Sunday, October 18, 2015

Horror As It’s Revealed Palestinian Children Are Taught ‘How To Stab A Jew’

Danny Danon, Israel’s new ambassador to the United Nations, is urging the Security Council to make a statement against what he described as “the incitement that fuels terror”

“The Day of Resurrection will not arrive until the Moslems make war against the Jews and kill them, and until a Jew hiding behind a rock and tree, and the rock and tree will say: ‘Oh Moslem, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!'” Sahih Bukhari 004.52.176

His speech comes amid an increase in violence in the Middle East with eight Israelis killed in Palestinian attacks, mostly stabbings, in the past month. In the same period, 34 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire. Israel has described 17 of those as attackers, while the rest died in clashes with Israeli troops.

During his speech, Mr Danon held up a piece of card with a diagram of a human body entitled “How to Stab a Jew”, which he claims is “an example of what Palestinian children are being exposed to day in and day out, in school, after school”.

Holding up the picture, Israel’s new ambassador to the United Nations Danon said: “The picture is being taught in middle schools, in high schools, in elementary schools.
Sky News has been unable to verify Mr Danon’s claims, in which he said: “When a Palestinian child returns from school and opens the television, he doesn’t see Barney or Donald Duck, he sees murderers portrayed as heroes.

“When he opens a textbook, he doesn’t learn about math and science, he’s being taught to hate. Instead of educating about peace and tolerance, the Palestinian leadership is brainwashing children with incitement and hate. Palestinian leaders have established an incubator to raise children as terrorists.”

Mr Danon accused Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas of leading the “dangerous incitement” and of “spreading lies” saying Israel is trying to change the delicate status quo at Jerusalem’s holiest site the al Aqsa Mosque.

Children Taught to Hate Jews

The mosque has been at the root of recent tensions – it is revered by Jews as the Temple Mount and it is also Islam’s third-holiest site. Mr Danon said Israel would not agree to any international presence at the compound, adding that “any such intervention would violate the decades-long status quo”.

The emergency council meeting – called by Arab states amid increasing violence in the region – highlighted the deepening bitterness and distrust between the two sides after decades of conflict.

Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian ambassador to the UN, told the council the issue of protection “has become more urgent than any time before” because of what he called Israeli aggression “against our defenceless Palestinian people”, including at the al Aqsa.
Meanwhile, four Palestinians have been shot dead near the border between Gaza and Israel during confrontations with Israeli forces. The clashes broke out in the Gaza Strip when Palestinians approached the border fence with Israel.

They reportedly threw stones at soldiers, who then opened fire. Earlier, a Palestinian man posed as a journalist before stabbing and injuring an Israeli soldier. The soldier’s colleagues then killed the attacker. source

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