Wednesday, October 14, 2015

If you are down and discouraged still by the seeming lack of forward progress toward the rapture, you need to listen to this

Reblogged from

“Israel is the test for the spiritual state of the church” - Amir Tsarfati
The lawlessness, the very clearly present spirit of antichrist among us today, the increasing scoffing and doubt should not discourage us, they are signs that God told us would indicate (like a flashing neon sign) that His calling up of the bride will happen very soon.  The fact that the clear signs for the upcoming tribulation are so loud and clear and obvious, only underscore that fact.  

Do not be discouraged. 

 When we say that things will continue to get worse here on this Earth until He comes, and persecution will also increase, no we don’t look forward to that, but if you’re going to put your trust in God’s promises, it is just ridiculous to put stock in some of them, and remain doubtful about other ones.  Either He is faithful or He isn’t. 

And the Bible, as Dr. Reagan says in one of these broadcasts, is not hard to understand, it is hard for some people to believe.  Because they don’t like everything it says.  It’s not an either/or, pick-and-choose scenario.  Let God be true and every man a liar.  If we can’t count on “we (believers) are not appointed to wrath” then what business do we have counting on “whosoever believeth on Him shall be saved”?  –S.T. Lloyd

From Understanding the Times with Jan Markel
Jan’s guests for the hour are Pastor Jack Hibbs and Amir Tsarfati from Israel. They are two of our conference speakers October 2-3. They suggest life may never be the same as it once was and that we are in a final countdown. They discuss what the countdown may look like. They also talk about how people can prepare for our times. The three remind all that the spirit of Antichrist will one day, likely soon, be overcome by Jesus Christ. Today’s lawlessness will cease.

Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk eschatology with Dr. David Reagan for the hour. We carry his updated book, “Living for Christ in the End Times: Coping with Anarchy and Apostasy.” Find it here. How can we live for Christ victoriously in these last days? Hardly anyone cares that the King is coming and yet that is today’s only good news. We have society decaying and the church riddled with apostasy. In light of this, how shall we then live?

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