Saturday, December 13, 2014

They Live! Interdimensional Creatures on the Mountains of Madness-Part 1 (Excerpt from Paul McGuire´s article)

Excerpt from  reblogged from

Both biologists and physicists are telling us that our DNA is actually transformed by emotion and thought. In addition, when people are healthy they actually glow because they produce bio photons within them. What if evil people and good people live on different vibrational frequencies and the energy they project is based on that specific vibrational frequency? The Bible tells us that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, which means that our physical body holds not only the Third Person of the Trinity, but some kind of vibrational frequency.

Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, author of “Musical Cult Control: The Rockefeller Foundation’s War on Consciousness Through The Imposition of A=440 Hz Standard Tuning,” believes that ancient religions like Christianity and Judaism used music to elevate man spiritually. The original Solfeggio music scale, which was equivalent to the note “C,” was 528  Hz. 

According to Horowtiz, in September 1939 Rockefeller and Illuminati financial interests dictated that the standard tuning for the note of “A” above middle “C” would be precisely 440 cycles per second.

The British Standards Institute adopted A=440 Hz in 1939, promoted by the strange consortium of Rockefeller Foundation influence and the Nazi government. Ironically, the British adopted a tuning standard promoted by the Third Reich, just as both went to war. While 440 Hz had been rejected by British musicians only three months prior, Josef Goebbels persuaded the BSI to adapt 440 Hz, saying it was of extraordinary importance.

Dr. Leonard Horowitz writes “Music bioenergetically affects your body chemistry, psycho neuro immunology, and health. Your body is now vibrating musically, audibly and subliminally, according to an institutionally imposed frequency in harmony with aggression and in dissonance rather than vibrating in harmony with Love.” 

If you think Horowtiz’s research is something out of a science fiction movie, do a little research into the background of the musical scales of the Grateful Dead.

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  1. Very interesting! Makes sense!

  2. Saw this shortly after I read your post. I have been saying for a while that everything that has been happening seems like something right out of The Truman Show, starring Jim Carrey, in which his entire life is actually taking place inside a studio but he doesn't know it at first. It's so orchestrated. So someone who understands quantum physics and string theory and all those Steven-Hawking caliber topics, probably is more equipped than the average fellow to recognize the truth of the Creation narrative, and yet they squwawk loudest against it! The video at the link is a little annoying in that the commentators talk over the soundtrack, but bear with it to see the point they make. It's pretty interesting!


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