Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Anti-Zionist Challenge to the Jewish Establishment - Caroline Glick - Page 1

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The Anti-Zionist Challenge to the Jewish Establishment - Caroline Glick - Page 1

There is a difference between speech and war. Both are forms of expression, to be sure. But the essence of the former is engagement, and the essence of the latter is destruction.

This distinction is apparently too subtle for many of Israel’s Supreme Court justices. On Sunday, the Court heard arguments on the constitutionality of the 2011 Anti-Boycotts law. The law allows targets of boycotts to sue boycotters for damages in civil courts, and empowers the finance minister to revoke the non-profit status of NGOs that engage in boycotts. It is being challenged by a consortium of foreign-funded, radical, anti-Zionist NGOs.

The essence of boycotts is destruction, not engagement. READ MORE

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