Saturday, November 8, 2014

Muslim Areas Of Sweden Are No-Go Zones For Swedish Police -

Political Correctness: The perils of multiculturalism and open borders have reached critical mass in Sweden. There are Muslim enclaves where postal, fire and other essential services — even police officers themselves —require police protection.

A police report released last month identifies 55 of these "no-go zones" in Sweden. These zones are similar to others that have popped up in Europe in recent years. They formed as large Muslim populations emigrating to politically correct and tolerant European states refuse to assimilate and set up virtual states within a state where the authorities fear to tread.

Soeren Kern of the Hudson Institute has documented the proliferation of these zones. They are de facto Muslim micro-states under Shariah law that reject Western values, society and legal systems. In these districts non-Muslims are expected to conform to the dictates of fundamentalist Islam or face violent consequences.

"A more precise name for these zones," says Middle Eastern expert Daniel Pipes, "would be Dar al-Islam — the House of Islam or the place where Islam rules."

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: 
Muslim Areas Of Sweden Are No-Go Zones For Swedish Police -

Note from this blog´s author:   Could it happen in the US? Give it a few years of inertia, complacency on the part of the general population and a hard push from the subversive, progressive elements in the country, given the lack of control at the borders and the untenable situation in the Middle-East, one day we might wake up with a call of worship to Allah and worse instead of a rooster call or Good Morning America. We will see what the Republican victory will bring.

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