Monday, December 7, 2015

Brazil continues to snub request to appoint Dani Dayan envoy

Israel approved the former Yesha Council chairman's appointment two months ago, so why has Brazil yet to reply to an official request?

By Cynthia Blank
First Publish: 12/6/2015, 10:01 AM

Brasilia has yet to reply or approve the official Israeli request, Army Radio reported Sunday morning. 
While Jerusalem hopes the Brazilian government will approve the appointment and that the delay is only technical, concern has spread within the Foreign Ministry that the Brazilians do not plan to respond to the request, effectively quashing the appointment.

Immediately after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced his intentions to appoint the former Yesha Council chairman to the post last August, opposition from the Left surfaced. 

Three former Israeli ambassadors even approached the government of Brazil, through the Brazilian ambassadors in Israel and the Palestinian Authority, demanding that Brasilia reject Dayan's appointment. 

According to the former envoys, Brazil allowing Dayan to serve as Israeli ambassador in its territory would give international legitimacy to the "settlement enterprise" in Judea and Samaria.

Netanyahu reportedly handpicked Dayan for ambassador because of his direct connection to the region, having been born in Argentina. Dayan initially refused the position, but relented after pleas from the Prime Minister and his associates. 

The Prime Minister's Office responded to the Army Radio report, saying: "Israel-Brazil relations are important and we hope to get a positive reply soon."

It should be noted that according to diplomatic protocol, a country may refuse a certain ambassador from another country but it is a highly unusual move that occurs only rarely.

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