Saturday, November 9, 2013

Israel accuses US of deceit on nuclear deal with Iran. Geneva signing drags out as Iran ups its price

DEBKAfile Special Report November 9, 2013, 12:38 PM (IDT)

Barack Obama to NBC: "Modest" sanctions relief
Barack Obama to NBC: "Modest" sanctions relief
The interim nuclear accord negotiated directly between Washington and Tehran was already secretly in the bag before the two-day talks between Iran and the Six World powers took place in Geneva Thursday and Friday. The plan was for a ceremonial signing to take place Friday, Nov. 8, after US Secretary of State John Kerry flew in from Jerusalem and the Iranian Foreign Minister confirmed “the general outline of an agreement.”Half a dozen foreign ministers from across the globe flew into Geneva to add their signatures to the interim accord. But the signing did not take place and the event dragged on into Saturday, Nov. 9. See more 

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