Sunday, May 12, 2013

A big thank you, Mountain View!

I don´t normally do that, posting personal notes.
Having grown up without a telephone and without a TV, It is not easy for me to communicate with people if I don´t see them face to face. I even have a hard time learning through tapes and CD´s. I am a visual person and I love to read books, to mark them and go back to passages to study them more deeply. Every so many years I have to buy a new Bible because my old ones are full o my personal notes.

I know that I have a few readers that are faithful to this blog and encourage me with comments.
I thank them. It´s nice to be appreciated and getting some feed back from people who have been encouraged with my personal posts.

But today, I want to take some time to especially thank an anonymous reader, I think it must be one person although there could be several from the same place.

So whoever you are from Mountain View California, a big warm thank you for being a faithful reader. I am grateful for your support.

Many times I have wanted to quit writing this blog, but somehow I feel that even if one person can be motivated, encouraged or exhorted by what I post, all the effort is not in vain.

It suits me fine because I am not the type of person who thrives on compliments or needs to be affirmed all the time.

But I am really touched that someone that I don´t even know would take the time to read my posts and come back.

We may never meet this side of heaven, but I hope that if this person is a believer, the Lord will give us the privilege of meeting each other in person when He comes for His church.

God bless you my friend.


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