Thursday, October 23, 2014

Mike Hoggard Private Interpretations

Note from this blog´s author: You might be interested in more posts on the New Age deception, discernment and the way to resist being sucked in and seduced by the wisdom of Satan. His modus operandi is always the same, it worked with Adam and Eve who knew their Creator, were taught by him, had a father child relationship with him and still disobeyed and were banished from their pristine home and garden. What then makes us think that we are smarter than them ?  Below you will find a few essays and studies I have written on false teachings as it becomes increasingly difficult to find solid, biblically based, sound teaching among some popular online pastors and teachers whose doctrines and teachings deviate from the Word of God, adding their own interpretations and wild extrapolations that are leading people astray especially young believers who are not yet really established and grounded in the Scriptures.  


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