Sunday, May 29, 2016

Me Before You…Is NOT Disabled Friendly.

Republished from

Wow! Amen, sister! I felt the same way when I saw the trailer for that movie. As someone who is watching this culture crash and burn and trying to raise an alarm about it, I recognized within the first few frames of that trailer how this movie was going to turn out and it made me incensed because of the fact it romanticized suicide as IF it were the most Unselfish thing in the world.
I am not wheelchair-bound but I have conditions that have drastically curtailed what I can do and depression dogged me for a lot of years. But too many people embrace depression instead of fighting it. The culture of death that has become so prevalent in the world today is straight out of the pit of hell.
Yes it is hard to keep going after everything in your life is changed, but people fail to take stock of what remains, which is the love of people whose opinion of you and estimation of your worth are not diminished one iota by the fact you are not the same as you were in some ways.
If you can change a “bad situation” great, do it, but if you can’t change something you still have the power and option to change the way you think about it. The “Progressive” society we now live in has conditioned people not to think but to make feelings “king”. It unfortunately is also true in a lot of churches.
Thank you for speaking up! The “platforms” God gives are often not as “elevated” as what the world looks for, but God knows things we don’t. He lowers us in order that He may be lifted up, and when we humble ourselves, as you said, then HE lifts US up! James 4:10
The previews are awesome. Finally…another beautiful story of love with a person with a disability! But don’t be fooled!
Please watch my opinion of this story. It is a strong one that I make no apology for. I will be running videos through this blog, as they are shared with me, to show you the positive side of what it means to all live boldly…with those around us…for a realistic view of our wonderful lives with disabilities.

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