Saturday, December 6, 2014

Our Pope, Rick Warren?


  1. It is a challenge to remain positive in light of just how massive and widespread a reality that massive deception has become in every arena these days. I don't know whether trying to warn someone like Warren, is even the thing to do. Warning others about him, though, is necessary. Like this speaker says, our circle of influence may be small, but we are to occupy our place in this world as sons and daughters standing for truth, until He comes.

  2. Yes, you are right. We have our personal testimony to share with whomever. iI sure miss being able to witness every day in the streets, at the local coffee house to New Agers, homosexuals, lesbians, businessmen and women as I went to work in my customers houses. But the Lord changed plans for me. So I do what I have been doing for 7 years now with my blog. I miss the face to face dialogues and good conversations with friends and foes. But there is a season for everything. Once people like have been warned for years, it´s up to them to heed the warning. As you said there are more people out there who are in need of hearing the Gospel and warning against false teachings and false prophets. I just take it one day at a time and get up in the morning thinking, I hope that today could be the day of the Lord´s return. This keeps me going for one more day.


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