Friday, June 26, 2015

A Dirge For America… Pr. Bill Randles

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American Dirge…pastor bill randles

Take up this Lamentation for the Land of the Free,
America, once the liberator of others, who will liberate you?
Are you really free? Free of what?
You have set your self free alright,
By your social revolution, you are now free from
Marriage, commitment, family, and fruitfulness

Yours is the freedom of the madman,
who observes no conventions, who wears no clothes,
and who breaks all chains, (He will NOT be restrained)
and who now lives among the tombs crying and cutting himself…

Yours is the Freedom of Adam and Eve,
Who broke away from God, and from Eden, and from all that was good…
Do you know what you have forfeited? Do you know what you have lost?
Sing this dirge for America the Beautiful….
America you really were beautiful,
What an idea! A republic based upon self rule,
Limits upon Government power, based upon a biblical view of man,
Lex Rex, and not Rex Lex,
So compatible with virtue!

Hard work and Merit were rewarded in you,
You put no limits on success or failure…
No wonder the oppressed around this sad world looked to your shining light!
Why wouldn’t people flock to the shores of the opportunities you offered?
But there is no Beauty without goodness…(Envy isn’t good)
and we seem to be forsaking goodness…

Cry aloud for the home of the Brave…
You left all to come here, O nation of pioneers,
You cleared the paths for others, and pushed back the frontiers,
O Pilgrim people, who wanted only to worship God,
Bravely you set out, with the Bible in hand…
When did the Word become the enemy?

Who has bewitched you America?
What is this Separation of church and state? Who invented this?
Didn’t we know that men such as Winthrop, Jonathan Edwards, and Washington,
were gifts from God, the right men for the right time?
How could we forget? Only if the Lord guards the city, that we are safe?

O People who sent their sons overseas to fight to free others,
Should one drop of blood be shed to promote “gay rights”?
Do we give our sons to die for abortion?
Mourn that these are your leaders,
they are Reeds Shaken by the wind!
Politicians who lick their fingers,
They sniff the air like a dog in heat, howling, ‘where is the money?
Where is the power?’ and ‘ Whats in it for me?’

Their primary loyalty is to self,
They are Prostitutes who sell their power for gain.
Like a fox in the hen house, Moslems have infiltrated our services,
Homosexuals have desecrated our military,
Degenerates besiege the family!

O Who will rise up for us against the evildoers?
The prophets warned us, that When the Lord judges a people,
He takes away from them the statesmen, the general, the honorable man,
Until the worst among us are given the rule,
Remember the Words of Isaiah?
“And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them.”

Plead for the Prodigal Nation,
For the LORD whom she has forgotten,
Is gracious and kind,
His very nature is to restore, to forgive and Heal,
The source of our blessings Is of long endurance,

 Yea, the longsuffering of God is salvation,
He is likely to forgive, His mercies are ever new,
If we turn to Him with all of our hearts,
If we agree with Him again, as in olden times
When real leaders called us to prayer, and humble supplication,
And God shed his grace upon us in countless ways!

HOWL for the Day of the Lord is at hand!
weep for the miseries soon to descend!!
You thought you were a queen and could not be touched,
You boasted that you were immune to the suffering of the others
But you didn’t understand, you wouldn’t consider
that the protection and abundance you once knew,
were gifts from the one your elites have spurned!

Those who Seduced You have now turned against you
They have slain you, and exposed your nakedness,
they have not been  protectors of your rights or persons,
instead they have sold you to your enemies,
Because they have despised you all along, and all that you once stood for,
They would lead you, and your children to Hell.

Come back to the One who founded you, to the Shepherd who laid his life down, to the only author of liberty…seek ye the Lord while He can be found, call upon Him while he is near!
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.( I Corinthians 6)

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