Friday, July 19, 2013

First the Coup then the Revolution

Reblogged from
Bill Wilson - 
It is a sad state of affairs. The United States experienced an Islamic Marxist coup beginning in 2002--progressives, socialists, communists, Muslim Brotherhood, illegal aliens, homosexuals, abortionists--took over the country and have been running things ever since. It is a coalition of the unrighteous ruling over the citizenry like never before seen in American history. These are folks who have a new definition of America. They love America--they're America--the one they are remaking into a third world country while good people are so busy surviving that they cannot bring an opposition to the field. But now that the coup is complete, the revolution follows.
These people are not only wrong-minded and godless, they are the epitome of the failures of collectivism. As Romans 1:22 says, "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." As Jeremiah 10:15 reveals: "They are vanity, and the work of errors." But they have become critical mass. It is in this, the revolution is afoot. A third of Americans on the government dole; the government the largest single employer in the nation; the "president" overseeing the destruction of a once great country, attempting to export his Muslim Brotherhood revolution to other parts of the world, especially the epicenter of the end times--the Middle East.
The scandals should have brought this administration to its knees. But the coup is complete--neither Benghazi, nor Fast and Furious, nor IRS targeting or government spying can stop them from their appointed rounds. Now the revolution, pitting Americans against Americans. It starts by creating racial tension and augmenting it with the false flag of social injustice, fanning the flames with words of division disguised as words of peace, then bringing in their coalition to push it over the edge--just like how the Muslim Brotherhood did it in Egypt. The Trayvon Martin angry spark has grown to violent protests enjoined by the more organized "occupy" movement, amnesty, gun control advocates and others.
These protests are aimed at calling out the government for more action--not against the government for its policies. In other words, the revolution is encouraging the occupant of the Oval Office to take stronger action against Americans who oppose abolishing marriage, abortion, amnesty, fiscal irresponsibility, etc. It starts with the racial fuse and then all the members of the unrighteous coalition join in. It is a revolution. And it is a revolution of the godless, often invoking God as if they are his representatives. This is separation time. As Joshua 24:15 says, "And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom you will serve...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

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