Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Scott Walker Now Lead Candidate With Conservative Base. Liberals Launch Attack.

Reblogged from  https://kingsjester.wordpress.com/author/kingsjester/
February 2, 2015
Scott Walker 
I have been politically depressed for the last couple of weeks.
The reason?
Because, among those already actively seeking the office of the President of the United States of America, there has been no one who represents the Conservative Base.
However, just when I thought that we were going to be stuck with Jeb Bush, a light appeared at the end of the tunnel… and it was not an oncoming train.
It’s Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin.

Gov. Walker set tongues wagging as a result of his appearance last month in Iowa, as The Washington Examiner reported:
Ditching a suit coat for casual rolled-up sleeves, Walker paced across the stage as he ticked through his accomplishments as the two-term governor of a blue state.
“In Washington, they keep trying to find ways to take more of your money. In Wisconsin, we’re trying to find ways to give more of the money back to the people who earned it,” Walker said, highlighting the tax cuts he brought to his state and suggesting he could do the same for the rest of the country.
“Our property taxes are lower today than they were four years ago,” he said. “How many governors can say that?”
Among the political victories Walker cited was the passage of pro-life state legislation, an issue that likely resonated with the audience of conservative activists given lawmakers’ ultimately unsuccessful attempt to pass a late-term abortion ban in the House this week.
Walker recounted the personal upheaval he experienced when the Occupy Wall Street movement swept through Wisconsin during his first term. He said Occupy protesters gathered outside his family’s home and threatened his wife and children.
“Someone sent me a threat that said they were going to gut my wife like a deer,” Walker said. “All they did was remind me how important it was to stand up for the people of my state.”
Taking a subtle swipe at the president’s reluctance to engage extremists abroad, Walker pushed for a stronger national position on defense.
“We need leaders who will stand with our allies against radical Islamic terrorists,” he said, drawing one of the loudest waves of applause of the speech.
Why are Conservatives, like myself, in the state of euphoria, over this possible candidate?
Rush Limbaugh nailed it, once again, yesterday.
I’m telling you, this is why Scott Walker is running away with every Republican poll right now.  The consultant class doesn’t get it. The Republican establishment doesn’t understand it. They’re scratching their heads, what’s Walker done?  They do not get it.  They don’t understand.  For two years I have been ballyhooing Scott Walker, not personally, but here’s a guy not only has he drawn the blueprints for beating the left — what are blueprints?  They are designs for building something.  Well, he’s built the house. He wrote the blueprints and he built the building.  He built the machine that defeats the left.  He has shown how to do it, and he did it.  He is a walking gold mine.
Scott Walker has been targeted every bit as much as any other Republican has as a racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe, as a criminal, as a mean-spirited whatever. He had to win three elections in four years.  Think of that.  Think of that.  Three elections in four years.  He had the federal judiciary trying to hamper him and punish him.  He had the entire Democrat Party and its union support base throwing money and thug like tactics against him and his family, and he did not try to appease them once.  He stood up to them in his way. 
He won elections, and then afterwards he did not give a speech about how now it’s time to come together for the people of Wisconsin.  Well, he might have said that but he did not mean it’s time to let them now have a role in his government.  His objective was to overcome them.  His objective was to defeat them, in their schools, in their school curriculum, in the way the unions, public and private, were ruining Wisconsin, and he has succeeded.
I would think that everybody at the RNC and the consultant class who wants to win would be taking notes and would be talking to him and his people about how they did it.  Instead, they’re trying to ignore it.  He’s winning every flash poll.  Drudge is doing one, just saw this.  Your vote for Republican presidential candidate.  He’s got Bush, Carson, Christie.  I would lay you 10 to one that whenever Drudge starts publishing results Walker is gonna be well over 50% in this poll.
Now, nothing scientific about it.  This is just an Internet poll.  But the reason why is because, as I said, Scott Walker could be wrong on immigration.  He could be wrong on global warming, to the base.  The base may not like his view on this or that, but they’re gonna support him because he is fighting back.  That’s what has been missing.
Right on, right on.
You know why I believe that Scott Walker might just be the candidate that those of us in the conservative wing of the Republican Party have been waiting on?
Because, on Facebook yesterday, on the political pages, the Liberals started attacking him, like he was Sarah Palin’s kid brother.

Liberals were calling Walker everything but a child of God, in an effort to squash his candidacy, before it even begins.
Because, when a Republican actually starts to fight back, against the Tyranny of the Minority, as I call Liberal Oppression, the minority political ideology  in this nation (Liberalism) stands up and takes notice.

The members of the Hive Mind, that is the Democratic Party, are not used to having to defend themselves against a Republican who will fight back and not compromise his/her ideals or values, as so many up on Capitol Hill have.
I am jazzed up. Things are starting to get interesting.

For this Christian Conservative American Blogger, “business” is about to pick up.
Let the games begin.
Until He Comes,


  1. He may be the top pick of a majority of Americans, but he will not get the party nomination because the Electoral College is totally rigged.

    1. Yes, I think you are right. If he can make it that far. If he has not been chosen by TPTB, no chance. I think that the world has not exploded or imploded yet because the Lord is the one who is orchestrating the whole thing. No one can thwart His purpose. Only the rapture will be the starting gun shot.
      Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God. Ps. 20:7.


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