Friday, October 16, 2015

Urgent! Prayer request for Jack Kelley

 From Grace thru Faith  via

Dear Faithful Readers and Supporters-

This isn’t a usual post from us. This is an urgent call to PRAY and FAST.

In Mathew 21:22-23 it says, “And Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Truly I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ it will happen.  “And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”

And so we humbly come to you and ask you for prayer for our beloved Jack Kelley. For the past two weeks he has not been feeling well, and he couldn’t keep anything down. I, Samantha, took him to a hospital in San Diego to be treated for dehydration. After the doctors ran numerous blood tests, CT scans, and MRI’s they discovered that he wasn’t just dehydrated, however he had cancer in many parts and organs of his body. And the doctors have said there is nothing they can do, and are putting him in hospice care.
This probably comes as a surprise to you, as it does to all of us. Jack was not sick. And we had no idea about the cancer.

We will not focus on what the problem is because we know our God is bigger than any problem we may have. We will not tell God how big this problem is, but we will tell this problem how big our God is. When doctors say “there is nothing more we can do,” this is when God is able to show up and perform miracles.

We believe that FAITH makes MIRACLES. The circumstances and diagnoses given seem daunting. It has never been in our hearts to feel daunted, scared, unable, or unwilling to believe God. So we trust. We pray. We believe. We serve a God that is so big, and who is still in the business of doing miracles today, so we are leaving our fears at His feet.
How is God supposed to reveal his faithfulness until we exercise our faith? We are called to depend on Him and only Him for everything. Sometimes we insulate ourselves from miracles, from seeing God manifest Himself in real, tangible ways, because we put our dependence on doctors, hospitals, our insurance-on everything but our Creator. Every good thing comes from Him, so we will put our complete dependence on Him for this, and everything to come. I don’t know what Jack’s healing will look like. But I am praying and believing it will happen here on earth. Pray and believe with me.

We are holding on to hope. 1 Thessalonians 1:3 say, “We remember before our God and Father your work produced by FAITH, your labor prompted by LOVE, and your endurance inspired by HOPE in our Lord Jesus Christ.”
We hold on to this hope. We will strive to not let the disappointing circumstances of today or tomorrow suffocate our joy. We will strive to experience and show true joy in anticipating a glorious and certain future while anchored in the guaranteed promise of Biblical hope. Will you join in with us?

God is the same yesterday, today and forever! He still shows up. He still heals sicknesses. He still is coming back for His church!
Lord come quickly!

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