Sunday, October 18, 2015

When Technology Becomes Religion And Science Becomes God

Reblogged from 

By Michael Snyder, on March 1st, 2015

Internet Worship - Public DomainAre we in love with how smart we are?  In America today, there are technology companies that have a much larger “cult following” than any religious organization.  And there are millions upon millions of Americans that freely confess that they “believe in science”.  So what does this say about us?  Does it say that we have discarded ancient “superstitions” and instead have embraced logic and reason?  Sadly, in most cases the truth is that we have simply traded one form of religion for another.  

Scientists and technology gurus have become our new high priests, and most of us blindly follow whatever they tell us.  But in the end, just like with so many religious organizations, it is all about the money.  Those with the money determine what the science is going to say, who the high priests are going to be, and what messages are conveyed to the public.  For example, once upon a time the big tobacco companies had armies of doctors and scientists that swore up and down that smoking cigarettes was not harmful.  In fact, many doctors and dentists in America once personally endorsed specific brands of cigarettes.  Of course millions of Americans were getting sick and dying, but this was dismissed as “anecdotal evidence”.  

And over in Germany, “science” was once used to prove that the Germans were the master race.  We look back in horror now, but at the time the best “science” in the world was used as justification to promote some horrible untruths. 

And of course the same thing is happening today.  We are told over and over that “the science is settled” regarding genetically-modified food, climate change and vaccine safety, and yet those of us that think for ourselves know that isn’t the case at all.  But if you do not believe in the “official story”, you don’t get to be part of the “scientific establishment”.  By definition, the only people that get to be “scientific experts” are the ones that embrace the “doctrine” of those that control the big corporations, that fund the research studies at the major universities and that own the big media outlets.  Everyone else is not permitted to be part of the discussion.

As I have written about previously, I spent eight years studying at public universities in the United States.  And over time, I got to see where most “scientific truths” come from these days.
Most of the time, the theories that people believe are so “scientific” were simply pulled out of thin air.  In other words, they were just the product of someone’s overactive imagination.  In recent decades, there have been countless examples of “existing science” being overturned and rewritten when more information and evidence become available.  This is because the “existing science” did not have any foundation to begin with.

And yet we continue to make the same mistake today.  Instead of calling them “theories”, which is what they should do, scientists all over the world are so eager to make bold pronouncements about the wonderful new “discoveries” that they have made.  These bold pronouncements are then repeated over and over and over again until they become “facts”.  But of course they are not facts at all.

For instance, at one time it was a “scientific fact” that it was perfectly safe to smoke cigarettes.  The following comes from a recent article by Tony Cartalucci
It wasn’t long ago when big-tobacco had armies of “scientists” citing the latest “studies” confirming the health benefits and safety of smoking. Of course these were paid liars, not scientists, even if many of them had PhDs. And it was lies they were telling, even if mixed with shades of science.
In case you are too young to remember those days, Cartalucci included the following compilation of old tobacco ads in his article
Science And Smoking
Even worse is how the Nazi used science.
To them, the “facts” of Darwinism proved that they were the master race
Hiding behind science is nothing new. Darwinists hid behind it to prop up their racism, which in fact inspired the Nazis to hide behind it to scientifically prove they were the “master race.” The Nazis, in fact, loved science, and used it with horrible precision.
At any point in history, has “science” ever had all the answers?
Of course not.
And without a doubt, someday people will look back and mock all of us for how stupid we were.
But we never stop to consider that.  Instead, we are all just so proud of ourselves and our accomplishments.
In fact, as I mentioned above, there are a lot of people out there that virtually worship technology these days.  Just consider the following excerpt from a Los Angeles Times article entitled “How Steve Jobs and Apple turned technology into a religion“…
Decades after Apple’s founding, we’ve grown used to referring to lovers of the company’s products as a “cult.” The devotion of customers to Apple products has long been the envy of competitors for its fanatical fervor.
It turns out that the religious intensity with which people follow the company is not entirely by accident. In a new book, “Appletopia,” author Brett Robinson examines the way that Steve Jobs drew on religious metaphors and iconography to elevate his products specifically, and technology more generally, into a kind of religion.
“The creative rhetoric around Apple’s technology has favored religious metaphors,” Robinson said in an interview. “Some of it is conscious on Apple’s part. Some of it is unconscious.”
But certainly this is less strange than what a lot of religious people do, right?
After all, there are millions upon millions of people out there that do some really strange things in the name of religion.  For example, on the other side of the globe 400 men cut off their own testicles in an attempt to get closer to God.

Many would say that our worship of science and technology is evidence that we have evolved beyond our ancestors.  In fact, there are some “scientific minds” that are now proclaiming that science will one day eliminate belief in God altogether.  For example, the following comes from an article entitled “Will Science Someday Rule Out the Possibility of God?“…
Over the past few centuries, science can be said to have gradually chipped away at the traditional grounds for believing in God. Much of what once seemed mysterious — the existence of humanity, the life-bearing perfection of Earth, the workings of the universe — can now be explained by biology, astronomy, physics and other domains of science.

Although cosmic mysteries remain, Sean Carroll, a theoretical cosmologist at the California Institute of Technology, says there’s good reason to think science will ultimately arrive at a complete understanding of the universe that leaves no grounds for God whatsoever.
Carroll argues that God’s sphere of influence has shrunk drastically in modern times, as physics and cosmology have expanded in their ability to explain the origin and evolution of the universe. “As we learn more about the universe, there’s less and less need to look outside it for help,” he told Life’s Little Mysteries.
Personally, I find this laughable.
Darwinists have been trying to move God out of the picture for decades, but they are fighting a losing battle.  Over time, more and more evidence has come out that has shot the theory of evolution full of holes.  For much more on this, please see my previous article entitled “44 Reasons Why Evolution Is Just A Fairy Tale For Adults“.

And as far as whether or not God exists, this is something that I have been investigating for many, many years.  My legal training has taught me to think critically and to allow the evidence to speak for itself.  Over time, I came to learn that there is a vast mountain of evidence that leads to one inescapable conclusion.  In the end, the overwhelming conclusion that I reached was that God is very, very real.  You can find a few of my thoughts in an article entitled “Did You Know?

So what do you think?
Does our society worship technology?
Has “science” become a god in America?
Please feel free to add to the discussion by posting a comment below…

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