Sunday, November 15, 2015

French Jewish Council Calls for ‘World War’ Against ‘Jihadist Fanaticism’

Reblogged from

As the French mainstream media tiptoed around the Islamist identity of the attackers in Friday’s Paris massacre, the Council of Jewish Institutions of France (CRIF) has called out the radical jihadists behind the slaughter, calling for a “world war” against them.

“No words can describe the horror that befell France,” the CRIF said in a statement.
“Our country is bloodied by all those innocent lives cut short by the bullets of these new barbarians. The world war against the monstrosity of jihadist fanaticism must become the top priority of democratic nations,” it said.

“We must combat them tirelessly and without pity, until they are defeated,” the group added.
Six of the coordinated attacks on Friday night were accompanied by cries of “Allahu akbar!” and one of the apprehended jihadists declared, “I am from the Islamic State.”

Devout Muslims were reportedly celebrating the attacks on social media.
Meanwhile, hours before the attacks, President Obama said that the Islamic State (ISIS) is not getting stronger: “we have contained them.”

“CRIF shares in national mourning with the whole country that and offers its deepest condolences to all the families of the victims,” the statement concluded.
Follow Thomas D. Williams on Twitter @tdwilliamsrome

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