Friday, June 17, 2016


Republished from
I share this video somewhat reluctantly because I, of all people, know the pain that accompanies mental illness for both the sufferer and their loved-ones.  When I was in Nursing school, I was a Christian but I had yet to begin to understand a lot of spiritual things.  When we were in our Psych rotation I felt, as most people in the Psychiatric field, that it was egregious for people to even imply that mental illness was somehow related to the demonic.

But I had an experience when I was 19, that really alienated me from the Lord due to my lack of understanding of His nature and heart.  It was a life-changing and traumatic thing, and depression resulted, and that depression stuck around a long time.  I sought help and guidance from Christian adults but because of the nature of what happened, it really was way beyond the scope of my maturity and insight, to even really know how to talk about it, much less where to look for help, nor did I consciously know how deeply and damagingly the experience would effect me, and so it would be many years before I really dealt and came to terms with what happened.  Meanwhile, my mental health was constantly under assault.

It would be years before I took the first antidepressants, but it definitely got worse after that. I went on to be diagnosed Bipolar years later and took even more potent medications.  You will never hear me say all pharmaceuticals are evil.  I am not going to say that there is not a need for counseling and expertise to help people deal with things, but after having experienced mental illness personally,  I definitely know that there is a Satanic aspect to it.  Whether it is that our minds being un-well, provides Satan with a vulnerability too convenient to ignore, as we are so much easier to torment in that state, or whether the medications we take  is what turns a “rough patch in life” into a life-long condition (as the maker of this video implies) that may even end in death due to unstable mental states, I am not here to determine.  But the information presented in this video is definitely worth listening to and considering.

I have learned more in regard to spiritual things at this juncture, and of Scripture, and I know that our mind and heart are flesh and therefore they are one of our three “enemies” (the world, the flesh, and the devil) that can betray us.  What I have come to understand by not only my study in nursing of Pharmacology, but in taking psychotropic pharmaceuticals myself, is that in the same way as happens with street drugs (which I have never been tempted to try) these medications do in fact put us into altered states of consciousness and these altered states are what make us vulnerable to the demonic and spiritual realm.  Our spirit is that aspect of us with which we are able to interact with spiritual/supernatural beings.  God’s intended design for this was meant for our interaction with Himself.  But fallen angels and Satan are all about messing up (and messing around with) what God created and trying to thwart God’s intentions.

But you may notice this video is about kids.  Well, unfortunately a lot of kids are medicated these days.  I was a School Nurse too.  It is as hectic passing meds in elementary school as it was passing meds on the geriatric unit.  But what about kids who don’t take meds.  Well, there is Pokémon, Digimon, Avatar movies, New Age practices of “meditation” and “contacting spirit guides” being taught in elementary schools by Guidance Counselors and Teachers who were taught this stuff in the curriculum of the teaching colleges of this modern day.

In other words, doorways galore, which give entrance to forces of darkness into the minds of children.  It used to be that a kid might be fairly shielded from this stuff and therefore no “doorways” opened to allow entry of demonic access into a child’s mind, but as more parents and pastors become Bible illiterate and devoid of knowledge as well as discernment, as more and more people in general succumb to political correctness and embrace tolerance, the sheer quantity of paths of access to children have exploded.  I believe praying parents help prevent and shield a kid and there aren’t as many praying parents as there used to be.  I believe that Christians in the public school system, teachers and administrators, even ancillary workers and support staff like cafeteria workers, janitors, nurses, and of course those directly involved in interaction with students, used to be comprised of more praying people who probably prayed through out their day in the school building. 

Not so, (or less so) anymore.  Therefore, as walls and barriers and hedges disappear, the places these demonic spirits can access and influence, are less restricted every day.  Harry Potter, Twilight Series books, a lot of those are known for the darkness they contain, but that is really only because the enemy has made such huge inroads that they no longer have to be covert nor to sugar-coat and “hide” the occult/mystical/New Age themes in their books and movies and videos and video games.  They are out and proud just like the spirit of transgenderism and pedophilia.  Our kids are vulnerable.  There is almost no “shelter” no oasis in this world anymore where we can escape the saturation of demonic things. But we don’t consider this as we wonder why there seems to be an epidemic of childhood mental illness.  (Adult mental illness too, for that matter).

In other words, just like fifty years ago the average individual had no real awareness of how badly industry was poisoning our waterways and air, we were marinating in carcinogens and toxins, we now live in a similar atmosphere spiritually speaking, and we badly underestimate the implications and the fallout of the current environment.

It doesn’t become apparent overnight when the air we breathe is killing us, and it hasn’t become obvious to people how the rejection of God and holiness and morality has cost us as a society.  But now we are seeing it.  Generations of kids in America have never known there is a real Satan who is out to see them burn in hell with him.  Generations of kids in America don’t know what Communism and Socialism have wrought in this world elsewhere.  (And not just kids in that case).

I think this is what the Bible really meant when it says that God visits the sins of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations.  He is not punishing the children for the sins of their fathers.  He is exercising restraint and mercy, knowing that the consequence will be that the sins committed now, are going to send far-reaching ripples to future generations, but rather than rule with that iron rod, which is how it will be in the millennium, instant punishment for the rebellious, God is longsuffering and forgiving and merciful. Other generations suffer, but with the benefit of more time to realize their need for salvation.  He is patient because He wants to give people time, in this age of Grace, to get saved.  Even back then, before the age of grace (the verse is Numbers 14:18) He was merciful.  So how much more in the age of grace is God allowing things to go on that are deeply painful and traumatic to younger generations, and He doesn’t relish this, but it is for the purpose that the fullness of the Gentiles “number” will be met.  Then his wrath will be poured out, and it has been accumulating a long time now.

Mental illness is probably the cruelest “illness” I can think of.  But all illness is ultimately a result of sin and disease and deterioration and death entering into our world and our makeup “in Adam” when he sinned.  We inherited a sinfulness condition and the world inherited a curse.  Victims of mental illness are not sick because they committed sins, but the condition of a sinful state is what makes all of us subject to illness and death. Just as a weakened immune system makes a cancer patient or AIDS patient more vulnerable to sickness and death.

I have never addressed the topic of the vaccination/autism link, but I absolutely believe that vaccines are causing autism.  But so are many other things, stuff in our food and water and air.

It is hard to accept, but I do think that the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry engenders one of the biggest scams that has ever been perpetuated on humanity.  Again, not every drug is bad, and even the ones that alter the mind and consciousness, were invented probably in good faith by people with a sincere desire to help others, to eliminate suffering.  But then mammon enters the picture, and there you go.  There is not much room to trust something that generates so much wealth for a few select corporations and the elite who hide behind their curtains.

When a child or an adult has one (or more) of these conditions, these medications often  seem to be the only thing that helps control the symptoms. If what the maker of this video says is true, that these meds literally alter the brain, it’s physical makeup, nerve pathways, functional abilities, then once that has already happened, I don’t see then how a parent with one of these conditions can then yank their child off the medications that control it.  The only value in learning this, then, is that it may keep some people from taking their child into the “system” in which they will be subjected to labels and medications.  Even then, however, since I personally don’t believe it is only the medications that are causing this epidemic of mental illness, that still might not be the answer.  Perhaps one particular child developed their mental illness from exposure to the same chemicals found in some of these drugs, but their exposure was via chemtrails?  How about people who live near major power lines? Garbage dumps where stuff seeps into the soil? Or their mandatory vaccinations?  See what I mean? 

We are in a state in the present world where prevention may not be much of an option. It’s already too late in some cases. Damage has been done, and now the child depends on medication to be somewhat normal. This, of course, was the intention, but when it is the case, then parents are sort of stuck with the way it is, and so are the kids.

I do think that this stuff is very real, this medicine opens spiritual doorways, and I think that there should definitely be prayer for the victims of it, because Satan loves to attack an un-sound de-stablised mind.  And those minds are so vulnerable to his manipulation.  So the concept of the “Zombie apocalypse”, at least in terms of the millions dependent upon these meds, is not entirely as far-fetched as some may think.

It is so good to know that children and babies will go up in the rapture and those who have been subjected to these things, will be changed and free of their impaired minds in the twinkling of an eye.  That is comforting, but not much consolation in the face of the here and now for someone living with this day in and day out.  This video is heart-breaking as so many other horrible crimes against children in this world are.  God says woe to anyone who causes a child to stumble.   We not only have caused stumbling,  but crippling of mind and body, and that added to the deaths from abortion, well, Babylon comes to mind.  America and Wall street at the center of it all, and the buying power of “special interest” groups like the Pharmaceutical industry, and the corrupt in power who facilitate it.

I am not necessarily concurring to everything this guy says in the video, I just think he makes some points worth thinking about.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sandee. One of your best commentaries, very a propos. It takes courage and honesty that you have plenty of. I am sure it will help a lot of parents out there.

    I have a good case in point personal story not of demon activity but more related to the use of psychotropic drugs. When I was a SS teacher for little ones in a Hispanic mission a few years ago, one little boy who was full of energy, joy and a delight to be around was mis-diagnosed with ADHD at the local public school.

    Given Ritalin, his personality and behavior changed overnight. He became passive, lethargic, very compliant of course and easily manageable, under control , if you will, which is the purpose of the medications. So I devised a little scheme to beat the system. I told the mother who was at her wit´s end to go and talk to my chiropractor who helped me regain my health from a long series of traumas as a child on the top of vertabrae congenital defect, that resulted in a host of conditions and acute chronic back pain for over 40 years.

    Back to the child. The mother took her son to the Chiroprator who specializes in upper cervical manipulation who treated successfully the probem. The mother listened to my advice and didn´t say anything to the school about the treatment and stopped giving the Ritalin at home. A few weeks later, her son was back to normal but now he was calm, obedient, paying attention and not disrupting the class. Of course, the teacher and nurse attributed the change to the medication and were delighted.

    I have had to fight for my kids with doctors, school official, relatives who wanted to vaccinate them when they were babies. It´s an on going uphill battle when the cards stacked on the side of the powerful and money hungry big Pharma in collusion with the encroaching government in our private life ... But God...
    Blessings to you. Maranatha.

    I have not watched the whole vídeo yet, but I noticed a note at marker 4:38 that is a confirmation of the Lord intervening with a word of hope, one of the many times the Lord saved my life. If you go to the vídeo marker 4:38, you will notice the words blowing in the wind: “Where there is life, there is hope” . Here is a link to the suicide help vídeo testimonies I have posted on the right lateral bar. Click on the image of my personal testimony and you´ll see about the sentence that saved my life.


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