Friday, July 26, 2013

Reflections on the Zimmerman Trial

Jul 22, 2013
Reblogged from   

Now that the trial of George Zimmerman, for the shooting death of Trayvon Martin has concluded, I’ve decided to make some observations about the outcome. The way Florida law is written, I think it was a given that the jury would acquit Zimmerman of murder or manslaughter. What concerns me is how the trial has divided this nation along racial lines. 

The reason why the incident became a major news story is because it fits the desired narrative of a white man shooting a black man. When it became known that the white guy was actually─Hispanic, the New York Times made the bizarre move of labeling Zimmerman as a “White-Hispanic” and the media circus marched on like nothing had changed. The liberal-left doesn’t care about justice. They wanted a sacrificial victim to be offered on the altar of racial grievance. 

The next step into the crazy dimension was made when Trayvon Martin was transformed from street thug to angel-faced choirboy. You may remember President Barack Obama saying, “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.” 

Despite the fact that Trayvon had been kicked out of school for vandalism, had a history of fights, liked to smoke pot, and was caught with burglary tools (and jewelry that appeared stolen); the image the media focused on was a picture taken when he was 12-years-old. You would have to do a Google search to find a picture of Trayvon as a six-foot tall, muscular, 200 pound, 17-year-old. 

It was something straight out of the twilight zone when the people on the left started to portray Zimmerman as a bloodthirsty white racist who murdered a defenseless little black child. Rachel Jeantel, a friend of Martin, even claimed that Zimmerman could have been a “gay rapist.” NAACP leads are now pushing for federal civil rights charges against Zimmerman. 

Investigators in the case found no indication of racism on the part of Zimmerman. In fact, there was a mountain of evidence pointing in the oppose direction, which was never mentioned by the mainstream media. Zimmerman had dated a black girl at one time and took her to his High School prom. He once had a business partner that was black. Zimmerman mentored minority school kids in his community. He also led an inquiry into the death of a black homeless man that resulted in the resignation of Sanford’s police chief. 

The stress from the trail has clearly driven many leaders in black community completely mad. What else could explain why attorney Benjamin Crump said, “Trayvon Martin will forever remain in the annals of history next to Medgar Evers and Emmit Till.” Trayvon Martin was no Medgar Evers or Emmit Till. To put his name next to theirs is to demean the entire Civil Rights Movement. Trayvon Martin was a hooligan who died because he viciously attacked another human being. 

A growing number of polls show that whites and blacks see each other as more racist. Earlier this month, there was one by Rasmussen Reports showing 40% of whites see blacks as more racist than themselves. Since it is very politically incorrect to speak disparagingly of blacks, I would guess the true number is much higher. 

With the liberal media doing everything it can to highlight every indication of racism in America, it’s understandable that there would be a feeling of oppression in the black community. Since the Jim Crow days occurred before most people can remember, we’ve lost sight of how trivial the problems of today are by comparison. 

I see a time of profound racial unrest coming to America. Since the welfare state, is funded by our heavily indebted federal government, the coming financial collapse will turn our inner cities into war zones. With nearly half of Americans dependant on the government for some form of support, there will be plenty of pain to go around. With any crisis, there will be ample scapegoats over who is to blame. 

One of the benefits of being a child of the living God is the ability to transcend the racial divisions of this world. In Christ, we are all one. Those who put their faith in Him will someday leave this sin-stained planet. 

“For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise” (Galatians 3:27-29).

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