Tuesday, March 31, 2015

It’s official, America is in BIG trouble

Reblogged from servehiminthewaiting.com

Folks, at this point in time, the question of God’s plans for America, how it will all end, and whether we have “more time” is answered, because Scripture has already told us that those who curse Israel will themselves be cursed.  Can God be swayed?  Of course He hears the effectual fervent prayers of righteous men and women.  But on the question of the treatment of Israel, the verdict has already been announced, and is non-negotiable.  Chastisement is coming.  The only room for variableness, may lie in degree of severity, which is all the more reason to put on the armor, and fast and pray like never before.
Here is Jan Markell’s commentary on this:

Revenge, Abandonment, Betrayal
By Jan Markell
March 30, 2015

Did you ever expect to see those three words linked to the U.S.-Israel relationship? Have we fallen down a hole and we now are in an “Alice-in-Wonderland” world? America embraces her enemies and lifts sanctions on Iran. She will likely place sanctions on Israel. It is an upside down world. Is the Mad Hatter in charge?

Things aren’t falling apart–they’re falling in place.

The entire world is in the process of abandoning Israel which the Bible foretells in Zechariah 12:3. It is ultimately fulfilled in the Tribulation but the process begins much sooner.

Here’s what some are saying.

Pamela Geller, President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative  and Stop Islamization of America says, “The White House actions against Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu are a ‘jihad against the Jews.'”

She refers to the story broken by Israel National News that the Obama administration declassified a Department of Defense top-secret document with details of Israel’s nuclear assets, a highly covert topic that Israel has never formally announced to avoid a regional nuclear arms race.

Geller states that Israel has shared its nuclear secrets with America for decades. They just never imagined someone in the White House would stoop so low as to reveal them to the world.

Joel Rosenberg says, “There is mounting evidence that Obama is preparing to ‘divorce Israel.’ Once it would have been preposterous even to ask such a question. Today, it feels like it’s a matter of ‘when’, not ‘if’ Mr. Obama will formally abandon American support for the Jewish State. And the situation is rapidly going from bad to worse.”

Rosenberg cites some headlines:
  • U.S. Could Abandon Israel at the U.N. (CNN)
  • Washington Threatens to Abandon Israel at the U.N. (Times of London)
  • The U.S.-Israel Relationship is at “The Lowest Point in the Alliance That Diplomatic Sages Can Recall (New York Times)
  • Israel-White House Relations at All-Time Low (Breaking Israel News)
  • Iran Deal Worse Than Israel Feared (Times of Israel)
Rosenberg states,”For an American President, or Congress, or the American people, to turn against Israel and the Jewish people would be more than bad policy or unfortunate politics. According to Bible prophecy, such moves would pose an existential threat to the future of the United States.” 

Israeli commentator Caroline Glick writes, “the administration’s animosity toward Israel is a function of Obama’s twin strategic aims, both evident since he entered office: realigning U.S. policy in the Middle East toward Iran and away from its traditional allies Israel and the Sunni Arab states, and ending the US’s strategic alliance with Israel.
“Over the past six years, we have seen how Obama has consistently, but gradually, taken steps to advance these two goals. Toward Iran, he has demonstrated an unflappable determination to accommodate the terrorism supporting, nuclear proliferating, human rights repressing and empire building mullahs.”

Find Jan’s newest DVD on which U.S. Presidents have blessed or cursed Israel here. What are the consequences of cursing? How has our current President contributed to this? The DVD is just $15 and runs almost 60 minutes..
White House correspondent Bill Koenig, my frequent conference and radio guest writes in his e-newsletter, Koenig’s Eye-View from the White House:“The more President Obama’s actions affect or jeopardize Israel’s security, the stronger the response will be from the God of Israel as evidenced in Scripture. This will have enormous implications for the United States.” 
Koenig writes, “The Obama administration keeps speaking about its unprecedented security cooperation with Israel, but what good is that if Iran gets nuclear weapons? What good is it if Iran deploys missiles in Syria and Lebanon, or Hamas takes over the Palestinian Authority, entrenches itself in the mountains of Judea and Samaria and brings in arms from Iran and Turkey? What good is it if Iran takes control of Yemen and the Red Sea?”

(Find info on subscribing to Koenig’s e-newsletter here. It’s well worth the nominal cost.)

Journalist Bill Wilson writes, “The U.S. government is trying to literally ‘cut’ Israel in half with its proposal of a Palestinian state. All that burden themselves with this issue may find themselves ‘cut into pieces.'”

The White House has also suggested Israel shrink her borders to PRE-1967 borders. Call them suicide borders. They are not defensible.

Bill Koenig states, “This is the White House that continues to leak information that puts Israel’s security at risk, while speaking of its close co-operation with Israel. This is the White House that pressured the Pentagon to leak potential Israeli military actions against Iran to the press in 2012, 2013, and 2014. This is the White House that leaks news about Israeli air strikes inside Syria.”

Koenig provides a complete timeline of Obama’s anti-Israel hatred in his newsletter. He quotes Breitbart News suggesting President Obama finally called Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to congratulate him on his re-election — but the “congratulations” was actually a lecture directed at forcing Netanyahu to surrender to the terrorist Palestinian regime.

Joel Rosenberg summarizes that we are watching Barack Obama:
  • Negotiate an incredibly dangerous nuclear deal with Iran.
  • Refuse to share the precise details of this deal with Israel, America’s most faithful and trusted ally in the region.
  • Treat the Israeli Prime Minister nearly as persona non grata.
  • Send his political strategists and operatives to defeat the Prime Minister and his party in Israel’s recent elections.
  • Threaten revenge because Netanyahu won re-election.
  • Threaten to abandon Israel at the U.N. and allow anti-Israel resolutions to pass without an American veto.
  • And now declassifies details of Israel’s top secret nuclear program in what is being described as an unprecedented move.
Rosenberg concludes, “This is the most dangerous moment in the 67-year history of the U.S.-Israel relationship. What do the next two years hold? I cannot say for sure. I’m praying for the President and his top advisers to back off, turn from this dangerous path, and find common ground with Israel, despite policy and personality differences.”

Iran is about to become a nuclear power player with the blessing of America and a few other blind-as-bats nations. That means many nations in the region will  have to pursue this goal as well. If you ever wondered what end-time references to fire, vapors of smoke, and the resulting strange signs in the heavens mean, I think it is obvious. At the time of the very end, nuclear war will be raging — for sure in the Mideast. Maybe it will happen before the Rapture. The timing of all such events is uncertain. The Bible references appear to be Tribulation-based.

Things are coming together. They are falling in place. Even if it seems they are falling apart, they really are not. Nations must have “distress with perplexity.” (Luke 21:25.)  Can you think of a single nation that is not plagued with some kind of perplexity or plague? A dilemma for which the leaders have no solutions.

Neither kings, generals, mullahs, ayatollahs, presidents, Fuhrers, or pharaohs can obliterate Israel. But the evil they perpetrate on God’s covenant land can boomerang back on them and their empires.

We have been warned. Scripture is clear. Mess with Israel and there are consequences.

“And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” (Genesis 12:3)

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Awaiting His return, Jan Markell
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