Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Ferguson, Baltimore, and McKinney: Reaping the Whirlwind of Irresponsibility

Reblogged from

Well, it appears that a veteran police officer’s career has been sacrificed on the Altar of Political Correctness. reports that…
The police officer whose video-recorded actions at a North Texas pool party have drawn national attention and comment has resigned from the police force.
Officer David Eric Casebolt resigned Tuesday from the McKinney Police Department after almost 10 years on the force. His resignation was confirmed by his attorney, Jane Bishkin of Dallas.
A viral video showed him pushing a bikini-clad girl to the ground on Friday and brandishing his gun at other black teens after he and other officers responded to complaints about the pool party at a community-owned McKinney swimming pool.
McKinney Police Chief Greg Conley had placed the 41-year-old former Texas state trooper on administrative leave after the incident.
Bishkin declined to say where Casebolt is now and said he had received death threats. The attorney said she would release more information at a news conference Wednesday.
By now, anybody who is reading this has heard the story behind this police officer’s resignation.
Parents were swimming with their children in the community pool in a gated community in McKinney, Texas.
The use of the pool was supposed to be just for the residents of the community. However, a local DJ got the bright idea to…well…let this member of the community tell you…
Of course, the Main Stream Media, the “Perpetually Aggrieved’, and the Professional Race-Baiters, including their cadre of “Professional Protesters”, descended upon McKinney, spinning a different narrative, which has become their modus operandi.
Remember “Hands up! Don’t Shoot!”?
What is going on around us?
It appears that America is experiencing a trifecta of “Caitlin” Jenner, Youth Mobs, and Petulant President Pantywaist.
Is America “going to Hell in a hand basket”?
Benjamin Franklin said,
Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.
What Dr. Franklin was talking about is the fact, as you’ve seen me state time and time again, that with Freedom comes Responsibility. Our actions have a direct effect on those around us.
Furthermore, man is a corrupt animal. Every child learns how to lie, at an early age. That is why we are told as parents to “raise a child in the way in which they should go”.
And, as those of us my age have observed, in the last couple of generations, there are less parents heeding that admonition from God’s Word.
Walk into any Walmart across America, and observe the behavior of children and their parents. It have become almost impossible to walk though a Walmart without almost running over a kid. And, please don’t stand there and wait for an apology from the mother of the “precious darling”, those come few and far between.
To be bold, a lot of these undisciplined children, grow up to be young adults, who seem to be allergic to responsibility. These are the ones, who, after college, refuse to leave home. Like the movie title, they experience a “Failure to Launch”.
Their every breathing moment is a quest for self-fulfillment, and an all-consuming involvement in a love affair…with themselves.
This selfishness guides their political ideology, as well. Usually these individuals become, either Liberals, or, they identify themselves as (l)ibertarians. Those who identify themselves as Liberals, believe that their intellect is innately higher than the rest of us, and, therefore, they should be able to be the Elite Class, political party in charge of our nation. Those who choose to identify themselves as (l)ibertarians, claim to believe in Fiscal Conservatism, and  Social Liberalism.
There is also a different sort of Libertarian in America….those who believe in the Constitution and the liberty of the individual. These “Constitutionalists” are not the ones to whom I am referring.
Where the problem arises is the fact that Liberalism, (l)ibertarian, and Libertine all share the same root word “lib”, which means “free”. The word “Liberty” contains that word, also.
The problem is, “Freedom” or “Liberty” without conscience, is licentiousness. And, unrestricted  licentiousness will destroy an empire.
If man is left to his own devices, he usually builds his own Golden Calf.
And, I am afraid that is what has happened in this sacred land.
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.- 2 Corinthians 3:17 (ESV)
America’s Progressives, who are presently in power, are relentless in their mission to remove the God of Our Fathers from “the Shining City on a Hill”.
Just as the Ancient Greeks and the Roman Empire, through their acceptance and acquiescence to the trappings of a morally bankrupt society, allowed their enemies, foreign and domestic to overrun them and destroy their civilizations, so is our nation, carved out of the blood and sacrifice of those who have gone before, in danger of allowing the Tyranny of the Minority to subjugate the rest of us, including the 74% of us who claim Jesus Christ as our Personal Savior.
The thing about a slippery slope is: once you start down it, its hard to climb back up.
The Good News? 
I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness. – John 12:46 (ESV)
Jesus Christ is over all…and, He loves us.
Stay strong, Americans…and PRAY FOR OUR NATION.
Until He Comes,

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