Thursday, August 6, 2015

I will sing of my redeemer -

Lindo eu nao consigo parar de ouvir 󾠚󾠓󾠔󾠗󾠙󾠙󾠗󾠔 AMEI󾬗󾬗󾬗
Posted by Ilda Veiga on Friday, January 30, 2015
Words: Phil­ip P. Bliss, 1876. This is per­haps the last hymn Bliss wrote be­fore he died in a train wreck. He sur­vived the in­i­tial crash, but was killed try­ing (un­suc­cess­ful­ly) to res­cue his wife. The lyr­ics were found in his be­long­ings af­ter the ac­ci­dent. This song is one of the first ever re­cord­ed on a phon­o­graph. George Steb­bins made the re­cord­ing dur­ing a dem­on­stra­tion of Thom­as Ed­i­son’s new in­ven­tion in New York C­ity. Music: James Mc­Gran­a­han, 1877 (MI­DI, score).

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