Thursday, August 27, 2015

Shemitah the Lord in the Air?

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Prophecy - Signs
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Wendy Wippel

Reblogged from

September marks the next completion of the seven-year cycle (known as the Shemitah) established by God as a Sabbath for the land. God instructed the Children of Israel to work the land (and profit from the proceeds from selling what their families didn’t require) for six years, but in the seventh year (the Shemitah year) they were to  let the land lay fallow. They were instructed, in that Shemitah year, to also allow the poor to glean whatever the fields produced (grain, grapes and olives) for their own consumption.

No doubt this had agricultural benefit—experience in the US confirms that “fallowing” the land in dry climates allows water reserves in the soil to replenish, producing larger crop yields going forward.
But the Shemitah cycle was about more than just agricultural yields. The end of the Shemitah cycle also required  Jewish individuals to release any Jewish slaves and forgive any debts owed them by other Jews.
In other words, the end of the Shemitah cycle served as an economic reset.
Which means the next month should be interesting. Because if you’re paying attention, although the Shemitah has only again been an issue for Israel since 1948, it would seem that God has repeatedly marked the end of the Shemitah cycles by His own economic resets.

At least as long as Wall Street has been Wall Street.
In the 1901-1902 Shemita Year - Value of US Stock Market fell 46%
In the 1916-1917 Shemita Year - Value of US Stock Market fell 40%
In the 1930-1931 Shemitah Year - Value of US Stock Market fell 86%
In the 1937-1938 Shemitah Year - Value of US Stock Market fell 50%
In the 1965-1966 Shemitah Year - Value of US Stock Market fell 23%
In the 1972-1973 Shemitah Year - Value of US Stock Market f fell 48%
In the 1986-1987 Shemitah Year - Value of US Stock Market fell 33%
In the 000-2001 Shemita Year - Value of US Stock Market fell 37%
In the 2007-2008 Shemita Year-Value of U.S. Stock market value fell 50%

2014-2015 Shemita Year??  Don’t know yet, but there are 16 days left. And, given the end of last week, we would seem to be seeing the birth pangs, potentially, of a major financial earthquake in the making. The Dow Jones average closed at the highest level ever in May of this year (18,312) and we could well be looking at the biggest crash yet.
To make it just a little more interesting, the crash of 2011 occurred on the very last day of the Shemitah year, the 29th of Elul . Shortly after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. That crash was, in fact, the largest one-day crash in all of history..
Up till then. 

Because in the  next Shemitah year, 2008, the Dow dropped 777 points. Also on the 29th of Elul, and 7 years to the day from the 9/11 attacks. 

And now the next 29 Elul of a Shemitah year—September 13 on the current calendar-- looms on the horizon.
One word of comfort, we do know for sure, at least, that the Stock Market will not crash on the 29th of Elul but only because that’s a Sunday. And the pattern implies a crash in the Shemitah year. So the next couple weeks will be crucial.
And nerve-racking. What really worries me is that a global financial collapse would ultimately set the stage for events that could have profound ramifications for Israel. Events which, curiously, seem to be piling up right behind the economic crisis developing.

Rosh Hashanah, for example, a festival that always kicks off the first day of a new Shemitah cycle begins on September 13.
 It’s a festival set aside for repentance. Interestingly, the Hebrew word translated “festival” is actually a word meaning rehearsal. In other words, Rosh Hashanah is a rehearsal for a real period of repentance to come before Israel’s redemption. 

That would be what’s more commonly known as the tribulation.  Which, in view of the fact that this improbable synchronicity of multiple events with potentially devastating impact on Israel seems to be taking shape at the same time as the beginning of the new Shemitah cycle, would seem to indicate that the world’s introduction to the Antichrist may be right around the corner. 
  • September 15:  The UN General Assembly Convenes in NY, with France, as widely reported, planning to propose U.N. recognition of a Palestinian State. Up until now the US has been pretty much the only dissenter, but it would seem that the current administration is ready to support Israel’s division.
  • September 15:  The Jade Helm exercises conducted by the US military (directed primarily at states considered definitely or putatively hostile to the current administration, confirmed by the Washington Post) ostensibly to judge how difficult government takeover of such states would be.
  • September 20: The World Council of Churches begins The “World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel.” Which kind of sounds all warm and fuzzy until you check out their website, which tells you what the week is intended to accomplish:
The Palestine Israel Ecumenical Forum (PIEF) of the World Council of Churches invites member churches, faith-based communities, and civil society organizations around the world to join together in 2015 for a week of advocacy and action in support of an end to the illegal occupation of Palestine and a just peace for all in Palestine and Israel. Congregations and individuals around the globe who share the hope of justice shall unite during the week to take peaceful actions, together, to create a common international public witness.”
  • September 21: The official UN International Day of peace, (speculated to be the day that the UN will make the announcement that the UN resolution for a Palestinian State has passed).
  • September 23: The Pope meets with Obama at the White House. Maybe to decide which one gets to be the antichrist and which one has to be the false prophet?  It would appear that they are going to have to decide pretty quickly, because …last but not least…
  • September 23: The UN (kicked off by the, Pope himself) intends to unveil  their update to UN Agenda 21. Now known as Agenda 20/30.
AKA, a “new, universal agenda for humanity”’
And universal it is, calling for global management of the economy, education, health care, land management, energy conversation, and pretty much everything else. Apparently an extension of the pope’s call for global government in order to institute climate control and land management measures. Which, according to the Huffington Post, Obama intends to augment by an Executive Order commiting the U.S. to align itself with the Vatican/UN Agenda.
  • Also September 23 (or September 25, it just gets more and more bizarre) Cern, (owner of the Large Hadron Collider) a research facility doing physics research aimed at unraveling the very basic fabric and origin of our universe, intends to unveil some sort of significant research results, results that have the internet scientists all riled up.  
Probably for good reason.
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s premier particle collider, buried miles below the surface near Geneva, Switzerland and completed in 2008 in collaboration with over 10,000 scientists from hundreds of universities and laboratories in more than 100 countries. The collider, which generates energy by colliding subatomic particles, has increased the energy achieved rapidly, from less than 2 TeV per beam in 2010 to 6.5 TeV in May of this year.

At full capacity, the Large Hadron Collider can smash protons together at an incredible rate of a billion per second—an exercise which other physicists fear has the potential to alter the very foundations of our existence. What possible consequences could this have for humanity?  Apparently they don’t really know. According to Sergio Bertlucci, the director of the Swiss Laboratory, the large hadron collider “may possibly create or discover previously unimagined scientific phenomena, or for instance an extra dimension". It may open a door to other dimensions, and according to Bertulucci,
"Out of this door might come something”.

Finally, September 28:
The Feast of Tabernacles begins, in perfect unison with the last of the four blood moons that have accompanied the Jewish Holy Days during the Shemitah year just ending.  Four blood moons on High Holy Days being a portent of events that will impact the nation of Israel.
If Obama and the Pope manage to put in place a centralized world government, you can bet your sweet bootie it will impact Israel. And it’s not too hard to imagine a scenario in which Israel is forced to make a treaty with this new world government in order to stay alive.
And we all know what that means. It’s the starting point for tribulation.
Sure, it’s speculation. But an awful lot of events significant to the future of Israel occurring all at the same time begs an explanation. And if a world government is established in NY in September, it would seem that events in Daniel and Revelation are about to unfold. 

And if I read my Bible right, that means we’ll be meeting our Lord in the air.
Fortunately, I am completely convinced that if so, we’ll be watching the new world leaders orchestrate the events revealed in Revelation from the mezzanine. Because the seven year periods known as Shemitah are also grouped in seven, and the 50th year is the year of Jubilee.

Curiously, the Hebrew word translated Jubilee is from the root word yabal, which means: “to bear along, to bring, to carry away, lead away to be brought, be led, be conducted." That’s also pretty much the definition of the rapture. To be “snatched up".

Curiously, Cern and the UN’s “Anno lucis, “year of Light?
It also means “Year of Lucifer”. Coincidence?
I guess we’ll see..

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