Thursday, October 16, 2014

Les Scultpures en Verre de Natacha Mondon et Eric Pierre. Glass Sculptures created by Natacha Mondon and Pierre Eric

Blog author´s note:  my niece and her husband are artists and sculptors who work with glass. Recently they have entered a competition in France and in the recent past have won several prizes for their wonderful, creative and very original work. You can find them at their English - French website here:

N. Mondon et E. Pierre sont verriers et candidats aux Trophées Trésor Vivant de l'Artisanat 2014.
N. Mondon and E.Pierre are  glass artisans and candidates to the " 2014 Living Treasure of Arts and Crafts Trophy" .


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for Natacha. She is a beautiful, sweet and talented lady whose art delights the eyes and feeds the soul. She is always learning and growing in her understanding and perception of light, space and balance and their attempt in conquering the necessity of gravity to bring a spiritual component to earthly life and help us transcend the mundane part of our existence. JL.


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