Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Caroline B. Glick: Obama/Kerry using limitless leverage to emasculate Israel

Caroline B. Glick: Obama/Kerry using limitless leverage to emasculate Israel

On Sunday, Issa Karaka, the Palestinian Authority's minister for jailed terrorists, announced that in the next round of terrorist releases, Israel will release not only Palestinian terrorist murderers, but Israeli Arabs who murdered Israeli Jews in terrorist attacks. 

As late as last week, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was said to have completely rejected the Palestinian demand. But in response to Karaka's statement, Netanyahu's spokesman said only that the release of Israeli Arab terrorists would be subject to the approval of the government. In other words, Karaka was probably telling the truth. 

The question is what has changed? What happened over the past week that forced Netanyahu to cave? The obvious answer is that US Secretary of State John Kerry came to Jerusalem, again. And he forced Netanyahu's hand, again. More

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