Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Breaking: mass shooting, San Bernardino, plus “training exercise”

by Jon Rappoport
December 2, 2015
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

KTLA reports (“More Than 14 Killed, 14-Plus Wounded After Up to 3 Shooters Open Fire: San Bernardino Police Chief”, Posted 11:19 AM [PST], December 2, 2015, by Tracy Bloom and Melissa Pamer) —here’s a key quote:
“The call first came in at 10:59 a.m. of multiple shots fired from the area of 1365 S. Waterman Ave., San Bernardino Police Department Lt. Richard Lawhead said. The department’s SWAT team was training nearby and was suited, ‘ready to roll’ and responded rapidly, Lawhead said.”

Note: KTLA report updated at 03:29pm [PST], December 2, 2015:
“The call first came in at 10:59 a.m. of multiple shots fired from the area of 1365 S. Waterman Ave. The Police Department’s SWAT team was training nearby and was suited, ‘ready to roll’ and responded rapidly, Lt. Richard Lawhead said.”

—Yet another mass shooting where, by chance, a training exercise was going on during or prior to the event.

San Bernardino, east of Los Angeles. Reports state several shooters in a cluster of three office buildings that employ 600 people, 20 victims down, and shooters apparently at large.
Here is a recent article I wrote about mass shootings paralleling training exercises:
Training exercises dovetail with mass shootings What are the odds?

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