Tuesday, January 26, 2016




  1. You know, there are definitely times when I have encountered these entities online. I not only think the author of this article is onto something, I think that in the same way the Earth is under the dominion of Satan for now, the "air" the atmosphere in near space where all these signals travel, is saturated with the enemy forces of darkness (it is their abode) and that they delight in torturing people via this means. Even e-mails exchanged between Christians who are dear to one another, I believe literally sometimes are manipulated by these nefarious "middle-man" entities to purposely cause misunderstanding and offense, introducing doubt and suspicion where it normally would not occur in face-to-face communications. The signals that transmit our thoughts and words via phone, satellite, radio, internet are "beamed through the literal place "beyond the veil" (which separates the physical and supernatural realms). I visualize demons like a twisted version of elves in Santa's workshop avidly scrambling the signals and messages, and thereby manipulating minds and emotions all over the world. Not only is it enough to make online ministries halt the comment function, but makes one think twice about the medium altogether. Having an internet based ministry is somewhat like going into Iran as a Christian missionary. Expect opposition.

  2. I am with you on that one. I haven´t had any trolls last year and none this year either. I had a "trolless" or "trollette" for French a few times on a FB page that I helped manage a few years ago, but ´s all. Trolls have a distinctive stench about them. Joking aside, the problem is mostly in the "church" and I want to spend my time this year encouraging and exhorting my brothers who are down and are loosing hope, plagued with doubts and so unsure of their salvation because they have listened to another sheperd´s voice confusing and deceiving them. We can´t afford being distracted from the work the Lord has called us to do. The last stretch is the hardest one in the race. The latest heart attack has rearranged my priorities and the Lord is leading the way. Remember how Jesus made His face like flint when He knew it was time to go to the Father. Let´s have the same attitude and resolve with a single mindedness and single heartedness like Caleb. More articles in the wordsmith´s shop. Maranatha.


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