recent days with “several leaders of other planets, who are very worried because they ask questions concerning the way in which the EU will follow”. Such a shocking statement was made during the recent emergency session of the European Parliament Juncker recommends Europeans to be aware of the care that aliens have for Earth. However, the EC president said that he should reassure those who observe us from afar that we take the best decisions in the consolidation of peace and the world economy.”We must be aware that those who observe us from afar are worried. We have seen and heard many leaders of other planets are very worried because they ask questions concerning the way in which the EU will follow. So we must insure Europeans as well as those who observe us from afar, “said Juncker.

MORE with video (in French): Jean-Claude Juncker declared he talked with extraterrestrials about Brexit | Katehon think tank. Geopolitics & Tradition

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